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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 274 KB, 2500x1883, aglio2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13056543 No.13056543 [Reply] [Original]

Man I could literally eat this shit all the time. Why is it so good?

>> No.13056548


>> No.13057259

I've tried making this about 5 times now and it always ends up tasting like nothing, no matter how much garlic I use. But my hands and kitchen will smell like garlic for the next 2 weeks.

>> No.13057309

Brush your teeth nigger.

Also use a tongue scraper.

>> No.13057332


half a stick of butter
half cream cheese
the same of 2% milk
4 garlic cloves to soak.
1 TBSP grated Parm Reg.
Basil to taste

>> No.13057367

...and when you’re done throw everything in the trash.

>> No.13057376

Sounds like you might be messing up your ratios. #1 tip: use more salt. #2: take more care in making your olive oil/garlic/chili flakes, go REALLY low and slow until your garlic turns just golden and the oil is super infused.

Either that or you're a smoker and can't appreciate subtlety.

>> No.13057377


like a stupid kid that can't make anything but traditional food.

You're the dumbest cunt of them all. You want authentic over good food.

>> No.13057378

Man, try this:


>> No.13057414


Where'd you go, gimpsack?

>> No.13057415

You seem like a garbage dumpster that would eat everything no matter how illogic and random the ingredients in his plate are, in simpler words: an American

>> No.13057421


Asshole, it's cream, butter and milk. That makes a cream sauce. How fucking retarded are you? It's not italian carbonara, it's goddamn better.

>> No.13057427


Oh, and it has parm reg in it, just because you're a stupid cunt that wants some traditional italian. You childish morons actually turn my stomach.

>> No.13057468


Where'd you go, fuck up? You done sounding like a complete asshole that doesn't know ingredients?

>> No.13057473

>thread about a simple pasta
>a bunch of miserable manchildren REEEEEEEE'ing at each other
Yep, sounds about right.

>> No.13057489

Never knew about this, I'm gonna make it today. Thanks op

>> No.13057494


I'm not having an autistic fit. I'm just sick of the unemployed poverty losers living in their parent's houses pretending they are Mario Balotelli. And not in a sexual assault sense. Kids need to shut the fuck up until they've cooked 2000 dishes.

>> No.13057519

>kids need to stfu until they've cooked 2000 dishes
Naw, you're pretty autistic.

>> No.13057545


where's my cuddly bear. stop sucking at food and sucking at life. I'll stop telling you your fucking garbage.

>> No.13057549


>> No.13057566


You don't have family members that started cooking in later in life that absolutely suck? I started in college and my mom was the "cook" of the family of like 5 kids and I learned from her before I left.

People who learn from idiots or learn late can't fucking cook to save their lives and need to trial and error their way through at least 1000 dishes. My multimillionaire aunt, I had to teach her how to make hand made pasta. People don't come by the skill naturally or with money. They need to apply themselves.

>> No.13057568

cringe, try harder

>> No.13057575

I don't see any clams or scallops in there. Wassamatta you?

>> No.13057578
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I turn this into ravioli and linguini.

>> No.13057589
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I know you're a generic dumb piece of shit, but you can make really good things if you don't fucking suck all the time.

>> No.13057598
File: 216 KB, 1600x1200, breadrape.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Did I try hard enough, cunt? Here's a hotdog for your level of development.

>> No.13057616

Use more salt and better quality oil.

>> No.13057620


If you're wondering, that's a birdseye maple slab of 2 inch maple with a honduras mahogany center piece that was going to be a fingerboard for a guitar.

>> No.13057625
File: 12 KB, 300x300, 034205.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I hand planed it with a stanley plane and then a Lee Neilson hand plane.

>> No.13057628

Nothing to do with not being traditional.
Half a stick of butter with half cream cheese and milk is fucking disgusting you fat tub of lard.

>> No.13057645

what is this?

>> No.13057652


I'm 3lbs under my weight for 5,10. Go fuck your stupid self. YOu use the sauce you need. THATS ALL. If it's high cal at the start you use less. Do you fucking understand a goddamn thing? Jesus you internet gumbies are fucking dumb

>> No.13057655

>Kids need to shut the fuck up until they've cooked 2000 dishes.
2,000 different dishes?

>> No.13057658


You're like trying to communicate with dirt.

>> No.13057663

How much do you think she wants to jump on his italian noodle?

>> No.13057669


No, Cook for fucking 5 fucking years. How do you know get that. What am I talking to here?

