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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13070135 No.13070135[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Your thoughts on Chik Fil A?

>> No.13070158

fast food/10

>> No.13070166
File: 1.92 MB, 720x387, 1570847719238.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I gotta suck a dick to get some chick-fil-a now then so be it

>> No.13070176

i got a chicken sandwich waitin' for you so get suckin', bitch.

>> No.13070186

I get to get in shoving matches gay protesters AND get chicken sandwiches?
Better not forget to wash my hands and pray before eating.

>> No.13070187

>above average chicken sandwich
>dabbing on morons who puppet the same shit about chick fil a being chick no-gays but couldn't actually provide specific instances if their lives depended on it
win win

>> No.13070197

someone post the twitter poll where people overwhelmingly voted for chick fil a over gay people

>> No.13070221

let me guess, you're some brain dead nigger that loves popeyes' dry biscuits and bland chicken and praise it so the other niggers in your tribe dont think you're some uncle tom loving chick-fil-a boy?

>> No.13070228
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>eats chick-fil-a anyway

>> No.13070233

you see i'm fine with gay people. But their chicken sandwitches are good. I only eat it every once in awhile. who cares? Every company either has liberal hogwash or conservative bullshit too anyway.

>> No.13070254

The only thing cringier than liberals acting like a sandwich lynches minorities is conservatives who think eating a sandwich is a religious gesture or who literally pass state legislation in their name and favor, fucking Texas.
It's usually pretty good but sometimes too salty.

>> No.13070283

Yeah both sides are cringe. Lets focus on a chicken sandwich too fight for the rights of sucking each others dick or lets fight for the rights of a chicken sandwitch cause our skydaddy told us to. Meanwhile we have a homeless problem , veteran suicide, and expensive healthcare

Oh damn I got too real on 4chan I meant to say MAGA and fuck jews

>> No.13070287

I would Holocaust every single gay person if that was the only way to get fried chicken.

>> No.13070293

GOD TIER when it comes to food and service. There was a 30 minute delay at the drive thru window and because of that, EVERYONE in line got to eat for free! If Traders Joe’s weren’t so damn close to my house, I’d quit and apply their.

>> No.13070295

>If you really love the mentally ill
Don't worry, I don't.

>> No.13070302

>homeless and veteran problem
You mean a mental health crisis

>> No.13070304

Chicken is too sweet and fries are too dry and bland.

>> No.13070305

Now THIS is cringe

>> No.13070321

that too but but thats also different.

>> No.13070325

haha guys I cant talk about real issues in the world. I have to remain ironic and contrarian and anyone who cares too much about something is REDDIT. See how detached I am guys?

>> No.13070328

>Meanwhile we have a homeless problem , veteran suicide, and expensive healthcare
Mags and fuck jews.

>> No.13070329

its almost like you can live your life and enjoy food from a place that does not believe gay marriage fits in with the tenants of the Christian faith.

Funny how its the tolerant left that seeks to purge and destroy everything different then them. :^)

>> No.13070334

Their sandwiches don't fuck kids so they got that going for them.

>> No.13070335

Correct. This is a food image board.
It's absurd to associate that with political ideology, and we feel embarrassed for you.

>> No.13070342

I'll go with the chicken sandwiches. Fags are overrated anyway.

>> No.13070343

I mean didn’t the ship kind of sail for complaining about politics where they don’t belong when we tried to purge the word nigger? Can we actually still effectively complain about the politically incorrect after we tolerated the politically correct? That’s just not right, they won’t stand for it, we don’t have an argument there.

If we want to be apolitical again we have to attack the left not the right

>> No.13070347

the fuck are you talking about

jesus fuck get over yourself

>> No.13070358

I’m saying that the left swept through with politics, if we don’t like politics being everywhere then the left is our enemy, not /pol/

I don’t know how to express this idea in simpler terms

>> No.13070398

>punch a tranny in the face
>eat some delicious chik-fil-a after

>> No.13070403

Tasty and based.

>> No.13070422


I hate faggots, but I hate peanut oil even more.
Anyone who thinks Chikfila actually tastes good has no taste, and this is coming from someone who has survived solely on boneless, breaded chicken (with no sauce) for his entire life.
>What is your preferred fast food establishment?
Caines has great meat, possibly the best quality I've ever had.
Jack in the Box has great breading, and has the most locations wherever I go.
BK Chicken Fries have great spices, and I always have a coupon for the $3.50 combo on me.

>> No.13070426
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I'll consider CFA anti-gay when they start screening customers at the door and pasting propaganda on the Windows. Until then I couldn't give less of a shit.

>> No.13070428

>has no taste, and this is coming from someone who has survived solely on boneless, breaded chicken
What made you think this sounds good

>> No.13070433

Didn’t all they do was donate to an organization that doesn’t help gays? And this is the worst enemy of our times, not the people who made us all take seminars on not raping women?

>> No.13070443

>I mean
You say this way too much in your daily life. Please be more cognisant in the future.

>> No.13070444

I'm the guy who posted the post about people being ironic all the time on 4chan. This guy complaining about the word nigger is exactly what I'm talking about.


Protecting the sanctity of spicy chicken sandwiches and being able to say the word nigger being a free speech issue is just the shit Im talking about you fucking /pol/fags always cry about. Real issue of poverty, homelessness, and starvation arent talked about but oh man we cant say the word NIGGER man the white race is SO OPPRESSED..

>> No.13070447

They choose to be queer.
I choose to eat chicken.

>> No.13070452

Literally today on this board for whatever reason I saw a supposed /pol/tard arguing on behalf of the homeless while a lefty made fun of them for being poor.

>> No.13070455 [DELETED] 

never ever stand between a man and his food.

