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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13141200 No.13141200 [Reply] [Original]

Okay, big celebration coming up. Drinking sun up 'til sundown. What are some good ways to prepare for the revelry?
>Pacing - Stick to low ABV drinks, drink slower, set an amount (lel)
>Hydration - Can also go with pacing to have water when you drink, but your body won't be looking for liquids and only find alcohol
>Eating - Kind of works for slowing absorption, but it's going to soak in and last longer
>Tolerance - Just be able to drink that much anyways, obviously this doesn't extend on infinitely
>Stimulants - Works for a while, but when they wear off you'll be hit like a truck
>Rest - Either for a spell during the drinking, or so that you aren't already tired and just knock yourself out

Any more tips to getting ready for the big day?

>> No.13141213

just get hammered every day, there's a moment where you'll need 2 bottles

>> No.13141228

Well, I didn't want this to be pruned by the faggy mods for being al/ck/, but even I know this. I'm actually looking for advice from alchies in the same boat as me, so I don't go too hard and pass out in a lawn chair. Wednesday now, so keeping a low key buzz all day, tomorrow is pushing it further, and Friday and Saturday are the days of reckoning.

>> No.13141238

That's not how eating works for alcohol retard. It only helps. Sobers you up and quicker.
Also, you're obviously underage

>> No.13141272

Pacing is the best imo
I killed a 2L of Troika by myself in 4 hours and went to work the next morning.
>drink as much as you want and dont be a faggot bitch who complains about hangovers or puking

>> No.13141329

It pads the stomach from immediate alcohol absorption (usually fatty food is the best at this), but if you have something like bread or potatoes, the booze gets absorbed into it as it slinks through your shit-tract. It's science, bruv.

>> No.13141756

If you get sick, a drink fixes you up for 15 minutes, then you feel sick again. Eventually you feel more tired than your sickness, but that's how I'd finish the majority of a 30 rack without trying when I had my latest bout of the flu.

Then I got sick with a headache and nausea, so slamming down a drink was pretty difficult. It had the opposite effect.

>> No.13142098

I just started drinking every day now I do a 5th a day but I wouldn't recommend

>> No.13142107

>no one's telling OP to stop indulging in such foolishness
see you all at the liver hospital!

>> No.13142206

exercise is important. I noticed if I have three beers after not exercising it causes little euphoria, but the exercise helps your blood flow and alcohol metabolism. It is a natural stimulant

>> No.13142219

>increase your alcohol tolerance by drinking as little alcohol as possible over a long period and diluting your system of it
truly a savant of the libational arts

>> No.13142364

Did andre the giant ever have sex? His dick must have been impossibly large.

>> No.13142484


He had a wife. She was scared of his cock, in fact.

>> No.13142509

Eating one big meal and avoiding shots until night are the way to go all day. Make sure to eat at least an hour b4 booze

>> No.13142524


>> No.13142741

I read a few articles about him quoting other wrestlers describing him as a womanizer.

>> No.13142765


Just drink 375 ml of vodka a day for five years straight.

>> No.13142771

I bet not, otherwise we would have heard about it.

>> No.13142774

Never gonna make it.

>> No.13142788

Why not just enjoy your alcohol responsibly at a reasonable pace and quantity? Are you a teenager?

>> No.13142847

No, I'm a major alcoholic.

>> No.13142868

Just don't drink a lot and pace yourself with drinking a small amount? I don't get the point of this thread.

>> No.13142870

And you are proud of that why?

>> No.13144483

That takes years.

>> No.13144486

You a liverologist or something?

>> No.13144490

Just indulge in enough stimulants to keep you in a good place for the day and you can crash afterwards.

>> No.13144500

In some cultures it's not really seen as a bad thing, like in the south for college football, the better at drinking you are the better your tailgate is, etc.

As an LSU fan, drinking from sun up to sun down isn't an easy task, but for 8 saturdays during fall, it has to happen, nothing to be ashamed about

but I guess there's a difference between being an alcoholic by yourself and an alcoholic with others

>> No.13144519

>but I guess there's a difference between being an alcoholic by yourself and an alcoholic with others

>> No.13144524

don't be a faggot jfc, what condescending thing do you have to say you feminine fuck

>> No.13144529

wow who pissed in your cheeiros
sensitive much?