>> No.13057677

>fingerboard for a guitar.
It's called a fretboard you absolute troglodyte.

>> No.13057680

I don't live anywhere near Italy. I don't claim to be of Italian decent. All of those ingredients combined in that amount is garbage tier dish.

>> No.13057681

She at least sucked him, I’m sure


>> No.13057685


It's a fingerboard on a violin you fucking idiot. Fretboard 200 years later. Go home.

>> No.13057687

calm down, dude

>> No.13057692
File: 173 KB, 1500x1125, aglio e olio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more salt, more parm, more red pepper, more fresh parsley

mostly more salt and parm. done properly this is a very savory dish

>> No.13057697

>1 TBSP grated Parm Reg.
yea, that will really make difference in that slob

>> No.13057702

I made this and it was alright but I think I used too much lemon because it ended up too sour

>> No.13057705


I don’t like to eat garlic because I don’t digest it, it makes my entire room a gas chamber during the night filled with garlic exhausts and farts, so my question is: can I throw it out before adding the chili pepper and the parsley?

>> No.13057707


Do you want me to teach you about guitars, violins, cellos, violas. I can do that, kid. We can start with sitka spruce from germany or alaska and how those wonderful tonewoods make music. Or flame maple or what is left of maple which we call 'figured maple', or ceylon ebony which I don't even know if you can get anymore.
You don't know a goddamn thing about instrument making so shut the fuck up.. please.

>> No.13057710

Well who wouldn't?

>> No.13057712

the dish doesn't take lemon but, add some shrimp and wala.

>> No.13057718

>I don’t like to eat garlic because I don’t digest it
>garlic based recipe


>> No.13057720


If you're so sad or upset, go to bed. Don't open your trap.

>> No.13057724

Italian here: he’s a terrone from Napoli and to stay true to its Neapolitan origins he was jailed because he robbed a house and now he’s multi millionaire tv chef built around the Italian meme person with super mario accent (fake because you can hear how he loses it sometimes).

With that said: he’s good at cooking.

>> No.13057737

That's cool but anon said guitar dummy.
>Do you want me to teach you about guitars, violins, cellos, violas
Not really seeing as you're an idiot roleplaying as a luthier in a thread about pasta.

>> No.13057741

you'r'e all a bunch of fags post recipes and pictures or fuck off

in case you're serious about eating something you're allergic too, I want to help. you can infuse oil with anything that will fry. in the case of garlic just strain it out with a fine mesh and you can re-use it as garlic infused oil.

>> No.13057750

And so? I was asking if it would make a big difference if I stop at favouring the oil with the garlic flavour and then toss it away. Otherwise I could avoid chopping it fine and leaving it whole so I can toss it away when I find it in my plate.

>> No.13057753


There's NO parsley in aglio e olio!!

>> No.13057755

I don't really care about anything as long as
>he’s good at cooking.

>> No.13057767

meant this anon for the infusion

>> No.13057774

yes there is

>> No.13057780

Yeah thanks that’s what I usually do: fry the garlic in the oil until it’s golden and then toss it away.
I always keep it whole, I never chop it and I was wondering if this could make the difference.

>> No.13057789

That’s perfectly fine, I care because as Italian I’m pissed that foreign people then associates the It’s a me mario stereotype to us.

>> No.13057799

you will get a much better infusion with thickly sliced garlic and it will still strain. So just make a very garlicy oil, strain it, reheat it and finish your pasta in it

don't forget the red pepper and use a lot of fresh parsley, a lot of Parmesan, and a lot of salt with a little black pepper

>> No.13057803

Of course it does. Make different recipe like cacio e pepe if you don't like garlic.

>> No.13057815

But he's funny. Anyone who take's his personality seriously is a retard and shouldn't be listened to.

>> No.13057816

Thanks will do

Don’t like pepper

>> No.13057819

quick tip for you faggots. you can add

some fresh tomatoes
can of sauced tomatoes
half a jar of pasta sauce
tomato paste
fresh or dried herbs
pat of butter

in just about any combination, simmer for 20-30 minutes

once you have the infused oil base from this simple 4 ingredient recipe it's really hard to fuck up adding to it

>> No.13057821


>> No.13057822


That’s all I need

>> No.13057823

fuck I can't post today.
>sauced tomatoes

>> No.13057833
File: 207 KB, 1600x974, hot dog casserole.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13057869

I would eat that disgusting horrible mess.

