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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13117681 No.13117681 [Reply] [Original]

i love cornbread and it's fall which means time to make cornbread
I also have some lovely respberries so here is my question for you /ck/
do i:
>put whole raspberries in the cornbread "batter"and bake with them inside
>put mashed berries in the batter and bake
>bake them separately and eat the berries on the side
i've put whole blueberries in before but i dont know how well raspberries hold up in the oven comparatively. thanks

>> No.13117690

fruit in cornbread? what have you been smoking and can i have some?

>> No.13117700

sounds terrible i like it plain

>> No.13117718

i put in a clamshell of blueberries once on a whim but it was delicious. never had jelly or jam or preserves with your cornbread? yummy

>> No.13117719

you dont ever eat your cornbread with butter, jam, syrup, savory shit, anything? just raw?

>> No.13117726
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Don't really have it over here in the UK but one of my mate drunkenly made it his meme pan. It was shit.

>> No.13117732

a little butter is good not margarine the good stuff

>> No.13117734
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cannot believe humans eat that shit, butter is best

>> No.13117743

I wholeheartedly agree it's not the same at all

>> No.13117749

The only thing that belongs in cornbread is jalapenos and maybe some cheese

You can garnish or offer a raspberry sauce topping though

>> No.13117752

man everyone has vastly different cornbread taste. im gonna try baking them inside the bread and if thread is still live ill post finished product

>> No.13117998

it was browning but still wet in the center and i waited too long to lower the heat so im not posting a picture
it tastes amazing though just gotta take the very bottom part off, it's too black

>> No.13118051

That description sounds strangely sexual.

>> No.13118054

Pumpkin cornbread
w/raspberry compote and honey

>> No.13118402

next time what i really need to try is mashing up the berries and mixing that in with the dough instead of keeping them whole, as it really did not do anything, they would have been just as good mashed up on the side. good thing cornbread is cheap as fuck

>> No.13118463


keeping them on the side makes it more flexible. You can use the same cornbread for savory and sweet purposes if you just make a raspberry jam on the side.

>> No.13118472

there's absolutely no reason you should put sugar in cornbread

people who like sweet cornbread should be sterilized so their defective genes won't spread

>> No.13118551

You can definitely put fruit in cornbread. I just made pumpkin cornbread and it is a snack throughout the day. I prefer to bake it in a bread pan or even make cornbread muffins. Careful with raspberry, you'll be biting into all those seeds. I prefer to do cherry pie mix, apple pie mix, a few ripe bananas, or blueberry mix over raspberry. Same with strawberry, that one isn't very good either. GL Anon.

>> No.13118580
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Unbelievably Based!

>> No.13118590

Cornbread is an all-year dish. By the sound of this raspberry thing it seems you make sweet cornbread which is a crime against humanity. Savory all the way.

>> No.13118610

>savoury cornbread
absolutely fucking disgusting you should be gassed

>> No.13118655

if you want to eat cake then eat cake, don't ruin cornbread by putting sugar in it

>> No.13118666

What’s wrong with corn cake? Faggot

>> No.13118684

I came in second place in my elementary school's cornbread competition because some faggot loaded his with sugar. I still think about it at night some times.

>> No.13118694

Stay seething, southfag. northern sugarchads stay winning

>> No.13118699

>northern chads
absolutely delusional
what food is the north known for? probably sauerkraut or some equally bland shit lmao


>> No.13118718

seethe more cletus. last time you tried to fight with us you got smacked the fuck down. know your place

>> No.13118737

>poortherner "cuisine" is so indefensible you don't even bother to try

>> No.13118741
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>> No.13118755

have sneed, yankcel

>> No.13118828

Margarine is good sometimes, but not as a replacement of butter. You gotta go understanding that it's a totally different thing.

>> No.13118860

Unless you want to sieve out the seeds, put them on the side.

>> No.13119008

I put maple syrup on my grits, only way to go.

>> No.13119047

Literally a fucking retard.
Dude, cornbread is supposed to be sweet. I live and breath cornbread. My family has a recipe, and it's been passed down since we were slaves. And you have the fuckin nerve to say that cornbread that we served the whites wasn't supposed to be sweet? Go fuck yourself you fucking degenerate, and shove your bland paper tasting white ass cornbread up your ass you fucking nigger.

Sweet fucking cornbread, is the /only/ cornbread

>> No.13119222

Wow I agree with a black person for the first time. Based!

>> No.13120628

niggers are incapable of enjoying food that isn't smothered in spices or sugar because you can't afford high quality ingredients. sweet cornbread is fundamentally a cope

>> No.13120640

>nigger can’t help but bring up his great grandpappy being saved from the hellhole that was Africa
Sounds about right. How’s that victim complex treating you?

>> No.13120685

Margarine was natural when it was invented in the 1800s, I’ve always wanted to try some tendered from animal lard and not vegetable oil.

>> No.13120688



>> No.13120695

>muh slavery
I wonder if africans could have had a culture of african americans weren’t such attention whores

>> No.13120705

Make a raspberry jam to go with the cornbread

>> No.13120732

How to have cornbread be not fucking dry?
Every time I go anywhere I try the cornbread and it is always so dry it just pulls all of the moisture out of my mouth and almost leaves me coughing.

>> No.13120844

>niggers are incapable of enjoying food that isn't smothered in spices or sugar

neither can italians, chinese, thai, indians, mexicans, or the french so idk what you're talking about. are you british by any chance? based on your post, it seems like you enjoy food to be bland and flavorless.

>> No.13120977

This, use honey

>> No.13120990


Opinion disregarded

>> No.13121004

Raspberries aren't fruit.

>> No.13121019


>> No.13121546

>implying the absolute abomination that is nog cooking compares to any of the others you mentioned

>> No.13122227
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you stupid fucking niggers op here i didnt make sweet cornbread. who the fuck puts sugar in cornbread? all i did was a 2 packs of fucking jiffy mix and 2egg and some half and half and threw a cup of raspberries on top. turned out fine besides the black bottom. who the fuck puts sugar in a cornbread mix? sure eat it with jam or syrup on the side, that's great but putting it in the actual bread? fuck off my taste isn't that bad. fucking retard monkey niggers thinking i put sugar in my cornbread, fuck yourself

>> No.13122290

are you supposed to find corn, in your cornbread?
like i've eaten cornbread a lot but recently when my friend makes cornbread she always puts actual corn in it. is that normal?

>> No.13122420

I put fruit and shellfish on it

>> No.13122902

>who puts sugar in cornbread
nogs and yanks

some people put creamed corn in their cornbread but they get the rope too

>> No.13123152

do you think jiffy cornbread mix is unsweetened?

>> No.13123157

So only southerners and northerners.

>> No.13123298

no sugar in the ingredients so no

>> No.13123303
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>people who put raw sweet corn kernels in their cornbread

>> No.13123331

it's literally the third ingredient, unless you're talking about the baking mix which has literally nothing to do with cornbread