>> No.13070458

I think the BK Tendercrisp is an underrated chicken sandwich. But really pretty much everywhere has a good chicken sandwich these days.

>> No.13070460

>this sperging out trying to defend attacking free speech after claiming to be the one who cares about freedom
You lefties are inhuman.

>> No.13070463

Based sensible thinking poster

>> No.13070465

Be honest, corporate overwhelmingly supports the left

>> No.13070477

You forgot
>(with no sauce)
Don't like chicken sandwiches. Lettuce is for salad, bread is for French Toast, and sauce is never good.

>> No.13070495
File: 145 KB, 666x1091, 20190901_214121.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Unironically using the term "queer"
Thanks for making that decision easy for me, HuffPo.

>> No.13070558

Yes you should be able to say the word nigger in fact many people do. Do you think people arent gonna be mad you say it or that some companies wont let you say it? Or that people wont be mad you cant say nigger at a company lunch at work? You have all the power to say that word at work tommorow if you want, you are free to say it. You won't be jailed for it just most likely fired. Why is this more important than our failing education and veteran suicide again? Yeah i'm inhuman because private companies regulate words that should and be shouldnt said, oh the humanity. It's almost keep christ in christmas season you better get ready for that

>> No.13070565

Omega cherry pick 99% of the time its all about jews, evacuating minorities, killing niggers, and hating gays and women. Listen man I dont want mexicans to cross illegally, I hate LGBTQ as much as the next guy, I support guns, and I walk across the street to the other side when its a black men as much as the next guy. But defending the word nigger as a freedom of speech issue is a weird flag to die on, not very productive and doesnt fix any real word issue

>> No.13070567

I thought they accepted donations, not gave them. Either way I don't care. They make good food and they don't employ tweakers.

>> No.13070578

it may sound like I'm trying to say the word nigger should be given jail time but I don't. It shouldnt be illegal. But getting mad that people are mad about it is a weird position. Its a dergatory offensive word to people, it tends to, offend people.

>> No.13070582

>billionaire ran food company taking donations and not giving them
That’s not possible, corporations get tax right offs for charity so they all do it.

>> No.13070584

Honestly what does a normal human being gain by choosing faggots? Like if you had to choose between gay people and chicken sandwiches why would you pick fags?

>> No.13070587

Do you honesty not understand the importance of the integrity of free speech? If you’re gonna be this evil then I’m going to have to get more explicit, if we ban hate speech free speech is literally over.

>> No.13070588

I was gonna say maybe they're vegetarians, but then I noticed you said "normal human being", of which vegetarians are none of the above.

>> No.13070595

Speaking of nationalism being bad, are we ever going to talk about the rising african nationalism and kicking whites out of africa?

>> No.13070601
File: 57 KB, 580x386, D950864A-62BB-4E83-AD92-6F0E6EF0D904.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good point, why does the “right” care about colonization by jews but not the “left”

>> No.13070604

In my opinion, Whites from Southern Africa aren't even whites.

>> No.13070610

The Left does care about a Free Palestine, the problem is that it's the same portion of the Left that cares about a Free Tibet, so it's suppressed by both China and Israel.

>> No.13070613

Oh so you want to talk about Israel forcing refugees onto birth control and them bulldozing over palestinian homes? Or about the Chinese harvesting organs from muslims and trying to spread their dictatorship fully over Hong Kong? I support X but you shouldn't be defending X like that.

>> No.13070616

In my opinion you lefties drop ineffectual points in an attempt to abandon arguments before your stupidity is made manifest in posts.

>> No.13070627

You sound like those sovereign citizen gun cunts that drive around without their ID. Yes boomer freedom of speech is not going away no matter how much lefts dont like the word nigger. If that effects your job prospects and putting that you cant say the word nigger than I don't know what to tell you. I'm a family physician in texas. These poor conservative whites, not one of their issues in their lives was because they didnt have the freedom of speech to drop the n bomb. Just some meaningless things like meth, being in a well known drug trade town, and being dropped out of HS because he had dyslexia which cause him to fail out and react violently cause he had no father figure (white guy) to guide him.
No but yeah lets focus on the nigger thing

>> No.13070633

>free speech isn’t going away
But it’s literally under attack, what the fuck is your point? You seem like you’re having a meltdown of your media brainwashing.

>> No.13070640

Yeah those sound way more important than pretend issues like something as ironclad strong as freedom of speech which obviously defends all words even nigger but still allows people to be mad that the word is used at all.
It's like people who want to separate the word pedophilia and hebephilia. Whats your endgame here? Defending freedom of speech? or wanting just to say nigger willy nilly?

>> No.13070645

Love that you felt the need to specify the fatherless kid in your hypothetical was white

>> No.13070647

Yeah it won't go away. I dont get your point. Private companies should do everything in their power to censor anything in their right.

My god today nigger tommorow who knows! we will end up like the PRC!

>> No.13070648

What happened was the Owners of the company donated money to a christian outreach organization that, among other things, ran homosexual conversion/therapy camps. The owners, as private citizens - not the company, with company funds.

>> No.13070651

Chick fil a is a private company, the dude can do whatever he wants with what he owns.

>> No.13070654

well whites are most of my patients. Just pointing out that missing white fathers are a huge problem in towns that are involved with meth and drug related gang activity. Usually people think its just black people, which it most often is anyway. But I love thats the only thing you got from that

>> No.13070660

It’s under attack, you saying nothing will happen don’t worry isn’t an argument you 2 digit iqer

>> No.13070665

That must be what really triggers the left

>> No.13070668

>ironclad strong as freedom of speech
Is this why universities funded by tax payer money are banning free speech? Is this why politicians are trying to ban anti Semitic speech? Is this why leftists are trying to make it a crime to call someone by their biological sex, and why it is a Crime in California? Or why its a 250k dollar fine to call someone an illegal in NYC? Is this why there is a massive amount of leftists and boomers who both want regulations on free speech? Hur dur you just want to say nigger think about the important stuff like drug addicts dying!!!
I know you're a marxist subhuman who actually doesn't want freedom of speech, but people who aren't who genuinely don't think that complete freedom of speech isn't that big of a deal. All while we watch the NBA and Blizzard bend the knee to Chinese censorship is kinda amazing.

