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13110263 No.13110263 [Reply] [Original]

Turning 21 in a five days, /ck/. Instill within me all the wisdom a pacific northwesterner on a budget needs to know about drinking. Best quality/price tradeoff beers, etc. Drinking isn’t big at my college so I haven’t built up a good alcohol intuition yet

>> No.13110268

yeah i can already tell you're going to be an alcoholic

>> No.13110279

Well at least tell me how to do it right

>> No.13110304

Take it easy, for real. Alcohol shouldn't ever ay into your daily life. It's a drug and it takes a toll. Start with beers, if you must drink hard alcohol stay away from sweet flavored shit. You'll drink it too fast and you'll feel like shit from all the sugar. Stick to vodka or whisky. A good entry level bourbon is Old Forrester. Bars are fun but expensive, drinking at parties is better and cheaper. If you do go to bars, tip your bartender and they'll take care if you. Don't forget your card there, they'll add a 20-25% fee. Hydrate. For real drink water. Dont ever chance a DUI.

>> No.13110326

Don’t worry, I’m not that irresponsible. I know my limits well, would never drive drunk, and already try to match every drink with a glass of water on the occasion I do drink
Thanks for the advice my man. Got any favorite beers you’d recommend?

>> No.13110446
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PBR, Hamm's and Coors Banquet are all solid cheap beers. If you want something hard and still relatively cheap but doesn't taste like pure ethanol, Kraken or Sailor Jerry's is the way to go. Usually $15-20 for a fifth. Both are like 90 proof so it's an efficient way to get drunk if that's your goal. Don't spend more than $10 for a bottle of wine, waste of money. Some craft brewers I like that you can find in most liquor stores are Sierra Nevada, Stone and Unibroue. Malt liquor is always a good time and Brass Monkeys are fucking based.

>> No.13110471

Don't start drinking. Ignore any peer pressure.

>> No.13110666

become an alcoholic just to spite these pussy ass replies

>> No.13110681
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I always try to post this when you nerds come asking this shit, so I'll try to condense what I can, but it's usually impossible for me. Sorry bud.

Have you're ID ready (it doesn't need to be your new 21 sideways one, workers can fucking read)
Buy 50mL shots of any hard liquor that you can until you learn what you personally like the most (gin, vodka, whisky, tequila, rum, cognac, or brandy) and work from there.
Try 187mL shots of the wines if you want to find a wine you like. I'm a Merlot guy. Things like absinthe, sake, and mead are classified as wines in liquor stores.
Liquor (liqur) and liqueur (likoor) are not the same thing - liquor is a broad term for alcohol, liqueur is high sugar and flavoring over alcohol - flavored ethanol really (Fireball, Jagermeister, Dekuyper, Kinky).

Beer is best separated into colors rather than trying to jump into every style and sub-style divided by all regional semantic bullshit. Try some light beers (pilsner or lager, saisons, sours), try some amber/medium beers (ales, sours), and try some dark beers (brown ales, stouts, and porters). Beer threads on here are always littered with some real drinkers that can give you better guidance. It's always recommended that you start with any place that lets you make your own 6 pack, but even better is a place that will let you buy any number of singles you want.
Don't feel like you have to buy something when you walk into the store. There's no pressure, just try not to give off that 'sketchy' vibe like you might have stole something. Liquor stores can make requests, so if you can't find what you're looking for in the entire town, go somewhere where you think the place might actually take a request. I've had a beer distributor sell me two singles once, right out of a 4 pack from a case, for single prices.

>> No.13110691

>malt liquor radler
That sounds disgusting.

>> No.13110694

>Beer is best separated into colors
Right, you're really going to find out whether you like Trappist ales by drinking black IPAs.

>> No.13110695

>Liquor (liqur) and liqueur (likoor) are not the same thing
What the fuck

>> No.13110696

L drinking is gay niger

>> No.13110720

Bottle of vodka and a case of high life lite, don't eat much.

