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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13151009 No.13151009[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Made this lentil soup yesterday. It has onions, tomato paste, some herbs and potatoes. Having it with rice now. It tastes terrible. How much a little piece of meat adds in terms of flavour...

>> No.13151015

Honestly that dosen't sound bad, but add more spices to it

>> No.13151018

It's your cooking that sucks.

>> No.13151026

>I don't know how to cook without meat!
>Cooking without meat sucks!
Swing... and a miss.

>> No.13151027

That looks perfectly palateable, learn to season cooklet

>> No.13151040

Looks good, tomato paste was a good call. Did you cook it in water? Try adding some bouillion cubes flavor, or just more spices.

>> No.13151045

I'm thinking you don't even have to overthink it, throw some chili seasoning mix into the pot next time you cook this

>> No.13151052

oh and maybe a few drops of soy sauce/liquid for a good salty flavor

>> No.13151063

You know it's hard to read something like this without pegging you as one of those freaky eaters or my strange addictions cases right

I mean if you were talking about something like vegan bacon I'd get it but what you're talking about sounds great (if made competently at all)

>> No.13151073

I like lentil soup, made with Spanish chorizo or any kind of pork product.

>> No.13151092

skip the potatoes and add more garlic. Eat with sour cream and dill.

>> No.13151094

Chorizo sounds a little strong and oily, I'd just go with shredded pork

I actually made some pretty good lentil and spinach soup literally yesterday, came out great

>> No.13151102

actually now that I think of it I have a feeling you didn't account for how much the potatoes would soak up the salt from the soup. You'd probably be surprised how much just adding some salt would improve what you've made.

>> No.13151432

get basmati rice

>> No.13151706

>I'm a retard and can't cook
Good to know OP

>> No.13151718

Add some paprika and cook your onions properly, faggot.

>> No.13151864

I have a couple vegan friends, and sometimes we have them over for dinner. I always use real beef stock in the lentil soup and they always crow about how amazing it tastes. “I can never get this flavor at home!”

I keep telling them it’s just because I use shallots instead of onions, but in reality it’s the beef stock and light about of finishing butter. Vegans are so easy and fun to manipulate.

>> No.13151896

>sour cream

>> No.13151904 [DELETED] 
File: 28 KB, 720x607, virtuesignal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Veganism is an eating disorder.

It isn't about the food tasting good or ethics. It is about them getting to virtue signal and restrict calories and food intake without anyone suspecting their real problem is a mental illness related to an unhealthy relationship and fear of certain foods that they refuse to get help for.

A lot easier to reject food by saying you are vegan than anorexic.


>> No.13151905

>use real sour cream
>tell vegan friends it’s vegan sour cream
>oh wow anon this tastes so great! where did you buy it
>tell them wal-mart
>o-oh I won’t shop at Walmart!
Problem solved, crisis averted. Everybody can do their part and sneak meat and meat products to vegans. They’re so frail looking, hair loss, sunken, bruised orbitals. You’re doing them a huge solid.

>> No.13151910

Don't do that.

I hate vegans as much as the next guy, but I'd never trick them into eating meat. It's their choice to make.

Bottom line: you don't deserve to have friends.

>> No.13151917

It’s like watering down an alcoholic’s vodka. They won’t know, and it’s good for them. Have you ever heard the Jesuits explain what a pious lie is?

>> No.13151942

Vegan food can taste fine, you just fucked up somewhere. Probably didn't use enough onion. Also, add more oil and salt, and maybe some vinegar.

The real issue with vegan food is that a lot of the time it ends up not being as satisfying because it's lower in protein and calories. But flavor isn't the issue. There are plenty of plant products that can add a meaty taste like soy sauce, mushrooms, etc.

>> No.13151964

Vegan food can be delicious if you actually know how to prepare it. I cook vegan food all the time. I just happen to serve it along with meat.

>> No.13151985


>> No.13151993

>virtue signals anti-vegan propaganda
>vegans are the virtue signallers
Nice projection! Taking cues from the political zeitgeist I see.

>> No.13152001


This is false, in case anyone was wondering.

>> No.13152017

How is that a soup? You can eat that with a fork.

>> No.13152027

It's a spoon. Anyway, lentil soup thickens in the next day. Happens with beans too.

>> No.13152065

So it's lentils in a sauce? Not really soup is it?

>> No.13152070

What sauce?

>> No.13152081

What soup?

>> No.13152101

We've all read Alinsky by now, what's the problem? You clearly like it when you're the one benefiting from it. But now that literally everybody is using Rules For Radicals in every aspect of life you don't like it?

Jeez oh golly oh man.

>> No.13152118

>fujo commie whore thinks she's not still insanely obvious
go away
nobody likes you or your posts

>> No.13152315

Don't blame the ingredients for your personal shortcomings.