>> No.13070673

Someone post the bill that was going to give Americans legal repercussions for protesting israel

The left was actually about to get rid of our right to protest

>> No.13070681

Yeah it has to be defended. But it all feels kind of like when dave chappele or however you spell his name once made a black joke/skit and a white guy was laughing in a manner that was laughing at him not with him. In other words /pol/ seems way to keen on defending the word nigger itself and it just so happens to be defending freedom of speech.
That gets you autodeleted from youtube usually and demonetizes people which is pretty fucked up. However did you know talking about sexual orientation or saying the word gay or saying the word murder on youtube has grounds to demonetize? If the sanctity of freedom of speech was so important Id think /pol/ would defend those words just as much whether theyd agree with the content of the words. Talking about 9/11 conspiracy theories is frowned upon in main stream media, how come nobody cares about that?

It just feels like to me its more about the word nigger itself and less about freedom of speech. Otherwise their would be a laundry list of words that are under the eye as a word to protect.

>> No.13070684

It was neo cons and libs. https://www.congress.gov/bill/115th-congress/senate-bill/720?q=%7B%22search%22%3A%5B%22Israel+Anti-Boycott+act%22%5D%7D&r=1

>> No.13070685

Okay I read about halfway down this post, are you really trying to say /pol/ doesn’t care about free speech and just cares about saying nigger? Dude how the fuck does that thing you call a brain manage to keep you alive?

>> No.13070693

It probably doesn't, he misspelled Chappelle, forgot to put an apostrophe in "I'd", and used the wrong there.

>> No.13070694

I want to get gays with ar15s and go to chick fil a in Wyoming, and tweet it.

>> No.13070711

Yeah the nba blizzard thing is way more huge than the nigger thing. Drug addicts dont exist in a vacuum. Dirty cops, dirty immigrants, dirty criminals, poor education, poor family planning (birth control, abortion), and poor job outlooks all play in that but /pol/ doesnt care about that. They only care about immigration because they are non white.

Please again you talk all this nonsense as if you go to work every day wanting to call the trans co worker (which you probably dont encounter anyway because their so low in the population) a man or tell your hot boss that she has big tits why are you mad I'm just complementing you toots or telling the janitor he has big lips and we should play basketball your probably good at basketball right? No that doesn't happen and you arent fuming leaving work you didnt get to say those things either. Why would anti semetic speech belong in politics. Also nyc voted for this rule, if you dont like it move somewhere else.

Nigger is not going anyway and pol just cant admit they just want to be racist in public. Notice how the blizzard thing is the first time leftists and conservatives got together on something, usually that means its a real issue of human rights and not a nit pick thing

>> No.13070716

yes because /pol/ is just all Larp and no bark. Nigger this, kike that , white masterace this, and christian that.

and at the end of the day they leave their computer and contribute to society normally like everyone else. Yes I'm saying /pol/ is completely 100% shit posting.

>> No.13070720

> doesn’t think free speech is a real issue of human rights
People like you make me so upset and scared.

>> No.13070725

of course I think it does. I just think all of you are completely disingenuous in your defense of freedom of speech. Otherwise their would be alot more abuses of freedom of speech that are currently happening that you dont mention because they don't align with your political beliefs.

>> No.13070729

If that's true, why bring it over to unrelated boards? I don't go on there and make Bane threads.

>> No.13070732

I think you’re 100% shitposting and you don’t even mean to be.

It only takes one...

>> No.13070735

It’s the best fast food chicken place IMO, but it’s still not the best fast food sandwich place nor fast food place in general.
I support people boycotting the company based on the companies politics, just as I believe everyone should boycott every company based on their politics and moral ideas. The idea of a free market is to express your values (both economically and morally) with your money, and by contributing to companies you don’t morally agree with you are an amoral person.

Fags and trannies can get BTFO tho, I just think more right-wing people should do this

>> No.13070737

to be fair theirs a lot of bane posting. whether you like it or not /pol/ culture is 4chan culture. Both mainstream media views this and its apparent from somebody who frequents this site. /v/ and /fit/ fit into this obviously but /ck/ does in sneaky ways like poo in loo for indian food or whatever.

>> No.13070739

He was clearly saying that he supports chick-fil-a, try to work on that literacy, bud

>> No.13070742

once again tax payer funded colleges suppressing freedom of speech. Continue to ignore it leftist.

>> No.13070743

Now this is what I call cringe

>> No.13070745

on the second reply you dont really disagree about what I said about the use of nigger vs use of other words. you seem really fixated just on that word.

>> No.13070747

You’re a faggot nigger and nobody cares about your nigger faggot ideas, kike

>> No.13070750

california is the king of that shit spin the wheel and their fucking the constitution up in a million ways. Not to mention every state has a law you will definitely think is leftist commie bullshit. You just want to say the word nigger

>> No.13070751

Actually, you seem fixated on just that word as a matter of fact.

>> No.13070753

But Poo in Loo is based on real things coming out of India. The phrase itself is derived from a government psa. Most of the stuff /pol/ has to say are the same old tired statistics that have been debunked countless times, and are only really funny if you actually hate those kinds of people (niggers & trannies).

>> No.13070754

Once again tax payer funded colleges suppressing freedom of speech. Continue to ignore it leftist.

