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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13071006 No.13071006 [Reply] [Original]

>American school "cuisine"
Richest country in the world can't even feed their future properly. Why is that?

>> No.13071010

Because uncle sam let's big corporations run train on him daily

>> No.13071011

Poor people vote against their interests because they're uneducated.

>> No.13071012

fuck off eurocuck at least we can feed our kids food and not muslim cock

>> No.13071013


>> No.13071017

If you didn’t take adderall and skip lunch, you were a garbage cattle child.

Everyday I’d pray for gunshots to erupt from the disgusting feeding pits.

>> No.13071021

Wew lad

>> No.13071023

Pepsi takes care of that piece of shit

>> No.13071030

Both of these

>> No.13071092

$700 billion has to go straight towards filling warehouses with tanks and fighter jets that never get used

>> No.13071101

Tanks and fighter jets are awesome, though

>> No.13071112

Too busy organizing events to teach people not to rape, apparently crime is a result of confusion.

>> No.13071144

i wish tehre was a middleground. as an eternally cucked german citizen our military and its equipment are a laughing stock. nothing works, it's literally all broken. guns don't fire. jets don't fly. it's embaressing. but nobody cares. the country is too much in carebear mode. I don't need weapons to be sold at every other corner in the US but a little more excitement for arms would do this country good. I feel the US has too much and at least western yurop has too little. A middleground would be perfect

>> No.13071162

what is that darigold thing? looks like pate but i doubt you'd get such a big serving of pate, even if it was the cheap stuff.

>> No.13071169

its chocolate milk

>> No.13071174

Nobody cares about kids after they're born until they turn 18

>> No.13071176

oh well, that's decent i guess.

>> No.13071180

Niggers, spics and trailer trash "can't afford" to feed their kids and they can apply for free or reduced price lunches which put a massive debt on the school.

>> No.13071184

the entire way we don't invest in children in America is a fucking joke. It's been a joke for fucking decades. Instead of teaching our children civics, how to handle the tremendous responsibility of voting in a republic, or how to discern propoganda and deceit we let them know the Mitochondria is the power house of the cell and we totally kicked ass in WW1 and WW2 and saved the world twice. Part of the problem is literally anyone can squat out a kid, and so the absolute dregs of society do so as is their wont, meaning schools are loaded with a mixture of real children people actually wanted and accidents they use to write off their taxes and get more dole. Ironically the only way to rectify these issues is via education, which we cannot provide, because the schools are such a fucking mess because of the antics of the adults we were unable to educate.

Children and Schools should literally be in the top 3 list of priorities a country has, after Defense and Infrastructure.

>> No.13071187


Because they spend all their money on taking the future from others.

>> No.13071189


>> No.13071192

Because "The Future" are going to private schools. The kids going to public schools just need to learn enough math and reading to work for their bosses.

>> No.13071193

Children need funding? But what about all the nonwhites we need to help? If our growing homeless issue is less important than other countries people our kids shouldn’t be either.

>> No.13071195

>letting the state feed your child

You are a complete failure of a parent

>> No.13071196

That’s racist.

>> No.13071202

In many states, the proceeds from the State Lottery used to go towards funding schools. And in many states, including my home state, this went by the wayside as this money which used to go towards education and school infrastructure was instead rerouted to pay for stadiums for professional football teams.

Lucky bonus, we have plenty of brown children over here now, so we can do it in our own country. Win win!

That's the fucking problem, if you raise a generation of idiots they're going to run for office as, and elect into said office, other idiots.

>> No.13071346

Damn that looks better than what I used to get for lunch back in the 2000s. There is actually a vegetable!

>> No.13071351

Ayy, fellow addy child. Did they let you keep your script through college? Studying for 10 hours on amphetamines is pretty dope.

>> No.13071352

>please bröther may i have some tanks
neck yourself

>> No.13071357

Don't forget kikes scamming welfare. They get caught time to time and it's never mentioned in the news by pure cohencidence.

>> No.13071366

Eyy, spent the entire 2nd grade only taking a milk at lunch, because you were handed one when you checked in. Eventually the teachers noticed and I was taken off adderal, but that year was awesome, I read all the harry potters and also eragon and two other of those books, and I had the most good boy points from the teacher in the whole class. Next year it was back to spending the majority of my time in the office.

>> No.13071405

Sorry friendo, your country's priorities are making money for billionaires and protecting israel.

>> No.13071410

Elementary school I brought my lunch 99% of the time. Middle and high school I unironically enjoyed school cafeteria food. Absolutely best grilled cheese I've ever had. Still can't replicate it to this day. Amazing stews in the fall and winter. Subs that were better than anything subway could put out. Pizza actually hand made by human beings who cared (elementary school pizza was horrible garbage though). Pulled pork every other week that was at one point the only reason I didn't kill myself in high school. I went to a rural public school in the 2000s.

>I feel the US has too much
Shut up europoor

>> No.13071426

reminder if your mom didn't make you a lunch you were an unloved child

>> No.13071455

>back in elementary school circa 2000s
>todays menu is something new "cheese puffs"
>its literally just undercooked tater tots covered in cheese powder
>nothing else
>everyone refuses to eat it

OP pic looks fucking great, what we got back in the day was on par with today's prison food

>> No.13071485

Because despite all their preening and posturing, American leaderss don't really give a ha'penny fuck about children. They can't even pretend to care unless it furthers their political career.

>> No.13071490

A lot of kids these days are coloreds. No one cares about them, not even their parents.