>> No.13057883

you should totally make it and post pics

>> No.13057890


I'm roleplaying as a luthier.


>> No.13057906

>I'm roleplaying as a luthier
Yes, I know.

>> No.13057909

I might need to get much higher first.

>> No.13057915


At least you have a calling.

>> No.13057937
File: 92 KB, 634x476, 1524521989396.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

be there hero /ck/needs
>make the goddamn casserole
>your destiny
>it is

>> No.13057951

I don't know what it is about her voice but she makes me diamonds.

>> No.13057972

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it.
You’re fucking dead, kiddo

>> No.13058002

Hear me, and hear me well: I don't know what insignificant shithole you hail from, but I must lament the fact that it hasn't been carpetbombed enough to eradicate every trace of your verminous folk. You are a testament to the low character of your people, a blazing sign in this modern hellscape that advertises the absolutely deplorable nature of your backwoods no-name land. You aren't worthy of the bullets that would send you and your kind back to the abyss from whence you spawned. As for my political leanings, you are far from the mark. You have missed me by such a large margin, and it speaks volumes about how sorely you lack intuition of any sort. You will be forgotten at the moment of your passing. You have died.

>> No.13058014

Hi Cletus!

>> No.13058025

Best pasta here.

>> No.13058027


>> No.13058077

too much milk, im lactose intolerant

>> No.13058107

How much tastier is this dish if I use fresh parsley rather than dried, jarred parsley? I’ve only ever used the latter.

>> No.13058117

>Mario Balotelli

>> No.13058152

...anon what the fuck are you using oregano?

>> No.13058162

Is the old man gay?

>> No.13058210

>more parm

That's cheating and not the point at all. If you can't make it taste good then just say so.

>> No.13058219
File: 29 KB, 540x540, 4FB7F63E-334D-4BEA-8305-CBC084DDFC34.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No I use dried parsley flakes, picrelated.

>> No.13058227

>half a stick of 2% milk

>> No.13058241

Human body craves carbs and fat.

>> No.13058302

Fresh parsley is a totally different experience. The difference between dried and fresh herbs is so great that using the same name for the plant in both contexts should honestly be outlawed. Dried foods are simply not adequate as replacement for their fresh counterparts. You can't make pesto with dry basil, raisins can't be used in place of grapes, dried apple slices do not make a pie, dried chipotles can't be part of pico de gallo, etc. etc.

Dried ingredients are of course fine in their own ways, but they're not interchangeable with fresh, that's all.

>> No.13058319

Where's the msg?

>> No.13058354

Us brown kids beat you to by the time we are 6

>> No.13058356

that is disgusting

>> No.13058369

Well, next time I make it I’ll use fresh parsley, and see just how great the difference is. The main reason I use dried is just because it keeps for far longer.

>> No.13058382
File: 195 KB, 816x612, aglio-olio_small.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it is not aglio oilo if it doesnt have chilli in it.

>> No.13058441

well without chillies it’s ‘aglio olio’ but not ‘aglio olio e peperoncino’

>> No.13058447

Is that onion?

>> No.13058450

Porco dio e la madonna puttana: il thread

>> No.13058481

>I don't like garlic
>I don't like pepper
Try drinking bleach. Faggot.

>> No.13058489

>Don’t like pepper
Excuse me what? I think you're in the wrong place.

>> No.13058498

Probably he meant that he doesn’t like to eat high amounts of pepper in his food. That pasta is rich in pepper, I understand that some people may find it disturbing.

>> No.13058501

I had the same issue, turns out my garlic wasn't as fresh as I thought it was. Try buying some from a farmer's market, the difference will be blow your fucking mind.

>> No.13058502

Dried oregano, rosemary and thyme are close enough to use a replacement, albeit one that's (obviously) not as good.

Basil, coriander and sage should all be fresh.

>> No.13058628

Yea you're right. When I said "fresh" I was thinking "uncooked," as all herb garnishes are. If you're going to use an herb without cooking it, dry won't work. But oregano, rosemary, and thyme are almost always cooked, so their dry forms can work.

>> No.13058686

why for the love of god? you can get fresh parsley pretty much for free in store

>> No.13058691

Just because it keeps longer than fresh parsley.