>> No.13070757

Freedom of Speech protects you from the Government and the Government alone.

>> No.13070759

Must feel like such shit to not have the truth on your side.

>> No.13070760

I'm just calling you all out on your bullshit. That really deep inside you just want to drop N bombs with no repercussion but just cant. Funny thing is I agree, but that still doesnt absolve you of being a racist.

>> No.13070761

Tax payer funded Universities are suppressing freedom of speech. Continue to ignore it leftist.

>> No.13070764

>tax payer funded

>> No.13070766

Its the first thing I mentioned and they never caught on. These are all those annoying sovereign citizen assholes. They read the constitution to their political viewpoint and not for what it actually is.

>> No.13070767

Err, could you repeat what you said when I asked you about the rising african nationalism and whites getting kicked out of africa

>> No.13070769

It's a shame that the thread devolved to this. I was hoping more people would respond to my volatile, yet true, dieting habits. >>13070422
Good night, /ck/. Maybe I'll come back next month.

>> No.13070771

yeah their racist and thats a problem that should be dealt with? Theirs also black on black racism in africa with happening right now genocides. We can keep pointing out other issues if you want all day. Their all problems and all issues. Or are you pulling the I think black people cant be racist card?

>> No.13070775

I love how this faggot
Is ignoring the sole most important part of
Which is that logically the money comes from the government which means the government has ultimate authority on the direction of the institution

>> No.13070777

Drove by one yesterday. Saw a long ass drive thru line. Was thinking these people are crazy, its just a chicken sandwich you can get at any place that sell hamburgers. I dont get it.

>> No.13070779

We support israel with taxes as well. Continue to ignore that incel.

>> No.13070781

Well I think living black nationalism is a much more pressing issue in terms of racism than /pol/ defending free speech from black people because they’re really racist and don’t just care about free speech in a country that offers select welfare benefits specifically to nonwhites, but hey you’re the retard lefty desperate to win the argument that you don’t have.

>> No.13070782

Holy fuckin' shit, you're gonna break the laws of physics if you're gay and eating Chick-fil-a. A journo told me so.

>> No.13070783

Oh now you're just being disingenuous you know as well as I do that if I just care about saying nigger that I also am woke on the JQ.

>> No.13070788

whooooolleeeee lotta whiteys on EBT. but hey its BLACK people who are the real rascists here, we just wanna say the word nigger! whats racist about that!

>> No.13070791

And the money goes to the government from the people who pay their taxes.
And the money goes to those people from whatever job it is they work at, such as the bag boy at the local grocer.
And the grocer gets that money from the corporate level offices, who decide the level of wages as the law allows.
And the company gets this money from the people who shop at their store, buying cans of soup for 5 bucks a can.
And maybe that can of soup is bought by a homeless nigger with one arm and a crack addiction the size of Argentina.
So, because that nigger's five dollars eventually made its way into the coffers of the collegiate board, should he have "authority on the direction of the institution"? No. And neither does the government, except in accordance where violation of the law results in harm against another.

>> No.13070792

>pushing anti chikfila propaganda for years
>sales just keep getting more massive
At least there's one organization that the trannies and gays cant fuck up

>> No.13070793

White people are on the majority of welfare, or were, there’s been a lot of immigration. Makes you wonder why white people have to help others.

>> No.13070796

Are you black or something is that it? You just can’t stop people from saying nigger, that’s reality. It’s amazing that your ego is more important to you than free speech, truly someone who needs to get their priorities straight.

>> No.13070804

No i'm not black lol I've said it like 15 times that I dont want to stop peple from saying it either. I'm a spic. You should be free to say, you really really keep ignoring that.

I'm literally saying that people wont like if you use that word. Thats not a veiled threat against freedom of speech its just the truth. Your fat boss wouldnt want to be called a fat ass and if your not close it might cost you your job. Being an athiest and spouting edgy shit during mass isnt illegal but sure makes you looks like an asshole. Again it shouldnt be illegal

>> No.13070805

And as I’ve said like 2-3 times now, free speech actually is under attack, they don’t just not like it, they are trying to ban it. This is serious. You lefties are attacking freedom.

>> No.13070809

>You lefties are attacking freedom.
They literally have to, a free and honest society is completely the opposite of what is good for the left

>> No.13070817

I'm not a lefty Im just not an incel. Theirs other freedom of speech issues that are never spoken about on /pol/. Which is my evidence that they just want to say racist shit free of consequence. They should be protected by the law. But its a shitty word to say and does constitute a hate crime if used. Much like cracker or whitey should be.

So yes I agree with you lefties with attacking it. Do I think /pol/ is coming at it from a completely honest angle? Not completly. Are they fighting for freedom on speech? Yeah I guess so but this being the fight to fight in that arena of freedom of speech is really telling

>> No.13070818

Gayest thing I've read all day. You don't belong here.

>> No.13070820

I mean to say a hate crime if used against somebody where their obviously being racist. Just using the word in normal conersation like man he's acting niggerish, or saying a nigger joke, or just talking about the use of the word.

>> No.13070823

Ah yes the incel comes late into the thread, something is out of line to the 4chan hive mind!

>> No.13070825

using it normally is ok sheesh its getting late I meant to write that in second part of the sentence

>> No.13070827

>now you’re attacking free speech yourself
Fucking slime. If you don’t want people to be racist you should try to represent your race better because let me tell you I just gained a whole new level of disgust for them.

>> No.13070829

>complains about being attacked by arguments when they try to censor the opposition
Hey there’s something other than nigger for the schizo freedom hating spic, the left also doesn’t let you express right wing opinions without trying to get you kicked out of school or get fired.

