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13066229 No.13066229 [Reply] [Original]

What's the tastiest fish and why is it salmon?

>> No.13066231


>> No.13066237

>not smoked cod

>> No.13066239
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I love salmon, but I can't resist me some Basa

>> No.13066367

Trout is better than salmon.

>> No.13066378


Imagine eating a catfish from some dirty disease riddled river in Vietnam

>> No.13066379
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you can't top bluefin tuna

>> No.13066398

Basa are stupdly easy to raise anywhere. You don't need to get it specifically from Asia.

>> No.13066487
File: 39 KB, 567x381, swordfish.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

swordfish is hands down the best and one of the hardest fish in the sea to catch

>> No.13066514

Salmon are trout, you fucking moron

>> No.13066536

salt water>fresh water

>> No.13066696

literally the most garbage fish in the navigable waters of the world
source: guy who eats fish 4 nights a week

>> No.13066782


clinical retard, salmon beats any flavorless whitefish

>> No.13066906

That's not a sardine. Or a herring.

>> No.13067141

Haha poor fuck, buddy just lost so much money

>> No.13067751

>live in Japan
>slabs of salmon are only 80yen each
so fucking good
cant believe this shit's $25/piece back home

>> No.13067755

You spelled

>> No.13067897
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Thoughts on basa?

>> No.13067907
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And what is the tastiest salmon and why is it kokanee?

>> No.13067911

>salmon fillet
>top with mixture of mayo, sriracha, thyme, black pepper, and salt
>bake until flakey
>squirt of lemon juice
>serve with rice
thank me later

>> No.13067925

It's catfish, but none of you plebs would know that since you've never gone noodling before in your lives

>> No.13067932

Catfish tastes like literal shit

>> No.13067937

>utterly generic preparation
>thank me later

>> No.13067939

>admits to knowing what literal shit tastes like
>expects anybody to take his opinion as relevant
Go back to eating shit, I'll just be enjoying my superior fish

>> No.13067946

Deffintly cat fish. Fried or smoked in slabs. Get it out of the Santee river in South Carolina. Catch a 50 pound flathead and you golden. Although the 20 30 pound blues have less red meat and tast a bit better it my opinion. Never but catfish from the store.always catch you own. You can go out for four hours and catch 5 20 pound catfish and maybe 3 40to50 pounders then you have at least 120 pounds of catfish in four hours for free. It fed me and my family when we were poor. 5 fishing trips and you have three squares a day for all year with a freezer

>> No.13067947

what's your idea of a lavish salmon preparation then? to me it seems to be a fish that takes better to a simplistic approach

>> No.13067958

You didn't catch your catfish if you used a fishing rod you pussy

>> No.13067992

That's the thing. You put some bush lines out. For you yuppies that's a nylon line with a hook on it tied from a Cypress branch in the swamp. You go to sleep in the swamp cabin wake up and every bushline with red hot hotdogs has a cat on it. Illegal but easy. Dnr can't find there way thru the swamp anyways. Noodling is for niggers that can't afford a line and hook

>> No.13068001

>lives in swamp land
>calls others niggers
Lmao fuck off retard, noodling is the best way to get a big catch

>> No.13068027
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>just for the halibut

>> No.13068044


>> No.13068054

I ran trotlines and limb lines baited with seined minnows and crawdads on weekends at uni and we caught blues, channels and flatheads. Usually in the 5-10lb range, sometimes bigger. It was perfectly legal if you had a license and didn't exceed the number of hooks permitted.

>> No.13068192

Yeah in South Carolina you need to have a lisence. We sure don't
But sparkleberry swamp is where we were. I'm a firefighter. We built a cabin in the sawmp on the water. We would usally bring in 25 to 30 pounders on the lines. There pretty big in sparkleberry Red hots hotdogs and just regualr 80c packs of 8 hotdogs from wallmart. Maybe some chicken gizzard. Your a good man we call em bush lines here. Essintally what they are. Dnr looks down on them cause your throttling out the war eagle boat in the swamp. Come under a bush line and bam you have a hook gut you when you run into it. Of course you don't mark em cause then someone has you catfish But it is what it is.

>> No.13068220

Just recently went king salmon fishing in northern Wisconsin during spawning season. Had a 40 pounder on my line (I used a spawn sac and earplug), however, I forgot to adjust my drag properly and it snapped my line after it dragged it out about 25 feet. Feels bad, I would've been able to eat salmon everyday for a whole week if I had reeled it in.

Also, OP, you're right in the fact that they are quite tasty. However, fellow king, I believe bowfin are the tastiest, if not tastier; their meat is very smooth, very soft, and cooks wonderfully. Their filets are top notch too. However I have had salmon filets just as good or if not better than some poorly prepared bowfin.

>> No.13068226

>the DNR can't make it through the swamp
>Imagine actually thinking that an official warden assigned to your area doesn't know the entire county by heart

Keep bush fishing, nigger.