>> No.13071497


You've proven you can't be trusted with tanks, now go sit in your corner

>> No.13071517

What exactly will "excitement for arms" accomplish?
Do you want to make our society as dangerous as the US?
>inb4 muh rapefugees
Want them to have guns?

>> No.13072063

you are a moron, military weaponry is America biggest and basically only real export. Our entire economy is propped up by it. I'n not saying its a good thing but if we stopped it the kids wouldn't even have schools lets alone school lunches

>> No.13072084

>richest country in the world
By what standard exactly?

>> No.13072094


because the politicians demanding more taxes for better lunches just pocket the cash with their $500k salaries

>> No.13072100

>Richest country in the world can't even feed their future properly. Why is that?
Because America decided a long time ago that "our future" meant septuagenarian white CEO's.

>> No.13072118

The right tries to keep the next generation fat, dumb and ignorant otherwise they wouldn't have a base of support anymore.

>> No.13072152

>we have plenty of brown children
Why would American tax payers want to pay for all the 3rd world parasite kids living in America?

>> No.13072159
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>accuse your opposition of your own crimes

>> No.13072191

If you pay to go to an expensive private school, you'll get a better meal. That's the American way.

>> No.13072212

fuck off Germany
you are permabanned from having tanks

>> No.13072225

to make sure they end up as useful and functional members of the society
and not join a fucking gang because the lack of contention

>> No.13072230

Why should we give a fuck at all about kids when we can import fully grown educated adults for 1/1000th the cost of school

>> No.13072231

Or you could do what a responsible parent does and pack your kids lunch.

>> No.13072235

I guess I thought you meant that america was actually taking the future from other people’s and you weren’t just making a big deal about a stadium being built as if that could save the lefty lies.

>> No.13072242

Are you jewish, brown or a white soyboy?

>> No.13072256

Im brown
is there a problem?

>> No.13072261

How much does this cost?

>> No.13072263
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Need mo' money for them heart surgery industry.

>> No.13072271

Why did you or your parents flee your third world shithole to make America worse with your mere presence?

>> No.13072282

Are we really the richest in the world though? We're definitely not the nicest. Maybe all the billionaires are bringing the average up

>> No.13072289

>expecting the government to feed your kid

Must be a Europoor. My family was barely middle class but they cared about me enough to send me to school with a lunch from home.

>> No.13072290

>America isn’t the nicest country
Lol what, who has done more for others

>> No.13072296

I had to live through those shitty pizza squares and your children do too.

Suuuuuuuuuuuuuck it

>> No.13072299

*septuagenarian Jewish CEO's

>> No.13072307

No, anon, tax money should only ever be used to help rich people become richer.
Be proud of how you got nothing out of the government despite paying taxes just like everyone else.

>> No.13072317

Let me tell you, most of the world does not appreciate bombs in their back garden.

>> No.13072319

The jewish population unironically does have an interesting extreme replacement rate problem, the number of jews in the world is dropping by millions and that’s significant when they’re were only ever a few million.

>> No.13072326

That would be the work of Russia. They also don’t actually work anymore I thought thought.

>> No.13072345

Because you fuckers ruined our country during the cold war, all for the sake of "fighting Communism"

So naturally, going to America to make it our new home was the best course of action.
If you have a problem well, sorry but you will have to accept us or go find some other place to live:^)

>> No.13072374

You can have your alternate view of history, but most of the world sees the US as an evil empire they have to tolerate and try not to get steamrolled by.

>> No.13072393

I think in the next few decades you'll be forced to return to your third world shithole and suffer the punishment of living with people who look like you. White Nationalism is rising in every white country.

Plus I'm not American.

>> No.13072398

this has every food group in it though besides fruits. whats wrong with it?

>> No.13072408
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>America ruined my country..it wasn't communism

>> No.13072425

your beloved leaders planned that future for you goyim, don't call it a grave, it's Pedro for president of the USA, soon...

>> No.13072459

>white nationalism
you mean that movement that used to be an actual criminal organization? something to fear about?

or the bunch of incels that forms the ranks of the alt right?

yeah no, in a few decades I'll be drinking american beer in my frontyard while watching my kids playing with the neighbors children

>not from America
if not, why the fuck you care so much?

>> No.13072519

I've got everything I've ever wanted or needed thanks to me and I'm fucking proud of that. I'm not sure you even know how taxes work since you think they go to the rich. Your taxes are going to niggers, spics, and white trash. I get that you are probably to young to remember but when states had more control over their schools the lunches were good. Once the federal government started "helping" it went to shit. If it were up to me I wouldn't pay taxes at all

>> No.13072521

>used to be an actual criminal organization?
Wtf you talking about?

Surely you must be aware of the rising ethno nationalism throughout Europe and Trump representing a rising ethnic consciousness among non-paperwork Americans?

>why the fuck you care so much?
Because I'm white.

>> No.13072540

They love it when it's in their enemies backyards though and that's the problem with you cunts. You bitch about the US until you need someone to fight your wars for you. On the rare occasion when we say no you screech about America ignoring it's duty

>> No.13072543

>rising ethno nationalism
Lol, no such thing. Vast majority of the population has now become totally acclimatized to foreigners.

>> No.13072548

At my school you had to pay for lunch, so the cafeteria was for lazy kids with lazy parents who preferred to just put $100 on a card and not think about it for a year. The food was pretty okay the times I had it, though.

>> No.13072552

White people were always fine with it, now they’re starting to not be. Nationalism is also rising in africa and has always been strong in china and russia

>> No.13072555

US does not fight wars for other countries dumbass. What you do, you do for profit. Maybe not YOUR profit, but the profit of someone who influences your government.
The common people elsewhere have only been hurt by US foreign policy.