>> No.13058693

>mild taste
kek, they know

>> No.13058699

so you got full jar of eternal shit instead, epic deal

>> No.13058773

>some fresh tomatoes
>can of sauced tomatoes
>half a jar of pasta sauce
>tomato paste
>I literally don't know how to turn tomatoes into a sauce without 4 specialty products marketed as sauce

>> No.13058781
File: 1.41 MB, 1814x1531, rigatoni.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gives basic ideas to newfags
my sauce tomat game is fire bitch

>> No.13058783

Dried parsley, for when you're too drunk to buy fresh and pat it down with some towels before putting it in the crisper for up to two fucking weeks.

>> No.13058826
File: 813 KB, 1176x1572, sg.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it is significantly better with fresh parsley

>thinks adjusting the amount of parmesan cheese used in aglio e olio is cheating

>> No.13058840

save some fresh garlic to crush and mix in after it's finished.

>> No.13058849

Crushed garlic is way more strong because of the thiosulfinates.

>> No.13058866


ingredients can't be 'illogic' and 'random'. they're fucking vegetables and shit. they don't have intelligence or free will.

>> No.13058874


so you're having an autistic fit and getting mad that poor random slobs in their moms kitchen can make food as good or better than you, is what i'm reading into your statement.

everyone i've known that was ACTUALLY good at something, encourages other people to make do with what they have and appreciate ANY sort of effort to reach a higher level of skill or quality in what they do.

you do not fit the category of 'talented individual'.

>> No.13058911

Is this the 'British carbonara' reaction guy?

>> No.13059004

Your sauce is bright red, which makes me think you didn’t cook it long enough. How long do you cook your sauce?

>> No.13059008

>ingredients cannot be combined in an illogical way
Please to enjoy this peanut butter and crab leg sandwich

>> No.13059050


first of all that's not illogical. it just might not taste good. but food tasting bad doesn't mean it's illogical, since food literally doesn't brain.

second of all, a hot peanut curried crab salad in a ban mhi roll with some julienned veggies would be a treat, so, in reality, the only reason YOUR peanut butter crab sandwhich tastes bad and MINE tastes great, is because you're stupid and i'm smart.

>> No.13059078

>You can't talk about food on my Korean basket weaving forum without first making a arbertary number of food combinations.

>> No.13059096

Don't know if you can't handle the fibers or the garlic juices so don't know.
But you can remove the slices after heating them and the oil tastes like garlic

>> No.13059099

I've always got spaghetti, olive oil, garlic and chili flakes in the house, but no fresh parsley, which means I can make the dish at a moments notice without leaving the house and still just be wearing my underwear.

>> No.13059107


You can do what you want, you'll just end up looking like a cunt because you're an inexperienced cunt. That's what cunts are. Poor cunt, .. poor cunt.

>> No.13059116


That last phrase was translated from an indian drum circle. Normally they're talking about a crow. It works for a disabused cunt too.

>> No.13059126

>only one sauce
>only one cook time
not my pic and the color is fine. sauce should be cooked until done.

>> No.13059144

>Oh man it's so hard to heat water and put sticks of dried grain for what ever time it says on the packet then put oil and garlic on a pan and make it crisp then add chilli and turn of heat then great cheese and put them all to one pan and eat.

>> No.13059148

>in aglio e olio
America was a mistakea

>> No.13059151


I honestly forgot how fun it is to play with pretentious assholes who think they're in the right. I LOVE people who take cooking seriously and share ideas. On this board people like to high road everyone else and never use sound cooking ideas that aren't something they saw on television. They want to pretend they're Heston Blumenthal and not Alton Brown. So go ahead and piss on my neck all you want, but you don't understand what I'm doing.

>> No.13059160


I can even give you a non sodium citrate method that Alton brown taught me back in the 90s for making good cheese sauce.

>> No.13059188
File: 163 KB, 1600x1200, pasta3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I have to great some cheese tomorrow.

>> No.13059198
File: 203 KB, 1600x1200, pasta2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


freshly rolled pasta only takes about 3 minutes to cook.

>> No.13059242

Nice that egg based pasta?
I have to tryout making it with basil leaf rolled in-between the layers.

