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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 78 KB, 1362x768, stevenconnie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
[ERROR] No.13097 [Reply] [Original]

>steven and connie were supposed to be a couple
>don´t act like a couple at all
>don´t kiss or even act romantic
> not evenhand holding

what happened? did connie friendzone steven? was just a phase? i don´t get it

>> No.13098

They're still kids.

>> No.13099
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>> No.13100

They've fused, which is probably more intimate than anything you can do with someone else.

>> No.13101

still not a excuse since early episode focused on steven trying to confess to connie

>> No.13102

Steven is based on Rebecca's gay brother, so we're just waiting for the episode where he realizes he only likes Connie as a friend.

>> No.13103

They're the type of couple where when they're in their late teens people are going to ask if they're dating. Then they'll just shrug, and say they guess so.

>> No.13104
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Because pic related is endgame now

>> No.13105

Steven Sugar is gay?

>> No.13106

No they didn't.

Aside from Bubble Buddies which was more just Steven wanting to get to know her. Why would you confess to someone you just met?

>> No.13107

Steven probably isn't aware of what his feelings really are for Connie. It's hard to understand when you're young.

>> No.13108


After the first Stevonnie they pretty much knew what was in each other's hearts so they don't need to tiptoe around romance anymore. Plus, you know, they're kids so no puberty. Now they're like an old married couple: intimate on a level beyond what outsiders can perceive, yet completely sexless.

>> No.13109


Connie is 12, going on 13. Steven is 14.

Of course there's puberty.

Well, at least on Connie's end. Steven's weird aging makes it seem as if he may have not hit puberty yet.

>> No.13110
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>> No.13111

steven is 14

>> No.13112

But not mentally because of his weird aging, which is dumb. His mental age should be fucking 50 with all the shit he has to deal with.

>> No.13113


>> No.13114
File: 827 KB, 1280x1134, ED1lZZO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's cause every time they've come close to kissing or otherwise doing something that would let them make the leap from just friends to being a couple, something magic related gets in the way(this has happened at least 4 or 5 times by now, including the episode in your attached pic)

I'd be really surprised if we don't see them kiss by the end of the show though

>Plus, you know, they're kids so no puberty.
not really, Steven's 14(even if he's physically 8 in most regards right now), and Connie's almost 13, one will probably be getting hit hard by puberty once their magic quits keeping their body in stasis, and the other should already be going through puberty's effects(do remember that girls start it earlier than guys)

but you are right that they do have an intimacy beyond what most humans can experience

>> No.13115

>almost kissed on indirect kiss.
>they handholding a lot, it's just that Steven likes to hold hands with everyone.
>Steven refers to Connie as "my Connie " on several episodes.
>they fuse(Steven first fusion), and yet they feel like it's better to be together as two beings than one, this BTFO garnet.

Steven it's so fucking autistic to see connie curry it's ready to be tasted.

>> No.13116

>it's cause every time they've come close to kissing or otherwise doing something that would let them make the leap from just friends to being a couple, something magic related gets in the way(this has happened at least 4 or 5 times by now, including the episode in your attached pic)
Name 3 examples. OP pic doesn't count.

>> No.13117

No, she just took his name.
On the credits Some guy last name its Demayo, that's where Greg real last name comes from.

>> No.13118
File: 63 KB, 451x631, IMG_1370.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they fuse(Steven first fusion), and yet they feel like it's better to be together as two beings than one, this BTFO garnet.

Yeah, this I don't like. I'd rather they just prefer to do it sparingly to keep it special. This better get corrected.

>> No.13119
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>not even hand holding
Are you fucking dense? They've held hands in nearly every episode they've been together in.

>> No.13120

I keep hearing that

>> No.13121
File: 12 KB, 250x250, 1464232336654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


What a load of crap

He also fused with Amethyst and he doesn't have that kind of relation with her

The truth is his romance with Connie, like everything else in this show, its implied, they're boyfriend and girldfriend but if someone asks they can say yes or no with no restrictions, we know Steven likes Connie and that Connie likes him back but they could totally still be just be awkward friends

Its yer ANOTHER case of the show having its cake and eat it too

>> No.13122

Can you blame her? He's an ugly fat turd.

>> No.13123

>beach hunk
>clearly just tall and really fat

>> No.13124


>getting mad at /co/ discussing cartoons

you might as well make another samurai jack thread.

>> No.13125

>the dialogue when he outright acknowledges he wants to marry Connie in Steven's Birthday
>Ronaldo calling her Steven's GF
I'll agree they pretty much never acknowledge it anymore though

>> No.13126


That's what Tumblr thinks is a hunk.