>> No.13072559

imagine having a life so sad that the only sense of belonging to others humans beings is being white and only that :/

>le orange man
you mean the jewish puppet? yeah no
those ideas of yours will die with you and your generation, is the same shit that happened when black folks started getting rigths

guess what
they ended up having them, so I think we both know how this will end, with those white movement being only remembered as the bad guys in history books

>> No.13072561

The us is the worlds peacekeeper, you can rage about it buts true that the world swings from americas dick.

>> No.13072562

America wont exist in a few decades

>> No.13072568

Not doing a good job then considering the fucking STATE of the world.
Where's the motherfucking peace?

>> No.13072573

Most Non whites wont be able to hold this country to the same standards, we will be brazil, I say that as a non white.

>> No.13072575

Lol you don’t even believe any of this stuff yet you’re trying to argue with it, it’s hilarious what cucks the left has become. Are you that sure you’re smart man, are you that sure you’re not going down as the bad guy in history right now? The internet has made genuine history manifest, people will be able to look back for all time on your post and my post and decide who was in the right. Think about that lefty.

>> No.13072576

Brazil and most third world shitholes are still ruled by white people.

>> No.13072577
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>Harry Potter and Eragon

>> No.13072578

Less people die in war right now than at any point in human history, do you have an actual point or are you just incre

>> No.13072585

Incredibly well brain scrubbed*

>> No.13072586

>muh left
>muh cucks
Try to use proper words and make sure you get their meaning right, and stop being such a fucking meme, retard.

>> No.13072591

You mean rich white people, the working class and poor whites will perish, maybe thats the plan from the start, a brown serf class?

>> No.13072597

Did you read that on some bullshit libertarian publication meant for impressionable teenagers, lol?
MENA was just recently destroy by the US. It only happened a few years ago and still happening as we speak.

>> No.13072598

Because feeding children is the responsibility of the parents, not the state. Fucking retarded commies.

>> No.13072605

We come to this conclusion every day, the vast majority of America is a third world hellhole in regards to food and basically everything else. The only upside is that most people aren’t literally starving to death. Even still tons if children go hungry for day on end every week. Land of the free my fucking ass.

>> No.13072611

Its over, the only thing that could turn the tides is Armed insurrection.

>> No.13072613

Believe what you like, the future will happen anyway. But do note, it's turd world people trying to get into white countries, not white people trying to get into 85 IQ brown countries.

As for Trump, look at what he represents. Sure he has not lived up to what Americans wanted, that doesn't change the fact that the forces that elected him are still there and growing.

>> No.13072614

My point is that all those shitholes are mismanaged by white people.

>> No.13072623

Lol theres no fixing them when most of the population doesnt possess the intellect to improve conditions.

>> No.13072624

you get $200 a month per kid in foodstamps how the fuck are kids going hungry

>> No.13072627

>people will be able to look back for all time on your post and my post and decide who was in the right

yeah I'm sure they are gonna read this posts

>> No.13072628

Meant for you

>> No.13072631

>damn it white people, my people can’t do anything, why aren’t you doing our work for us

>> No.13072634

Lol the lefty is scared of actually being written into history after trying to say we’re on the wrong side. Top zozzle

>> No.13072636

Pasta, chips, corn, peas and fruit. The american food groups.

>> No.13072643

The wrong side is the loser, so lets start winning.

>> No.13072646

because anonymous posting is a 100% verified source

>> No.13072651

History isn’t written by the strong anymore though, it’s written by everyone. The age of sincerity and truth is here, and the left is dead.

>> No.13072652

People being retarded and buying expensive premade shit. Foodstamps should only work on whole food, no chips, frozen garbage, premade prepackaged bullshit, soda, etc. Just meat, veggies, dairy, and dry goods like oats, beans, flour.

Not like these people don't have time to cook, if they actually had jobs they wouldn't be on food stamps. Their 'busy lives' consist of smoking crack and playing videogames and fucking their cousins.

>> No.13072657

I’m just saying they’ll be able to compare us and think about what we said and why we said it. They’ll think about the narratives we both push and compare them to actual history. Frightens you doesn’t it?

>> No.13072669

im really scared
people will judge my anonymous post :(

>> No.13072673

They will judge you for what you truly are, your thoughts, not your identity. It’s literally over.

>> No.13072685

Bernie 2020, impeach Trump.

>> No.13072690

damn I have been defeated by the white man
I will now go complain to Twitter

>> No.13072697

I agree about the restrictions on foodstamps but it’s really a bandaid solution to the real problem, which is incredibly low wages.

>> No.13072698

Not when they're just sitting in a wearhouse doing fuck all.

>> No.13072704

>defeated by the white man
I didn’t do anything, you people defeated yourselves

>> No.13072714

NO! don't you dare ask for living wages! WE HAVE TO COMPETE WITH CHINA! Pick your chain and ball here and get under the table, open your mouth, don't you feel free?

>> No.13072725

picking pears pays 18 an hour.

>> No.13072730

Flipping burgers should get you AT MINIMUM $15 an hour.

>> No.13072735

picking pears only happens during a short period of time, but nice try, fagtron

>> No.13073177

Obama and his wife both talked a lot of about proper nutrition and exercise for the children's and still did nothing

>> No.13073187

>us is the worlds peacekeeper,

>invades Iraq in 2006 against UN's decision

>> No.13073214

and that's just one dot in the extreme warmongering timeline

>> No.13073224

Way to go, the height of your accomplishments were reading a couple shitty fictional novels and getting meaningless praise from teachers. Does that do you a lot of good nowadays buddy?