>> No.13144533

I'm agreeing with you you touchy little shit
Drinking alone right now and I hate it but keep doing it

>> No.13144534

No, the "sigh... yikes" bullshit is fucking gay, I thought we were mostly dudes on here, just say what problem you have with my post

>> No.13144536

Stop over drinking like a fucking degenerate
Eat food
Drink a cup of water between each drink
Stop over drinking like a fucking degenerate

>> No.13144537

it wasn't the typical "get a load of this guy" sigh
it was a "sad truth" sigh
forgive me

>> No.13144538

ah, my bad, I took it as a condescending thing

sorry, i've been arguing about college football on instagram for the last hour so i'm fucking pissy

>> No.13144542

get shitfaced till you puke on your nearest inlaw
you'll have hillarios stories for the rest of your lives

>> No.13144543

well now I feel like a fool

>> No.13144546

no worries I wasn't thinking about the condescending le sigh response. I see what you thought I meant

>> No.13144548

you're a faggot for spending an hour arguing about football though :)

>> No.13144549

Cringe as fuck. Stop acting like highschoolers. MUH BEER MUH FOOTBALL MUH MACHISMO MUH TAILGATE jesus christ, bunch of poser ass faggots. Enjoy a drink or three but don't turn it into a fucking production or a binge, the fuck are you a wine aunt?

>> No.13144553


>> No.13144555

that's no me, and yeah it's a bad habit, but when you grow up in the south it's big

hrurr dududr rrrrur rururrur other ppl having fun maeks me fewl sawddddd hrurrrrrrr

>> No.13144562

Drinking causes your face to get large

>> No.13144868

Poisoning yourself frequently is fun? Don't fall for the alcohol egregore.

>> No.13144873

Jesus christ is this shopped?

>> No.13145070

Um no. You probably think everyone else drinks themselves to death while you are a shitfaced fuck. Just pace yourself or stop drinking.

>> No.13145086

He wasn't called "Andre the Giant" just for show

>> No.13145191

Buy some ISOTONIC drinks, like powerade. Not energy drinks. Drink one right after party before you go sleep.
Eat during party, more fat the better. Fat dissolves in alcohol and creates some protective layer in your stomach, you absorb alcohol slower.
During party do not spicy stuff, do not smoke, do not drink coffee. Those irritate your stomach even more (alcohol is also irritating), so be gentle for your guts.
And almost same as above, only one poison at a time. Your liver is amazing, it can clean up those toxins (nicotine, alcohol, caffeine), but again be gentle, do not force it to work against two or more different toxic substances. It will thank you later.
And for semi proffesional marathon enthusiasts, do 2-3 weeks of total abstinence f

I am Polish i know what i say about large amounts of alcohol in short time.

>> No.13145259

I personally think Op shouldn't purposely drink like an alcoholic BUT personally If I had to drink over an extended period of time I would eat low carb and neat whiskey. I find I can keep going without lethargy that way.

>> No.13145285

Sadly it's what killed him too. He drank a lot to deal with the pain. His body was basically too big and falling apart, his heart couldn't keep up and eventually gave out. Look up the medical side effects of gigantism. Andre had a hard life

>> No.13145289

this is probably the anon to listen to

>> No.13145290
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>> No.13145296

that one infamous webm of andre kind of dumbly stumbling around a japanese wrestling ring? he was fucking HAMMERED, in a lot of pain, and the guy was being a dick to him

>> No.13145424

It's hard to find info on it, but the pen0r is the one thing that acromegaly doesn't "overgrow." It's based on bone growth, and there's no bone there.

>> No.13145461

Another Polish anon checking in (US born, but 75% Polish).
As someone who drank 1.75l of Smirnoff per day for five years straight, and managed to never get sloppy drunk unless I was REALLY intended on it- the secret is to hydrate thoroughly and eat low carb/ high protein.
Personally, my favorite was to chase vodka with ice water, that vastly increased my water intake.
Otherwise, drink neat/ on the rocks if you want and drink a glass of water between each drink.
You'll still piss less than if you try to get blasted off a 30 rack of beer.
With beer... Dude, it's fucking impossible to get hammered off of low abv beer.
Just eat all day while you drink, and drink some water every once in a while if you're that concerned.

>> No.13145484

Stick to one kind of alcohol and one type of cocktail, for me, I can drink endless whiskey sodas, it’s not sweet and you’re getting some water with each glass so the hangover typically isn’t too bad.

>> No.13145968

>With beer... Dude, it's fucking impossible to get hammered off of low abv beer.
I entirely disagree. OP here, tomorrow is big time, kept a nice buzz all day yesterday but petered out by 10pm (probably a good thing, because I slept like a baby). Now it's T-1 day, so gonna push it a bit more. Wish me luck, hopefully my coworkers won't smell me too much.

