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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13096567 No.13096567[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why do people pretend to hate Chick-fil-A?

>> No.13096585

>*people pretend to like chick fil a

>> No.13096652

>people pretend to like fast food

>> No.13096659


>> No.13096677


Because they're gay.

>> No.13096689

Love their ice cream cones. They texture of the ice cream is so much grainier than regular ice cream, while the consistency is thicker and the flavor is richer. You'd think there's only so much you can do with a soft serve cone, but damn.

>> No.13096779

What does that have to do with anything, anon?

>> No.13096806

they don't, they're constantly rated the #1 fast food chain in multiple categories and overall. you get the occasional seething lefty who can't accept someone has opinions that differ from their own so they sperg out and the media doesn't help with every single topic that involves CFA has to be prefaced with words like 'controversial' or 'anti-lgbt' as if being pro-lgbt isn't far more controversial.

>> No.13096808

blue check marks and faggots are not people

>> No.13096811

>b-but muh sodomites

>> No.13097030

They're really oddly obsessed with stopping Ugandans from buttfucking for some reason. The staff is polite and I like the lemonade, but the Uganda thing is just weird.

>> No.13097038

Why do you care about people butt fucking you weirdo

>> No.13097049
File: 283 KB, 438x728, NoWeddingCakesHere.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm gay and I don't like funding my own oppression.

>> No.13097053


how about you stop being gay?

>> No.13097054

>proudly posts a pic of them making the world a shittier place for everyone because someone wanted nothing to do with them

>> No.13097089

Why do sodomites have to ruin everything? Whatever happened to what happens in the bedroom, stays in the bedroom?

>> No.13097093
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You know you don't have to be gay, right?

>> No.13097104

Imagine paying 4$+ for a chicken breast when you can buy a whole chicken for 5$

>> No.13097107

Imagine buying food when you can slowly cry

>> No.13097109

>Hot fresh food
>Good food
>Great choices
>Has a vision and sticks to it
>Above average customer service
>Pays employees well

>Men can't suck their boyfriend's dick, which has nothing to do with CFA

I dunno

>> No.13097117

Because watching the chick-fil-a internet defense force faggots crawl out of the woodwork whenever someone implies their chicken shack isn't the greatest thing to ever grace the earth is amusing.
Pretty good sandwiches though.

>> No.13097124

why does /pol/ feel the need to shit up every board?

>> No.13097134

>/pol/ shitting up every board by believing they should be left alone and not have to pay tons of taxes
>lefty making it a good place by trying to control what people are allowed to say
How about you fuck off? The reason you come here is because you made the rest of the internet a shitty stale place to be, and now you have to come here like the disgusting parasite you are.

>> No.13097137

Why are you gay?

>> No.13097144
File: 30 KB, 530x423, 600E0390-3B0F-4D17-8C87-F434F7A13AEC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What we believe in is too important to not share with the rest of 4chan/nel and the rest of the internet. We own this place, kid.

>> No.13097148

It isn't bad at all, just overrated. It's good but not nearly as good as people make it to be. Saged.

>> No.13097149

Unironically /pol/ has energy. The lefties try to copy it even by trying to get mad at something like a /pol/tard would and it’s completely ineffectual and they know it.

>> No.13097188

How about you stop being a fag

>> No.13097194

We run this shit.

>> No.13097211

They get bored with their virtue signalling circlejerk on /pol/ and like to pretend they're frontline evangelicals for their npc causes.

>> No.13097217

That’s not using virtue signalling right. I bet you unironically virtue signal like the shallow lefty you are.

>> No.13097221

>I’m gay

Just because you were molested as a child doesn’t mean you have to live a life of degeneracy. Unironically seek God.

>> No.13097222

Kek, can't wait for you faggots to get megabuttblasted next year.

>> No.13097224

Uhh, to what candidate

>> No.13097227


[Oppresses Christians who don't want to make a cake for your sodomy]


Faggotry is a mental illness. It needs to be cured by force.

>> No.13097228

Why would we get mad at Clinton losing 4 times?

>> No.13097233

Trump is a kike plant just like everyone else, you newfag reddit fuck. Literally every candidate up for election will end up doing the exact same kike cocksucking the moment they get in office, including trump.

>> No.13097236

It’s hilarious how they try to convince themselves and others that they’re the normal ones for trying to force rules on others.

>> No.13097238


>> No.13097244

Trumps israeli funding comes from a single eccentric right wing israeli living jew billionaire, the globohomos hate him and that’s a good thing.

>> No.13097250

>why do people?

>> No.13097259

Please keep anti-semitism off 4channel. Hiro's already scraping the bottom of the ad barrel.

>> No.13097265

Chik-fil-A is run by Christians and the CEO has gone on record as saying being gay is a sin.

>> No.13097266

The current ceo? Because I thought it was the founder, who has been dead for years.

>> No.13097267


Ummm Anon you can't be racist if you have no power. Incel NEETs are at the bottom of the oppression totem pole. Racism is prejudice plus power. How can a NEET oppress a billionaire? Please be more considerate as an ally.

>> No.13097274

I only eat chicken sandwiches on sundays

>> No.13097283

Same. I’ll buy a meal from them every Saturday and wait until Sunday to eat it. It REALLY pisses off conservatards!!

>> No.13097284

So does popeye's have its chicken sandwiches back yet? Everyone seemed to agree they were better tasting and less homophobic.

>> No.13097285

>and the CEO has gone on record as saying being gay is a sin


>> No.13097293

I’ve never been before, what should I get?

>> No.13097294

>died shortly after the publicity started
I call foul play

>> No.13097300


yo check this out, get a chicken from popeyes get some bread from walmart


instant sandwich, don't let the life hack blow your mind too hard

>> No.13097307


Chicken sandwich (your choice on spicy or not), large waffles fries and a lemonade. Nothing more, nothing less

>> No.13097308


>> No.13097315

they sell chicken at the walmart deli too

>> No.13097340
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Reminder that the name was changed from Chic-fil-a

>> No.13097350

That gay guy with the unpronouncable name. Hopefully he'll board up all CFA's as punishment for their homophobia.

>> No.13097364


>> No.13097367

What's wrong with the truth?

>> No.13097380

My boyfriend and I eat there from time to time because who fucking cares what the CEO does on his own time with his own money. It's fucking fast food. You aren't morally superior because you decide to stuff you fat face with a Big Mac as opposed to a CFA sandwich

>> No.13097726

The literally gassed my grandparents

>> No.13097736
File: 196 KB, 1016x698, trump zion don.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