>> No.13073231

Love this bait. It is highly effective, desu.

>> No.13073236

>the USA is the richest country in the world
It's not even top 10, retard.

>> No.13073341


>> No.13073358

>people dont understand america's federal budget and cant differentiate between state and federal expenses
color me surprised, I bet you retards didn't know that the military budget in its entirety is less than a third on what we spend on welfare for niggers and boomers

>> No.13073380
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*laughs in eastern europe*

>> No.13073396

Explain how it's bait

>> No.13073462

>Because uncle sam let's big corporations run train on him daily
An interesting point on this: School districts actually have really good deals with wholesalers and farm groups. The issue is that all that stuff goes through a middle processor who turns it into frozen zero-skill reheat meals so they don't have to have a proper kitchen staff in schools anymore.

There's also the fact that since schools are funded almost entirely on property taxes and not by actual funding needs, schools in poor urban districts are in drastically worse conditions than those in wealthy suburbs or even rural districts.

>> No.13073475

A lot of teachers are on foodstamps in red states.

>> No.13073496

Most also basically have to buy all of their classroom supplies.

>> No.13073505

Yeah imagine that since the entire population except for a handful of native americans came from foreign immigrants each wave of which were initially persecuted like the current wave. History continually repeats itself endlessly because people have extremely short memories.

>> No.13073685

*dies from alcohol poisoning*

>> No.13073717

No te queremos por aqui gringo, ese, avandona nuestro continente.

>> No.13073804

We're too busy spending all our money on NATO, feeding Africa, and helping to establish Greater Israel.

>> No.13073897

> eating the peas, really kid?

>> No.13074136

Presidents actually have very little control in anything that gets passed. They're basically just ideas guys. Lobbyists control what actually happens.

>> No.13074165

Because the goyim only need basic nutrition as to not make them strong enough to fight back.

>> No.13074196

Well, keep in mind too that federal school funds are mostly just bonus funding that districts can't really rely on (especially with how No Child Left Behind makes that funding dependent on standardized test scores). The actual meat of school funding is from local property taxes, and budget and controls basically stop at the state level.

>> No.13074220

americans are just retarded

>> No.13074248

i will never understand the flavoured milk, never

>> No.13074251

They were fine with it until they became the targets of hatred by other races, who they allowed to live among them to begin with.

>> No.13074287

And that's a shame.
>hey guys, let's keep fucking over our own citizens while we build more missles to kill people
>we's beneficient kangs and shite!>>13073496

>> No.13074317

>Nationalism is also rising in africa and has always been strong in china and russia
Don’t forget about israel

Why can’t you wake up and realize who the real enemy is? Why was gaddafi killed, because he wanted to unionize africa and not let it become another slave state of the jew controlled west, who hates muslims more than jews?

When you look at africa and see a shit hole where half the countries are broke and harassed by the imf with threat of nato and the other half allowing oil companies to set up on their territory so they can live corrupt and lazy lives, know that it’s not because white people were there it’s because you pathetic defenseless fucks made them leave.

>> No.13074445

Go eat a cow cock, dumb ketonigger

>> No.13074461

>Want them to have guns?
Yuropoor slave mentality in a nutshell. No wonder the Jews have gelded your continent so effectively despite there being so few of them compared to the US.

>> No.13074473

>you will have to accept us or go find some other place to live:^)
The blessed Day of the Rope will be the solution to this great problem, my friend. :^)

>> No.13074486

As it should be. The rest of you vermin exist for us to exploit until you finally grow a spine (at which point you will be struck down and made an example of for the rest of the cattle).

>> No.13074858

sissy ass bitches

>> No.13074893
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>insinuating that the one alternative is somehow better
talk all the shit you want but obama refused to renew the Bush tax break that allowed anybody filing a 1099 that made under 20k to pay ZERO taxes but now poor people have to save like 15% of their profits and give it the Govt. if they are trying to be independent and start up their own company.

>> No.13074928
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stfu with this teachers don't make any money meme, they have a average starting salary of $40k/year which is better them most people now days. They're baby sitters that don't contribute shit other then calling security when a fight breaks and telling kids what chapter to read. A fucking windows 98 computer could do their job better.

>> No.13074935

seething propagandized and demoralized retard

>> No.13075091

Yeah he should have been reading Stephen King in the fourth grade. Goddamn plebs amirite?

>> No.13075126

I don't know why all these other cu/ck/s are saying Germans can't be trusted with tanks.
After we taught you guys a lesson back in '18 you haven't caused any trouble really.

>> No.13075572

>Being this retarded

>> No.13076089
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>his school didn't let the students go out to eat during lunch

>> No.13076335

Because American food culture has been pretty fucked up by over processed foods and nobody is willing to properly fund school lunches and develop healthy and appetizing cafeteria dishes?

>> No.13076373

cooking fresh is shit. i unironically love cafeteria food, processed food, etc. it's just tasty as fuck. i don't understand the butthurt over it 2bh, who cares if it's a little less healthy. you ain't gonna drop dead from it. why live 90 years eating stuff that doesn't make you happy when you can live 89 years drinking sodas and eating big macs instead

>> No.13076395

Because a huge chunk of the population doesn't even reach 70 due to how poor their diet is and their medical expanses are horrific.

>> No.13076401

shareblue is such garbage

>> No.13076406

i think even if schools adopt a proper food program, the kids wont even fucking bother with it
this shit starts at the home with their parents feeding them those processed foods

yeah the americans have been the on the food industry's leash for a long time now

>> No.13076415

New south park episode is great and touches on this.

