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13146356 No.13146356 [Reply] [Original]

What's wrong with Finnish and Peruvian cuisines?

>> No.13146387 [DELETED] 

Finns are just Sami/Swedes with Slav admixture so their food never stood a chance
You know why. May not be Brazilian but they’re close enough for UMA DELICIA

>> No.13146474

>meme reasons
Never change /ck/

>> No.13146870

South america doesnt have good cuisine

>> No.13146884

Peruvian cuisine was starting to be trendy like 10 years ago.

>> No.13146897

Finnish cuisine is a great pleb filter

>> No.13146910
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if I was wanting to make a dish out of a common pet around the modern world i'd probably not deep fry it whole as a start

>> No.13147034 [DELETED] 

>muh memes
Nobody likes eating food prepared by subhumans

>> No.13147234

I wonder where they tasted Finnish food (and Danish and Swedish). It's not sold anywhere are they aren't exported really. I think this list mainly based on presumption as Finnish and Swedish cuisines are nearly identical aside from a few dishes.

>> No.13147266
File: 28 KB, 640x441, 60250897_2451063755180155_619479492632510464_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Moved to Finland 2 months ago, didn't eat anything bad so far. Also nothing exceptionaly great tho.
There is nothing wrong with Finnish cuisine. Finns are too lazy to cook tho imo.

>> No.13147365

The only distinction between Swedish and Finnish cuisine is how fermented it gets before you eat it to be honest. Finns are slightly grosser people, but infinitely more based

>> No.13147536

Why does Saudi Arabia hate thai food?

>> No.13147548

I don't think finnish couisine is super bad, compared to british one at least. Its just often kind of bland, as a result of being snow africans with short summers and nothing growing in here.

>> No.13147560

They seem to hate east-asian food in general.

Also, interesting to note that Australians like Italian food more than Australian food.

>> No.13147597

Not by much. Could probably be small differences.

>> No.13148094

Peruvian "cuisine" is shit like guinea pigs, guts in and hair on, smashed between two hot flat rocks, ant eggs, weird shit like that.

>> No.13148339

most Peruvians don't actually eat cuy though

>> No.13148346

>no good shit like ceviche or lomo saltado
>uses the most disgusting dish possible
Hungarians have rooster testicle soup but that doesn't stop goulash from being based. You're dumb.

>> No.13148361

where the hell did you eat bro, some deep jungle crack den?

do yourself a favor, go try carapulcra

>> No.13148373

I will not try your chupacabra

>> No.13148388

Name a single bad Finnish dish. Pro tip: you can't!

>> No.13148403

I can't even name a single Finnish dish anyway

>> No.13148410

Nigga how the fuck is Peru close to Brazil when Brazil on the other coast

>> No.13148475

If you like fresh fish, red meat, vegetables, cereals and dairy products then you will probably not hate Finnish cuisine.

>> No.13148486

I think I'd like to try Karjalanpiirakka or Poronkaristys. What's reindeer like anyway?

>> No.13148516

carapulcra is a inferior mole sauce

>> No.13148539
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lol Peru and Mexican food have a lot in common but I've seen that Mexican food are more autistic about their cuisine. pic related a pink mole sauce

>> No.13148606

It tastes somewhat similiar to venison but maybe a little bit more subtle.

>> No.13148648

most finns dont eat rotten shark either i'd bet

>> No.13149292

wtf i hate finns now

>> No.13149298

ceviche is from spain and stir fry is from china

pork and tater stew is german, even if you add some peppers to it

peruvian cuisine is shit like ant eggs and bush meat

>> No.13149855

We eat rotten fish?
Swedes eat rotten herring and Icelanders eat rotten shark. Rotten fish is not part of Finnish cuisine :)

>> No.13149872

Considering how many Italians ended up here, and how most of the populace states have basically Mediterranean climates anyway, I don't think it's surprising at all.

>> No.13149904

Every day i want to kill myself, but seeing Filipino food that low on the chart makes life feel just a little bit better.

>> No.13150016

It is hilarious that the ONLY people who like Filipino food are themselves.
But honestly, cant trust this "infographic". They are known to be terrible abuses of statistics and generally garbage results. This one gets posted here a lot, but I do not believe the data is relevant. A few of the trends are probably true, but most people who did this what was probably an online survey, just clicked random shit without knowing. Seriously, how many of you are well versed in Emirati cuisine, and are well prepared to judge it vs. Danish? Those stupid niggers in a poorly selected, too small sample have probably tried neither. Infographics = trash.