Jesus fuck that Cobra's flying low

>> No.13127

if you want to discuss it so bad then do it in trash where the cartoon's general is

>> No.13128

They'll never commit, ever since Connie stopped being the lonely nerdy girl who's fascinated by magic, and has become the badass warrior who never does anything because they really want to keep her a side character; her romance with Steven is all she has left going for her.

>> No.13129
File: 807 KB, 1136x640, IMG_1318.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's the joke.

>> No.13130


Because she is his beard.

>> No.13131

>The truth is his romance with Connie, like everything else in this show, its implied, they're boyfriend and girldfriend but if someone asks they can say yes or no with no restrictions, we know Steven likes Connie and that Connie likes him back but they could totally still be just be awkward friends
I kinda figure it's partially that, but also that while they do know how each other feels, they haven't had a chance to actually discuss it and make it official

nah most of that gut is probably muscle, look up what a powerlifter looks like, most of them are relatively "fat" when compared to a bodybuilder(who starve and dehydrate themselves to get that ultra-chiseled look), especially when off-season

>> No.13132

This is actually true, Muscleman and Wario being ratchet notable examples of this.

>> No.13133
File: 37 KB, 1280x720, 1454738752246.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and make it official

Just fucking kiss her, you fag!

>> No.13134


They probably have wonderful threesomes

>> No.13135

That would crush the shippers of every other pairing. It's less troublesome this way.

>> No.13136

Literally who ships Steven or Connie with anyone else except weird pedos?

>> No.13137

Steven/Connie shippers aren't weird pedos anon, they are regular pedos.

The weird pedos ship Steven and Peedee.

>> No.13138

For a second there, I thought connie grew a man beard.

>> No.13139

They've been friends for over a year with plenty of time alone. The writers are probably don't have anything planned for them being a real couple. Which is probably while they're saving it for the finale.

>> No.13140

Am I the only one here who thinks 12 is too young for a romantic relationship? Their friendship is fine for the time being. They can deal with romance later.

>> No.13141

Would that mean he'd be the Danny Devito looking motherfucker he briefly was in So Many Birthdays?

>> No.13142

Steven already has a gal, her name is Tawna Bunnygem, biological daughter of Space Ghost.

>> No.13143

Have Devito voice him and that might just be enough to save the show.

>> No.13144

Don't know of any other Connie ships, but there are plenty of other Steven like this one.>>13104

>> No.13145


I just watched recent episodes and see Peridot is smaller that Steve

>> No.13146

Did you date anyone when you were 14?

>> No.13147

Yes. They kind of retconned the whole concept though.

>> No.13148

>on some episode Greg ask Steven if he lost his innocence.
It's over, Connie and Steven are doing the kissing and hugs offscreen.
Even if he hasn't traveled through connie's doors of chakra it mostly prove that there are more intimacy between them, and people are aware of it.

>> No.13149

She's steadily shrinking under Earth's gravity. It will be too late to help her by the time they notice.

>> No.13150

I agree, if time progresses like it has been then maybe we could see something happen in a season or two. They should keep teasing it though

>> No.13151
File: 38 KB, 195x195, IMG_1323.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, this is a common issue constantly brought up here, but it's not bad if you don't think about it and just enjoy what you're watching. That said, let's try to keep the discussion away from that before people start complaining about it for the umpteenth time.

>> No.13152

Why are there like 6 different SU threads? What happened to /sug/?

>> No.13153

Did you date someone then?
Did you date someone 10 years later?
i didn't

>> No.13154

You misread my post. I was suggesting that weird pedos ship other Steven pairings. Steven and Connie are both kids, but there aren't any other important kid characters to ship either of them with.

I mean, if people want to ship Steven or Connie with adults or rocks that are thousands of years old then that's fine with me but I doubt Rebecca Sugar is going to want to support that. So in that regard there's not really any reason to leave Steven/Connie ambiguous.

>> No.13155


Rebecca stated that he won't look like that or any of those stages he went through when he grows up, he just looked like how he felt at the moment.

>> No.13156

Connie sees Steven as a real life fantasy character like the ones she reads about in her books. She doesn't truly love him, she just loves what he can provide for her: magical adventures.

>> No.13157

no but I knew people who did

>> No.13158


>> No.13159

>The weird pedos ship Steven and Peedee.
is it weird that while I definitely don't like Steven/Peedee as a ship, the idea of a Steven/Connie/Peedee(or Stevonnie/Peedee) OT3 is one I'm actually rather okay with?

>Steven already has a gal, her name is Tawna Bunnygem, biological daughter of Space Ghost.

>Would that mean he'd be the Danny Devito looking motherfucker he briefly was in So Many Birthdays?
nope it's been confirmed that the Aged-Up Stevens in So Many Birthdays only looked like that in correlation with Steven's emotional state, and not necessarily what he'll look like when he naturally reaches those ages

>> No.13160

Another leak happened

>> No.13161

Actually, Rebecca has this admittedly kind of cool stance on the topic of shipping by saying she supports all of the ships people make.