>> No.13076417

got a (pirate) stream link for those plebs outside the US who can't access hulu and whatnot? my netflix carries southpark but it's seasons behind

>> No.13076426

It's literally niggers' fault. Both the population and that nigger michelle obama. I was in school when king nigger hijacked the country and the food quality difference was immediately noticeable.
That population is niggers and spics

>> No.13076676

not a argument

>> No.13076707
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das rite, looks nigger to me.

>> No.13076719

The purpose of public school, especially in the US, is to make people subservient, stupid, dependent, and helpless. The diet is in service to this end.

>> No.13077014

Fuck off, DeVos. The purpose is that the US is better off with a functional and accessible educational system for all. The diet is the result of trolls like you "cutting costs" at every turn so it gets fucked up, then in turn claiming it sucks because it's a publicly run system instead of that you broke it on purpose.

>> No.13077019

well said

>> No.13077021


>> No.13077290

>The purpose is that the US is better off with a functional and accessible educational system for all.
>parroting this conglomerate of meaningless vagueries that he picked up in public school in defense of public school
Low iq cattle detected. Ironically, you are spot on correct in this sentence, but likely in opposite ways than you feel you are. US education is incredibly functional in what it is intended for and highly accessible to the masses, and it does make certain classes of people much better off. Not you though.
>broke it on purpose
How can you admit that something is by design, and simultaneously claim that it is broken? It is doing exactly what it was designed to do, better now than ever.

>> No.13077313

When is the last time you've been in a k-12 school?

>> No.13077316

>run for office as, and elect into said office, other idiots.
That’s the point, only dumb people want to fight wars for Israel

>> No.13077324

About 6 years ago i had a job that involved travelling the east coast and visiting different k-12 schools. I've interacted with kids in well over 100 different school settings. NYC schools are the closest thing to prisons that are not actual prisons i have ever seen.

>> No.13077328

I never understood the pushback against Michelle's initiative to have american kids eat healthier. How fucking dense of a partisan retard and/or racist do you have to be active work against stuff like that.

>> No.13077329

Anybody else remember the magical days in school when they served pizza dippers? I used to bring lunch to school, but I'd still get some of those

>> No.13077338

>US education is incredibly functional in what it is intended for
>had to learn about the holocaust every year in multiple subjects

>> No.13077341

This. Agreed 100%.

>> No.13077379

>they don't have to have a proper kitchen staff in schools anymore.

Biggest issue on that is how infested the school system is with Unionists.

Lunch Ladies... err... sorry, "Cafeteria Nutrition Workers" are all part of the TEAMSTERS Union in my State, and even in schools with full commercial kitchen facilities, the Union refuses to do any kind of cooking past reheating of refrigerated items.

The local HS did a "Look how poor we are, we need new tax gibs" Open House, I was floored when I saw brand new, never used, commercial bread mixers, pizza ovens, rotisseries, and more, all tagged of and under tarps, because the Union fuckers don't want to do anymore than putting trays into the giant microwaves and then under heat lamps.

Fuck the Union scum.

>> No.13077394

Because the kids didn't want to eat it.

>> No.13077403

So? Though shit, you're not gonna get fast food every day. Deal with it. It's just such a shame it failed.

>> No.13077417

School lunch is for poorfags which is why it's prison slop. I pack my children a balanced lunch.

>> No.13077422

You think with sending their kids to summer school every year so they can eat that minorities would be so much more intelligent

>> No.13077428

at my middle school in south Florida every staff member that wasn't a teacher was a ex prison guard, and they needed them to because at least one kid would try to fight a teacher at least once a week and the countless daily student fights

>> No.13077445

her meal plan was a joke because the budget didn't allow for enough calories to feed a kid because at least where i lived school lunch was the one and only meal a day a lot of kids ate and she didn't understand that

>> No.13077456

But i'm sure it's worth it to have the privilege to learn in such close proximity to all those future doctors and lawyers.

>> No.13077464

Exactly. There was no money for it because most people who eat school lunch don't pay for it.

>> No.13077475

Who the fuck cares about low tier schools. Any decent place will have good food. Only the poor kids have to eat that slop because they have nothing else. Spending tax dollars just to feed bastard children seems pointless to me.

>> No.13077495

What is wic

Literally no excuse not to feed your children in the US

>> No.13077502

The parent traded their ebt for drugs most likely

>> No.13077521

We spend more per student than any other country in the world. It's laughable that our answer to everything is more gibs when it never works.

>> No.13077530

Gibs are probably the answer

In a racially homogeneous society of course

>> No.13077541

No we just need more intelligently administered gibs. Pizza is NOT a vegetable, contrary to what congress says, and Americans children should not be eating corndogs every day for lunch. Giving these kids hot oats and water would be cheaper and more beneficial to the children and the country.

>> No.13077551

Because there's a lot of us and most of them aren't worth feeding. Feed your own damn kids

>> No.13077559

So you’re saying the us should stop caring about other countries? I agree.

>> No.13077581

America has multiple distinct ethnic groups
In europe the populations vote for their own self interests which happens to correspond with the best interests of the entire country, in USA groups vote for their own self interest to benefit themselves and no one else.
Whites aren't going to vote for them to be taxed more to feed some black, or to give them healthcare, or better infrastructure.

>> No.13077585

>In europe the populations vote for their own self interests

Reminder that the Greeks said democracy was not possible without an ethnostate

>> No.13077597

>the Greeks said democracy was not possible without an ethnostate
You know, the Greeks were comprised of many different people with different beliefs? Who are you referring to, Aristotle?

