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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13103210 No.13103210 [Reply] [Original]

Which is better?

>> No.13103215

nothing compares to those fresh ass belgian waffles you get at ski resorts

>> No.13103224

what's the one on the right?

>> No.13103233
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I like both.

>> No.13103234

Waffles if done optimally
Pancakes if not
And no your waffle maker is not optimal

>> No.13103272


>> No.13103273

I'm a pancake kinda person. I love how soft and fluffy they are. I don't put butter or syrup on them so I can enjoy the sponginess and eat them like big soft cookies. Sometimes I put blueberries in them.

>> No.13103289

French toast

>> No.13103298

Please red pill me on your artesian waffles

>> No.13103299

Well OP didn't post Belgian waffles faggot

>> No.13103322
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>Which is better?
When done right, waffles are better all of the time. When they attempt to use the same exact batter for pancakes and waffles, ehh, and cook waffles to a underdone soft and not crisp state, from either bad technique or bad batterr, then and even then waffles are slightly better.

But, a waffles that uses a malted batter, or a yeasty dough, or even a pearl sugar raised yeast dough such as real belgian waffles, there's a texture above all other textures that is divine.

Pecan waffles are the second tier to caramelize crunchy little pearls of sugar, that toasty nutty crrunch. The only next best thing is of course blueberry pancakes and if they are buckwheat pancakes, they're pretty good.

Pic is easy AF blender batter + heated cast iron recipe Dutch Baby. I don't know why this isn't more popular. It's one of my go to fun things to do on a weekend whenever I have some lemons in the house, or some really great sausage or bacon to cook.

>> No.13103323

Waffles are better.

>> No.13103325
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Both are cancer.

>> No.13103345
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>> No.13103356

Do some people really have beans for breakfast?

>> No.13103359

no, the brits aren't real people anymore. they traded in their humanity for their nanny state.

>> No.13103530
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For me it's jam stuffed french toast but ordinary french toast is fine too. So far neither pancakes nor waffles compared in flavour against french toast on their own. Syrup, fruit, or ice cream is optional with French toast whilst the other two need an added sweet product to complete them.

>> No.13103540
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>he doesn't make his own syrup

>> No.13103582
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Unfortunately I don't have five trees to tap my syrup from but I do have pecan and orange trees.

>> No.13103619

Enjoy your maple syrup urine disease and methanol poisoning. Illicit tree syrup manufacturing causes about 15 deaths a year in Canada.

>> No.13103633
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Naleśniki > french toast > pancakes > waffles

>> No.13103664

I make plenty of sticky fluid, just ask your mum
she tapped me out last night

>> No.13103665
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>> No.13103693


>> No.13103706

I like waffles more.

However, my aunt makes pancakes in the strangest way. I've never had any others with the same texture. Hers are moist almost to the point of being raw. Maybe they even are raw. Regardless, I love to eat the pancakes she makes after they have been refrigerated. Those are the only pancakes I prefer to waffles.

>> No.13103796

waffles are great because of the lmao mouthfeel
pancakes are fine and easier to make.

>> No.13103816

>Lmao mouthfeel
Wut did he mean by this, anons?

>> No.13103890

Matters on the quality. If they’re both cheap, then pancakes, but if they’re both really good, then waffles.

>> No.13104068

Their the same thing. Same shape and same taste. Expect one them has holes in them.

>> No.13104087
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>> No.13104106

Trash waffles can sometimes feel like eating some sort of synthetic like carboard or some shit. Trash pancakes are pretty easy to stomach though as long as they're accompanied by something like syrup or fruit to take your mind off them.

Good waffles however, are great (and can actually work in savory dishes), while good pancakes tend to be nice, but unremarkable.

>> No.13104110

Autists on /ck/ believe flavor is the one and only factor in food, texture and mouthfeel are a myth.

>> No.13104112

Waffles are for actual retards

>> No.13104172

Well, your mum has some fine holes if you get my drift.

>> No.13104187
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Well you can’t make pigs in a blanket with waffles.

>> No.13104222
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same, great minds think alike

>> No.13104224
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>> No.13104229

Now this is based.

>> No.13104249

Put a bacon strip in your waffle doh.

>> No.13104278

Oh sure, just like how a taco is a panini

>> No.13104364

I used to like wafles.

Then I worked at a waffle cafe for a year. It was pretty chill, served just waffles so it was just me managing/cooking/serving with a part-timer college student/weird incel minwagie there too half the day..

I ate so many waffles. 3, 4, 5 a day with ice cream, syrup, fruit and nut toppings. they were so good, fresh right off the iron. I started to get a little acid reflux because it's pretty heavy fuel, but whatever, drink some water, not a big deal.

Then I started to get an acute pain in my chest sometimes. I thought it was a muscle cramp, like some kind of carpal tunnel from cooking repetitively. I tried to vary my position and movements but it just kept getting worse. It felt like I was being stabbed in the chest, like I had swallowed a searing coal and it was just burning through my solar plexus. I thought I was having a heart attack or torn esophagus, I thought I was fucking dying. I went to the emergency room ($350) and they CT scanned me, x-rayed me, couldn't find anything wrong. I literally couldn't sleep for 3 nights in a row because of the pain, and the fear i'd die in the night because my heart felt like i had a knife through it. i'd thought any day i'd wake up dead and cold in my girlfriend's arms.

I was so sure I was dying that I quit my job at the waffle cafe so I could spend my last couple weeks alive with my girlfriend. I told her I was tired of it and i wanted a different job.

I didn't die. it went away. turns out? it was just absolutely fucking searing acid reflux. GERD. from eating waffles with ice cream 3x a day for a year. I talked to my mom about it and she was like "oh yeah, i get that sometimes. feels like you're dying, iike you're having a heart attack, right?" thanks for letting me know to look out for that, mom. thanks.

anyway. now i don't eat waffles anymore. haven't had problems since. i don't know what's wrong with my mom's diet that she still has it, she eats just salads every day. maybe that's my future.