>> No.13070830

reread my edits I mean to say that using this bad words should normally be protected. its late.

>> No.13070832

good god is everything sex to you?

>> No.13070833

You're saying the consequence of using an offensive word in a sincere fashion should be to sacrifice your liberty.
That opens a big can of worms as far as voicing dissenting opinions goes. It's fine though as long as the good guys can compel you to express yourself how they want.

>> No.13070834

The left has never been able to talk many subjects for decades and has just kept it quite about it, or I think you called them the golden ages or good ol times or whatever rose tinted phrase you use.

>> No.13070836

Restricting the use of speech is the same as banning speech, maybe you should go to sleep and think about why you hate freedom you actual retard

>> No.13070838

>says this when we’re now like 60 years into the civil rights era

>> No.13070841

Im super sorry, I mean to write at the end that saying it in normal fashion should be totally ok and normal. and calling someone a nigger + violence/nonviolent threats along with it well why not tag the word hate crime on it. but yeah not just to jail someone for calling them a nigger ofc

>> No.13070843

One of the more amusing things about the left is how they are all the old people and have alienated this generation but they are the ones fighting the power.

>> No.13070847

You don’t fucking get it, that’s not reasonable, restricting the use of speech is the as bad as banning it.

>> No.13070850

Abortion being somehow a contested issue today, transphobia in the workplace ( its a real thing, even liberals who are super woke are actually pretty darn uncomfortable with it, and sexism in just about every and every industry.

Let me level with you, I know all these companies are pro gay and prowomen and all that but when it comes down to brass tacks not alot has changed. Talk to your sister, talk to your mom, talk to your wife. You might be surprised the daily harrasment they deal with and the harassment theyve dealt with in professional situations for being a women and have to make the balancing act of do I say something or no. I'm not talking about I was raped 45 years ago type shit.

But no, 60s civil rights happend! All social problems are solved!

>> No.13070851

Its juicy, tastes better, better bun, the drink comes in a foam cup to keep ice cold longer, great waffle fries, and the service is fantastic.

>> No.13070852

>my patients
What does a retard like you practice, hopefully nothing where you can cause too much damage

>> No.13070854

So...you think making threats shouldn't be illegal? Because I said making violent/non violent threats are illegal and that adding the word nigger while you say that, adds to the charge. Not the charge that gets you locked up.

I better go text work tommorow Im about to shoot it up, I'm sure they totally get my usage of freedom of speech.

>> No.13070855

No we just need another updated civil rights act. 1964 was just the beginning. We are gonna make it illegal to have more than 49% white people in the nation by 2024 mark my words

>> No.13070857

Just dealing with your inbred cousins their whitey.

As much as I kid to you , their simple people in shitty situations and we can all learn from that

>> No.13070858

You don’t need to attack free speech to make threats illegal, threats already are illegal. Go on get out of here you fucking subhuman.

>> No.13070862

Yes because of all the problems I listed that women face, gay people face, and hell working class white people face the usage of the word nigger being the crux of fighting the good fight for freedom of speech will eliminate the white race and is the rEaL problem of america.

So yes, dont eat that spicy chicken sandwitch. Your really sticking it to those leftys their

>> No.13070863

Ahaha you were lying about being a doctor even weren’t you. Didn’t you at one point say you’re not left despite all these lefty beliefs you’re touting? You people are fucking slime, pure slime.

>> No.13070871

well your the one thinking just any and all speech is free. When threats are obviously not.

You /pol/ fags are the worst. Sharpen your sword for next time please. I have to wake up for work, you know the thing your parents keep bugging you to do? maybe the fortnite black hole should have given you time to apply for a job. Wait never mind , affirmative action made it so that you couldn't get the job and instead a minority took it! Shit, back to video games I guess right? Keep fighting the good fight storm front, I'm sure you act all high and mighty in the real world as much as you do on /pol/ ( in the off chance encounter you leave your house to actually interact with anyone)

>> No.13070873

Can’t wait til you come back to make the left look bad tomorrow, day by day we’ll end this madness

>> No.13070877

Pro gun anti immigrant against big government and listen to country. Oh wait I'm not racist in my day to day life, whoops gotta pull away my conservative card. OH right thats only in the internet you have to be like that! I forgot this was incel larp land

>> No.13070880

I’m sorry you’re an idiot, I’m not the one to be mad at, conduct yourself better subhuman

>> No.13070884

>against big government while trying to support strange rights infringing new laws on speech because protection from just any threats isn’t good enough
You don’t know what you believe, you just say shit

>> No.13070885

This is why we should revert to having suffrage for only white land owners of good character. The fact that you and people like you play any part in determining how this country is governed is why democracy is doomed fail in the end

>> No.13070887

And their they reveal themselves ladies and gentlemen. Like I said, please stop beating around the bush and just say what you really mean.

Goodnight incels, enjoy your 4 pm breakfast when mommie gets home from work

>> No.13070892

How many times are you going to say goodbye and not leave you retarded little spic

>> No.13070930

Chicken is not going to get me aids

>> No.13071130

They could own a vehicle they call the tranny grinder that has a blender on the front of it and it just drives around searching for trannys to grind up and I would still eat at chick-fil-a. The media always says you need to care about the gays but never actually give a good reason, Its just a dude who is degenerate and weird enough to freak other dudes. Thats fucked up why do i need to feel sorry for them.

>> No.13071150

why did you punch yourself in the face

>> No.13071157

The only reason you could possibly be offended at that is if you were on the side of trannies, yet you used tranny as an insult.

>> No.13071165

I'm not offended and tranny isn't an insult
it is called banter

>> No.13071170

Lol I wonder if you’re proud of how easy lying comes to you. You realize others aren’t as stupid as you right?

