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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 656 KB, 653x580, AdamRagusea.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13087592 No.13087592 [Reply] [Original]

>no you don't need <widely acknowledged way of making this dish>
>just do <lazy alternative> instead
this guy bothers me so much, if I want to watch a homecook I rather stick to babish, he actually puts some effort in, into the food and the editing

this fuck should stick to teaching journalism

imagine studying journalism, I'd rather study liberal arts

>> No.13087608

>I rather stick to babish
CHADam is /ourguy/

>> No.13087614

>i hate this guy so much
>*makes multiple daily threads about him*
Fuck off.

>> No.13087616
File: 4 KB, 118x125, CFEDDCA7-0A8D-4E5A-82CF-B5B3979EC9DE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>zoomies talking about fucking Youtubers again
Get your own opinions you fucking retards

>> No.13087622

I want Adam to fill with his semen

>> No.13087635

>/ck/ is one person
>no counter arguments

>> No.13087645

You can't hide behind anonymity when you spam the same threads every singe day. I'd literally never heard of this guy before you showed up a couple month ago.

>> No.13087666

this is the first ragusea thread I ever made, I know him from /ck/

>> No.13087670

So you just regurgitate the first garbage you see. I think /b/ would be more your speed.

>> No.13087678

I never seen this criticism made before. I thought this was an original opinion of mine

>> No.13087724
File: 633 KB, 1200x628, Fuckface.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

speaking of /ck/ youtube people that annoy you
I really hate that this talentless hack has the gall to print out cookbooks and make cooking tutorial videos when he doesn't even have any sort of culinary training

>> No.13087777

look im sure most people here agree that babish is a hack(most of his videos revolve around copying shitty food network recipes and adding whatever "special tv-show themed ingredient" he pulled out of his ass). but most people that publish cookbooks have no culinary experience and arent even qualified to make food as a school lunch lady. cookbooks have, and always will be just be another easy way to make a quick buck off of the poor desperate suckers who think that they'll suddenly be good at cooking because they got a product sponsored by their favorite celebrity chef.

>> No.13087785

*sniff sniff*
What's that smell in this thread?

That's the self satisfied smug odor of classically trained french chefs.

>> No.13087807

That's his appeal, you dummy.

If I had a YT channel I'd have polemics as well.

>> No.13087813

The same kind of brainless morons who made the Kardashians famous have made this no talent bald faggot famous. Too many fucking morons on this planet.

>> No.13087827

cookbook = recipe book
he doesn't necessarily teach you anything in the book (maybe he does, I don't know), but for the most part it's a collection of his recipes which he did create (even if it's based on a dish, there's no official recipe for that dish, so it's technically his recipe)

>> No.13087882
File: 67 KB, 352x264, 1571103141546.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine getting this ass blasted over any youtuber. Both their channels are your standard cooking shows, I fail to see what's so bad about either.

>> No.13087977


>> No.13088000

Pretty sure Babish is bisexual at least
he brought his gf on to the last episode

>> No.13088002
File: 626 KB, 1132x755, 578a8143-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

daily reminder that this is his ugly, liberal, woke wife

>> No.13088018


>> No.13088026
File: 24 KB, 333x500, lm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

um, no.

>> No.13088158
File: 3.80 MB, 2848x4272, Lauren-Morrill-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She a cute

>> No.13088173
File: 153 KB, 384x390, 1517482557.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

babish is a fucking nigger
>heres a series where I do charity on camera and fellate myself

>> No.13088181
File: 163 KB, 1280x720, Joshua weissman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How yall feel about this guy? Hes pretty corny, but i think he the best cooking youtuber. Hes also worked in an actual restaurant as a line cook i think

>> No.13088193

Do you think she lets Adam touch her puss puss sometimes?

>> No.13088210

>that tooth gap
>that American flag defiled and debased around the neck of a traitorous liberal
>book nerd
You can tell just by looking at her all she reads are shitty romance novels and game of thrones

>> No.13088223
File: 139 KB, 1280x720, D-f2qmJVUAAV-uJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/v/ is invading again

>> No.13088228

I want to have consensual, protected sex with her

>> No.13088311
File: 48 KB, 750x546, 1531889594497.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13088329
File: 83 KB, 675x1200, Jj_SwF7nYURBgkQ2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lookit the cozy family

>> No.13088488

This is what a genuine seethe looks like

>> No.13088983

The corn gets annoying but otherwise I like him

>> No.13089053

It's well documented that Adam is aware of 4chan(nel). I would expect that he creates most of the threads that show up here himself.