>> No.13077600

Pretty sure a number of greeks contributed to the kyklos theory

>> No.13077604

Greece was ethnocentric except for slaves, only one race was participatory in the politics: the Greeks.

>> No.13077658

WIC requires ID to use and is checked based, like one would imagine traditional food stamps. They arent easy to 'sell' and only let you get very specific items.

>> No.13077663

You don't become the most wealthy country by caring about food. Everything is about profit and efficiency.

>> No.13077664


Because you let yourself be blinded by your partisanship and the candied words. In practice it sucks dick.

Her smart plate initiative gives the corporations carte blanche authority to consider what is proper to be served in the cafeteria. For the most part this is Kraft and other Dairy monopolies. On paper it says kids need to be served food from the 5 main food groups, but because corporations determine what is suitable we get really obtuse classifications like Pizza being a vegetable. Catering companies that oblige to this framework get kickbacks from the government as well as these monopolies being granted subsidy. Most people have no clue how this works and just agree with it because it looks nice and let corporations get away with making poorer quality food because they dont have to compete.

Source: I was a lunchroom staff and manager of my kitchen. Cooking food unironically redpilled me.

>> No.13077672

My dad liked me and made my lunch

He died recently

I don't like that my mom is my only parent

>> No.13077675

"Greeks said _____" still doesn't mean anything if you can't cite a source.

>> No.13077681

Thank you for being perceptive anon.

>> No.13077692

Fucking based.
I wish I was allowed to smoke in American high schools.
But I could in Canada, nothing like chain smoking for one solid hour on adderall.

>> No.13077698

White nationalism is a cancer that must be eradicated at all costs. Racists deserve the rope.

>> No.13077703

Fuck off, Beto. Nobody is voting for you

>> No.13077704

Honor your father by becoming the best you can be, and by carrying and passing his torch. You were lucky to have him. Don't let tribulation bring you down.

>> No.13077710

Man you're fucking retarded.

>> No.13077719

Way to repeat thing.

>> No.13077739

How's the wallet chain, edgelord?

You don't have very good reading comprehension, do you?

>> No.13077769

>wallet chain
I see, you are gen-x. This explains a lot.

>> No.13077901

I went to a public elementary school, and the food was quite good compared with the photos I see posted here. Wednesdays were always shells with choice of marinara or meat sauce. There were always decent fruit and vegetable sides to pick from and often soup like beef and barley or minestrone. I didn't care for the calzones or pizza. But in the morning when teachers collected lunch money/prepaid tickets, we could ask for a substitution of PB&J, tuna salad sandwich, or ham and cheese sandwich instead of the hot entree and still get veggies, fruit, and soup. I went to a small private school in middle and high school though, so naturally the food was better than regular school cafeteria food.

>> No.13077939

There is no such thing as too many weapons only too many blacks. Gun violence and crime in general is insanely low anywhere in the US that doesn't have large black populations.

>> No.13077948

You ever wonder if maybe the crime contributions of nonwhites are so great that our criminal justice system has become corrupt and wouldn’t let us get rid of them lest they the fbi go away as well?

>> No.13077950

How is school food not communism?

>> No.13077955

How is national socialism right wing?

>> No.13077965

>American people vote against their interests because they're uneducated

>> No.13077967

It would take more than getting rid of the FBI. The money made from crime/criminal justice system extends to many politicians, lobbyists, federal agencies, state and local governments, and private businesses. Same with big pharma.

>> No.13078054

So true. The right is a cancer that needs excising so we can have nice things like europe.

>> No.13078584

>European schools consistently have far better results

>> No.13078588

As a right winger I’m okay with segregating from lefties into our own autonomous state

>> No.13078600

If only we had as many white people

>> No.13078599

Looks pretty decent to me. You cunts never stop complaining. Shut the hell up.

>> No.13078747

>Being this Stormfront

>> No.13078900
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>> No.13079722

Their future are niggers and spics so who cares

>> No.13079729

>implying I’m wrong

>> No.13079734

its worked fine for generations, who the fuck cares? Why spend more on other people's small children when they get what they need from it and don't know the difference?

>> No.13079745

>its worked fine for generations

>> No.13079748

Because you are.

>> No.13079761

I’m not, blacks lower average test scores.

>> No.13079784

Literally you are the people who admit that blacks are stupider and say it’s because they’re oppressed, but you can’t acknowledge when it’s used to argue against them?

Tell me why we should ever trust the words of someone with so little integrity to their beliefs as a lefty, you fuckers even say nigger and faggot after you tried to stop us, you’re human slime.

>> No.13079946

>Retards who ignore multigenerational oppression and forced poverty through multiple, shifting tactics over centuries
>Hurr nuuu itz cuz dey gots dark skin

You've got no room to try to claim others have no integrity.

>> No.13079956

And men commit the most crime because they are oppressed by women?

>> No.13079969

Lefties saying faggot and nigger is a pretty good argument for them having no integrity ngl

>> No.13080002

>Hurr nuuu itz cuz dey gots dark skin
You always try to reduce it to this, but how often is it actually the skin color we are talking about?

Don’t see us trying to reduce your hatred of whites to hating the color.

>> No.13080021

>So much strawmanning

>> No.13080029

>gets called out on a literal strawman then tries to call it to get out of the argument like the retard lefty they are

>> No.13080042

That's not how this works, stormtard. My post was literally what you were doing, you instead have to create strawmen arguments about what you think blacks and "leftys" are because it's easier to take them down that way. Like your lies about "leftys" saying those words.