>> No.13071178
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>> No.13071181

Damn lefties can just lie without even a second thought

>> No.13071185

Looks like this is one of the slightly smarter ones that knows not to share its actual thoughts, so I’ll continue to say that having to use right wing insults shows how fucking impotent their beliefs are, or that they hold no integrity to those beliefs.

>> No.13071191

A bill that was drawn up in response to a democratic rep. telling people to "follow the money" because she was pointing out that Israel has a high paid lobby industry in America and dumped as much money as the major corporations we cry about

>> No.13071198

Tranny is undoubtedly an insult, trannies make up not even 1% of the population and they are fucking weird to boot. But not just that when you call a man a tranny you arent just calling him a name, you are telling him he is so smol of a man, so much of a little bitch with no manhood to speak of that he should make himself a woman for the pleasure of real men. Its an insult. Maybe it isnt an insult for a tranny but for the vast vast vast majority of the planet it is and that will never change.

>> No.13071204

Why did narcissists who just want to counter /pol/ now need to invade and take over the left, they used to be the ones we depended on for these situations.

>> No.13071208

They literally used it as an insult, even if they were arguing it shouldn’t be, they insulted someone by calling them a tranny. It’s such a profound level of stupid hypocrisy.

>> No.13071365

Might be hard considering children are there and you have to maintain distance.

>> No.13071370
File: 203 KB, 640x960, 5f25183e-b44b-474e-9c93-60ccf6dc2412..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Niggers can't into per capita.

>> No.13071373

>BLACK people who are the real rascists here, we just wanna say the word nigger!
Actually though

>> No.13071379

Storm front is ran by a non white

>> No.13071390
File: 52 KB, 540x581, 1506345475311.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's just fucking fast food

>> No.13071391

>affirmative action made it so that you couldn't get the job and instead a minority took it!
Do you people even hear yourselves? They can’t get a job but immigrants are guaranteed them?

>> No.13071394

It is not just fast food, it is a private fast food company that is completely impervious as of now to the totalitarian aspiring left and is causing them to freak.

>> No.13071495

Thats what alot of you whitoids bitch about

>> No.13071626

I don't think eating a queer person will taste as good.

>> No.13071627

bruh have you ever eaten a guys ass thats properly cleaned, wash, scented, and puckered up?

Its sweet soft and warm and plump and the asshole sucks back at you like your kissing it

>> No.13071632

>the asshole sucks back at you like your kissing it
Jesus Christ anon...

>> No.13071636

Only a good boy who's been previously gaped has that ability for a big sloppy kiss

>> No.13071644

I'm going to eat at chick fil a just to get revenge on gays for this post

>> No.13071678

Every Thursday my local Chick-fil-a hurls fags from its rooftop.

>> No.13071685
File: 2.20 MB, 250x333, birdo.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>goyim im warning you! plead allegiance to the lgbt community right now!

Even if I didn't eat fast food, I would rather die than be loyal to those sodomite freaks.

>> No.13071695
File: 144 KB, 512x512, 0Q51B2J.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Twitter post from last June

>> No.13071731

Im gay and I eat chick fil a

>> No.13071739

You bigots equate society getting better and less cruel towards people as politics. That's the real issue.

>> No.13071749

are you a good boy? Do you want to be?

>> No.13071756

Its just chicken and a 2000 year old dusty book dude chill out

>> No.13071792

By the way for anyone out there who actually believes this, you're the ones who should really be scrambling to get Trump out of office for the various ways he's been bending and breaking established rules. You might think it's great now, but you know how big the left is and that the pendulum is going to swing. Trump is setting precedents for ignoring established rules that will be used by the left once they do take power if those precedents aren't delt with now. If you truly fear the socialist boot on your neck, now is the time you should really be calling for rule of law.

>> No.13071796
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chic-fil-a is the only respectable fast food joint in existence, they could toss gays off their roof tops and people would still go eat there

we know the fag community makes poor choices already but targeting chic-fil-a for ANY reason is just fucking stupid

>> No.13071813

Not a burger so never eaten there but OP's pic looks like a pretty basic bitch sandwich. What makes their food so special?

>> No.13071830

>what makes their food so special
Literally just the hype: there is nothing special about frying a piece of chicken and slapping it between two pieces of bread with like three little pickle slices

>> No.13071846


it's the simple fact that the food is decent and service is decent

the secret to chic-fil-a is that they don't allow niggers to nig

>> No.13071849
File: 87 KB, 805x1024, EEC3D3BB-B520-4B99-939C-37CE3FA97258.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate chick fil a they hate faggots what the fuck is wrong with them fucking bigots

>> No.13071856
File: 153 KB, 1582x390, PaulSullins2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>0 gay male couples studied

>only 20 people

>this condemns all gay people

>> No.13071859

Didn't you know, all fags are pedophiles?

>> No.13071861
File: 675 KB, 1480x818, PaulSullins.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>married christuck priest who adopted niglets thinking gays are worse than him lol

>> No.13071866


Child sexual abuse (CSA) is a pervasive problem with myriad short- and long-term consequences for victims and their families. Its impact is far-reaching with recent estimates that 26.6% of girls and 5.1% of boys experience sexual abuse or assault by age 17 (Finkelhor, Shattuck, Turner, & Hamby, 2014).















>> No.13071874

I don't show loyalty to people I've never met. I've met a chicken sandwich, and we get along pretty well, so I'm gonna have to side with them. Plus chickens are unempathatically mistreated, abused, and have no rights. As opposed to alphabet people who are just dancing around with maximum privilege that even white males don't have (such as insurance paying for their dick-removal procedures) yet claiming to be oppressed constantly (though they have the same legal rights as everyone else) simply because not everyone respects them on a social level.

