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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 206 KB, 1600x900, 7C39BC27-6D7D-48DB-9111-84F9BAA2697C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13077536 No.13077536 [Reply] [Original]

So what did he actually do wrong here? If im a football player i def wouldn’t want to eat traditional banquet food, that stuff sucks.

I’ve been to so many of them with executives and no one wants to eat.

>> No.13077577

Welcome to the party but you’re late.
Very late.

>> No.13077602

It's just so white trash; fast food on silver platters. It was last minute and he paid out of pocket for it, though. Gotta do what you gotta do. Could a catering company have come up with something as fast?

>> No.13077611

It was her fucking turn, bigots

>> No.13077614

Or, for that matter, as cheaply? Burger for $4/ea or some chicken dish for $30/plate. Normally taxpayer money. Dunno why anybody would be upset.

>> No.13077624

The White House has a full, experienced kitchen staff constantly on call. I'm sure they could whip up better cheeseburgers than fucking McDonalds. I'd be a little pissed if I got invited to the White House and got served the same shit you can buy at 2AM off the Ohio turnpike

>> No.13077634

Homemade cooking is definitely cheaper. .. Even burgers. Other options are frostings, fillings, creams, fudges, brownies, cookies, cakes, and toffees, soups, stews, etc., especially amongst stevia, which is largely *a definer* for proper meal enjoyment.

>> No.13077635

Nothing. Liberals shut down the government, people needed to be fed, and Trump acted like a true leader and made sure they got fed.

>> No.13077636

McDonalds is trash food. Would you serve trash to your guests and then pretend you're the greatest man alive for doing so?

>> No.13077646

I enjoy good food as much as anyone, but sometimes I just want some McDonalds. I don't see anything wrong here. I can fill up on quarter pounders fried and fish sandwiches on the Prez's dime. Maybe it pisses off people who think the president should feed them 5 star cuisine but I wouldn't pitch a fit over junk food.

>> No.13077657

Yes, everybody prefers cold mcdonalds hamburgers...

>> No.13077668

It was the best and the most wonderful food ever to have been served in the white house.

>> No.13077670

If I didn't have access to any of my kitchen staff, I'd probably would.

>> No.13077702


>> No.13077705
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Frenchfag here. That's why I love this guy, even if he's too zionist for me. This is america, shit get done, no rules, no tradition, no convenience. The fucking POTUS ordered burgers from McD out of his fucking pocket for his guests. You should crown this guy and be glad to have him.

>> No.13077706

Theres nothing wrong with it. Champagne socialists are just mad that Trump is a real average joe man of the people who knows how to live amongst the working class.

>> No.13077716
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>Trump is a real average joe man of the people who knows how to live amongst the working class

>> No.13077727

haha is this a picture of yourself? fuckin downie kys trump is great MAGA

>> No.13077730

hate to pile on but you just got annihilated holy fucking kek

>> No.13077732

This was during a government shut down so the kitchen staff wasn't available iirc.

>> No.13077734
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>> No.13077741
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Shopping for and making them is way more fun.

>> No.13077748

There must be classier places in DC than Burger King and McDonalds. Is there no Olive Garden in DC?

>> No.13077754

>Trump is a real average joe man of the people who knows how to live amongst the working class
I am always dumbfounded that his base actually believes this

>> No.13077762
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>Trump is a real average joe man of the people who knows how to live amongst the working class.

>> No.13077766

anyone who complained about it seriously are BETAS

>> No.13077776

this is based af
>previous presidents would have tried to flex on poor college kids
>the richest president in history showed the country he eats what they eat
he's a fucking genius

>> No.13077777

fuck jannies

>> No.13077780

Nope. Liberals made sure all the restaurants couldn’t do it.

>> No.13077783
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For me it is the McChicken. The best fast food sandwich.

>> No.13077784

Trump also donates all his pay, most generous president in history

>> No.13077785

This. 4D Chess is NOT a meme. He is dangerously intelligent and forward thinking.

>> No.13077787
File: 34 KB, 640x615, Hzms34f_d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>subsist on McDonald's
>vocabulary and temper of a 5 year old
>say racist and misogynistic constantly
>"h-h-he's just like us!"

>> No.13077794

>say racist and misogynistic constantly
post one video of him doing either of these things. ill wait

>> No.13077798

Checked. Jannies btfo

>> No.13077799

It’s unbecoming of the office of the President. Stop pretending to not like good food.

It was Bernie’s turn cuck.

