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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13073682 No.13073682[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>> No.13073688 [DELETED] 

Eggs for days

>> No.13073695

build an egg fortress

>> No.13073698

Do Americans really buy and sell wholesome foods at affordable prices?

>> No.13073711

Get yer eggie weggies right here ladies and gents! Step right up and stock up on cackleberries at prices so low we're practically giving them away!

>> No.13073724
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Your dab is legitimate.
I'm in Denmark and if I can find a dozen eggs for $2 I'll buy them even if I don't need them because it's such a good deal.

>> No.13073735

that's even more affordable than bugs

>> No.13073751

>American eggs
Full of antibiotics and chlorinated shells.
There's a reason why we have to keep them in the refrigerator
I buy farm fresh, if you're paying 40c for a dozen they're going to be industrial grade crap.

>> No.13073760


>> No.13073761

They don't use dollars in Denmark, Sharty.

>> No.13073766

I don't have to.
That's the beauty.

>> No.13073772

I mean $2 equivalent in Euros of course.

>> No.13073778

They don't use euros either you larping burger-tard.

>> No.13073785

This. And you can still get eggs pretty cheap at a farmers market or something.

Or just have a family friend with chickens that produce too many eggs for them to eat themselves

>> No.13073796

They use Krona in Denmark, anon.
They aren’t an EU country.

>> No.13073799

I pay $7 for 24 large pasture-raised eggs from Costco and they taste intently better than garbage eggs you’d get for 40 cents,

>> No.13073807

>great low
Were they going for the oxymoron or are they just a bunch of smelly dumdumms?

>> No.13073824

Or build a coop and lay wire fencing out so you can feed a dozen hens from $10 bags of layer pellets and occasionally add grit and cracked corn to their feed.
You'll even have eggs to sell.

>> No.13073844
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I would genuinely love to do that: do a little subsistence farming, have some chickens. But, I still rent a place in the city, so that's a no-go for me right now. But, some day...

>> No.13073845

You do realize this loss-leader pricing?
I can cherry pick prices like that too if I wanted

>> No.13073847

>need to pay more money for something to be good
Kind of a cucky thought

>> No.13073864


>> No.13073873
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I also found these while shopping

>> No.13073891

Buy some one and five gallon pots and grow chili peppers or fruits or something.
I usually grow a Carolina Reaper bush during the winter by keeping it over a heating vent.

>> No.13073902
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I convert monetary values to dollars because I know most people here don't have a good idea of what a DKK is worth, you retarded fucks.
A dollar is about 6.75 DKK if you were wondering.

>> No.13073921

I had some version of these, like honey BBQ.

The marketing is pathetic and pandering, giving me another reason to be racist, and the flavor was just sugary garbage chips. Money not well spent.

>> No.13073934
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Reminds me of this

>> No.13073941

Something tells me this is mostly marketed towards Kathy

>> No.13074060

>This. And you can still get eggs pretty cheap at a farmers market or something.
lol no. I live in the country and almost every farm or individual selling farm fresh eggs wants roughly $3 a dozen

>> No.13074068

If that were the case there'd be a coma and it'd be "great, low value" you infinite retard.
Besides, how can your reading comprehension be so fucked up into the negatives you literally make up shit?

>> No.13074076

Man it wasn’t even one line, they were separate, of all things to be this upset about

>> No.13074094

Well I'm autistic. And you, what's your excuse?

>> No.13074097

Not gonna lie, that's a pretty damn good deal.

>> No.13074364
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has anyone ever tried raw egg on rice? I want to make it tomorrow, so I should probably try to get the highest quality eggs available, right?

>> No.13074378

Is that a stainless steel counter? If so mirin your setup.

>> No.13074380

ah! 'ello there me brutha i've viddied your price and i must proclaim that it is quite horrorshow

>> No.13074393

This is a really good combo if you like to eat chunky flavorless snot like a subhuman who can't use a stove

>> No.13074395

It is a stainless steel counter, but it's also a kitchenette with two electric hotplates.
Not much to 'mire, I'm afraid.

>> No.13074419

IDK I have some granite tops but I like something about the feel of stainless steel counters. I guess it reminds me of when I worked in the food industry.

>> No.13074455
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for me, it’s chumpies ‘flavor’ flavored potato chips

>> No.13074462

>no pork by products

>> No.13074500
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heck yeah

>> No.13074502

Nope. The main market is Rasheeda, followed by Maria. Notice how plain and drab Rasheeda is? It is playing off the insecurities and jealousy that they have and their wish that they could be Kathy.

>> No.13074734

It kinda sucks. It's very easy to beat air into everything and it gives it a bad texture.

>> No.13074878


>> No.13074887

Based and racist pilled.

>> No.13074890

funfact: styrofoam is not recyclable despite having a recycling label on printed on it. it belongs in a landfill

>> No.13074919

It can be recycled, it's just that it's very expensive and time consuming to recycle it.

>> No.13075728

>Falling for the farmers market meme

I went to one of those and some turbo jew was selling "farm fresh" eggs for 5 bucks a fucking dozen.

>> No.13075857

You don’t “have to” refrigerate eggs as long as you’re not taking a month to eat them. I never have and there’s never been any problem. It’s one of those liability things, like how meat “has to” be cooked well done.

>> No.13075861

The egg doesn’t cook like the Japs would have you believe, you’re just eating plain rice with raw egg slime mixed into it. It’s groce.

>> No.13075900

Burgerclaps only get paid 4c an hour though.

>> No.13075908

>dies of cancer
now that'll show them

>> No.13076269

70 yurocents for 10 here, could be better could be worse

>> No.13076277

Imagine going to a store and giving up some of your money for eggs.

Imagine not having land.

>> No.13076287

>There's a reason why we have to keep them in the refrigerator
they only have to be refrigerated because they were washed. it seems odd to not wash an egg after it came out of a chicken's cloaca, which is basically a butthole vagina combo. the benefits of washing the eggs probably outweighs just needing to refrigerate them after.

>> No.13076339

Actually, handling is a huge, mysterious variable. It's likely that periods of non-refrigeration are large.

>> No.13076344

Properly cooking meat is really important. The likelihood of parasites amongst birds and droppings, bugs .. especially flies, fleas, etc., and industrial equipment that is rarely or never sanitized is obviously much.

>> No.13076445
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I just paid 1.65 eurobucks for 10 medium sized eggs.