>> No.13162

>she says she will be there for him even if he doesn't have powers.
>he got powers
>WOW what a fucking superficial bitch.

>> No.13163

Yeah, I dated a girl who was a year younger. If she were Indian and I were short and fat it would've been the same

>> No.13164
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>> No.13165

>lets ignore the shitty animation, and just keep talking about how great the animation is

>> No.13166

Yes, it is weird.

>> No.13167

Wow that's impressive. I figured she'd be the type who wouldn't approve of 'problematic' ships.

>> No.13168

It's not something you notice unless it's pointed out to you or you actually try looking for it. It's not actually that bad.

>> No.13169
File: 446 KB, 1093x1691, IMG_0161.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What is the entire Connie plot of Indirect Kiss

>> No.13170

that could be avoided if you would stick to your general and stop making SU threads on /co/ retard

>> No.13171
File: 56 KB, 592x751, 130525152752.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't dated anyone at 23

>> No.13172

it's the only general that's banned when its show isn't airing, because containment or some other bullshit excuse

anyway go look in the /trash/ if you're that desperate for it.

>> No.13173

thumbnail looks like Connie has a five o'clock shadow.

>> No.13174

sufags are spamming threads because they don't want to go to trash

>> No.13175

>implying I use the general or make SU threads

No, I'm just sick of others posting that one picture of Steven's height in different episodes and making another thread about it.
You know the picture.

>> No.13176

I believe the one mod who enforces it believe SU is the new MLP or some such

>> No.13177


>> No.13178

>don´t act like a couple at all
How would you know, you virgin?
I bet you haven't even held a girl's hand.

>> No.13179

I can't unsee it now.

>> No.13180


>> No.13181

I still think they should have kept her with glasses.

Surprised nobody on tumblr found this "ableist"

>> No.13182

I found more offensive she wearing glasses she didn't needed.
I hate that kind of people.

>> No.13183

there are several generals that are banned when the show isn't airing

the star wars general is only around because star wars is way bigger than steven universe

>> No.13184


I don't think it's necessarily pedophilia to ship the two, especially when the show is putting them together on its own. Or, at the very least, entertains the possibility.

I can't speak for others but when I see young love in these shows it doesn't hook me because I want to see kids doing it, it is intoxicating because it's a vicarious image of what I've never had and have become too old to ever experience.

Being on 4chan, I'm certain I am not alone in this.

>> No.13185

They need to fire some storyboard artists and hire some new ones.

>> No.13186

My little brother is 13 and he alright have a girlfriend. I'm 19 and never dated once

>> No.13187

Yeah dude. I saw Steven Sugar at a grocery store in Los Angeles yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything.
He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?”
I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying.
The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter.
When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.

Then we had gay sex.

>> No.13188

Too bad.
When the show is on hiatus they need to go to trash.

>> No.13189

the last episode connie appeared in she was sleeping in his bed and wearing his clothes

>> No.13190

it would be better if they could off themselves

>> No.13191

>Yeah, this I don't like. I'd rather they just prefer to do it sparingly to keep it special

You just described everything that went wrong with the show. Everything that WAS special, or actually made me care about the characters was pushed so hard, again and again until I just couldn't give a shit about it anymore.

>> No.13192

We still doing this "Why are people posting cartoons on the cartoon board" bullshit?

>> No.13193

This show is complete cancer.

>> No.13194

which is better?
Homestuck treatment (Only one thread at a time, if multiples threads appear they will be deleted.)
/VP/ treatment (Have their own broad but is aloud to post their content on other broads)
/MLP/ treatment (They have their own broad but they can't post their content on other broads, beside /trash/)

>> No.13195
File: 205 KB, 600x502, new_friend_by_accursedasche-d9axk3r.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the endgame

>> No.13196

Don't forget that in "Steven's Birthday" Steven insinuates that he's going to be Connie's husband in the future.

the final episode is going to dedicate a really long amount of time just describing their wedding cake.

>> No.13197

nigga have you ever seen anyone with a hunk shirt irl that was built like that

>> No.13198

Came here to post this

>> No.13199
File: 42 KB, 337x339, 1489849713443.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the final episode is going to dedicate a really long amount of time just describing their wedding cake.

>People will say it was cleaver foreshadowing

>> No.13200

Why is the indian girl so ugly and her mother so sexy?

>> No.13201

all children are ugly. its to stop adults trying to have sex with them. thats why pedophilia is a mental illness, your ability to discern what is and isn't ugly has been ruined

>> No.13202
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She realized Stephen was an ugly fat gross slob and decided to save herself for someone better.