>> No.13152336 [DELETED] 

That soup is lacking liquid. I could eat that with that whole bowl of food with chopsticks.

>> No.13152337
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>> No.13152352

That "soup" is lacking liquid. I could eat the contents of that bowl with chopsticks.

>> No.13152366

This, vegan food usually tastes pretty hollow and thin unless you pair it with some meat or cheese.

>> No.13152375

thats far less common than when someone quits veganism bcuz poor health and they all scream he dindu veganism right

>> No.13152381

You have never eaten unseasoned meat.

>> No.13152387

If someone only eats apples and oats he is clearly "not doing veganism right".

>> No.13152389


I just dumped the cold soup on top of the rice. Are you all satisfied? Does that answer the reason why it's so solid-looking? Sorry if I'm depressed!!

>> No.13152391

Did you even put in any salt or pepper?

>> No.13152397

The only food that really tastes good on its own is fruit but that doesn't mean it's all we should be eating

>> No.13152403

i have eaten meat alone plenty of times

t. other

>> No.13152439 [DELETED] 

I'm gay btw, if that matters

>> No.13152448

while its true that some people use veganism to mask their anorexia or do strange variants like frugivorism/fruitarianism, at the end of the day its a suicide cult, just like the difference between slicing your veins with a clean blade instead of a rusty one

>> No.13152465

If you're that depressed, you would lose your appetite and wouldn't be cooking meals.

>> No.13152478

You have never eaten only unseasoned vegetables.

>> No.13152489

Top or bottom?
Just curious if you’re gay or a faggot

>> No.13152616

that's super gross, nobody wants to hear that

gay people do poo stuff

>> No.13153008 [DELETED] 

Check out this guy. His soup sits and rest on top of a bowl of rice. Soup?

>> No.13153021

Check out this guy. His soup actually sits and rests on top of a bowl of rice. Soup?

>> No.13153246

>His soup isn't thicc
Not gonna make it

>> No.13153279

You think it tastes terrible because you palet is fucked to reject anything that's not salty, greasy meat. Just stop trying and stick to burgers.

>> No.13153288

You don't like the lentil soup itself, you just like that it's a conveyance for chorizo or another salty greasy meat.

>> No.13153332

You've never once done that. But it's fun to larp isn't it?

>> No.13153346


>> No.13153370

Lentil soup is pretty based even stacked up against meat dishes you're just a shit cook OP

>> No.13153386

false how?

>> No.13153435

Not him but it's just plain literally false. Not everyone who strives to make the world better is a disingenuous virtue signaller, you only assume that because you don't give a shit and literally can't imagine what it would feel like.

>> No.13153442

learn to cook you enormous faggot

>> No.13153445

Fuck off, stop belittling me.

>> No.13153448

"make the world a better place"?

>> No.13153450

Oh, I can cook. So much I'd steal both of your girls with my food. Vegan dishes, without meats on the side, just suck.

>> No.13153979

Just make a curry - Japanese, Thai, Indian, etc. Get some real curry blocks, curry paste, and garam masala and you'll be good to go.

>> No.13154025

>onions, tomato paste, some herbs and potatoes
Where's the mirepoix you absolute retard? You're telling me you cooked just that without any broth and expected it to taste good?

>> No.13154056
File: 62 KB, 940x1024, 1564523087791.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A mirepoix is a flavour base made from diced vegetables that are cooked, usually with butter, oil, or other fat, for a long time on a low heat without colour or browning. It is not sautéed or otherwise hard cooked because the intention is to sweeten the ingredients rather than caramelise them. It is a long-standing cooking technique in French cuisine. Further cooking, often with the addition of tomato purée, creates a darkened brown mixture called pincage.

>> No.13155612

Add OIL duh bitches

>> No.13155627

Sear the tatters first, toast your spices, toast the rice with some spices too, and add some fermented ingredients for savory flavor. Soy sauce or miso paste should do the trick. Lastly, pair it up with some acidic toppings and/or sides to liven up the meal. Pickled vegetables do the job nicely, kimchi or sauerkraut are the simplest but even some dill pickles will work. I also recommend a squeeze of lemon juice.

>> No.13155744


Yeah with less murder.

>> No.13155753

Then why don't you eat meat you fucking idiot?

>> No.13156246

Vegans are healthier and live like ten more years than other people though. I love meat so I plan on dying from heart disease in my 30s though.

>> No.13156261

It looks sad,
add spices and learn to cook. Learn about rice pilaf, saffron, olive oil ( butter is better of course but since you're vegan it's out of scope ) Also fresh herbs, a little bit of lemon/vinegar/acid for lentils. I mean how hard is it to look up vegan recipes online nowadays?

>> No.13156277

Wow, vegans get to shit and piss in their pants for 10 years instead of dying with the last shreds of their dignity. Lucky...

