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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 33 KB, 460x465, Red Cup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13098485 No.13098485 [Reply] [Original]

You learn something new every day

>> No.13098495

there's no fucking way that little bit at the bottom represents an ounce
and 5-12 as it gets that much wider? just looking at it there is no fucking way this is accurate

>> No.13098499

This is pretty interesting OP. Thanks for sharing new knowledge here on /ck/!

>> No.13098511

>combining beer, wine, and liquor

>> No.13098526

Yeah you're right, you could double the 5oz height and add another two 1oz, and you would only just reach 12oz, not accounting for the extra diameter. Plus anybody wasting a disposable plastic pint sized cup on 1oz of liquor needs a slap in the face.

>> No.13098534
File: 17 KB, 182x268, MV5BMTUzNTM1MzIwOF5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwODcwNjU0MDE@._V1_UY268_CR3,0,182,268_AL_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What? Of everything to glean from that picture, your takeaway was that you think people combine all those at once?

>> No.13098556
File: 38 KB, 500x503, 1569380490053.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not at the 12 ounce line

>> No.13098577

Not if you were mixing

>> No.13098583

It's a joke

>> No.13098597
File: 2.00 MB, 400x300, Rock Contemplating.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1 oz

>> No.13098598
File: 2.78 MB, 286x400, tenor (10).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>one shot of liquor out of a solo cup

>> No.13098613
File: 88 KB, 640x480, reporting fag desu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A shot is not one ounce desu.

>> No.13098616
File: 25 KB, 320x180, episode-image-320x180.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then it wasn't a good one

>> No.13098732

i liked it
you're just autism

>> No.13098802

>not combining beer, wine, and liquor

>> No.13098831

I can't deny that, however if you didn't recognise it as a joke then I imagine you looking a lot like that guy.

>> No.13098864

Cups are reusable dude. Just wash it out and pour other stuff in

>> No.13098889

why do yanks use those red cups anyway?
see it all the time in TV and movies, even when i traveled through the US and Canada
just drink out of the bottle or can, less cleaning up that way.

>> No.13098898
File: 14 KB, 450x450, serveimage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>According to Dart Container Corporation, the parent company of the Solo brand of iconic red Party Cups, “The lines on our Party Cups are designed for functional performance and are not measurement lines. If the lines do coincide with certain measurements, it is purely coincidental.”

Also worth noting that modern production Solo cups don't have those lines anymore.

>> No.13098915
File: 135 KB, 768x1024, serveimage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>see it all the time in TV and movies
You're not allowed to advertise alcohol on TV shows or in movies so the Solo cup is a quick and generic way to say "beer"
Notice how even in actual beer commercials, at most people are just hanging around with bottles in their hands, no one ever takes a sip.

As for real parties, they're mostly for when you've rented a keg or want to set up a beer pong game. If people are pouring their bottles out into cups then something is very wrong.

>> No.13098922

>drinking wine out of a solo cup

>> No.13098926

>letting 14 year olds drink out of wineglasses

>> No.13098929

They can suckle at the goon bag with everyone else, cunt

>> No.13098935

I could see it happening if you're drinking several types of drinks. You have a couple of beers and then a shot.

>> No.13098943

>You're not allowed to advertise alcohol on TV shows or in movies
You can advertise, you simply can't show someone sip the item in the ad, which is a cravings trigger for alkies.

>As for real parties, they're mostly for when you've rented a keg or want to set up a beer pong game. If people are pouring their bottles out into cups then something is very wrong.
They're just a plastic cup which is disposable. Nothing more, nothing less. People pour out bottled beer into a glass, often. Women especially find it classier not to drink from a bottle, upending it. You could be caught in an unflattering picture, but you can also swallow more air, and miss out on some of the aroma when you take sips. People drink more than beer at parties where beer is served, as well.

>> No.13098946

Pony kegs were very popular up north. Fat little kegs that hold around 7 gallon? that are easy to move around and hard to damage or knock over. Keg rental was usually around 40 USD and I never had to pay to fill it but 8 gallons of swill is probably pretty cheap.

Dixie cups or whatever allow you to pour beer, mix shit, grab wine, booze, whatever. I've been to house parties in the ghetto where they literally had a guy set up a little stand selling all the booze, almost at cost. You pour into a dixie cup, and nobody is judging your ass for filling it with wine though.

>> No.13098947

I brought my own solo cup to a middle school dance one time to look “cool” and the chaperones freaked the fuck out because they assumed it was alcohol I snuck in. Threatened to ban me from all the other middle school events if I ever showed up with another red solo cup.

Solo also makes little red shot cups too

>> No.13098958

>Women especially find it classier not to drink from a bottle
Solo cup isn't exactly classy by any means, and longneck beer bottles are in and of themselves already a concession to women's preferences.