>> No.13203
File: 139 KB, 757x790, NTR is a garbage fetish.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NTR is a garbage fetish

>> No.13204

Or maybe they like being two separate beings who hang out instead of one new being, despite Garnet thinking fusion is the only form of romance/togetheness worth a damn.

>> No.13205

Connie realized Steven is a faggot and would rather hang out with him as a gay best friend.

>> No.13206

They're 13 and 14 anon...

>> No.13207
File: 82 KB, 757x790, 17094220_1473093499381756_1934174556_n.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not posting the full trinity

>> No.13208

Because that's how it works in my animes!

>> No.13209

Well technically Steven is 14, but mentally he's like 10-12 on account of his slowed aging.

In any case, can you say that you really loved someone romantically at 13? Relationships at that age are always kids playing at adults.

>> No.13210

wtf I hate SU threads now

Exactly, there's like 10 of those every day. Buttmad anon isn't angry that an SU thread is taking up space, he's mad because the mere sight of SU triggers him hard.

>> No.13211

People are capable of a lot more than they're given credit for, at ages we don't expect. Two hundred years ago, by the time you were 13, you were basically an adult. You had nearly all the same responsibilities, and by that age, your parents generally would've prepped you to all the realities of life. Despite what the post-industrial revolution era has done to people with the concept of "childhood", people at that age do have the capacity for true romantic feelings. But because they still have a childlike mentality thanks to current social structure, they don't know what to do with it, how to deal with it, and so we collectively write off those early experiences as meaningless "puppy love".

>> No.13212

Connie was a friendless nerd before Steven; it's not surprising that she would develop strong romantic feelings to the first boy to give her attention. But as time went on, she got used to having him as a friend, and the passion died down a little as they formed a more lasting connection. Until the hard internal fucking of their fusion form.

Steven is just a confused little boy.

>> No.13213

fucking kek

>> No.13214

A 14 year old with Down syndrome

>> No.13215
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>> No.13216
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I like their relationship. Leave the lewdness and all that complexity to the adults, I just want to watch these two relax take their time.

>> No.13217

I hear what you're saying, but I don't believe children really are different today than 200 years ago, even with the change in social structure. Back then children were prepped for adulthood early out of necessity, and basically forced to act as adults even though they had not yet fully developed mentally. They weren't actually more mature, even though society expected them to be.

>> No.13218
File: 51 KB, 432x500, hey nice.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This, it's a nice heartwarming relationship that's developing at a good pace. I enjoyed Connie's assertiveness in Steven's birthday episode a lot though.
Pretty good.

>> No.13219

The dudes who have historically had issues with cholesterol and their hearts?

>> No.13220

kid are way more romantic than adults, the fuck are you on, retard?

>> No.13221

>Rose refer to Pearl as "my Pearl" on an episode.
>Rose and Pearl fused (very likely Rose first fusion)

>Rose and Pearl are not endgame

>> No.13222

Steven Universe is kinda like a harem anime, so... Steven never call Connie his girlfriend because he has many ships (Peridot and Lapis).

>> No.13223

He already expects to marry her.
What more do you want?

>> No.22084

their art budget took at big cut at the start of Season 4. there's also been constant compositing and general finish problems, eg. in Gem Harvest where some scenes had noticeably rough (as opposed to vector-smooth) character outlines.

>> No.22109

Why do you faggots still watch children's cartoons? Jesus christ, I just want to discuss food and cooking but I have to have my board shitted up by you actual autists.

>> No.22141

Because a "will they, won't they" relationship is a powerful draw to a female audience. Writers will only ever cross that bridge (or jump that shark) when they absolutely have to, and it almost always marks the beginning of the end for a show, because once the initial novelty of the situation resolving wears off, the female audience loses interest.

>> No.22243
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>> No.22254

>The truth is his romance with Connie, like everything else in this show, its implied, they're boyfriend and girldfriend but if someone asks they can say yes or no with no restrictions

Nah, they're absolutely a couple, just being cute mutual first-time kids about it. Steven directly refers to their future marriage as a foregone conclusion in one of the several episodes where he nearly literally kills himself trying to make her happier.

>> No.22353

Oh my god. Bobby and Joseph should have been together all along.

>> No.22376
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There is no purer from of love.

>> No.22377
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>> No.22403
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>> No.22513
File: 260 KB, 700x549, 1487013280601.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lapis's only reason for staying on earth if for her love for Steven.
Steven makes her world brighter.

>> No.23172

Nope. In a month I'll be 30, no dating still.

>> No.23283

because it's a terrible show meant to brainwash kids away from normal behavior

>> No.23370
File: 121 KB, 500x441, 1452332790654.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Steven and Garnet clearly have something going on.

Why Steven and Connie haven't happened yet. Y'all even watch the show?

>> No.23587


Ooh! Wizard!