>> No.13156286

Put meat in it.

>> No.13156294

Bad news, all those studies that show increased heart disease with animal products have been shown to be bad science and when viewing the data as a whole there's a minimal benefit to going vegan.

>> No.13156323

It was Friday, you baboon!

>> No.13156344

Source? Oh some ketotard shill, ok thx!

>> No.13156411

Can we talk about how retarded you guys all are for calling lentil soup "vegan food" considering it's a normal fucking dish that rarely ever is made with meat? You can buy it in a fucking can for christ's sake and it doesn't have meat in it and it isn't in the "vegan" or "natural food" section of the grocery store.

>> No.13156575

>b-but we want to portray vegans as only eating impossible burgers 'cause that helps our narrative and feefees!

>> No.13156592


>> No.13156833

>ketotard shill site
'K thx!

>> No.13157032

>Vegans are healthier and live like ten more years than other people though

so starting at 20, becoming a gollum alike (but weaker and dysfunctional) creature and being dead by 40 is living 10 years moar ?

not to mention that most vegan dont drink alcohol or smoke

>> No.13157045

Yes. Mentally unhinged people like that usually commit suicide by 30 if they don't find something to obsess over.

>> No.13157288

>Competing interests JD is the author of The Salt Fix and Superfuel and operates the website thesaltfix.com. JHO has an ownership interest in CardioTabs, a nutraceutical company.
>cites the Sydney Heart Study which was long since discredited because the unsaturated fat alternative was full of trans fats
>other studies chosen selectively, doesn't cite any of the major mainstream studies that almost all conclude that replacing saturated fat with polyunsaturated fat lowers risk of CHD
>Provenance and peer review: Not commissioned; externally peer reviewed.
Even if you buy up that study completely, all it says is that polyunsaturated fat may possibly be slightly worse than saturated fat. It is indisputable that monounsaturated vegetable fat is better than saturated animal fat.

>> No.13157374

I tried being vegan for three months, it was much harder than I realized, more expensive, plus if your not so into cooking and ingredients, just forget about it, I suspect that most people who say they are vegan I not being truthful

>> No.13157388

>Open Heart is an online only, open access cardiology journal
There's a reason this steaming pile of shit was published in an open access journal and not even reviewed by any editors. External review means they just found someone who agreed with them who isn't even an editor of the journal.
>This is an open access journal that levies an Article Publishing Charge (APC).
Pay to publish

Clearly if anyone read this article and took it seriously, it would be torn apart by responses. It's unclear if anyone did or if they didn't bother since it's published in a low quality journal by nobodies.

>> No.13157402

What did your meal plan look like? cause honestly it ended up costing the same for me

>> No.13157410

OP here. I'm not vegan. I just didn't add any meat to the soup because it was for Friday.

>> No.13157442

To be honest their wasn't much of a plan, but I did start to buy organic fruit and veg, also coz I wasn't that organized I ate out a lot... expensive vegan shit

>> No.13157450

Stop making fun of carnists, asshole. Vegans are the weird ones.

>> No.13157456

Lentils are hardly worth the effort

>> No.13157459

yeah I never buy organic or meat replacments, and where I live there isn't really good eat out options for vegan food, sometimes I'll give into a veggie delight at subway and remember why I don't eat there

>> No.13157467

Have you just got back from your local KFC?

>> No.13157486

Yep I've also made the subway mistake, the staff seem chronically depressed

>> No.13158443
File: 11 KB, 204x247, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Eat the steak bigot

>> No.13158470

You need to salt lentils really aggressively.

>> No.13158556

If you can't make lentil soup taste good, you suck at cooking. Have you ever heard of spices? Lentil soup stands up well on its own. Why am I bothering? This whole thread is /pol/bait.

>> No.13159000

Lentils, potatoes and rice.
How about use other things than just carbs

>> No.13159006

I'm not a vegan but if that dish didn't taste good the problem is you, not the lack of meat.
Probably underseasoned it.

>> No.13159029

beef stock isn't even meat, its just juice from animals that were already going to be killed. It didn't save any animals by them eating it. Fuck vegans.

>> No.13159495

Veganism is a fucking mental illness. Keep depriving yourself of essential nutrients. Keep taking pills and eating sludge trying to replicate the taste of meat. Disgusting faggots

>> No.13159507

Veganism is only "done right" by consuming a boatload of pills. It's literally a scam diet meant to sell movie tickets and nutritional supps by getting people sucked into a cult

>> No.13159513

That's a meme, buddy. Don't fall for the MSM's obvious lies. Veganism is just animal rights activism. That's fine and all but don't act like it's healthy.

>> No.13159533

im not a vegan fag but if you idiots cant go a meal or two without meat.. well..


>> No.13159580

Literally nobody is saying that retard.