Trump was born with a silver spoon in his mouth retard. He has nothing at all in common with the blue collar worker. He’s probably never even held a hammer, much less worked a day in his life.

Because he already embezzled millions.

>> No.13077800
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>> No.13077803


>> No.13077808

>Could a catering company have come up with something as fast?
For the Whitehouse? Absolutely.

>> No.13077811

White trash don't own silver platters. The phrase you're looking for is "American exceptionalism".

Much better than the slop caterers serve kept warm by some faggy candles.

>> No.13077816
File: 17 KB, 300x300, dobbs-300-new[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This Man is not only the best President the United States of America has ever seen, he also makes sure we don't go hungry. He's sent from God to this Earth.


>> No.13077821

Not sexist or racist. Try harder.

>> No.13077823

>It was Bernie’s turn
This. Looks like we're stuck with Warren at this point (not that I'm complaining; she's like a Hillary but human with a brain).

>> No.13077824

and nothing since he became president? huh. really makes me think

>> No.13077825

It’s never been proven that that’s him in that video.

>> No.13077832

>she's like a Hillary but human with a brain
no, shes a racist culture stealing socialist. at least hillary wouldn't have raised my taxes to subsidize unhealthy people

>> No.13077839
File: 29 KB, 512x384, goku-krillin-s-friendship-dragon-ball-34918033-512-384.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>millionaires posting on /ck/

>> No.13077842

>Muh class

Have you never left this weeb board and hung out with regular people before? He was feeding college football players not world leaders
Trump definitely understands the average person better than most rich faggots in Hollywood and Washington. He understands the wants and needs of most people because when you own a large business you have too. Understanding a group of people is not the same as pretending to be one like Warren trying to choke down a beer.

>> No.13077844

But you're already paying for that.

>> No.13077847

If all my cooking appliances took a shit or the caterers didn't show up so I did this instead, yes, I'd feel like a hero.

>> No.13077849

>he thinks the middle class wont get their taxes raised to fund medicare for all

>> No.13077853
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it was really trashy.

doesn't matter if you don't like fancy food....at least they put the effort in.

You wouldn't get offered fast food in a third world banquet. This is worse than nigger-tier

>> No.13077856


>> No.13077859

Probably but could an actual restaurant produce that much food on short notice?

>> No.13077863

>friendless cuck detected

This is how men talk when they are hanging out you faggot. They talk and brag about women. Hell women do the same about men.

>> No.13077865
File: 41 KB, 385x578, HomelessTrump-9bb750ca915ba294eb948e10169f110a[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Hey, wanna cold BigMac?"

>> No.13077870

Yes, we all heard the "locker room talk" defense. It's still sexual assault.

>> No.13077872

>So what did he actually do wrong here?
Anon this is over 10 months old

>> No.13077874

>homemade cooking
>in the whitehouse
Think before you type. I'm sure the chef's time in that place is worth as much as 7 entire McDonald's teams for the day.

>> No.13077876

Unreliable source dominated by liberals. Try again.

>> No.13077880

Because orange man bad and anything orange man does bad

>> No.13077882

>covertly redefine racism

>> No.13077884

skimmed thru this shit...
half of this is something like saying calling mexicans, mexican is racist instead of calling them latino or hispanic.
shit hole countries - how is this racist? if i see a person living in a run down home thats dirty i'd call it a shit hole. whats wrong with calling a run down dirty country a shit hole?

you're a whiny beta bitch

>> No.13077890

Wikipedia is not the source. The sources are cited at the bottom of the page. Here's a link since you're retarded


>> No.13077894

>when youre rich women let you grab them by the pussy
where is the assault?

>> No.13077897

Warren was adamant about not raising taxes on the middle class in the last debate and got pressed on it. Bernie admits taxes will go up but the net cost of healthcare would go down, so you'd still be saving money unless you're extremely wealthy.

>> No.13077908

So, what about the other half?

>> No.13077910

All those berders......

>> No.13077914

All liberal sources. Find an unbiased one and I’ll burn my MAGA hat.

>> No.13077917

>Bernie admits taxes will go up but the net cost of healthcare would go down
so healthy people like myself who has visited the hospital once in his life will see enough benefit from that to justify my taxes going up to probably 40-50%?
not buying it. and warren has no actual plan on how to pay for it

>> No.13077918

>It’s unbecoming of the office of the President

Says who? Where is this fucking "how to be the POTUS" instruction manual you queers keep rambling about

>It was Bernies turn

No it wasn't. He didn't lose because if Hillary he lost because nobody wants a decrepit socialist running the country. That's why he's losing now too. Looks like you'll have to pay for that useless college degree with your own money.

