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13112542 No.13112542 [Reply] [Original]

>Never pour wine on wine.

Why is this a thing, /ck/?

>> No.13112547

try and stop me

>> No.13112659

>wine autism
No one cares

>> No.13112777

because wine takes time to open up after it's been poured. hence decanters

>> No.13112783

I drink wine at the same speed I drink beer and straight from the bottle.

>> No.13112797

because wine is for women and women are retarded

>> No.13112821

Cause the tannins react negatively with the low oxidation producing vinegar you peasant

>> No.13112828
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>> No.13112835

Because you're meant to drink in moderation, so finish your glass before you pour another. Do you want your drinking companions to think you're a glutton, do you? Wait, you aren't drinking alone, are you? Oh, anon... please don't say you are.

>> No.13112843

God why did the french revolution ever happen? Ever since the proletariat has got all upity they have consistently ruined the finer things in life.

>> No.13112847

How isn't it already open if you just poured it?

>> No.13112852

Esoteric crap by useless people who want to feel like they mean something in life as their lives resolve around impressing others like them due to being massive brainlets.

>> No.13112870

>Cause the tannins react negatively with the low oxidation producing vinegar you peasant
what is 'pouring wine on wine'?

>> No.13113229

Does wine really change that quickly once it's been poured, or is this just advice to watch your booze intake dressed up as gourmandise?

>> No.13113278

Oxidation does have an effect but it’s instantaneous and using a decanter or swirling the wine in the glass just makes you look pretentious.

>> No.13113291

>save money. Just drink rubbing alcohol poured through bread

>> No.13113298

It's so flavors don't override one another when tasting
doesn't really matter if you're drinking the same style of wine unless it's a significantly different year
last time I went to a legit tasting on a vineyard the server didn't give a flying fuck and kept pouring all different sorts of wine in our glasses

>> No.13113308

Anon >>13113278 is right but I also feel the need to add that people who claim to be sommeliers are all caught in some form of mass hysteria where they think they can describe hidden flavors in wine profiles and thus are capable of picking superior wines.
Cheap, wineo-tier wines have won blind wine-tasting competitions in the past.

>> No.13113310

yeah i only really pull out all the stops when i have a special bottle

>> No.13113312


>> No.13113315

wine is better when it's oxidized
you have to let it rust or it tastes like shit.

>> No.13114457

I work in wine and I've never heard this.

That is unless you mean pouring a different wine into a glass that's already got wine in it. It shouldn't really matter if there's just a bit left in the glass, unless you're pouring a white after a pink or red and want to retain the proper colour.

>> No.13114486

Not that quickly, temperature has a bigger effect on wine than oxidation over a shorter time. Some young, stable wines can hold up for days once opened, especially if they're made to be aged.

Of course oxidation starts instantaneously but it has more of an effect over time, hence why people decant or swirl wine to speed up the process. Ever had a bottle of wine turn to vinegar because it was exposed to oxygen for too long?

>> No.13114498

>I work in wine


>> No.13114502


>> No.13114511
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>Cause the tannins react negatively with the low oxidation producing vinegar you peasant

>because wine is for women and women are retarded

>> No.13114792
File: 186 KB, 700x639, 827D74BF-7134-469E-A379-7E0229CFF8DD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cringe and bluepilled.

>> No.13116237

It's probably some kind of Mediterranean etiquette thing.