>> No.13080052

Why the fuck are there so many racists on ck

>> No.13080069

Kys you absolutely horrid cunt, seriously you have zero respect for what’s right and true. Fucking left wingers are barely human.

>> No.13080075

Why are there so many racists after political correctness is what you should ask

>> No.13080084

>Proving my point

Because it's a targeted site for Stormfront to recruit on, especially since /pol/ was already basically there and acts as a base for these troglodytes.

>> No.13080093


>> No.13080095

The only people you’ll ever recruit to your side are the people who are low IQ enough to not see what a fucktard you are, but at least you’ll be in good company. You’re not fighting a meme war, you’re losing a logic war.

>> No.13080107

Of which you have none, all you have is memes and propaganda that props up your insecurity-founded hatreds.

Note how none of you have actually addressed the key first line in >>13079946 because you know it's historically and currently accurate.

>> No.13080125

Guess you didn’t read my post the first time, if blacks are shitty because they’re oppressed does that mean that men are oppressed considering they commit more crime?

Now I know men are oppressed because they’re the homeless, but let’s see what retarded mental gymnastics you have for this.

>> No.13080131

This isn’t an incredibly strong argument, you have proven that the left is a bunch of bigots but you haven’t shut down oppression.

>> No.13080141

I don’t actually want to shut down oppression, I want the world to be a good place too but first step is taking down the shithead abusive opportunists on the left

>> No.13080147

>implying lefty oppression beliefs aren’t insecurity founded hatred of whites

>> No.13080166

>Doesn't understand that crime rates follow concentrated urban poverty, not the other way around.
>Concentrated urban poverty intentionally forged by decades of intentionally racist federal zoning and lending rule policies, and kept in place by the extreme economic difficulty of leaving once it was lifted, in place by policies like the War on Drugs that was engineered to focus hardest on black neighborhoods, creating a status of constant criminalization of existence (which dates back to the Prisoner clause of the 14th amendment, which was used to re-enslave massive numbers of blacks on fabricated charges)
>Still tries to blame it on them just being a race

It's not gymnastics, it's basic understanding of the actual history without whatever shithead filter you seem to use to reach your conclusions. And your second line is a nice bit of meaningless word salad.

But then again, this post will probably just fall on deaf ears, because your purpose here is to hammer your bullshit like this over and over until any who dares argue with you just gets sick of it and walks away, letting you spew your hatred unopposed. Not to actually debate, learn, and arrive at the truth.

>> No.13080167

This idea was peddled by a small handful of Greeks, most of whom were from Athens. The vast majority of Greek city states were oligarchies or variants of monarchies and thus didn't give a rat's ass about it - the "greeks" didn't say anything about democracy as a collective. Furthermore, it wouldn't have been called an ethnostate, as the factors that constituted a "Greek" in that time were mostly geographic (Lived in Greece/Ionian coast) and linguistic (Spoke one of the variants of Greek). A lot of Greeks would rather have Persians in their city than Spartans or Athenians.

>> No.13080173

He should have been reading Keys to the Kingdom, that shit was great. Or Deltora Quest.

>> No.13080180

>Hurr left iz bigots cuz I can't explain why
Note how you keep trying this bullshit line that the left hates whites, because you can't actually argue within the proper merits of the debate and actually maintain your bullshit line.

>> No.13080182

THe left are bigots because they think black people are too stupid to understand voter ID laws.

>> No.13080184

Why can’t this person actually respond to arguments?

>> No.13080188

Wasn't pizza classified as a vegetable because it had tomato sauce on it or some stupid shit?
Frankly that's hilarious, legal loopholes are fucking funny

>> No.13080191

So I guess I have to say it again

If blacks commit more crime because they are oppressed, does that mean that men are oppressed too because they also commit more crime as a gender than women.

>> No.13080199

In the end it only took one line to dismantle the left

>> No.13080206

>Still trying this nonsense claim
That's not true. The reality is that Voter ID laws are engineered to make it hard for many Democrat-leaning voter groups to meet the requirements. Like how N.C.'s "Monster Law" was found to have the writers on record literally identifying the best ways to keep blacks from voting. You're intentionally misrepresenting the arguments against them. Namely, that Voter ID laws are pure Voter Suppression that use arguments based on no objective reality to defend their emplacement.

Calling someone a bigot for refusing to let your pet hate's details go amiss is just evidence you have no valid ground to stand on.

>Hurr durr durr

>> No.13080211


>> No.13080216

So, if blacks commit more crime and are more violent because they’re oppressed, men must also be oppressed because they commit more crime and are more violent than women?

>> No.13080220

I read Keys to the Kingdom, Harry Potter, the Pullman novels, Narnia, the Pern series. It's all good, kids don't know better and can't notice the plotholes and shit.

>> No.13080225

The scariest thing is them not accepting they’re wrong

>> No.13080258

>implying that person was talking about anyone other than the Greek philosophers when they said the Greeks
>you respect the knowledge of the commoners of ancient times but not the philosophy

>> No.13080315
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Even poo in loos can do voter ID.

>> No.13080318

>I feel the US has too much
Break your conditioning, you can see your country falling apart around you.

>> No.13080364

400 million only making 1.25 a day? They must be so overweight.

>> No.13080368
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None of these answers seem right.

Liability. Parents will sue over anything.

Training. Schools can't afford to train and/or pay cooks.

Culture. America doesn't have one.