>> No.13059255

Homemade Pasta Recipe
Yield: 1 1/4 lbs dough
Prep Time: 1 hour 15 minutes
Total Time: 1 hour 15 minutes
• 3 1/2 cups all-purpose unbleached flour, sifted (plus extra flour for preparing)
• 1/2 teaspoon salt
• 4 large eggs, beaten
• 2 Tablespoons water
1. Place eggs, water, flour and salt in mixer bowl. Attached bowl and flat beater. Turn to speed 2 and mix for 30 to 60 seconds. Add more water if the dough is too dry, in 1/2 Tablespoon increments.
2. Change out the flat beater for the dough hook. Turn to speed 2 and knead for 2 minutes. Remove the dough and knead by hand for 2 minutes. Let it rest for 20 to 30 minutes.
3. Cut dough into four pieces before processing with pasta sheet attachment. Take one piece and flatten into a rectangular shape. Adding flour to both sides. Be sure to cover the other pieces. Attach the pasta sheet roller to your stand mixer and set it to #1. Turn on the stand mixer to speed 2 and run the pasta dough through the pasta sheet roller. While on #1, fold the dough in half and run it through again. I do this several times.
4. Adding a little bit of flour on each side of the dough again, change setting to #2 and pass the pasta dough through the sheet roller. I do this twice and then twice each on #3 and then #4. If you want thicker dough, don't do the #4 setting.
5. Once again, add flour to each side of your long pasta sheet. Change the attachment to your spaghetti or fettuccine cutter and turn on to speed 2. Run the pasta sheet through and with your left hand, hold on to the pasta as it comes through the cutter. It's usually really long so I cut it and then wind it around my hand to create a nest. Allow pasta to dry for a few minutes before boiling.
6. When boiling your pasta, it only needs 3 to 7 minutes to boil.
7. With this pasta recipe, I prefer the fettuccine cutter.
If drying your pasta, hang on clean plastic clothes hangers or a pasta drying rack for at least an hour.

Semolina sucks

>> No.13059278
File: 37 KB, 522x522, 61+jB7KoWfL._SX522_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Also buy an Atlas 150. They're nearly free.

>> No.13059279
File: 50 KB, 600x600, 89cents-onsale.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, you made this, except you called it something completely gay to be fancy, thinking Italy is not the Mexico of Europe and the people are brown, hairy, lazy, and sweaty.

>> No.13059293


Italy is the Mexico of Europe. What does Mexico do well? MAKE FOOD. You people constantly self impeach with your own words. It's like watching two people trying to kiss assholes. You keep bumping together and missing.

>> No.13059309

based and accurate

>> No.13059334
File: 214 KB, 868x1500, Spaghetti aglio e olio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a pasta roni thread

>> No.13059342


Don't make me fucking do it. The non sodium citrate recipe for creamy cheddar sauce.

>> No.13059355


How many of you teenagers even own a wisk?

>> No.13059378


So you melt butter, add milk at medium heat, you shred cheddar and in that cheddar you mix a bunch of corn starch. The cornstarch breaks the long chain proteins. melt and wisk that into your fucking sauce pot.

Then do whatever you want.

>> No.13059390

Honestly I hate helping you shitty people. But I can't help it.

>> No.13059584

No, there isn't.

>> No.13059820


>> No.13059862
File: 59 KB, 640x329, p5onht9mlgdkj0yvnjao.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

now you listen to me you motherfucker

>yes, it does

>> No.13059905

you don't put milk in agolio e olio anons. it's just salt, pepper, lemon juice/zest, red pepper flakes, minced garlic, olive oil. lessen the salt if you wanna add a little parmesan

>> No.13059916

And parsley

>> No.13059944

Possible suggestions
>still not enough garlic. you really want to use like 2-3 cloves per serving
>garlic not sliced finely enough
>garlic overcooked. if its brown and crispy like most recipes recommend, the flavor is almost completely gone. Ideally you want to sweat it very low so that it has plenty of time to infuse and never browns, even throw some in at the end right before the pasta
>pasta water not salted enough. You literally want a fistful of salt per litre of water
>shitty oil
>not enough chili/lemon/parsley

Fix those and come back if it still sucks.

>> No.13059947

op is based retard

>> No.13059962

You post this in every pasta thread looking for a reaction. You also post the shitty ragu with canned mushroom fucking soup and no wine.

>> No.13059986

Try it and see. Some herbs are naturally dry and therefore not much different in their dried state, rosemary for example, but fresh parsley and basil are worlds apart from dried. Basil at least imparts a nice tangy slightly aniseed flavor, dried parsley is absolutely pointless.

>> No.13059999

>freshly rolled pasta only takes about 3 minutes to cook.
Sure if you want a bloated gummy mess. It takes less than a minute, then you finish it in the sauce.

>> No.13060035


>> No.13060090


clearly, you're on point.
Finish it in everything I've been talking about tonight.