>> No.13071879

>You mean a mental health crisis
...and now we've come full-circle back to the LGBFSjbfadbskb42fsbFSKBB community.

>> No.13071886



3/4 victims of molestation are female:



"A 2015 study (linked above) looked at virtually every substantiated child sexual abuse case reported to child protective services in the United States in 2010. It concluded more than 20% of child sexual abuse cases reviewed involved a primary female perpetrator – so estimates vary significantly."

>> No.13071891


>> No.13071894

>Chick fil a is a private company
The older I get, the more aware I become that private companies are generally much better at what they do. Something about share-holders and the constant need to increase growth and profit just destroys the heart of companies.

>> No.13071911

That's only about being gay, which I personally think is a spectrum. The mental health issues creeps up with the other letters. No one looks at a dude in a wig, lipstick, and 5'oclock shadow at Wal-mart and thinks "Oh, that's normal." It's on an entirely different level and everyone knows it, whether they feel safe in admitting it or not.

>> No.13071920

Feel free to shit on trans people. Leave gay people alone.

Most gay people hate trans people even more than you do.

>> No.13071933

>tolerant left
it's really the tyrant left

>> No.13071937

That is what I'm doing. I have no problem with gay people. I think it's bullshit that some of them are trying to merge teams with transgender/transvestite/transexuals and even black people (seriously? The black and brown stripes on the rainbow flag? wtf). They're setting gay people back by decades through that association.

>> No.13072088

Shut up, nigger.

>> No.13072105

It still just feels like an excuse to be an asdhole. Gay people abd trans are both going though a potentially tough life experience that you may not relate with. But to use than as an excuse to shit on them doesn't help anything. Even if you think they're literally mentally ill, compassion is still the best approach.

>> No.13072112

Yeah people talking about they have more rights then whites no or whatever is just sticking their head in the sand.

>> No.13072127

Nah, being trans is a choice. Fuck those people. I'd like to see the religious right and trannies eat each other alive.

Both are equally homophobic.

>> No.13072130

Ive never seen this take before.

>> No.13072134

Trannies actually hurt equality by enforcing gender norms

>> No.13072136

>I meant to say MAGA and fuck jews
Absolutely based.

>> No.13072144

I don't like Chick Fila A, but I really hate gays, so I support Chick Fil A

>> No.13072145

This. The religious right and trannies are both the enemies of gay acceptance and rights.

Having gay men run around in dresses and claim to be straight does nothing to help openly gay people not face stigma.

I voted for Trump and I'm Jewish.

>> No.13072151

Please don’t reply to me jew

>> No.13072157
File: 20 KB, 365x363, LibertyPoliticalCompass.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am not religious, I'm just ethnically Jewish on my mom's side.

Religion is absolutely retarded, as are trannies, nazis, and anyone larping as a libertarian.

>> No.13072158

damn gay AND jewish?

>> No.13072161

More rights in what sense?

I don't know how you can accept homosexuality and still say this with a straight face.

>> No.13072164


are you pro isreal?

>> No.13072167

what has the queer community ever done for me besides make me feel uncomfortable?

>> No.13072169

Down with corporate fascism, down with degeneracy.

>> No.13072173

What if I am gay, and still eat at Chik Fil A?

>> No.13072180

Yes. I think trannies are just homophobes.

Say which part?

I'm neutral with Israel. I'm glad it exists, sure, but think the U.S. needs to not get involved fighting wars to destabilize Israel's neighbors. I think Iran should be permitted to have nuclear weapons.

If Israel were destroyed I can't say I'd care that much because religion exists to oppress gay people, in part.

I don't give one fuck about "Palestinians".


>More rights in what sense?

Non discrimination laws at a federal level, accepting sexual orientation as a suspect class requiring strict scrutiny in a legal setting

>> No.13072186
File: 34 KB, 720x477, possum2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>straight people don't make gays uncomfortable


that's what I do

Jesus never existed, religion is a lie to brainwash people into being controlled by others, but it is just food and I don't have enough control to make all fundies disappear off the earth like I'd like to.

>> No.13072187

Then you're a moral-less traitor to your own community

>> No.13072188

>cares about gays being discriminated against
>doesn’t give a shit about Palestinians human rights being violated by jews

>> No.13072192

The left is ok with corporate fascism, they want daddy Hollywood, big agriculture and big pharma to tell them what they can say and think.

>> No.13072193
File: 158 KB, 900x1200, kimpetras6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you mean like straight trannies?

Muslims and arabs are shitty violent people who deserve nothing.

>doesn’t give a shit about Palestinians human rights being violated by jews

what human rights would jews have in a state controlled by muslims?

>> No.13072201

Is there a muslim state that is violating the human rights of jews..? And you wonder why you’re the most traditionally hated race.

>> No.13072203

They are content with their fake secular Mc-Culture.

>> No.13072207

>BK chicken fries
Based, they're the only fast food I've eaten in years

>> No.13072209

Yes. Israel has been controlled by Muslims before and Jews were treated like shit under them. You act like Muslims want the Jews treated well. At least Jews are somewhat intelligent and can run a decent country.

Go live in Iran if Muslims are so based and redpilled.

>And you wonder why you’re the most traditionally hated race.

so sry u have inferior goyishe kop

cry more

>> No.13072210

Because it’s an actual brainlet luddite cult that thinks they’re the most intelligent people to ever exist, they literally think that for all time there were no people who realized anything but them.

>> No.13072215

That’s literal ancient history though slimy jew, I don’t have to go anywhere to defend people’s sovereignty to their home

>> No.13072229

There's no place on earth where Muslims treat Jews well.

I don't think Muslims should even be permitted to live in Israel given how they behave towards Jews.

Muslims are shitty violent and dumb.