>> No.13068231

>ctrl f
>0 results

>> No.13068238

why do i shit uncontrollably for two days after cooking salmon

>> No.13068255

Artic char is the best

>> No.13068264

Lake Eerie perch
Smoked Goldeye or sockeye salmon.
Bluefin tuna

Those are god tier fish.

>> No.13068267

It's not a county dumb ass. It's a swamp. There are thousands of cut thrus. Gps is not mapped for all the areas of the swamp We have partys in the swamp and everyone knows we're to go to hangout on a boat when your too fucked up to drive a boat but you driving a boat. reason being is department of natural resources aka dnr is a bunch of yuppies and has no ideas the routes of the swamp. They have no gps routes and every single turn in the swap looks like the turn before. plenty of people have been lost and died or been rescued when some good ole boys know the way to where they were. Trust me so many bodies in concrete barrels out there they find 5 or 6 murder victims sunk in concrete barrels every year and there from the 40's and 50s if you don't grow up in there you will be lost. I don't even know the way to many places. Easy to get lost and easy to evade dnr I have done it may times

>> No.13068283

And it's bush lines not bush fishing you Yankee. No fishing about it you but a fuking red hot picked hotdog you bought from the el cheapo on a line. Go to sleep balcked out at night. Wake up in the morning and have a 100 pounds of catfish to eat for the next 6 months no fishing about it

>> No.13068327
File: 89 KB, 986x556, 5cf6fdb6-ef85-40a3-8550-523dd8a63ef2-large16x9_Catfish.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*blocks your path*

>> No.13068358



>> No.13068373
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Nah brother. That's some emaciated vitnam catfish you need a good American flathead like this get 50 pounds of meat out of one of these boys. Keep it southern

>> No.13068386
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Hake, or kingfish.

>> No.13068390
File: 474 KB, 714x954, 20191015_171437.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tilapia are fine.

>> No.13068394
File: 76 KB, 400x711, Catching-Trophy-Flathead-Catfish-on-the-Kanawha-River-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Better pic. Keep it southern

>> No.13068414

I freaking love this lol. A AI response?

>> No.13068432

Norm MacDonald's "memoir"

>> No.13068670

Wrong. The best is sockeye or king, u fag.

>> No.13068714


>> No.13068734
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>> No.13068739

Kokanee is sockeye

>> No.13069015

Fine. Sockeye that isn’t landlocked in freshwater it’s entire life and can feed in the ocean, then return to freshwater to spawn. Kokanee will always be lower quality than ocean run sockeye.

>> No.13069018

Yeller snapper

>> No.13069043

salmon is fugging nasty jew-tier fish
get some dover sole mate
thank me later.

>> No.13069072

Hmm. Is the pacific variety of sole essentially the same?

>> No.13069078

At least say halibut, not this “sole” trash bait fish. Fucking gross.

>> No.13069088

Does catfish always taste kind of muddy? Or just the shit I’ve been served?

>> No.13069089
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unironically for me, its the filet-o-fish

>tfw filet o fish friday

>> No.13069095
File: 26 KB, 500x213, dolphin.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ITT a bunch of peasant tier fish that flyovers bought at walmart
Jesus Christ you all have shit taste, come to Florida try some FRESH dolphin, snook and swordfish

>> No.13069096
File: 15 KB, 1076x67, prize.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

idk, I don't live on the pacific, there could be a highend sole variety there though?
>comparing cheapo halibut
>dover sole
>bait fish
2/10 bait

>> No.13069102

The fuck you live where halibut is cheap? It’s like $20-$25/lb here and you can catch it locally. Only bait in my post is the sole/flounder/turbot bullshit you’re eating.

>> No.13069117
File: 15 KB, 600x400, DSCN2112.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good ol red fish straight out the gulf

>> No.13069131

>all these fly over fags posting fresh water fish

>> No.13069133

Swordfish. Tastes like a steak if grilled.

>> No.13069139

>eating large marine life
Enjoy your toxic metal build up.

>> No.13069158

>eating fresh water fish
enjoy your man tits from birth control runoff

>> No.13069165

serial mackerel

>> No.13069168

Blue fish are decent if you catch them in Florida when they're young

>> No.13069171

like white meat steak, smoked is the way to go. King of the sea

>> No.13069174

*pulls out of its mud hole with bare hands*
Heh nothing personnel kid

>> No.13069186

i think i'd eat flounder before salmon

>> No.13069211

I’ve actually been to Florida and gone deep sea fishing
Best part was watching the captain gut and filet all the fish we had brought in
King mackerel, grouper, and snapper was fucking great

>> No.13069269

all my friend go out trolling but double as a charter to help pay for their expenses. They'll either keep of sell the filets and give me the rest and i'll make swordfish dip or whatnot out of it. Free is free and its still better then anything i could buy at the store

>> No.13069449

Where the fuck are you retards buying $25 dollar salmon? I can get Alaskan wild-caught sockeye for $15 a pound, in the Midwest.

>> No.13069630


Cooked, sockeye. Raw, bluefin

>> No.13071075

Tuna>=Cod>Salmon>everything else

>> No.13071095

That's at least 3 ingredients too many. Drop the mayo and sriracha, replace the rice with vegetables.