>> No.13110730

Hofbrau Hefe Weizen is really good entry point for that type of beer (Weizen) which is my favorite.

>> No.13110733
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yet, they're nothing alike. Just as Brown ales and Porters are neither. isn't it crazy? it's like kolshs are nothing like 'American Lites' either. Hell, sours don't come in a single color do they? I wonder why different whiskies have different colors.
based and checked
I'll also be the first to say this - EVERCLEAR. If there's anything that will teach you to respect alcohol, it's 190 proof ethanol in a bottle. It vaporizes in your throat and burns into your lips. I wouldn't trust/respect anyone's opinion on alcohol if they've never even tried this stuff.

Also, learn to make a decent number of basic cocktails and their corresponding glasses. Tequila Sunrise, Manhattan, Old Fashioned, Moscow Mule, Pina Colada, Martinis, etc... Get yourself a couple of cocktail books to help you out with this. There are plenty of vintage and modern cookbooks that can get you started. Also, Target has an awesome selection of glassware, and usually a small selection of bartender supplies in the same area. Good luck OP. Try not to suck too many dicks out there.

>> No.13111941

Thank you my friend

>> No.13112224

Thanks Satan

>> No.13112396

>Don’t worry, I’m not that irresponsible. I know my limits well, would never drive drunk, and already try to match every drink with a glass of water on the occasion I do drink
lol goodluck bud

>> No.13112860
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Got the image right, at least. Buying alcohol depends state to state, but in mine on the east coast only state-owned liqour stores sell liqour and wine, but grocery stores sell beer and liqour. Act your age and buy appropriately - I'm 22. When I was 21 and younger I drank a lot of 40ozs, like Olde English, Colt 45, Hurricanes. Good for getting drunk. Drink the whole thing sitting down THEN stand up. That's the secret. But those are gross and when you get older they start to give you headaches. So I found my three beers of choice, Miller High Life, Modelo and Corona. All three are light and easy to drink. Dark beers are shit and for reddit-core faggots. IPAs, all that shit - pure bullshit.
As for liqour, go and drink vodka. Guys hardcore into whiskey or whatever aren't cowboys, they are just faggot weirdos who need to cope. Muh alcoholism isn't alcoholism, it's just taste. Just drink rum and cokes or Vodka Sprites. Both are better anyway.
tldr just drink pbr and light beer anon, happy bday

>> No.13112907


>> No.13112989

just drink beer and the occasional shot of whiskey. mixed drinks and cocktails are for women

>> No.13112997

where in the pnw?
get some rainier or olympia since you cant find it anywhere else

>> No.13113039
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Go to a brew pub and get the sample sizes and discover what you like.

>> No.13113048
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>> No.13113052
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>> No.13113053
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All other beer recommendations are wrong

>> No.13113111

Some liquor stores carry high gravity tall cans for 99 cents. 8%+ beers. Buy 2, you'll be good for the night. Cheers.

>> No.13113142

Seeing one of these always makes me want to play Dawn of War.

>> No.13113143

Beer and wine fuxk with your gut flora so expect butt problems after a night od swilling either. Darkr liquors tend to be a bit more taxing on your system than clear. Clear liquors of high quality are easiest on your system but remember if you drink a lot of sugar with them you are still going to feel shittythe next day.
Liquor fucks you up fast. You habe no tolerance so ease into it. Dont be that ass who gets alcohol poisoning every semester.
I recommend using quality clear liquors with watery low sugar micxers like tonic. That and good hydration before bed are your best bet to make it to 9am class next day.
If you drink too much water youll just piss your pants in the nite so be aware.
PBR is fairly decent beer but probably Rainier is the same quality
Coors Lite and Busch Lite are the highest quality, cheapest, safest beers you can swill all night. The water content means you suffer less hangover, you will qucikly build tolerqnce where you cant puke but stay hard buzzed all day, cheap and consistent quality. Dont let beerfags bully you. I prefer Busch Light.
Bud Light and PBR are going to give you a bit more hangover. Both are also too sweet for me.
A 12 of Busch Lite and a half pint of decent clear liquor is a great way to get a buzz on fast and eaze on without going to jail or the hospital.
But you are a college fag and will swill absolute garbage playing Pong so fuck off anyway