>he embezzled money

Literally something you just pulled out of your ass.

>He’s probably never even held a hammer, much less worked a day in his life

Running a large corporation is work. In fact it's high stress work that will mentally and financially break you.

>> No.13077921

Bruh the state of Wikipedia is so sad thanks to political correctness, so many articles are just a mess of political corrections now. I wanted to learn about aboriginals the other day on Wikipedia, holy shit what a mistake.

>> No.13077925

i only skimmed through it. everything i saw was
>wahhh trump hurt my feelings!
not actual racism. segregation and slavery is racism. calling someone an animal is not

>> No.13077927

>my taxes going up to probably 40-50%?
Nobody is proposing tax hikes anywhere near that for anyone who isn't a multi-millionaire.
>i've never been sick so don't have to worry about it
Anyone can get sick or get in an accident. That's why it's called "insurance".

>> No.13077931

Holy fuck what if I’m a healthy person who doesn’t want to pay for unhealthy people? I never get sick, I don’t want to pay taxes for healthcare til I’m 40 at least.

>> No.13077940

/pol/ is pure cancer.
Be the chemo by reporting this thread for being off topic.

>> No.13077942

>It's just so white trash; fast food on silver platters
That sounds like something that a rich black guy would do, like drinking lean from a silver goblet.

>Initials are literally DJ Trump
>Multiple kids with multiple women
>Cheated on his wife
>Thinks covering everything with gold is stylish
>Puts his name on everything
>Complains on twitter a lot
Trump's the first real black president

>> No.13077943

You can’t tax the rich. If they get taxed, they’ll stop making jobs for the rest of us. There’s a reason the economy is currently the strongest it has ever been in US history, and that reason is trumps tax cuts.

>> No.13077945

be an hero and eat buckshot whiny reddit faggot

>> No.13077961
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>> No.13077964

Who needs more taxes anyway, we should really be focusing on tax money whores

>> No.13077970

you're probably one of those people who thinks giant corporations pay nothing in taxes.
countries like sweden with tons of social welfare programs tax their citizens at like 50-60%. what makes you think the US could afford to do it for less than 40%?

>> No.13077972

Would you guys back Obama up if he did the same?

>> No.13077978

i am a racist so i wouldnt back obama even if he gave me free money :^)

>> No.13077983

Would you still whine and bitch if it was Obama?

>> No.13077986

He unironically hung out with construction workers and farmers as a kid

>> No.13077989

>Because he already embezzled millions.
do you know what embezzle means?

>> No.13077990

Amazon (who's CEO is the richest man in the world, possibly after Putin) literally payed zero federal income taxes in the past couple of years. That's not fake news. Also Sweden has a quarter of the population of California, and the wealth discrepancy that exists in the US isn't really a thing there, at least not on the same scale. They are qualitatively different.

>> No.13077998

Jeff bezos is a fucker lol, refuses to donate to charity as well. Recently had amazon support charity though.

>> No.13077999

>1% includes people whose household income is greater than 200k in a year
>literally everyone who sells their house this year will be considered a 1%er
really makes me hmm

>> No.13078012

surely you're aware that people pay taxes at other times during the year before april 15, right?

find me his tax return, ill show you how much he paid, even if he owed nothing additional at the end of the year.

>> No.13078017

/pol/ is r/t_d. If anyone should commit suicide, it's you.

>> No.13078020

selling your house for 200 grand isnt income unless you got the house for free.

>> No.13078027

>it's okay to use tax loopholes because it's not illegal

>> No.13078032

yes it does if it's not your primary residence

>> No.13078033


>> No.13078043

still doesnt. you'd show the gain if any. but if you paid 200k for the house and sold it for 200k you don't have to show 200k of taxable income

>> No.13078052

>Also Sweden
this is such a stupid argument

let me try to break this down

who are you more likely to help? your neighbor who you've known for 30 years and have had a great relationship with, or some nigger who moved in last week and blasts rap music?

see, that's the problem. the whites in sweden have class and racial unity. america doesn't have that, because we're a "melting pot". nobody wants public health care because it means the hospitals in the country will suddenly be flooded by niggers who DO NOT share the same culture and therefore do not have the same class and racial unity as their white americans.

