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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13109070 No.13109070 [Reply] [Original]

do you cook for your pets?

>> No.13109097
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Yes everyday, the same meal since 7 years.

Boiled pork (could also be minced low fat pork meat) with boiled potatoes, corn seed oil and the broth of the meat.

Half of pic related as a side and a peanut/walnut as dessert.

My dog eats better than me.

>> No.13109099
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Why should I? Maybe if the greedy little fuckers cooked for me once in a while~

>> No.13109103

Dad mixes the soft and hard food together and microwaves it for 20 seconds. Cat likes it

>> No.13109106

They’re the only living beings, that will be loyal to you until the end, you will ever have in your entire life so you’d better be kind to them.

>> No.13109115 [DELETED] 

tell him to also make water available in a location separate from the food. Cats instinctively avoid drinking near corpses and kidney failure is a top killer of cats.

>> No.13109127

A dog would love it x10 if there is eggg

>> No.13109135

Post pic of dog

>> No.13109185

Cat climbs on counter and waits for Mom to open the faucet

>> No.13109192

We feed our cat leftovers so I guess so

>> No.13109254
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She’s the one on the right

>> No.13110580
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literally just finished this movie. it was fucking kino.
probably one of the best endings in a movie i've ever seen, and I'd do the same for my dog.
HOWEVER, I've been a cat guy for a couple decades now and yes, I would cook for my cats every once in a while.
i would never cook a meal without offering enough for my kitties to eat

>> No.13110594

I share the turkey giblets with my cat if I don't feel like eating them all.

>> No.13110617

I've tried but my cat is a picky when it comes to cooking. I've made him chicken breasts cooked a few different ways and he's not interested, ate one nibble then fucked off. Same thing with eggs. Maybe I'll try feeding him ground beef next.

>> No.13110638
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My golden ret pupper loves my smoked pork ribs and antelope/deer jerky. My cat Tom usually kills his own food. My fat black 20 year old cat loves tuna and licking the juices off my plate. She doesnt have any teeth hardly.

>> No.13110675

Give your dogger some dang organ meats.

>> No.13110679 [DELETED] 
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yes, vid related

>> No.13110731


>> No.13110749
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>> No.13110753


>> No.13110779

fuck you redditor i'll crucify your dog

>> No.13110781

I love cats but this made me laugh

>> No.13110789

Anything with the intelligence of a retard who can't feed itself will be loyal to you when you feed it.

>> No.13110803
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>> No.13110804
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>> No.13110807

Greyhounds are picky eaters huh? Sensitive stomachs

>> No.13110806
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>> No.13110812
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>> No.13110817
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I can't bring myself to care anymore.

>> No.13110818
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Hes was born in Febuary. He really likes apples too. He will peel them with his front teeth its really odd.

>> No.13110825

I'm sure he's a good boy and deserves all the affection in the world, but you're still a faggot.

>> No.13110836
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We used to lynch faggots back in Korea.

>> No.13110859
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He is very cute anon! I would pet him!

>> No.13110898

>brown skin

>> No.13110932

Tell a story.

>> No.13110938


>> No.13110957
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Boku no BlazBlue's anime adaptation was shit.

>> No.13111598

Fucking cat always comes up and stares at me whenever I'm having scrambled eggs. So I usually give her some of my eggs since she likes them so much.

>> No.13112468

It’s a whippet and not actually picky, mine has an intolerance to chicken/turkey but she eats everything like a dumpster, she literally is like the fat fuck from that green text who recognizes the chocolate brand at the cinema judging by the sound it makes when you open the envelope: even if she’s sleeping she goes berserk in the exact moment I eat something or open an envelope containing food, literally storms @ me and patiently asks for food.

Stupid dog I love her so much.

>> No.13112478

Lived with my friends family from Laos. His father always gave the dog fresh meat and chopped up vegetables to go on top. The dog ate better than most people. The dog died last year and his dad took it pretty hard. RIP

>> No.13112480

Heckin good woofo poppa

>> No.13112488

I cooked for my pup for a couple of weeks while I figured out a food allergy. She was fine month 3-5 on the food I started her out on and then she couldn't stop shitting her guts out. So she got lots of rice, boiled chicken, scrambled eggs, pumpkin and carrot puree, mashed sweet potatoes and the like while we got it figured out.

>> No.13112490

The day of her birthday she eats something special.

Last year she had horse fillet and this year I made some liver with sweet potatoes and a bit of low fat cream cheese.

They eat everything without even chewing the food, kek you can’t tell if they’re appreciating or not (well they are)

>> No.13112501

Every Christmas I buy 2 unseasoned rotisserie chickens from the grocery, debone them, and distribute them to my dog and 2 cats.

I take the breast of one for myself, but they get all the rest. The juice from cooking it gets incorporated into the following morning's wet food meal as extra gravy.

They always love it, and it's just enough meat to make them all full and happy.

The rest of the time it's just standard wet/dry food and the occasional dog/cat treat like greenies.

I sometimes share scraps with them though.
For some reason, both of my cats REALLY like bread.

>> No.13112511

We used to catch sharks off the navy ships using scraps then leave them hooked and use them as target practice.
I had a friend walking along the side deck going under a torrent when we hit a wave. He shouldnt have been walking there with the torrents in a ready position...anyway they are set to stay in position moving with the waves to stay on target...it bashed his head in and he died instantly.
The food was actually not bad, we ate a ton of great food. Most of us didn't want to admit that the food was amazing though, we also got a lot of whores when we got to port.

>> No.13112526

every time i see smudge the cat i cant help but think of the stepmania song done by aperson

>> No.13112528

auto correct

>> No.13112538

galley food isn't that bad according to my father, since the cooks had to eat it too and usually tried their best to make everything as well as they could. I bet those c-rats were pretty terrible, though. My father told me horror stories about ham and motherfuckers.

>> No.13112578

I didn't have too eat too many of those god awful things fortunately. That was more emergency rations for the footies. I did spend a little time on my feet and saw just enough. Enough to finish my time, pension and go into ag farming in Iowa.

>> No.13112697

Sometimes I pet the cook.

>> No.13112700

No... what can you even cook for a Chinchilla. They can't eat 99.99% of all the food.

>> No.13112981

Give her organs more regularly. They're cheap and give lots of good nutrients.

>> No.13113892

a boy and his dog

>> No.13113900

u mad w*ite boi?

>> No.13113917

Amazing the amount of stuff that came from that movie. Never read the story it was based on though. That ending was fucking gold, pure fucking platinum actually. I started laughing the moment I saw that fire, it was like a spoiler for the movie for anyone who knows how to cook.