I worked in the cafeteria when I was a student in the 90s. Everything came in a box, bag, or can. There were ovens that had dozens of racks. It looked like a CD/DVD organizer. You'd dump corn dogs into a baking sheet, and that would slide into groove. Another baking tray would go under that. And another, and so on. You'd set the temperature and it would warm everything through. Vegetables were poured straight from a can into a hotel pan. That would heat underneath for about an hour before the lunch time. Less thinking means less chance for error. It's the McDonald's way.

All schools would need to do is buy huge bags of rice in bulk, and one of those 100+ cup rice cookers that take-out places have. Make some kind of inexpensive stir fry or stew with cheap vegetables like cabbage, carrots, onion, etc. Maybe some kind of pickled vegetables and a soup for some extra variety and nutrition.

To do this sort of thing, you need an actual fucking society with culture and not whatever we have here in America. It's one of the problems with being a melting pot. Everybody has their own views, beliefs, and values. So we have to end up catering to the lowest common denominator. If 1% of kids (making that figure up) have peanut allergies, then 100% of schools can't have any peanut products.

Compare to a place like South Korea (pic related). Or even an American PRIVATE school. When we're raising our children (in a collective sense) we care about how they're being fed. Nobody cares about public schools because they've been overrun by shitskins.

>> No.13080369
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and yet in the US a woman can walk down the street without getting raped.

>> No.13080382

America had a culture when it was 70% white and it was great. Diversity ruins culture, look at the internet. White males built this into a beautiful place, then it got popular

>> No.13080399

Yup, I agree.

>> No.13080550

>Indians get mandatory issued IDs
Nice try.

>> No.13080588

>Troll isn't actually making an argument, just repeating a nonsense tautology
>You sure showed him, Steve-Dave!

>> No.13080603

Pure bullshit.

>> No.13080609

>The voter card is issued to all Indian citizens who have attained the age of 18 years and qualify to be a voter. One has to apply on prescribed Form-6 of Election Commission attached with proof of ID, Indian nationality, age and residence.[5][6]

>> No.13080620

Not an argument buddy

>> No.13080629

>so removed from reality they don’t understand they got btfo by the thing they can’t possibly argue with

>> No.13080645

Name one state where every citizen is automatically given an ID card for free in the US. You can't, because possession of an ID card isn't mandatory anywhere.

>hurr yurr blown out cuz i sez so cuz yu wunt pley mai stupid gaems

>> No.13080647

>people aren’t forced to get them therefore it’s oppression
You are a troll, a retarded troll

>> No.13080662

No, but it is when:
A: there's no valid cause to force voter ID (Even Trump's commission couldn't find any proof of the mass individual fraud constantly trumpeted as the reason we "need" the laws)
B: Voter ID laws are all engineered to prevent legitimate voters from being able to exercise the right.

>You are a troll, a retarded troll
Keep projecting, buddy.

>> No.13080667

>no we can’t track voters!!!
>just trust me!!!

>> No.13080678
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anything else and my nigga you can go choke yaself on a aids dick, word up

>> No.13080679

Good post. Thanks for your insight

>> No.13080699

>Let's keep trying to do this thing that's repeatedly been proven to prevent legitimate voters from voting
>And keep fearmongering about a thing that doesn't happen to justify it!

You seem to be laboring under the false idea that the goal is to protect election integrity, even though it has repeatedly has the opposite effect. The only case where I'd be fine with requiring ID is if such IDs were free, easy to get, and universally accepted.

>> No.13080700

Them Obama’s sure did a lot to help big corporations take advantage of us

>> No.13080789


>> No.13080805

>They arent easy to 'sell'

Retard detected. My sister gets WIC and literally gives half of it away every month.Then again I may be the retarded one and states might handle WIC differently but in GA WIC is just a bunch of big coupons.

>> No.13080813

>Why is that?

Democrats and unions.

>> No.13080814


>> No.13080822

>Not the Republicans who cut taxes and funds to everything but the military and their pork projects every chance they get

>> No.13080856

Which pork projects are we talking about

>> No.13080859

Watch the movie Idiocracy. That should explain everything. It literally predicted the US would elect a professional wrestler. Trump was a professional wrestler.

>> No.13080863

>implying the globally lowering iq that inspired that movie isn’t due to the expanding negro population

>> No.13080866

The point is to not elect career politicians. Literally anybody else is preferable.

>> No.13080868

You really need to work on your approach to getting me to accept more taxes

>> No.13080875

The internet was made the place it is by white males, we both invented the internet and “made” the internet.

>> No.13081133

Let me guess. A pb&j sandwich, alternatively ham and cheese? Maybe some pringles as well and some grapes?

>> No.13081154

Why does every long thread end up in a race debate?

>> No.13081164

I think we should look at who starts it

>> No.13081174

Found him >>13071169

>> No.13081178

>chocolate milk
God who does that smug fuck think he is

>> No.13081241

Why do you keep changing the goalposts? Indians can do voter ID and they regularly shit in the sreet yet burgers can't? The fucking racism excuse is shameful.

>> No.13081492

These opinions are what most people truly think but keep to themselves until they can unload on an anonymous message board.

>> No.13081499

So why is every race/ethnicity aside from blacks able to succeed within a single generation?

>> No.13081512

Why does every race have a rich history of culture but not blacks?

>> No.13081515

Why did every race create the wheel thousands of years ago while blacks in Africa finally just figured out in 2019 they can roll their water jugs instead of carrying them on their heads?

>> No.13081625

>I, the American liberal know what's best for those stupid poor people.

>> No.13081818

Muh whites, blacks. Dumbest terms to ever exist on this planet.