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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 133 KB, 1500x1500, soylent.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13128934 No.13128934 [Reply] [Original]

Memes aside, does anybody actually drink this stuff? Genuinely curious.

>> No.13128943


>> No.13128947

It tastes like really finely blended oatmeal cut with sugar water. I don't know how people stomach it.

>> No.13128956

Liquid shits

>> No.13128960

I broke my jaw so I bought a few cases while recovering.

at the time they only had cacao, strawberry, vanilla, and plain. None of them tasted good aside from the cacao, but they did fill me up and keep my nutrients up. I'd say its a solid alternative if you just dont want to (or cant) eat actual food

>> No.13128970

I keep a few of the ones with coffee in them, its great when I know I dont have time for any sort of morning meal.

not sure how I would feel replacing all my meals with it though...

>> No.13128976

Interesting you say they filled you up.
I would have assumed that liquid meals wouldn't be very satiating.
Did you have to drink multiple or did just one do the trick?

>> No.13128985
File: 81 KB, 640x640, 12276937_837986806300178_409735498_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i bought a jug of the powder just to see what the fuss was about. first off it tastes like it looks, like industrial filler powder.

while it does give you the calories you need etc., it doesnt fill you up whatsoever, so even after youve had your however many calorie drink youre still hungry.

i skipped breakfast like i usually do, i just have a tall black coffee in the morning since i dont even really get hungry until several hours after i wake up anyways if i went to bed sober.

around 12 or 1 i had a giant glass of soylent, which kept me satiated for about 30 minutes.

by 4 oclock i had a food headache and was starving and ordered a pubsub

its totally a meme. there is no fucking way all these people are using this as a meal replacement and arent totally starving until their next meal. a folie a deux if you will.

>> No.13128990

>food headache
I've never heard of that.

>> No.13128995

I drank 3-4 a day which is about 1200-1600 calories (I wasn't doing much with my jaw broken). liquid or solid, it doesnt matter, its the protein and fats that make you feel full and satisfied

>> No.13129010

if you have a headache after not eating for a few hours something is wrong dude. Normally you dont feel any adverse affects until you haven't eaten for 24 hours or more

>> No.13129034
File: 123 KB, 825x1094, 1565729548907.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy does.

>> No.13129047

they are nothing special, meal replacement drinks have been a thing for decades, this one was just marketed better. IMO its no better or worse than anything else out there

>> No.13129064

Never had it.

It's illegal for sale in Canada because it fails to meet the nutritional requirements to be labelled and sold as a "meal replacement". Not only are its calories unbalanced, but it barely accounts for 20% of the recommended daily nutritional intake, when 25% is the bare minimum. Also the protein content doesn't actually meet the standards when compared as a casein-equivalent.

>> No.13129065

Even though they're marketed as a meal replacement, each serving is only 20% of your daily nutrition, so you really need to drink 5 bottles a day to feel full. Which basically defeats the idea of it being cost efficient

>> No.13129067

are you me

>> No.13129068
File: 29 KB, 341x606, 81EKx2aJW4L._SY606_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well there goes your reading comprehension. i didnt eat breakfast and the soylent wasnt a "meal", so the last time i ate prior to the 4pm publix sub was probably 9pm the day prior, about 20 hours give or take. all while burning calories doing stuff on a totally empty stomach and sweating my ass off half the day


fairly common when fasting. im not a dothead but catholics fast a bit as well.

>> No.13129073

So is the drink named based after the book? Or is soylent some pre-existing soy based food? Just genuinely curious about the naming conventions of this stuff?

>> No.13129081

soylent was a made up food for the book and movie and this guy i guess thought it would be funny to name it that.

>> No.13129085

5 bottles is 2000 calories, way too much for someone whose just laying around all day.

>> No.13129087

Soylent was from some random sci fi book iirc and then the movie Soylent Green made it popular. Its a shitty name becsude soylent green is people and thats the more famous usage of the word

>> No.13129089

>well there goes your reading comprehension. i didnt eat breakfast and the soylent wasnt a "meal", so the last time i ate prior to the 4pm publix sub was probably 9pm the day prior, about 20 hours give or take. all while burning calories doing stuff on a totally empty stomach and sweating my ass off half the day

reading comprehension? you never said when you ate before or what sort of activity you did during the day.

now that you said you sweat your ass off you probably were just dehydrated and needing sodium

>> No.13129094

>Soylent green is Mint Chocolate
Wasted opportunity.

>> No.13129104

there's no texture. it's just brown water with calories in it like those dying boomers drink

I'd much rather drink whey with some peanut butter and oats mixed in, or anything

>> No.13129108
File: 359 KB, 640x889, 1553136176785.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OK well let's imagine this scenario as a non-retard.

i said i didnt eat breakfast and only had a coffee

i said the soylent didnt do shit for me at around noon-1pm

typically people eat dinner anywhere from 6-10pm so based on context clues you could easily assume that by 4pm its been a while since i had eaten last since i hadnt eaten that day based on what i wrote

i know the fat fucks on here have never gotten a food headache since theyre busy stuffing their fat gobs with goy feed but cmon

>> No.13129114

im not going to assume shit, just tell people what you mean dont make them guess. Nothing good can come of that

>> No.13129116

I would but no one sells the shit.

>> No.13129212

It’s literally palm oil in a bottle.

>> No.13131270

Maybe if you're tiny. I lose weight at 2k a day even with only some casual exercise and I'm not obese or anything.

>> No.13131276

It isn't anything like a meal repalcement shake. It tastes more like someone put some oatmeal in a blender.

>> No.13132571

ssssoooy soiy soy soy sooooy soy soy hahhhahaahhaaha soyis soi soy soisysossoy

>> No.13132653
File: 50 KB, 320x480, ketchuptrickbottle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

even the Anons who shill for this shit on this board don't drink it

Sham Shakes

>> No.13132979
File: 53 KB, 640x543, 1571576760969.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>make normal protein shake
>add 8g glucomannan powder
>wa la you are not going to be hungry for the next 8+ hours

>> No.13134352

This is why I only go to the vegan strip club for food, cocaine and strippers

>> No.13135017

Isn't is just ensure?

>> No.13135926

seriously though, why do people drink this? interested in honest non-meme answers

>> No.13135947

same reason people drink any other meal replacement drink, it's simple to control calories with and provides required nutrition in a convenient to consume form

>> No.13136133

STEM hyperautists that don't enjoy anything in life drink shit like this.
Pretty much everyone says that it is as neutral and inoffensive as food gets so if you have no interest in actually eating and money to spare buy these I guess.

>> No.13136156

my brother is an EMT, 12 hour shifts, he has some for shifts where he wants something but doesn't really have time. otherwise all he eats are Hostess snack cakes or hotpockets

>> No.13136176

I belive it’s popular among body builders and such for the extra protein