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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 3.66 MB, 4032x3024, 20191031_133624.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13146990 No.13146990 [Reply] [Original]

Was feeling lazy and decided to buy a pre-seasoned carnitas roast. Just throw it in the pan, add one inch of water, then cook at 350 F for 4 hours (mine is frozen so I'll be cooking it a bit longer).

>> No.13147006
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Looks Interesting. Smells decent. Definitely not the way I usually make carnitas.

>> No.13147007

I'm pretty sure you're supposed to remove the packaging before placing in pan.

>> No.13147012

There you go.

>> No.13147013
File: 3.40 MB, 4032x3024, 20191031_134529.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Into the oven she goes. I will report back with the results. In the meantime, what are you cooking?

>> No.13147051

I've got a bun in the oven.

>> No.13147067


Cooked some local ground beef last night and decided to try out some cheap taco season mix. Not half bad but I'm just gonna stick to making my own seasonings

>> No.13147086
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Strip steak, asparagus and Pillsbury crescents.

>> No.13147098

Why would anyone buy frozen cartinas, you can make them with 15 min prep with a slow cooker

>> No.13147114
File: 660 KB, 2016x1512, carnitas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My usual carnitas recipe is a bit more labor intensive than this pre-made roast. Not exactly traditional, but it's still delicious.


8lb picnic roast
4 white onions quartered
4 oranges juiced
4 limes juiced
1 head of garlic
8 jalapenos


2 Tbsp chili powder
4 tsp cumin
4 tsp oregano
4 tsp salt
2 tsp black pepper

I juice the oranges/limes directly into a slow cooker and then throw the onions and garlic in. After whisking the seasonings together, I rub them all over the pork, making sure to get every nook and cranny. I then place the pork into the slow cooker and place the de-stemmed jalapenos around it. Throw the lid on, put the cooker on low, and cook for 8-9 hours.

After it's done slow cooking, I place the pork into a large aluminum pan, use a small strainer to get all of the onions/jalapenos, and shred them all up. I take 1 cup of the leftover broth, mix it in, then broil it in the oven until it reaches my desired crispiness. Served with onions, cilantro, and homemade flour tortillas.

>> No.13147116

They were on sale, thought it would be an interesting little experiment.

>> No.13147125

When I was 15 I had a girlfriend that hated onions. I used to use those packets until she read the ingredients one day and saw onion powder and flipped her shit. I had to season the beef myself and leave the onion powder out or she wouldn't eat it. She sucked.

>> No.13147130

Keep in mind, she had eaten tacos with the packet before and was fine. It was only after she read that there were onions in it that she had a problem.

>> No.13147140

If you add a little spicy BBQ to this it makes a great pulled pork sandwich. An 8lb roast makes a ton of food so we tend to get creative with the leftovers.

>> No.13147148
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This sounds great. Will save.

>> No.13147157

Thank you, I've worked on this recipe for about two years now, slightly changing it over time.

>> No.13147162

>Just throw it in the pan, add one inch of water, then cook at 350 F for 4 hours
bruh you can make regular carnitas in that time from a cubed up pork shoulder

>> No.13147163

I know, but I bought it and I don't want to waste it.

>> No.13147429
File: 2.78 MB, 4032x2268, tortillas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Figured I'd give you guys my flour tortilla recipe as well. Very soft and pliable, you should try homemade tortillas hot off the skillet at least once in my opinion. They're also super easy to make.


3 cups all purpose flour
2 tsp baking powder
1 tsp salt
1/3 cup lard
1 cup boiling water

Whisk the flour, baking powder, and salt together in a large bowl. Chuck the lard in and mix it with your hands until the consistency is even. Should be pretty crumbly. Mix in 1 cup of boiling water using a spoon or something to protect your hands. Once the dough is cool enough for you to handle, knead it for 10 minutes. After you're done, make 12-20 little dough balls depending on how large you want your tortillas to be. Cover the balls with a damp paper towel and let rest for 15 minutes. Roll them out into circles and cook them on a medium-high skillet. Once they start to bubble you should flip them.

Pic related. My tortillas with some random shit I threw together once.

>> No.13147489

Looks good. Is that butter?

>> No.13147941

Yes it was butter and yes it was good.

>> No.13147963

So we're coming up on four hours OP, how's it looking?

>> No.13147964

I'll have to try it sometime. Never heard of it before now.

>> No.13147976
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>> No.13147992
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No bueno my friends. Very dry and the seasoning kind of sucks. Should have checked the water level halfway through, though I followed the instructions to a T.

>> No.13148008

Needs some chup

>> No.13148063
File: 3.44 MB, 4032x3024, 20191031_181115.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I might as well at this point.

>> No.13148076
File: 3.36 MB, 4032x3024, 20191031_164901.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So the verdict is that this sucks. I'm sure I could have added a few things to improve it, but cooking it per instructions was not very good. Definitely going to be sticking with my tried and true recipe here: >>13147114

Happy Halloween anons

>> No.13148176

Cheers. Sometimes we get a good lesson rather than a good meal.

>> No.13148310

Just mix a big batch of seasoning beforehand.

>> No.13148326

I've got a big empty McCormick container that I've been meaning to use for that purpose. All the spices combined come out to be exactly 2 oz so it wouldn't be hard to measure out/

>> No.13148329

Almost identical to how I cook mine minus the jalapenos. Think I'll throw a few in whole next time

>> No.13148763
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>> No.13148773
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>> No.13148785
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>> No.13148795
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>> No.13148811

This is the only way to do it. I haven't tried your recipe, mine turns out a little crispy, so I'm looking forward to trying it. Thanks man

>> No.13148835

it's getting reddit

>> No.13149088

Looks really good, I'll have to try leaving some of the peels in the mix sometime.

>> No.13149867
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>> No.13149922

I'll save this recipe for later. Thanks anon.

>> No.13149940
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I made a quick pic of it so anyone can save.

>> No.13149943
File: 320 KB, 1829x751, spooky tortillas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tortillas too

>> No.13150374

I appreciate it too. Will try this week. Thank you.

>> No.13150852

I'm glad you guys are interested. If you do make an 8lb roast, be sure you have a pan big enough to broil it all in. I had to use my two biggest pans before I went out and bought one giant one just for this. It really is a lot of food once shredded. Sometimes I will halve everything in the recipe and use a 4lb roast if I don't feel like eating pork for a week.

>> No.13150982

I would have just told her I omitted the onion powder and put it in anyway.

>> No.13151211

She was pretty fucking crazy and would watch me to be sure.