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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13094769 No.13094769 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Post Slop 'o Shits that you actually want to eat

Hardmode: Not anglosphere food

>> No.13094780

I'm craving tendies and fries now..

>> No.13094783

50 Shades of Brown

>> No.13094894
File: 46 KB, 500x333, 00f09371cf6d3ff93df879ea64e5c8df[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like shit but good god is it good

>> No.13094903
File: 612 KB, 1080x1920, Snapchat-1611586255.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Canes is fucking shit

>> No.13094983
File: 72 KB, 960x540, doner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's so good bros... why don't we have it in america...

>> No.13095617

this made my peepee hard

>> No.13095621

I've never had curly fries that were good, it's always undersalted bland bullshit

>> No.13095671

Canes fries are the only thing that look like shit.. even then they actually retain their freshness quite well even when cold, almost like a potato chip but the tendies are actually very good.. it isn't cheap tho.. the sauce is just peppered ketchup/mayo plus some other subtle but nice flavor. Lemonade is up there too

>> No.13095703 [DELETED] 
File: 64 KB, 1000x665, poutine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish slop o shit wasn't a banned phrase because it describes my favorite genre of food: one where it's not possible to quantify how much you're eating. No "one of this" no "two of those." I just want to stuff my face with a big slop o shit, especially when there's potatoes involved

>> No.13095733

Isn't that just pretty much a chicken gyro?

>> No.13095743
File: 518 KB, 3125x2177, 1a8nzypbw6fz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does tonkotsu shoyu count as a slop o' shit?

>> No.13095751

I had Cane's a few weeks ago and I was fairly disappointed. They put my chicken in an aluminum pan and all the steam made the breading soggy.

>> No.13095793

those aren't curly fries my dude

>> No.13095844
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I miss it so much but it's too high-calorie and high-sodium for me to be eating anymore.

>> No.13095879

You can easily cut down the calories and salt by half without affecting the taste.

>> No.13095890 [DELETED] 

Banned phrase? What?

>> No.13096529 [DELETED] 

It's filtered if you type out "of". Slop o shit was a little meme for like 2 days before some butthurt faggot mod banned it.

>> No.13096642
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the bottom layer is macaroni salad

>> No.13096646

Slop o’ shit is more fun anyway

>> No.13096656

hmmm chedar or what's the sauce?

>> No.13096744

shoyu my dick

>> No.13096763


>> No.13096765
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>> No.13096769

>literally a bowl of slop
i would not eat this one

>> No.13096937

What's the appeal of this kind of stuff? I'm just wondering.

>> No.13096942

>fried meat and starch dipped in fatty sugary vinegary sauce
>I don’t get it
One day you’re going to beat anorexia

>> No.13096945

..it tastes good? are you stupid?

>> No.13096990 [DELETED] 

I like how the mods ban slop o shit but not all the meme words that are actually ruining discussion on this site (ie. ___pilled, anything related to soi, cringe, based, NPC, reddit, etc)
The words I listed above lead to lazy discussion. Instead of giving an actual opinion people just repeat based/cringe/redpilled whatever. Reddit accusations derail on-topic threads entirely. These are problems that ruin this website as a whole.
>inb4 newfag redditor
I was here before reddit was ever a boogieman.

>> No.13097003
File: 163 KB, 1200x800, lentil-stew-sausage-horiz-a-1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lentil stew. Or any kind of indian food. Only if it was made by a white man or a pajeet who has an understanding of basic hygiene.

>> No.13097145

>Garbage plate
Mah nigga
Where do you go for yours, fellow Rochesterian?

Poor taste
The meat hot sauce on top is patrician

>> No.13097168

That isn't a slop of anything newfag.

>> No.13097173
File: 2.23 MB, 996x3318, 1570565654409.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's so good bros

>> No.13097231

These look like Rally/Checkers Fries

>> No.13097257

They used to have proper prep and serving methods to keep things crispy, but since they've expanded they don't give a shit. Sad fall from grace.

>> No.13097392

Id destroy that, what is the sauce?

>> No.13097439

>bottom layer
my dick oh god macaroni salad

>> No.13097441


>> No.13097488

When youre so retarded.