>> No.13089124

god hes so hot

>> No.13090538

>But do you wanna know what is also really swole, B-role.

>> No.13090545

How many generations before his descendants are cyclopes?

>> No.13090743

nice 7's

>> No.13090754

God damn it how did this normie find out about my secret club?

>> No.13090797

>he doesn't even have any sort of culinary training
gotta love gatekeeping cooking like its some super secret skill nobody can do outside of professionals

>> No.13090801
File: 412 KB, 720x529, jzvvib22srl21.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13090889

He’s pretty annoying but as far as actual cooking advice he is way better than most. He is legit

>> No.13090906

nobody is saying you can't cook without training, however teaching technique without formal training is slightly different you know
on top of which he's making money off of visual presentation and memes not cooking anyway

>> No.13090931

he's corny and annoying but at least he can cook

>> No.13090995

Fucking shovelface if ive ever seen one.

>> No.13091059
File: 23 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you think about the ginger ? I've stumbled upon him searching for smashburger recipes and he's pretty based.

>Good cooking advices
>Excellent editing
>Pleasant, non-douchy personality
>Not nearly as reddit as adam, not afraid to make fucking tacos


>> No.13091060
File: 14 KB, 359x470, raguseao.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>imagine still seasoning your meat in 2019

>> No.13091534
File: 323 KB, 359x470, index.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why I flavor my soy...NOT my boy

>> No.13091606

he seems pretty decent at being lazy and cutting corners effectively to me. i am lazy and value that. though he is sometimes effete, i doubt any moreso than other cooking e-celebs desu

>> No.13091615

this is elite boomerposting. do one with barack HUSSEIN obongo crosseyed next.

>> No.13091651

Not them but who needs an argument? I've only ever heard of this guy from ck threads. Why would you watch his videos if you don't like him? Do you try to watch every shitty youtube channel that disappointed yo

>> No.13091696

He literally only offers lazy solutions when it doesn't affect the finished product at all. Just cuts labor. You just don't know what you're talking about

>> No.13091727

He seems more triggered over politics than cooking anyways. Snowflakes always get upset at who other people marry.

>> No.13091735

Personality leaves a bit to be desired, but his recipes are good - if expensive.

>> No.13091737

Babish is a turbofag

>> No.13091810

he said you don't need to stir a risotto and you can just add all the stock at once
a "turbofag" with a 9/10 girlfriend

>> No.13091881

He doesn't do any teaching though nor are any of his dishes difficult to make. They're pretty retard friendly. The guys definitely a meme chef but he's not arrogant like adam.

>> No.13091895

journalism is a part of liberal arts though

>> No.13091916

chef john has a recipe for a non-stir risotto too. seemed to work, check it out if you don't believe me

>> No.13091917

Does anyone know where he got all the money from? I mean like before he did youtube?

>> No.13091953

Actually a good cook

>> No.13091965

Graphic designer or some other similarly useless career.

>> No.13092347

holy shit he using the rlm song

>> No.13093690

Shes a YA writer lmfao

>> No.13093695

You go back like... 10 years on his YouTube channel and he has a 5 minute interview with Leonard Nimoy...

>> No.13094346

His wife is pretty cute too.

>> No.13094533
File: 1.53 MB, 1903x956, Screenshot_2019-10-20 bigclivedotcom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're going to be get parasocial with youtubers, check out this comfy Manx bear :-)

>> No.13094683

Regardless of your opinion of him (he is trash), the one good thing about his videos is the editing

>> No.13094690

I dont like him as well. he's trash

there's something very annoying in his recipes

too bad videoblocker stop working but I heard that blocktube still works so I'll try to shut down this guy channel from appearing in the recommendations

>> No.13094716

It's because he's not a cook, he's a cooking themed youtube personality. He needs to constantly put out videos even when there's no real content for him to create. Go over to /fit/ and they got the same problem with fitness youtubers "Don't do THIS EXERCISE, do THIS EXERCISE instead" as if the same basic curls people have been doing for a hundred years don't work.

