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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 175 KB, 1300x956, family-saying-grace-before-meal-CWEJFR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13114549 No.13114549[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Do you say grace before a meal?

>> No.13114563

no cuz im le based atheist master race

>> No.13114568

But we used to say thankyou farmer and our fatherland for giving us this meal in school
I don't think its still in used

>> No.13114580

I'm an atheist, but my kids and I still say grace before dinner. It makes the meal more of a family affair. Instead of just horking down their food while others are still plating, it makes everyone wait for the ceremonial beginning, and we all eat together. Nothing wrong with expressing gratitude, either. We only do it at home, though, and really only at the dinner table.

>> No.13114581

With a few extras as well.
It's the one way I profess the faith in public.

>> No.13114594
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>> No.13114599

>family dinner
>volunteer to say grace
>praise azura, boethiah and mephala and condemn the the tribunal

>> No.13114600

I'm catholic so I don't really even believe in god I'm just a slut for traditions and flagellation

>> No.13114602

>Benedíc nos Dómine et haec Túa dóna quae de Túa largitáte súmus sumptúri. Per Chrístum Dóminum nóstrum.

>> No.13114605

protestant slanderer detected.

>> No.13114612

Hell no, I'm not gay

>> No.13114615

>dear lord baby jesus, or as our brothers to the south call you, 'hey-zeus'. we thank you so much for this bountiful harvest

>> No.13114634

>Grant us grateful hearts, our Father, for all thy blessings. And keep us mindful of the needs of others. Through Jesus Christ our Lord, amen.
I don't say it anymore but it reminds me of good times as a kid.

>> No.13115007

very cute anon
i wish the best for you and your lovely family

>> No.13115037

Jesus Christ is Lord.

>> No.13115042

of course not, after all I'm not circumsized.

>> No.13115045


No, cause a lot of people put work into my dinner, and none of them were named 'God'

I guess a few of them might have been named Jesus though...

>> No.13115076

How about you save the planet instead of flattening your palms against eachother and speaking to the raingods. Fuck I hate humans

>> No.13115082

Only at family gatherings.

>Bless this food to our bodies and this fellowship to our spirits. In Jesus' name we pray, amen.

>> No.13115085


>> No.13115095

Raised athiest being at a table where people say grace is plain aweful. I bet if it happened today I literally get up and leave and never talk to those peaple again. I don't hate god I hate christians. Athiests are literally nicer people

>> No.13115121

I think it's unnecessary to do it like in OP's pic. The food gets cold.

It's alright to do it before the food is served, and even then it should be performed in a non religious way.

But doing it after eating is finished or even not doing it at all is also fine.

>> No.13115141

they all look they're punking the mom by pretending to be religious

>> No.13115142


>> No.13115145

Rub a dub dub thanks for the grub

>> No.13115167

>thank you lord for the food that I paid for and that was grown by some chinese peasant on a factory farm

>> No.13115215

I don't pray at home, only when eating with family on Sunday. I just fold my hands and stare at my cousin's cleavage while everyone's eyes are closed.

>> No.13115255

i hadn't said grace since I was a child, but I always do now because my wife is religious
and it's a nice habit to have

>> No.13115678

>But we used to say thankyou farmer and our fatherland for giving us this meal in school
Sounds b&r. What country?

>> No.13115685

Obviously. Silly question. Saying it after the meal would be a bit too late, I think!

>> No.13115686

Om bhur bhuvah svah tat savitur varenyam
Bhargo devasya dhimahi dhiyo yo nah prachodayat

>> No.13115830
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Dutch scientists just announced they crossed a termite with a Praying Mantis.
What did they get?
A bug that says grace before eating your house.

>> No.13116174


allahuma barik lanna fimma rozakkana wakina azab bana.


begin with name of god who is merciful and lovingful.

o god bless our food and put us away from the wrath of yours of blazing hell.

>> No.13116178

translate for us whom doesnt speak homo sapien.