>> No.13150144

why are you lying out your ass just so you can cry about peru

>> No.13150308
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oh shit, that is swedish, only people I know that eat it happened to be finnish so I didn't know
why the fuck is swedish food rated significantly higher

only finn foods im seeing online are baked goods, reindeer and fishpies
and these pancakes

>> No.13150756
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Heh, maybe they were Fenno-Swedes ;)
Swedish cuisine probably gets rated higher because everyone knows meatballs (which are also very popular in Finland, but nobody talks about Finnish meatballs)

Most people don't know much about Finnish food because there are no Finnish restaurants in other countries and Finland is not often represented in media. Swedes even have their own chef in the Muppet show so people might have positive memories of Swedish cuisine :D

If you are interested in Finnish cuisine you should try tilliliha (dill meat) which is slow cooked veal shoulder cooked with dill and served with sweet and sour béchamel sauce. It used to be common food in schools but it is easy to screw up and so many kids complained about it tasting bad which lead it to being dropped from menu.

Here is link to Finnish wikipedia list of our traditional dishes. Sadly most dishes don't have English language versions but I am sure that even basic google translate can make them somewhat legible :D

>> No.13151163

>tfw have had cuy
>it just tasted like rabbit/chicken
>have also had alpaca
>that shit was amazing

Peru's food isn't that bad, desu (t . b h.)

>> No.13151411


>> No.13151517

South American food is bland in general, Peru is just a bit better than the most. It still sucks though.

>> No.13152182


>> No.13152282

Doesn't explain why bug people dislike peruvian cuisine considering they eat anything with 4 legs.

>> No.13152378

It's not correct to imply that what you're seeing in trendy restaurants is "Peruvian" though, that's kind of the point here. It's panglobohomo with a strong Spanish influence.

Peruvian cuisine is ant eggs and guinea pigs, hair on and guts in, smashed between two hot flat rocks. And potatoes, but not the kind you can eat directly. Those were bred in Europe. Andean potatoes are tiny and highly toxic from solanum until they are repeatedly leeched.

>> No.13152451

I was in Cuzco, Nazca, etc. last year
too spicy, everything
bolivian and ecuatorian were better

>> No.13152507

>Morrocan and sopa de macaco food included
>Russian isn't

Shit list tbhqhfam

>> No.13154099

what's russian food even

>> No.13154469

>Japanese cuisine
Like what? Curry(came feom the english)? Tempura(portuguese)?

German is at least as good but but muuuh animeeeeeeeee. Also thai is way better than japanese and sushi is shit
Shows what a meme these polls are

>> No.13154476
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>> No.13154479
File: 75 KB, 650x488, 5u5b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh i already found out why the countries pushing up japan are all asians. Weird that the asians seem to know something the rest of the world doesnt. Were is all that good japanese food hiding and why do they eat sushi instead if they have something good up their sleeve?

Meanwhile everybody rates german low and doesnt appreciate that you probably wouldnt even have proper bread without us


>> No.13154488

It doesn't say that it's best. It says that more people don't dislike it.

>> No.13154489

Also "Mexican cuisine" beeing so high shows that its more about hype than actual good food. Tacos taste mediocre at best burritos as well i would rather eat döner desu "mexican" belongs way down just like the japanese

>> No.13154494

Nah bro is a hype meter basically. Nothing more. Most people there couldnt even really name german dishes let alone judge them. Meanwhile i tried these cuisines and no way is japanese higher than thai let alone most mediterraneans

>> No.13154560


>> No.13154563

And seethe

>> No.13154615

There's Doner in Mexican cuisine though

>> No.13154819

peruvian food sucks

>> No.13154972

The top 3 cuisines have raw meat as staples. Really makes you think.

>> No.13155000

The chart is stupid. A negative rating can either be from “i don’t like it” or “i never tried it”

The data is also probably poor quality, as there’s no way in hell 14% of japs have tried Finnish cuisine

>> No.13156387


>> No.13157695

Italians are better than other humans

>> No.13157958

>Spanish cousin that high
>Indonesia, Thailand and China the ones that rated it the worst