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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 158 KB, 710x710, 6193dbd33b8f4c39e7e40ef142d7baadfa39e563_hq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13140601 No.13140601 [Reply] [Original]

Are energy drinks gonna kill me? I down at least 1 Monster a day

>> No.13140619

Always bully Aqua.

>> No.13140839

no you'll live a long life but you'll lose all your teeth by 40

>> No.13140889

You are already dead.

>> No.13140924

It destroys the liver quicker than banned HRT does

>> No.13140941

omae wa mou shindeiru

>> No.13140975


>> No.13140977

The niacin content will give you diabetes

>> No.13141061
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>> No.13141068

Dumb weeb

>> No.13141080
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>watching a gay anime

>> No.13141090

i used to drink energy drinks whilst high on meth all the time and i have a heart problem, basically you're a gigantic pussy

>> No.13141612

Just make sure you get enough sleep also, I knew a guy who ended up with heart failure after guzzling red bull and not getting enough sleep for years.

>> No.13141618
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this plus I hope OP dies of a heart attack

>> No.13141636

>yeah seems legit
>google it
>literally one documented case, featuring a retard who drank 5 cans a day for a month while doing hard labor
Nigga everything is bad if you consume it like a pig

>> No.13141666

energy drinks, like sodas, are essentially sugar with some water added in.

>> No.13141784

I drank a lot of Monster in my late teens and early 20's. I'm pretty certain i would have suffered some catastrophic health failure if i didn't stop. I was getting chest pains, irregular heart rhythms, strange episodes where i would feel extremely stoned or drugged, despite only consuming the energy drink. No healthy early 20s male should be having these symptoms. Every one of them stopped and did not return after ceasing the habit.

>> No.13141842

This is probably the most likely thing to happen thanks to his diet probably being full of sugar otherwise.

>> No.13141854



>> No.13141864

You did not refute his point at . Plus you can get no calorie ones as well. Do not say they are all bad for you in a blanket statement.

>> No.13141884
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Depends on how the rest of your life is going. Working late nights back to back with opening shifts, combined with a Rockstar is how I started my long journey of epilepsy.

>> No.13141925

How much 'a lot' are we talking about ?

>> No.13141929

One and you'll be fine. I was drinking three a day at one point and it started giving me migraines. Dialed back to one or maybe two if work is more draining than usual and I'm hunky dory.

>> No.13142164

When I worked at a warehouse, I drank a can of 300ml caffeinated Rockstar every break to equal 1200 ml total a day for 5 days a week, for two years. It's been 3 years since I left and I'm perfectly fine. I even donated blood last week and the clerk told me I have health of a mid 20s man.

>> No.13142835

>best friend works as a chef
>literally every other chef in the industry is on meth and ice just to stay awake for their long shifts
>friend is based, doesn't do drugs
>drinks 2-4 Monster Energy a day though
>has done for years
>dude's approaching his mid-30's, wondering how much longer until it catches up with him.
like 1 or 2 cans of energy drink a week sure, but a few a day? shit cant be good for you.

>> No.13142845

if not energy drinks then something else, so don't worry about it brochacho

>> No.13143034
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>> No.13143039

eris pads her chest

>> No.13143162
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>> No.13143205
File: 489 KB, 865x772, coomeranime.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sage is my favourite herb

>> No.13143232

Does sexual bully count as bully? If yes I can get behind it.

>> No.13143238

Says the faggot who probably posts /pol/ infographs with his /ck/ threads then replies with "muh /pol/ boogeymen" when he's called out

>> No.13143247
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anime website

>> No.13143252

I have trouble understanding the criticism coming from coffee drinkers. Sure the sugar is worse, but I can budget for that.

>> No.13143326
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>> No.13143331
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>> No.13143347
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Just one series alone has enough chad to carry the whole genre.

My only fear is that he might be a vegetarian, either that or he feeds on the animals that died naturally as I doubt there's a reliably balanced diet available where he's at.

>> No.13143349
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>> No.13143351

1. anime website, tourist
2. if OP used an image of some 3D whore you'd be drooling over it like the retarded normalscum you are

>> No.13143384
File: 27 KB, 112x112, coomer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2. if OP used an image of some 3D whore you'd be drooling over it like the retarded normalscum you are
no, thats why i have a coomer folder to post in that situation
i am here to discuss food and cooking related topics, and shitpost and season all other threads with sage
let us remind ourselves of the rules for this malaysian stirfrying imageboard
>ck/ - Food & Cooking
>Images and discussion should relate to food and cooking.
>Recipes are welcome! Feel free to talk about your favorite dishes and discuss past cooking experiences.
do you think avatarfagging unrelated anime girls is related to food and cooking?

>> No.13143392
File: 71 KB, 766x720, Megumi looking perplexed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's drunk in like half of those images so it is related.

>> No.13143413
File: 25 KB, 640x360, aquamad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cooking board for anime enthusiasts.
anime posting is welcome and encouraged.

>> No.13143452

can you source that claim from any of the sites admins? because it is contradictory to the aforementioned rules of the site and this board, and i would take moots/hiroshimoots word over yours

>> No.13143470
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>muh rules
A)Hiro's first language isn't English, so the finesse of what is meant by "anime website" may not be apparent
B)The precedent has been set, if you truly dislike anime you are free to go to a forum or messageboard where anime is discouraged or is not the main focus. This isn't reddit where every board is a splintered "subreddit" dedicated to one topic and is an island unto itself.
I understand forum culture is lost on this generation, but 4channel is still a mesageboard/forum.

>> No.13143540

>A)Hiro's first language isn't English, so the finesse of what is meant by "anime website" may not be apparent
the board topic specific rules have been around for far longer then hiro, they were not a mistake from his lack of english skills
>B)The precedent has been set
ah yes, a lone moderator doing an epic meme ban overrules the site rules
>if you truly dislike anime you are free to go to a forum or messageboard where anime is discouraged or is not the main focus. This isn't reddit where every board is a splintered "subreddit" dedicated to one topic and is an island unto itself.
agree to disagree, in my and the admins view, that is literally the point of having separate image boards with a specified topic
>I understand forum culture is lost on this generation, but 4channel is still a mesageboard/forum.
nO you ARE redidt and KID, me OldFaG mE RIGHT >:(

>> No.13143553

again with >muh rules
source your claims then please, you keep claiming "me and the admins view" as if you know wrote the fucking book or claiming oneness with adminship
fuck off,

>> No.13143560

>source your claims then please

>> No.13143562

4chan is an anime website meant for anime fans to discuss a variety of topics.
/a/ is the designated board for anime discussion, but anime posting is welcome and allowed on all boards.

>> No.13143573

>in my and the admins view, that is literally the point of having separate image boards with a specified topic
Holy shit, which board was made for you to toss off to your ego?

>> No.13143584
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>rulefagging again

lol ohhhhh noooo
nice primary source there, glad you could pull off something anyone can find
print off the rule page and masturbate over it faggot
and a reminder before this last (You) ends:

>> No.13143595

Sieg Heil, ok?