If they want Israel, they can try and take it.

>> No.13072246


>> No.13072422

>accepting sexual orientation as a suspect class requiring strict scrutiny in a legal setting

So you're saying the government should get involved in people's sexual orientations? Put sanctions on those who don't conform with the right norms?

Are you saying that's a leftist stance?

>> No.13072436

The government should get involved in protecting those who are helpless to stop from being hassled and treated with suspicion and negativity for their immutable sexual orientation.

Hassling people for what we can't control is where the government steps in, same with sex and racial discrimination.

>Put sanctions on those who don't conform with the right norms?

you mean like Christians do now to gay people?

lol what fucking hypocrites y'all are

>> No.13072457

>I don't give one fuck about "Palestinians".

Why is this? You may disagree with their religious outlook, but they are a people who were living mostly peacefully and then invaded and displaced from their land. From the sounds of things you too would be pretty upset if Jews showed up on your doorstep and declared that God told them the plot of land your house is on rightfully belongs them. And ohh by the way if you don't leave peacefully and beg for forgiveness the whole time they will murder your whole family.

If you don't have compassion for Palestinians despite not sharing all their beliefs you're either an asshole ir an idiot.

>> No.13072467

If you mistook me for a Christian you are way off base. I just think it's weird to be okay with gay people and not trans and curiously trying to suss out why.

>> No.13072471

I don't think they are a real cohesive people, just colonizing Muslim invaders hellbent on oppressing Jews and outbreeding us because they can't compete with us intellectually.

>who were living mostly peacefully

lol imagine believing this

Jews would be violently oppressed if Muslims ran things, that's the way it was before and we learned our lesson

Want Israel, take it from us.

God isn't real, but race is.

Jews are smarter than Arabs and run the country better.

Israel would be a way shittier country if Muslims ran it.

>despite not sharing all their beliefs

oh yeah they are so loving towards gay jewish people lol

>why not let in people who want you dead

you sound like a democratic candidate rn

>> No.13072472

why does 4chan flip flop between either protecting or hating Palestinians. pick a stance

>> No.13072477

>how they behave towards the jews burning down their homes and shooting them like wild game

>> No.13072484

Because trans people don't respect gay people.

Gay trans people are straight people who want to date gay people and straight trans people are closeted gay people. How do either of those entities make life easier for people wishing to be openly gay and date the same sex?

>> No.13072487

Nobody has ever had any reason to hate palestine

>> No.13072492

You really think Muslims are above harming or killing Jews?

It is us or them.

>> No.13072495

Thats because trans people are just nutjobs that no longer get the necessary help because it became so politicised and instead have their delusion encouraged.

>> No.13072496

How can you hate what doesn't exist?

They are just Muslim/Arab colonist invaders who want Jews erased.

Why would you support the DUMBER tribes who are even less efficient at running a country?

Name all the free, democratic Muslim countries you can.

>> No.13072498

Okay, them in the middle east because they were already there.

>> No.13072502

It isn't that they are nutjobs it is that they act like gay people can be attracted to the opposite birth sex.

>no longer get the necessary help

which would be?

>instead have their delusion encouraged.

because people are homophobic and no element of transness involves having to accept openly gay people

see: Iran which pays gay men to pretend to be women and sterilize themselves

>> No.13072507

that's not english

>> No.13072509

>Why would you support the DUMBER tribes who are even less efficient at running a country?
Do you think we live in a nationalist world?

>> No.13072516

Just accept that israel is the most fucked up thing happening in our time you can’t really argue otherwise.

>> No.13072523

Yes, those both sound like things a nutjob would do. Anyone else is told to accept who they are and get on with life because life isnt fair, which is enough for most people but as soon as john says he feels like a jane none of that fucking matters and they to made into a perverse version of a woman so they dont have to come to terms with the fact they are gay? Psychiatric and medications seemed to work before a 40% suicide rate.

>> No.13072529

Trannies has been an astroturfed movement from the start, just a coincidence everything became about those freaks, right?

>> No.13072534

>they to made
they are made
Psychiatric help

>> No.13072535

The problem isn't that they are crazy the problem is that we don't just call them out for being either predatory towards gay people (gay trans) or self-hating about their own homosexuality (straight trans).

Calling them crazy won't fix shit.

>Psychiatric and medications seemed to work before a 40% suicide rate.

statistics is a minefield

that's just attempted lifetime rate of any sort of suicidal attempt at all, not a success rate

>perverse version of a woman

ftms are just as much a larp

the problem isn't their sex it is their claims about sexual orientation

i.e. that straight men are attracted to what were once gay men

and that gay men should be attracted to what were once straight women

or WE are bigots as gay people lol

>> No.13072640

My stomach, you fucking faggots.

>> No.13072734

>implying obesity isn't a cause of expensive healthcare or mental health problems as well as just about everything else that could be wrong with a person

>> No.13072756

I want to take a dirty cinderblock, walk up to next sodomite I see prancing on the street, and then cave its fucking head in. Afterward I'll go to my local Chick-fil-A to celebrate a day's hard work by ordering a spicy chicken deluxe sandwich with a side of fries. Mmm!

>> No.13072768
File: 66 KB, 700x467, GayThatsOk3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>internet tough guy

>> No.13072813

That sign is grammatically incorrect, retard.

>> No.13072821
File: 53 KB, 599x417, LibertyorTranny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13072836

God bless /pol/

>> No.13072845
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>> No.13072858


keep crying fags

>> No.13072863

>1/3 gay or bi, 9% bi
>33%-9% is 24%
>1/4 people are gay
That does not reflect reality at all.

>> No.13072868
File: 174 KB, 1100x600, 52346754768.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


the alphabet community isn't very big on reality to begin with so...