>> No.13113172

See, I told you this is solid advice. Just don't got swill down a mess of rotten drunk food then expect to function the next day with a fine asshole and no hangover.
This is all pretty bad advice. You need to stick with decent gin/vodka/clear rum and light beer.
You will not understand how bad this advice is until you're in your late 20s and a single whiff of Malt Liquor makes you want to hurl. There was only one decent malt liquor I know of, Mickey's, and they don't maek it anymore afaik.
This is great advice. Ease into it, don't make it your life. Take it easy first, and having a few knock-down benders a school year is totally warranted. DON'T MAKE IT YOUR FIRST EXPERIENCE. Ease into pard.
Good on you for waiting until 21.
I like Two Hearted, Guiness is unironically as good as its reputation, I like good Hefeweizens like other post, Henry Weinhard. Yeungling is great. Beware ciders with their high ABV and sugar contents, you're in for trouble.
Be aware of ABC. You should be able to drink 10 Busch Lights your first time if you weigh at lesat 150lbs. If you try to drink 10 Two Heartededs, you're going to spew your guts all over your girlfriend. Watch that ABV and enjoy yourself.
Experiment and drink at home before going to the bar or parties is my STRONG advice. Save yourself the humiliation and possible legal troubles.

>> No.13113287

Smack dab in olympia itself

>> No.13113288

The trick is not to drink. Stick a funnel up your ass and "drink" the booze buy letting it flow into your colon

>> No.13113304

Buttchugging a best

>> No.13113326

Don't get drunk in public. Ever. Seriously, it's one of the single most dangerous things people can do these days. Yes, DRINK in public/bars, DRINK with friends in a social setting in public - but do not get DRUNK in public. You will eventually get hurt or put in jail. It is inevitable.

DO drink and DO get drunk at home/a friend's house. Figure out your limits slowly and avoid overshooting the time frames. If you drink a shot and you don't feel drunk within 5 minutes, don't fucking do another shot. You should pace yourself.

Just saw that this guy wrote everything I was trying to say without the emotional bullshit, and has good mathematical advice. Listen to him.

But seriously OP - please for your sake promise that you will never start drinking in the day. If you have nothing to do, just jerk off or play vidya - don't drink out of boredom EVER. Please, for this dumb anon, don't drink just because you get bored.

>> No.13113330

To tack onto this, coors lite really is a terrific 'cheap beer' for how clean it is. Coors banquet is great for boilermakers, just don't drink boilermakers.

>> No.13113350

I thought the exact same but now Im a full blown alchy with 3 duis

Why even drink? Its a toxic solvent that "relaxes" you for an hour then you feel like shit, and your next day is ruined

>> No.13113370

Any way I can help support you man? I'm in a groupchat with some other alchs and we're working on getting better.

>> No.13113386

that's called a brass monkey

>> No.13113387

Why can't you idiots just stay the fuck out of the business of people who drink? You ARE offensive and bad. You are NOT doing anything good by trolling for adherents.
Get your gold-brickin' ass out of my beach community.
No, this does not mean I'm an alcoholic. It means you are both shitbirds.
You can't drink, fine. No one cares. Now go be alcoholics somewhere else you shitbirds.