>> No.13094736
File: 39 KB, 720x644, 26b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

baked and breadpilled

>> No.13094884

in bongland maybe

>> No.13094962

The text message sfx and the echo from his kitchen acoustics were a little annoying, but seemed alright otherwise.

>> No.13094987

Honing is sharpening. It removes a nonzero amount of material.

>> No.13094991

Typically you need a personality to be an online personality.

>> No.13095094

Adam > Babish

If I wanna cook at home, I want the lazy alternative. I'm not trying to impress myself, I just wanna eat decently easy tandoori chicken. If I wanted a fancy-ass version of whatever, I would use an online recipe.

He fills the niche of bringing more approachable recipes and makes entry-level cooking easier.

Elitest GTFO

>> No.13095187

BASED bigclive poster
The best youtuber out there bar none

>> No.13095191

You like watching gay bears ;)

>> No.13095756

Movie editing or special effects or something wasn't it?

>> No.13095775

vfx artist for commercials. doing things like removing logos or changing the color of people's shirts

>> No.13095895

The only thing that legit annoys me about Babish is his whole 'you have to make the bread from scratch' thing that pads out his videos. No I am not talking shit about bakebros but there is fucking NOTHING entertaining about watching the process of proofing dough and yadda-yadda that goes on for ten minutes. Listen, Babish. We saw it once. If we wanna make the fuckin' bread we'll look it up in your older videos. You do not need to show us every. Single. Time.

>> No.13095900

rent free. Seethe

>> No.13095903

Bread making is like golf. Fun when you're actually DOING it but watching somebody else do it makes you wanna kill yourself.

>> No.13096024

He should get rid of those pubes on his face.

>> No.13096046
File: 301 KB, 512x384, babish.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People only started watching his videos for the spectacle of seeing food that you recognise from tv, but he clearly misread that as people watching his videos because he's a good cook.
It inflated his ego to the point where he thinks a 2 year old youtube channel merits him handing out wisdom and thinking he can sell things by putting his name and face on them.
It's pretty harmless though. He's clearly doing it to make money, as 99% of people would in the same shoes. You're just an idiot if you can't see this and buy into it all.

>> No.13096103

Is this guy famous on /ck/?

>> No.13096128

While we're talking about Food youtubers that piss us off, Bon Appetit takes the cake for me. They always show up in my algorithm because they're a magazine, and I swear that they receive a front page/recommended boost from YouTube because they are a traditional media organization. But back to the point. The people on that channel all seem dull. I saw a video where a girl was eating BBQ or something, and she seemed like a vapid bimbo. Then I saw a video where the guy that everyone likes went noodling(catching catfish) with Oklahoma white trash. They took forever to get to the point, and in a display of effeminate fake male energy, decided to torment the Catfish that they had grabbed, instead of just putting the thing in a bucket or just killing it right away. So I don't see what you guys like about Bon Appetit.

>> No.13096138

It’s the kind of vain substanceless high quality crap complete with virtue signaling that sells today

>> No.13096200

I agree with you but brad is based

>> No.13096623

His early videos were cool but then he started making everything so oddly political and left leaning. Plus he wouldn't shut the fuck up about that university and their farm every single episode for minutes on end.

>> No.13097632

At least his recipes can be used to make actual food. Unlike those content farming 'Yummy' videos that show clever 'hacks' that are just jump cuts. Trying any of that shit has been hilariously proven to either be inedible or incredibly dangerous. Like one video that shows a 'spun sugar hack' of molten caramel drizzled onto spinning blender blades. Melting down sugary treats is actually used in prisons as an improvised napalm weapon. At 300f hasta lasagna, you don't want THAT on ya.

>> No.13097822

Well he CAN sell things, I am sure his book is succesful.

Youtubers nowadays are a weird phenomenon anyway. I am sure many people who buy his book just want to support him financially because they like the channel. Just like people supporting Youtubers on Patreon.
I kind of get why they do it, but I would never do it myself, especially for such big channels, he obviously already has enough money. I wonder why people do this, it must be more than just liking a channel. I upboat videos to help content creators but would never invest actual money.

>> No.13097826

So what do we think about his latest video?

>> No.13098555
File: 42 KB, 271x288, 1490260781_be000b40f1cbc92965d4df79639f6da4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did he mindbreak /ck/ into liking him?

>> No.13098911


babish is a completely fine cook. what bothers me is the performance. i watched them less and less over time and stopped the first time he called a sauce pan "sospin."