>> No.13099156

It's for when what you're drinking doesn't come in a can or a reasonably sized bottle. You use it for stuff like cocktails, wine, punch or beer from a keg when you're in an environment where glassware is impractical.

>> No.13099190

>Notice how even in actual beer commercials, at most people are just hanging around with bottles in their hands, no one ever takes a sip.

Speaking of beer commercials, this is the best one ever:


>> No.13099233

>If people are pouring their bottles out into cups then something is very wrong.
eh, once you move on to good beer people generally like to pour them into a glass. Pouring a can of shitty beer into a cup is pretty weird but it makes complete sense if you are drinking good beer

but yeah mostly there for kegs or mixed drinks

>> No.13099246 [DELETED] 

uhhhh YEAH! I DO drink alcoholic beverages in plastic cups!!!! O. M. G. How could you tell? What do you mean it has plasticizes in it that mimic estrogen and are dissolved in ethanol-water solution whereby they made it into my body via oral intake of the beverage in question? That sounds bigoted dude, uggghhh! I am so done talking to you. I bet YOU dont got to many parties hha ha. whew *takes sip from big red cup*.

>> No.13099251
File: 10 KB, 572x693, holy frickin fuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uhhhh YEAH! I DO drink alcoholic beverages in plastic cups!!!! O. M. G. How could you tell? What do you mean it has plasticizes in it that mimic estrogen and are dissolved in ethanol-water solution whereby they made it into my body via oral intake of the beverage in question? That sounds bigoted dude, uggghhh! I am so done talking to you. I bet YOU dont got to many parties hha ha. whew *takes sip from big red cup*.

>> No.13099259

>it has plasticizes in it that mimic estrogen and are dissolved in ethanol-water solution whereby they made it into my body via oral intake of the beverage in question
They do not

Also cans are all lined with BPA containing plastic to begin with, and there is literally no biological impact on people from it

>> No.13099262

>They do not [because I say so]

>> No.13099269

I mean feel free to show literally any source suggesting that solo cups impart a biologically relevant amount of any chemical that has estrogen like effects when used for dilute ethanol solutions

>> No.13099279

>let me suggest a study that tunnels in on such a specific item, under such specific circumstances, to a group of humans that would never be approved by an ethics board. Feel free to show me! Oh wait can't find it? hehe, guess all the other evidence and reasoning is null and void because like dude, everyone drinks them, they can't be that harmful!

>> No.13099285

>I mean
Redditor spotted.

>> No.13099287

Dude, you lost and now just sound like a loony /pol/tard. Give it up.

>> No.13099293

You literally just claimed this to be true
> guess all the other evidence and reasoning is null
lol, what evidence?

>everyone drinks them, they can't be that harmful!
if large groups of people do something for very large amounts of time and there is no measurable effect on those people, that does say something

>> No.13099296

i miss going around asking girls if they wanted haircuts at colleg parties and getting drunk with themand asking if they wanted to partner up for pong and high fiving them and hugging them when we won and taking shots together and going back home together brosssssssss. unironically

>> No.13099302

wtf does that possibly have to do with Reddit? As someone who doesn't really read reddit can you fill me in?

>> No.13099306

>asking girls if they wanted haircuts at colleg parties
you what?

>> No.13099308

You cant claim something isn't true because of a lack of evidence when you provided none to prove it is retard

>> No.13099318

a friend and i would bring a bottle of peppermint schnapps and some chocolate syrup and ask if they wanted a haircut. wed sit the girl into a chair and ask them to tilt their head back and open their mouths. pour a tiny bit of syrup, a shot of two of schnapps, and a bit more syrup and they snap their head back forward and take the shot. the durnker we got if we spilled the syrup wed have to lick it off of them and vice versa

>> No.13099347
File: 30 KB, 640x723, brainlet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wrong picture, senpai

>> No.13099701

>You're not allowed to advertise alcohol on TV shows or in movies
so just put the palm of your hand over the label.
wew so hard.

>> No.13099709

>the state of zoomers
How did you babies get so stupid?

>> No.13099713

What's the point then?

>> No.13099723

that is also often done on network TV

>> No.13099766

Their parents were the first group to grow up with cell phones and reliable internet. It's the first generation of this shit.

>> No.13099778

>Their parents were the first group to grow up with cell phones and reliable internet
Um, most Zoomers are not the children of people in the mid to late 20s right now

>> No.13099785

>You can measure with it.
>With the perfectly not see thru cup.

>> No.13099797

um, you can see the ridges from the inside while pouring

>> No.13099881

There's two labels.

>> No.13100301


>> No.13100372


>> No.13102182