>> No.13071100

You fucking suck at cooking

>> No.13071113

pollock, its in surumi and filet o fish

>> No.13071171
File: 25 KB, 300x300, sad cat 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>eating dolphin
>most intelligent life on earth after humans

>> No.13071179

Nah that’s probably orcas

>> No.13071183
File: 86 KB, 1000x643, dolphin bully.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dolphins are rapists and bullies.
Truly the geese of the sea.

>> No.13071535

>dolphin =/= dolphin fish

>> No.13072178

>Dolphins are rapists
do you want to talk bout it?

>> No.13073079

i would love a picture of the person taking that picture

>> No.13073120
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>> No.13073128

I actually tried to find the source for that picture and it seems that the dolphin only bullies the pufferfish in order to get their toxin and use it as a drug.
Apparently the dolphins pass around a pufferfish like hippies pass a joint.

>> No.13073159

something tells me you don't understand flavor

>> No.13073307

based ass dolphin druggies, where there's a will there's a way

>> No.13073338
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>> No.13074342

you get salmonella :(

>> No.13074376

Can you speak English?

>> No.13074744

those fins are yellow

>> No.13074751

The fuck? Let the fish be itself, if you want to douse hot sauce on everything, buy chicken wings

>> No.13074756

Fish is fucking nasty dude

>> No.13074790

who the fuck cooks mayo? american?

>> No.13074874
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For me, it’s the humble burbot

>> No.13074980

Salmon's probably my personal favorite, but zander is also fucking delicious

>> No.13074986

My nigga.

I used to live on the Florida gulf coast, and I miss readily available fresh grouper so fucking much.

>> No.13074998

Kingfish, snook and dolphin are top tier but snapper and grouper rule too. The levels of cope indulged in by the non-Florida cocknuzzlers in this thread is unfathomable.

>> No.13075008

Enjoy your ciguatera

>> No.13075016

When it's prepared right it doesn't. It will taste like mind if the blood isn't drained. Sadly plenty of people don't do this correctly.

>> No.13075017

This affects a rounding error's worth of human beings worldwide each year, but I guess you have to cope as best you can when you are absolutely


>> No.13075149

this, so much this! They will never know the taste of fresh off the dock Kingfish, snook, dolphin and swordfish. They're a bunch of walmart freezer section fish eaters

>> No.13075157

What does "mind" taste like, exactly?

>> No.13075171

I reckon the PNW/Alaskafags can access good wild salmon, halibut, char, etc. But nothing compares to the bounty offered by our waters here in our peninsula. This is without even mentioning our lobster and stone crabs.

>> No.13075180

>never tried zombie food

>> No.13075184

Dungeness crab is best crab

>> No.13075208

I am sure it is nice by Oregon standards.

>> No.13075212

Dungeness has more meat

>> No.13075229

Obese bitches have more meat too. Doesn't mean we wish to orbit them. You sound like one of these Mainers who think the best lobster is the biggest lobster. Again, I am sure your dungees are considered good by Oregon standards, which have no relation to actual top tier seafood standards.

>> No.13075243
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>mayo on salmon

what the fuck is wrong with you?

>> No.13075244

spiny lobster is best lobster

>> No.13075249

This is instructive as a textbook example of the aforementioned infinite levels of cope resorted to by non-Florida nutsac nibblers. Learn from this, threadmates. It will serve you well in the future.

>> No.13075269

it might not be an actual memoir but its still fantastic.

>> No.13075281


>> No.13075304

i loved chilling at the inlet when the tide was coming in and netting fresh shrimp and tossing them in my bucket with a battery powered air pump/stone, these flyovers will never know

>> No.13075320

I can pan fry 2 giant scallops that will fill you up because they're so rich. In butter, sea salt and nothing else.

>> No.13075347

>not a single reply about cobia
>5 star quality in taste
>found in a variety of environments, can even be farmed via aquaculture, very sustainable
>challenging as fuck to catch with rod and reel

Plebs the lot of you. Mahi and wahoo are also acceptable.

>> No.13075352

Yet they feel comfortable shooting their mouths off about whatever aquatic trash they are able to noodle out of their local septic pool. Lmao at non-Florida scrotumsuckers.

>> No.13075607

Sometimes I'll just go down to a local pond.
I will catch a lot of sunfish.
I fry them when I get home.
They are only one bite of meat, but they do not taste bad.
They do not cost money either.
I have gone to a real lake and fished for catfish and bass.
But I have never caught anything but more sunfish.
I am scared DNR will give me a fine, I do not have a licence for fishing.

>> No.13075627

They're following you. You have devoured enough of them that they now realize you are their Sun King. It worries them that you distract yourself with other species when you should instead seize your rightful throne and lead them to greatness.

>> No.13075651

Pretty sure they Fuck with fugu to get high though

>> No.13075760
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The outer parts of her sexual organs are quite easily showing in that swimming attire, wicked harlot.