>> No.13146175

In my experience the only way it is possible to get drunk off of light beer is by playing a game called
"beer staffs", or as some like to call it "wizard staffs".
Everybody gets an 18 pack and a roll of duct tape.
You drink your beer, and you duct tape your new beer to the top of your old beer.
Continue repeating this process until you have something that resembles a staff.
It is a race, and the way you win is to make a beer staff as tall as you are.
I am 6'3" and it takes me 22 beers and I usually win. Even then I am never shithammered.
I'm not really sure what you're on about, bud. But good luck out there today.

>> No.13146295
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I drink light beers as a pacing technique, or homemade bitchclaws by using gin, flavored sparkling water, and mio. I still feel pretty fucked up by the end of killing a 30 rack to myself, and I'm 6'2@250. Drinking one every 10 minutes, (probably more with party shots etc) definitely gets you drunk, and carbonation assists in absorption.

Mind my fuzzy math, but light beer at 4.1%abv x 6/hr(modest) x 2hrs = 10 standard drinks. A fifth of 480proof liquor is roughly 17 standard drinks, so the modest estimation would be that you drank 60% or 3/5ths a bottle of liquor in two hours. Measure this out for an entire day, and you do the math. No need for dick measuring our crippling alcoholism.

>> No.13146301
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As someone who d
rank 1.75l of Smirnoff per day for five years straight, and managed to never get sloppy drunk

yeah, gonna call bs on this

>> No.13146306

(40abv/80proof obv)

>> No.13146311

Tolerance is a bitch, anon.

>> No.13146335


i can only imagine. i was a little over 750 ml a day and it destroyed my life. granted im a pretty small guy but still id say youre lucky to be alive

>> No.13146463

I'm that anon. I never got called out on anything, never got a DUI (inb4 kill yourself, I'm really not too proud of my past actions), never got in any sort of trouble for it at all.
This anon is right.
Eventually my kidneys failed, but that was the only time anyone actually caught on.
Usually a game of beerstaffs is finished in less than two hours. But your math looks about right, there's nothing to brag about finishing 60% of a fifth in less than an hour. That's what I meant about it being hard to get drunk off of beer, m8.

>> No.13146468

Loling at this comment considering I actually died from that.
Thank you for your kind thoughts, though, anon.
I'm doing my best to take round two seriously.

>> No.13146516

I find extended drinking to be mediocre as fuck. Booze is only fun for the first few hours then you just feel tired and retarded even if you carry on drinking. I never understood people who drink all day long it doesn't even feel that great after a few hours. If your looking for an extended buzz just smoke weed. At least with weed it'll carry on making you feel good even if you do it over the course of the day

>> No.13146562

I'm kind of the opposite.
If I slow down/ stop I feel ridiculously tired/ retarded, but if I maintain some sort of momentum then I'm spry and awake.
I also can't stand just drinking only two or three beers, it gives me an UNBELIEVABLE headache.

>> No.13146803

Your kidneys failed? How are you not dead or are you on dialysis?

>> No.13146903

I was dead, the doctors said it was anywhere from 45 minutes to 2&1/2 hours. Someone found me and called an ambulance.
When I was admitted, they straight up said "he isn't going to make it", but some uber determined motherfucker broke all of my ribs with CPR and defibrillation. I wish I knew the dude's name, I never even got to shake his hand.
I was on dialysis for about three months after that happened, chest port and all.
Getting your blood scrubbed by a machine and watching CSI reruns for three hours a day, every other day definitely sucks.

>> No.13146918

I was the only person in the dialysis clinic that wasn't like, 60+.
The nurses liked having a 20-something around.
They said I would be doing that for the rest of my life, but I had some kind of what a medical professional referred to as a "miracle recovery".
They had to dust off the discharge paperwork because nobody ever gets off that shit.

>> No.13146924

You were definitely not dead for 45 minutes

>> No.13146987

I'm just telling you what the doctors told me.
I didn't think it made sense either.
I would have to be retarded after the brain not getting oxygen for that long.
Then again, maybe I am.
I've had friends get in car wrecks and be legally dead for much less time, and they are noticeably very different, and not in a good way.
Friends, gf, family, all say I am the exact same person they've always known.
After finally waking up a few days after that incident happened, I was seriously concerned about something like that being the case (being permanently impaired).
Even then so, a lot of people have no idea that that happened to me, and are none the wiser.