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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13100109 No.13100109 [Reply] [Original]

dont let your dreams be dreams
be the cook you know you can be

>> No.13100127
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today I stumbled into good circumstance, sort of

I know I know sauce in a jar, but they were 1 cad each and are good until 2021
overstock or something I guess? these are usually 4 cad

anyways, today we're seeing how bad my bad memory is and making some pasta
the type of pasta doesn't really matter so I'll be doing a bunch of different shapes hopefully
It's been quite a while since i've done this though so tune in to watch horrible things happen I guess

>> No.13100151

If this isn’t a masoakis parody then I will be disappointed

>> No.13100189
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5 oz water

>> No.13100190
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4.5oz all purpose

>> No.13100193
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4.5oz semen flowers

>> No.13100196

You’re not going to spend 2 boring months on some weird preserves eggs again, are you?

>> No.13100217
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mix the dry and make a well
my waters a little colder than it should be but it'll be fine probably
iirc you want it to be about the same as with yeast but yolo

no I still have eggs that are preserved
I should use some though thanks for reminding me

>> No.13100265
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mix in

>> No.13100270
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once you get roughly this consistency you start properly kneading it

>> No.13100279
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after you've incorporated as much as you can take it out and get kneading on the board, incorporating any leftovers from the bowl

the bowl isnt really kneaded when doing well method but it does make things less messy

>> No.13100283
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keep repeatedly folding it until you get this consistancy, from there knead it into a ball so you have less surface area drying out while you post on 4chan

>> No.13100297
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vaguely remember you need to chill it for a bit and put in the fridge in the bowls while you clean up a bit

>> No.13100456
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Cool, I'll just pick up some decently priced fileted and reliably scaled wild atlantic sole marinated lightly in a mixture of balsamic vinegar NOT of modena and cold pressed extra virgin galician olive oil and thyme, and some white winter truffles for a cognac sauce over it. Fry at high temperature for 15 seconds a side, then finish with a medium low grill. Finish with meyer lemon spritz before serving which are super cheap. Can you suggest a good cvs wine?

>> No.13100570
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seems to be about where I want it and got my tools together so now going to start the shaping process

maybe you need to fix your dreams anon

>> No.13100607
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Is just a little flavor such an investment?

>> No.13100641

I feel like by listing all that shit you are trying to make yourself seem knowledgeable, but it is apparent you are not. You damn sure shouldn't be marinating fish with vinegar. You aren't making a ceviche. Also you are gonna shallow fry then grill? Jesus fuck, sear heavily on the skin side on medium heat to the skin doesn't tear or peel away then bake it the rest of the way.
Good CVS wine? Any of them.

>> No.13100658
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Gaslighting expertise type trolls are a common as flounder. I said lightly, like 5-10 minutes.

>> No.13100694
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cut off a section to work with

>> No.13100698
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>> No.13100708
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>> No.13100720
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>> No.13100726
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roll out and sprinkle with flour

>> No.13100733
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fold and roll gently

>> No.13100737
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well this doesnt seem right
oh well fuck it

some of them looked like cinnamon rolls, might open up in the pot but who knows
spirals could be neat

>> No.13100742
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any of the ones that didnt turn out i just made into little pieces for molding in the next step

>> No.13100757
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italians have unitaskers that help in pasta shaping but I am not an italian I am a weeb

>> No.13100758
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>> No.13100760
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>> No.13100829
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>> No.13100832
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>> No.13100837
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after lifting it they didnt turn out well can barely see the feet print and i had a better idea

>> No.13100840
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folded and rolled it and cut into sections around as tall as the feet are long

>> No.13100842
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this turned out much better this time and was easier to work with

>> No.13100843
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okay well i think i have enough random pasta shapes to make something to eat now

pasta doesnt take very long to cook when its fresh so this is where i'll really fuck it up

>> No.13100872
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>> No.13100875
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between the three varieties i think this one should taste the more like an anime girls feet

>> No.13100878
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only took 2 minutes for the thinner ones but I opted to cook it for 5 given theres some big fucking cinnamon buns in here

>> No.13100882
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pick ur egg

>> No.13100889
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slice thin sections of like leaves, stack and then chop finely like herbs

>> No.13100890

this is fucked up

>> No.13100893
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bone apple tits

>> No.13100919
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it was actually really good, all the thick ones were cooked all the way which is good, was pretty worried about the cinnamon rolls and some of the thicker feet ones
i still have the other half of the dough to use but not tonight, that was very filling.

what is?

>> No.13102596
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patti bump

>> No.13102906

I really like these threads. Please keep posting.

>> No.13102910

>the salt eggs are back
Based Codebro with his descents into madness.

>> No.13104428

yeah i'd like to make more of them but these flat ones are extremely stable and super easy to prep compared to the traditional yolk style

i've considered trying again and cooking the yolks in the salt dish after they've dried out without popping them out, i'm unsure of what sort of results i'd get whether its an improvement in flavour, texture, or longevity at the cost of both of those

i'm not sure what to post about but I do still have the other half of the dough, will likely do more reasonable pasta bits
i'm considering putting some seasoning right into the dough because honestly this sauce is pretty bland

>> No.13106329


>> No.13106357

>these are usually 4 cad
the absolute state of canada

>> No.13106363

i'm actually still not hungry which is really weird, I haven't eaten anything but a few slivers of smoked cheddar since the pasta
the larger pasta must not be digesting at all

I honestly thought i'd get back to that dough much sooner

>> No.13106391

Do you have a huge dick anon? Nice long fingers you have there.

>> No.13106400

massive, it's terrible.

all I want is an affordable onahole that doesn't destroy itself on impact or take up as much space as a printer

>> No.13106403

Are you in toronto anon?

>> No.13106406

no and I'm not gay you twink

>> No.13106420

I'm not a twink I'm a girl. Dont be rude.

>> No.13106428

thats it im making the pasta

>> No.13106444

Why did you use that horrible sauce? You went thru all that trouble to make pasta and then used the worst sauce on it.

>> No.13106465


>> No.13106467
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>> No.13106476

Fine, but use Classico next time. Shoppers usually has them on sale pretty regularly.

>> No.13106478

i usually make my own sauce

only reason im making pasta at all is because I got all that sauce for so cheap

>> No.13106574
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tossing them around in pepper and garlic powder before boiling to see if that does anything

>> No.13106610

Maybe you can make ravioli?

>> No.13106621
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not with this dough, its difficult to get it thin enough

>> No.13106634
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little bits torn off tend to ball up so be a little mindful of that, larger pieces cook slower and if they clump they're essentially one piece

the giant E on begone folded onto itself and a section of its raw so i guess thats karma for not leaping to get my dick sucked on 4chan

>> No.13106640
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warmed up the sauce on the burner while continuously stirring
I often mix on the plated but I wanted these coated really well

>> No.13106645
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now to cheat and make literally anything taste good

>> No.13106653

That looks a million times better!

>> No.13106671
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wala bone apple tits

yeah I should do some ravioli or something in the future though thinking about it
i've got all the stuff needed for it
not sure what i'd put as the fillings though

yeah the small pieces have a much bettermouth feel than the cinnamon rolls too, though those were kind of interesting
it's kinda like chewing on cheese curds