>> No.13097600

It's like $8 for a box combo, how poor are you

>> No.13097706

Because we dont take every sand nigger that wants to come here.

>> No.13097722

8 dollars for a box of soggy shit and sugar water.

>> No.13097772

>buying fast food and expecting quality

>> No.13097794

For 8 dollars I could make my own tendies. That's no longer fast food. I expect a level of quality that exceeds my own abilities.

>> No.13097883

American living in Germany. Not to nitpick, but the difference between an American schwarma or gyro and a Döner Kebab is huge.

Gyro is typically lamb (or beef + lamb mixture) in a very soft flatbread folded like a taco. Veggies are tomato, lettuce, onion, sometimes cucumber. Sauce is usually Tzatziki.

Döner is either chicken or veal (chicken is definitely the standard option though) in a grilled piece of spread that is split open, so not a taco shape but a pocket filled with stuff. Veggies are multiple types of cabbage, tomato, and raw onion. Sauce is garlic sauce, and usually a little bit of powdered pepper.

Sounds similar but very different tastes, especially in terms of the meat. Overall I'd prefer a Döner most times but I would give the edge to American-Style gyros when made from lamb.

>> No.13097909

What's the groumette of fast food that isn't fast food? I've gone to Big Al's and that shit's bomb to me

>> No.13097927
File: 189 KB, 800x800, 6797351101_a246a40795_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

theres a place around here that serves something called the "magic mountain", it's like poutine but worse for you

>> No.13097997

The only word of that bunch that I use is based because I like it for some dumb reason. But you're spot on. It's almost like the people running this site want to keep discussion watered down and keep the userbase fighting and acting like retards.

>> No.13098067

It's a race to the bottom when you start censoring words. People find replacements and workarounds, because just filtering speech doesn't filter individuals that use it- especially when they can endlessly ban-evade. The mods have probably accepted the doomed state of this site, and only filter the newest extremely forced memes from off-site users.

>> No.13098095

Shut up, you sIop of shit.

>> No.13098108
File: 738 KB, 2649x2428, ccf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13098122

Dump this entire tray onto a pan, bake it for 10 more minutes in the oven at 300F.

>> No.13098125 [DELETED] 


>> No.13098189

>he doesn’t care about my face being posted
>haha le ebin meme
I used to love 4chan screenshots but every single one since 2014 has been fucking cancer because the only autistic faggots willing to put these together anymore are reddit niggers who can’t wait to show off their ebin find

>> No.13098238 [DELETED] 

The mods on /ck/ are faggots, they continuously shit on perfectly good threads and then ignore blatant rule breaking.
I’ve seen underage faggots on here, I’ve seen porn on here, I’ve seen all sorts of shit on here. It never gets deleted as fast as the slightly “off-topic threads” that usually are far more related to food.

Examples: anything to do with drugs, alcohol, /ck/ as a whole, 4chan as a whole, etc

>> No.13098528

I especially love this one because i guarantee that almost everyone on this website looks like a fatter/skinnier version of this guy.

>> No.13098561

It's not 2010. We're a minority now.

>> No.13098566

Looks like it's chili fries with pastrami from The Hat in southern California. Trust me, it's hot enough. They dump the cheese on right before giving it to you but it all melts by the time you start eating it. It doesn't need any further heating, everything is already freshly cooked.

>> No.13098618


Actually I'm attractive just anti social

>> No.13098625

If everyone on the internet still looked like that it’d still be good

>> No.13098645
File: 10 KB, 238x84, 1565894811035.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>actually I'm attractive

>> No.13098653

>tfw decent face shape but terrible skin from a decade of severe acne, and heavy bags under your eyes
I'd be better off as a girl, since they can cover all of that with makeup. Guys are expected to have good looks naturally. I'm not a Hollywood makeup artist that can make my face look like I have no makeup.

>> No.13098660

>he gets the sandwich
>doesn't sub slaw for bread bob style and take one strip and make his own sandwich
Get a load of this guy

>> No.13098747

Lentil soup is based. Simple af yet full of flavor if you spice it up.