>> No.13104370

waffles get cold too fast

>> No.13104405

Waffles are superior you get that slight crispyness to the edges and the way the butter and syrup get into the pockets works really well.

>> No.13104447

What's the difference

>> No.13104455

>oh yeah, i get that sometimes. feels like you're dying, iike you're having a heart attack, right?
I've had GERD/acid reflux that bad before too anon.
it caused so many intense panic attacks, felt like I was dying for months
scary shit my dude
I was playing vidya gaems all day n all night and was smoking
wolfed down a bag of doritos and a big egg english muffin sandwich
downed strong as fuck coffee with added strong cacao
throat felt closed up from the acidity
felt like I was for real dying

>> No.13104746

yeah the funny thing is the owner was like, yeah I have really bad esophagitis, sometimes it's incredibly painful just to swallow. I was like oh that sucks. in retrospect i guarantee you that guy was just eating too much of his own waffles, ice cream & coffee...once you like break your throat's mucus layer or whatever, it's incredibly painful until you give yourself time to recover by just not eating much of anything other than like, celery sticks. now whenever i get even slight acid reflux i just don't eat anything and drink a shitload of water until it goes away, then i eat bland, no-fat food for like a day at least. that shit is scary.

>> No.13104835

THIN waffles ftw

>> No.13104847

Crepes win

>> No.13105374

That’s fucking gross dude.

>> No.13105409

Waffle has more holes
Pancake has no holes
There is more pancake in pancake space than waffle in waffle space
Therefore pancake win everytime

>> No.13105514
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>food analogy

>> No.13105607
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Waffles are like pancakes with a syrup trap

>> No.13105707

pancakes arent pretentious as fuck
having some sort of pattern to make themselves look more interesting or aesthetically pleasing for cubehead autismos
pancakes are honest, and i can appreciate that
they also taste better

>> No.13105711

Bad waffles are better than bad pancakes.
Average waffles are way better than average pancakes.
The best waffles are always better than the best pancakes.

>> No.13105882

Actual Brioche French Toast > Actual Dough Waffle > Buttermilk Pancake > 'I don't understand chemical leavening' Pancake > "French" Toast > Batter Waffle

I make pancakes more often than not because a proper pancake is easier than the other options.

>> No.13105944


>> No.13105958

It's not about being aesthetically pleasing. It is about the batter being thinner around the ridges and more crispy when cooked well. The texture is different from a pancake which is fluffier.

>> No.13105968

What is the fucking difference..

>> No.13106914
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>> No.13107279

Pancake mix in the waffle iron

>> No.13107427

Let me guess, your waffle place used vegetable oil instead of butter in the waffles

>> No.13107434

Waffles, but it’s damn close. Pancakes fucking rock too.

>> No.13107491

Nope. Why would you think that? Is this some kind of vegetable-oil-is-bad conspiracy? they were full butter, far too much butter. I wish it were canola, the saturated fat from all that butter is probably in my veins to this day.

>> No.13107831

>Is this some kind of vegetable-oil-is-bad conspiracy
Uhhh yeah, linoleic acid fucks your shit up. Look up lipid peroxidation and lipofuscin for a start

>> No.13107835

Lol. Usanon has to pay for feeling ill

>> No.13107845
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>*Which is batter


>> No.13107847

I used to get severe IBS and reflux. Doctors just dish out pills. Finally quit cheap veg oil and its all gone. I cook in butter, animal fat, or olive oil.

>> No.13107930

Omega 6 in these oils is what disturbs your stomach and causes reflux

>> No.13107940

A jew made this picture out of fear

>> No.13107974
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Ohhhoho! Maximum lel friendo, well memed!

>> No.13107981
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>> No.13108027

Yeah, that’s linoleic acid

>> No.13108044

I'd cum pair your fresh ass and waffle Belgian style if you know what I mean.

>> No.13108109
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Omega 3 is fine though, just avoid Omega 6 and it’s fine.

I have this since last June and I’m fine but still avoid them.

>> No.13108195


>> No.13108401

cooking method and batter.
waffles turn out crispier with a satisfying amount of bite.
pancakes are soft and porous, which sucks up syrup and butter more easily.

>> No.13108486

Thick slice of hearty sourdough bread with a big chunk of extra sharp aged white cheddar


>> No.13108520

the truth

>> No.13108555

Waffles, obviously. Pancakes are for the lower class.

>> No.13108557

i wouldn't be able to tell you i only eat pizza and propane excesories

>> No.13108564

why not both

>> No.13108576

i would prefer neither, but if i'm at a restaurant that requires me to get a waffle or pancake with the meal.... i guess for meeee... i'd go with a waffle. needless to say, i'd probably give it away... jesus.. what the fuck? do people actually eat this along with other things and consider it to be breakfast? ugh, i have to get the fuck out of this country

>> No.13108604

Pancakes. Waffles are shit. Butter gets clumped up and doesn't melt in because it's sitting in no man's land in the pockets. Same with the syrup being like a mini shot glass of syrup. Disgusting. Pancakes the butter melts in, the syrup melts in, and that layer of moistness with the fluffiness underneath is what is heavenly. Fuck waffles.

>> No.13108721

>he doesn't like neither
You don't belong in any civilized country.

>> No.13108971

>there are only two different sets of serious convictions possible

>> No.13109027

I think I like waffles more because they're crispy, but I definitely order pancakes more frequently

>> No.13109028

>why yes, I only see the world in black and white and I am not mature enough for nuance

>> No.13109041

>i'd thought any day i'd wake up dead and cold in my girlfriend's arms.
>wake up dead