>> No.13113393

Thanks very much for all the advice, guys. It’s a big help, and I really appreciate you all looking out for me with safety concerns and whatnot. Feel free to keep dropping any tips if there are any bases left to cover
Already very averse to the idea of public drinking, I really hate being in public while I’m any kind of intoxicated. Just makes me anxious and ashamed to be there. Same with day drinking/smoking, I always have weed on hand and sometimes beers in the fridge but I never touch either before 5 pm at the earliest
I’m sorry to hear that man. I’m mostly asking because I live with my gf and we’re looking forward to being able to unwind with some wine or a few beers after a hard day, wanted to know what would be best to treat ourselves with. I’m kind of an overly-cautious person but who knows, maybe you’re right. Either way I hope shit gets better for you soon. Try weening yourself off or down to a sustainable level instead of going cold turkey

>> No.13113448

>never drank before 21

nibba you should start drinking at 15~16 years old, don't they teach that in amerimutt school?

>> No.13113470

I’ve drunk plenty of times before, it’s just been very infrequent and never a big part of any of my friend groups’ cultures. Most drunk I’ve ever been was at 15, drinking full cups of absinthe and boxed wine in the woods while at a music camp. Even so I’ve never been black-out drunk and don’t really plan on ever finding out what that’s like

>> No.13113498

Is Wednesday no longer 40's night in the sallyport?

>> No.13113712

One word: smiroff ice

>> No.13113753


>> No.13113862

If you are starting at 21 you are already behind. So don't try to be a pro out of the box. Stick with beer at first, drink water every few beers and make sure to eat before going out. At your skill level shots will kill you, you will seriously end up fucking some toothless old whore next to a dumpster and then blacking out in your own piss and vomit in an alley.

Just don't be a fucking superstar. Those that are going for it likely have been drinking since 16 or so and have already learned most of their lessons.

Also tolerance will take some time to build up.

>> No.13113880

Quality satanic get

>> No.13114289
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>This is all pretty bad advice. You need to stick with decent gin/vodka/clear rum and light beer.
>this guy is wrong, don't buy what I'm about to tell you to buy unless it's quality.
>doesn't tell you that quality in a wall of shitpost
>except the words Two Heated, Guinness, Busch Lights, Yuengling
homie, you are grade-A fucking retard and have the experienced palette of a 19 year old freshman in college

>> No.13114360

>how do you tell a wet-behind-the-ears-Beerfag?
>They use a thread for telling a new drinker all about how much they know about memebeers
Get stuffed fag

>> No.13114416

I'm 26 and still can drink malt liquor with no problem, and also they in fact do still make and sell Mickey's you pylon

>> No.13114428

you know me so well, it's scary. just imagine the smell of deez nuts, and your moms perfume. notes and hints of milky pennies and lavender.

>> No.13114542

Just try some shit. Everyone has retarded opinions about beers they like and hate and you'll never get a universal response. As for booze, middle of the road priced stuff is generally safest. The really cheap stuff like Hawkeye is absolute garbage and on the other end it's generally not much better.

>> No.13114552

Mein neger

>> No.13114588

dont listen to this poofter.
and dont be a pussy. just start smashing beers. that will lead to smashing poon. college is fucking gay and a waste of time. might as well be shitfaced the entire time

>> No.13114875

Buy a sixpack, drink it and see how it tastes.
Repeat with different beer until you find one you like
t. German

>> No.13115518

at your age you shouldnt give a fuck what kind of alcohol youre drinking, all that matters is you are drinking alcohol. Drink everything you can get your hands on. With time you will know what kind of booze you like.

>> No.13115526

>not being over drinking by 21

>> No.13115529


>> No.13115564


>22 year old tells 21 year old about "getting older"

>> No.13115564,1 [INTERNAL] 

Guys, I totally agree that for knowing what is your best drink, you need to try a lot of other drinks. For example I was in past an alcoholic and now I am drinking no more than one time in a week 1 beer 0.5, that is my limit. Alcohol is need to be used just for fun and in very small doses, believe me better will be to do not drink in general. My friends helped me by showing help an addicthttps://ragingalcoholic.com/neuroplasticity-and-addiction/ .There are a lot of possibilities to take fun and without things that dark your mind. I was an alcoholic, I consider that to drink occassionally on celebration is ok but you need to know the limits.