true story: wife is a nurse. sandniggers won't let their wives talk to the staff. you MUST address the man. and that's just one of the rules. they come HERE and tell us how WE have to do our jobs when giving THEM health care. fuck these pieces of shit

sweden has nice things because until recently it has largely only had to take care of itself. sweden will be majority conservative soon. guaranteed. they currently have 24% of population as immigrants. as that number grows, they will rethink their "socialist" system that bernie colonel sanders loves to jerk off to

>> No.13078056
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>he thinks everyone selling a house is making $200k in capital gains

>> No.13078057

No they subtract the amount you paid for it. Only the difference counts as income

>> No.13078066

meant to reply to >>13077970

>> No.13078072
File: 1.31 MB, 499x186, a18cce77d9c009f1d8277dedb9ce5236[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/pol/ is shit-posting all the blue boards. Once again the russian shills are out in force in prep for the 2020 shit fest.

If guests came to my house for a celebratory banquet I would not give them MacDonalds.

>get a load of this fag picking out the pickles. what a fag

>> No.13078085

>true story: wife is a nurse. sandniggers won't let their wives talk to the staff. you MUST address the man. and that's just one of the rules. they come HERE and tell us how WE have to do our jobs when giving THEM health care. fuck these pieces of shit
What the fuck does this have to do with how to fund public health care or not?

>> No.13078091

Trump literally said he would own the responsibility for the shutdown, mouthbreather.

>> No.13078093

>everyone i dont like is a russian shill or the /pol/boogieman!
hide the thread and move on, reddit faggot.

>> No.13078095

whites who largely run the health care system don't want non-white patients

>> No.13078100

No, white trash is correct. The white house can get food from anywhere and his first thought was McDonald's.

>> No.13078101

I mean, how fucking dumb are you? Do you seriously think you can make a whites-only healthcare system?

What the fuck are you /pol/yps smoking?

>> No.13078106

What’s actually wrong with that? Can africans have african only healthcare? Can Chinese have Chinese only healthcare?

>> No.13078110
File: 37 KB, 1280x720, E685D456-1615-441D-95D0-7E22C618D027.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That because amazon ran on huge losses in it initial start up period, generating a shitload of deferred tax assets. They finally managed to clean out the reserves this year.

If you knew anything about business you would know this. That rule is built into place so entrepreneurship could thrive...

>> No.13078112

Of course you can. But first you need a white-only country. Whites need to create a separatist movement and create a new nation of only whites.

>> No.13078113

This is an indicator of how vile and wretched cumskins really are. Now eat your McFood.

>> No.13078114

Hint: it's not the 1950s anymore.

>> No.13078115

think of it like this... if you grow up poor or middle class at best, would you be more comfortable sitting down at a fancy dinner where the expectation is that you know proper manners, or standing around eating something youve probably eaten a million times before and bullshit with everyone else?

>> No.13078116

He literally explains what he's on about in the paragraphs before that quote numbnuts

>> No.13078117

>using actual logic and making the lefties scared to respond
>they’re the ones just shitposting

>> No.13078122

kys swiftly

>> No.13078123

>has never heard of capital gains
yikes but also cringe
you're gonna get ass fucked by the IRS when they audit you

>> No.13078124

That’s not an argument you genuinely stupid lefty

>> No.13078126

they just see the number on the bottom line of the tax return and spout off like they know what theyre talking about. news media fuels their rage by reinforcing these false facts

>> No.13078129
File: 1.05 MB, 2880x3600, Gina_Haspel_official_CIA_portrait.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whites are the most oppressed minority group. FACT

>> No.13078130

They’re never going to have a reason to audit that man except for debt

>> No.13078131

It's not so much that they want a white only healthcare system, they just don't want to fund a healthcare system overran by blacks and mexicans.

>> No.13078136

>except for debt
yeah I'm thinking he's gonna get audited

>> No.13078139

Aren’t whites technically systematically oppressed by affirmative action?

>> No.13078140

He didn’t own up to it, though. He said it was caused by the liberals, and he’s totally right.

>> No.13078143

the fuck are you talking about? buy a house for 200k, your basis in the house is 200k. sell the house for 200k and your gain is... 0. where did i leave out the capital gains?

>> No.13078145

>Homemade cooking is definitely cheaper
There was nobody to cook from what I understand, Trump's wife hand made the salads herself.

>> No.13078146


>> No.13078147

he did it several times with several teams. its not last minute it's planned.

>> No.13078149

whites and asians but thats to combat the systemic racism keeping the black man down

>> No.13078150

>believes there were no cooks at the whitehouse during the shutdown
Niggah, you think orange man would be capable of even cooking instant ramen?

>> No.13078151

go read again

>> No.13078157

> >>13077741