>> No.13116180

Jealous Protestants wishing they had a hundredth the culture and impact that Catholicism has had

>> No.13116187

silly foreigner.

>> No.13116209

My family never said grace unless it was Christmas or something and my grandmas were over. We did have a very strict rule of not touching your plate or serving dishes until everyone had sat down

>> No.13116213

t. Pay2win religion

>> No.13116226
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>> No.13116236

cucked by your kids because of table manner

>> No.13116238

Nah, it's faggot shit. Just learn manners and then you won't need to use this for some.
>tfw went to church lunch for free food + cute friend and they prayed for the salvation of Hindus from the darkness of idolatry before the meal
Little uncomfortable.

>> No.13116248
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>I'm an atheist, but my kids and I still say grace

>> No.13116721

No. I worked for the money that bought the meal, paid for the kitchen in which the meal was made, and cooked the meal myself for my wife and I. No magical man in the sky helped me do this.

With that being said if Im at dinner with others and they insist on doing it I won't complain or disrespect their tradition.

>> No.13116730

Good food, good meat.
Gettin' late, let's eat.

>> No.13117180
File: 687 KB, 600x700, c818051da05611ec8c9de639b283f39e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rub a dub dub thanks for the grub

>> No.13117621

good bread good meat good grief let's eat


moses Buddha Jesus too, who loves you baby, we all do


rub a dub dub, thanks for the grub, yay god

>> No.13117683

Why the fuck would I do that?

>> No.13117694

no. i'm agnostic.

>> No.13117714

Why the hell would I think about the existential terror that is the existence of God when I want to enjoy a pleasurable meal? Praying to God is for bad days combined with long extended walks at dusk only.

>> No.13117893

you can bet your ass I do

>> No.13117905

Oh the irony

>> No.13117916

A planet full of Christians would be better than a planet full of atheists.

>> No.13117929

What type of image is this? Why is the man wearing a feminine color, a woman is wearing s masculine color showing more forearms, the little girl is wearing pink like the man?

>> No.13117933

No but when I visit Nan we do

>> No.13117934

Dear Lord Baby Jesus, or as our brothers in the South call you: 'Hey-suz'. We thank you so much for this bountiful harvest of Dominos, KFC, and the always delicious Taco Bell. I just want to take time to say thank you for my family: my two beautiful, beautiful, handsome striking sons, Walker and Texas Ranger, or TR as we call him. And, of course, my red hot smokin' wife Carley, who is a stone cold fox, who if you would rate her ass on 100, it would easily be a 94. I also want to thank you for my best friend and teammate, Cal Naughton Jr, who's got my back no matter what...Dear Lord Baby Jesus, we also thank you for my wife's father Chip. We hope that you can use your Baby Jesus powers to heal him and his horrible leg. It smells terrible and the dogs are always botherin' with it. Dear Tiny Infant Jesus...'

>> No.13117960

Whites even give Christianity a bad name lol

>> No.13119089


>> No.13119133

Prayer has been translated in many ways. Quite literal translations include:

Swami Vivekananda: "We meditate on the glory of that Being who has produced this universe; may He enlighten our minds."

Monier Monier-Williams (1882): "Let us meditate on that excellent glory of the divine vivifying Sun, May he enlighten our understandings."

Ralph T.H. Griffith (1896): "May we attain that excellent glory of Savitar the god: So may he stimulate our prayers."

Sri Aurobindo: "We choose the Supreme Light of the divine Sun; we aspire that it may impel our minds." Sri Aurobindo further elaborates: "The Sun is the symbol of divine Light that is coming down and Gayatri gives expression to the aspiration asking that divine Light to come down and give impulsion to all the activities of the mind."

>> No.13119173
File: 131 KB, 1024x1229, islamic_pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mean "Bismillah"

>> No.13119585

Please God let me eat this meal, truly eat this meal.

>> No.13119600

pops up in my head whenever I have a meal