>> No.13098795

simple as

>> No.13098845

Found the OP

>> No.13098918

I think places that serve Doner around here typically look like that pic and meet your Doner description, with the exception that they DO typically use pita flatbread instead of a split piece of grilled bread. Only one place I've ever tried had that style with the grilled bread. Most other places serve both gyro and Doner so just stock one type of bread, I guess?

Main difference is lettuce and the sauce, Imo. The rest might not be authentic but it's fucking close enough.

>> No.13098994

You could look into chemical peels, microdermabrasion, and fraxel laser treatments of different intensities. Even microdermabrasion on the more gentle side could greatly improve the acne scarring. My mother and stepmother both had some pretty severe scarring and ended up with practically normal skin afterwards. It's just that the more intense treatments take more time and care to heal, so several less harsh treatments over time may be a good way to do it and spread the cost. Bags aren't easy to treat, but you may be able to get some improvement with skin treatments and red light therapy, which by the way (RLT) can completely clear up existing acne.

>> No.13099062
File: 434 KB, 3250x1757, RFOcC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

obligatory studio ghibli post

>> No.13099177

oh god, absolute perfection

>> No.13099219

Chili cheese

>> No.13099232

Thanks, I'll screencap your post and consider it.

>> No.13099248

This scene always resonated with me, even as an American kid. My parents would brazenly go and do whatever they wanted, even as my kid mind recognized that it was rude and unusual of them. To this day, Boomers are a mystery, even if Miyazaki didn't intend for that feeling.

>> No.13099412

youre just a pussy

>> No.13099414

Were you an only child

>> No.13099424

No, but my older sister was a nightmare creature who existed to belittle me like an abusive third parent. To this day I rarely communicate with her.

>> No.13100345
File: 272 KB, 1080x1158, Screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mods actually banned me for this shit, wtf

>> No.13100349


>> No.13100365

What the fuck. That's retarded.

>> No.13100404
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>> No.13100413
File: 68 KB, 1000x562, oo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13100477

This scene gave me nightmares. I watched this in Morocco as an American kid.

>> No.13100490

id smash

>> No.13100550
File: 46 KB, 600x703, 1569939229790.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually we talked it over and the verdict is in: you are undoubtedly the ugliest user on /ck/. Absolutely tragic, your blinding ugliness is.

>> No.13100654

what does the tendie dipping sauce taste like?

>> No.13100685

The turks are actually pretty moderate and their food is amazing

Its the north africans im afraid of

>> No.13101375

>fry up police on the premises
>see this
>tea nearly black
>fried tomatoes and mushrooms
>no white pudding
>two different toast shapes
>american bacon, not rashers

Mate you were lucky they didn't do you for that

>> No.13101504


>> No.13101602

Dunno about in Germany, but I find gyros is usually pork or chicken where I live
t. Straightreek

>> No.13101622

The Hat's chili fries are delicious but destroy my rectum desu

>> No.13101628

>muh 2014
go back to plebbit false flag newnigger that pic was funny

>> No.13101630

I figured itd be all over your major cities

>> No.13102704

Get fukt newfag cringe blupilled soiboi numale reddit goyim bugman poster sneed XD

>> No.13103280
File: 164 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me, it's deep fried koolaid balls

>> No.13104419

Soijacks of any variety should be an automatic 1 month ban from all boards.

>> No.13104533

Muh bro. I did some school in Germany and this was the best drunk food ever. I was in Norway a few weeks ago and I went on drunk hunts for them. Only found one proper one, and yes it was served by who you think. Still good

>> No.13104579
File: 38 KB, 600x600, IMG_0155.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That gives some of my most egrigious farts. I only eat it before a long car trip with my wife. It makes her want to drive so she can control the windows.... the more you know, anons

>> No.13104620

Not him, but it really wasn't. You people have ruined this site.

>> No.13104629

That just makes me think of hard times when binging was one of life's only comforts. Also that's not enough chipotle mayo.

>> No.13104747

I don't like chicken, is there a pork version?

>> No.13104882

Do not want, have superior gyro

>> No.13104937

you do you stupid faggot. just because it's not on every other block like mcdicks doesn't mean you can't get it in literally fucking any urban area

>> No.13105138

Tops is better.

>> No.13105177

this dude binges

>> No.13105178
File: 906 KB, 860x728, Screenshot_20191018-225823.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

moco loco