>> No.13060097


You fucking girl. Do you cook your wine long enough to make it not taste like vomit? It takes about 2 hours to cook wine before it doesn't takes like urine. Do you do that?

>> No.13060104


You people are so priggish and cunty and you deserve the food you make day to day. This isn't cooking for assholes. It's food and cooking. I can cook well. Or I can cook for a family every day. Do any of you assholes eat anything other than ravioli?

>> No.13060108

not him but i do

>> No.13060114


Every day, every time 2 hours or more. That's great that you're a housewife.

>> No.13060119


I try to teach idiotic teenage 4chan fuck ups how to make food that won't kill them. But by all means be cunts about it.

>> No.13060120

i'm not a housewife i just usually cook only on the weekends when i have enough time to cook a dish properly

>> No.13060126


That's fascinating. WHat do you eat throughout the week?

>> No.13060133


I can teach you how to make perfect steak, perfect chicken soup and perfect singapore noodles, curry rice.. But I want people to eat well every day.

>> No.13060134

This isn't true with all dishes containing wine. Especially not white wine

>> No.13060136

depends. if I feel like, on Sunday i'll make some rice and veggies and a pot of soup and those usually last me 4 days.
if not i just buy food from those cafeteria type places

>> No.13060143


Try making Coq au vin in less than 4 hours and having it not taste like shit. But you're right, white is faster.

>> No.13060144

i believe you but unfortunately due to my autism i only make chicken soup when i buy a whole chicken and i can't bring myself to use the best cuts of meat for the soup.
i make risotto with the breasts
i bake the legs, thighs and wings with potatoes
and i use the rest of the chicken for soup

>> No.13060156


No no no. You spatchcock the chicken, butter, salt, pepper. Bake it till its 165 internal. Strip the chicken off, get all the bones and sinew, throw it in an instant pot for 2 hours at least. Use that juice as your stock. Then onions in butter, brown it, then carrots celery, parsnip, turnup. Deglaze with your stock and add whatever shit you want and your meat.

>> No.13060160


When you do the chicken, you need to pull the skin from the flesh and rub the butter internally.

>> No.13060168


Also 380F to 400F depending on how far your electric elements are from the meat.

>> No.13060170

the whole chicken for soup? that'd be a hell of a soup. maybe someday when i have to cook for four people i'll try it
do you have an opinion on celery root vs. celery stalk?

>> No.13060179


No no no. Just enough. Just like everything else. I'm not writing recipes, I'm giving recommendations. You'll need like a breast or a leg for this soup. But be aware, an instant pot stock is THICK. It's pure flavour. So.. use at your own risk. Then bones crumble if you touch them.

>> No.13060185


Root and stalk are the same animal after they're sweated out. You turn them into a .. I dunno a compote?

>> No.13060235

hm, you're giving me an interesting idea. i found a recipe for duck pate that called for using the whole bird and baking it like you describe but i figure i could try it with a chicken too, since i'd be left with almost a whole bird. of course it won't release as much fat as a duck but worth a test drive
oh, good to know. i've been using root mostly, because it keeps in the fridge longer, but all online recipes i see have stalk in them.
another question, have you heard of avgolemono? it's a southern european method of thickening, flavoring and adding color to clear broths. basically it's whisking an egg and adding lemon juice, or another acidic element (in my country we use yoghurt, i've heard others uwe sour cream) and then adding it to the broth. maybe you don't need it in this particular recipe where you boil bones for several hours but it generally works wonders on soups. the color and the aroma of the broth is amazing

>> No.13060818

What kind of oil do you use

>> No.13060854

kek, here we go

>> No.13061940

Make me, coward.

>> No.13061957

>It still doesn't.

>> No.13062090

At least they're not pretending to be Ngubu

>> No.13062458

Don't listen to other idiots, they don't know what they are talking about.
If you end up with little flavor it's because you are cooking the garlic too much.
The garlic in pic is overcooked

It's a common (almost always) mistake made in American aglio e olio.

Make sure to
> Cut the garlic like pic
> Stop cooking the garlic *before* it acquire color.

Use 1-2 garlic cloves per person

>> No.13062464

And no fucking lemon.
You want to taste the garlic year you are doing everything to neutralize it.
Don't overcook and don't put too much acid ingredient

>> No.13063007

Put everything he said >>13062458 but instead of 2 cloves do about 200g of pasta with 5 cloves of garlic.
Because you slice them and cook them for such a short time you need a lot more than if you did a long cook with crushed garlic.
Also lemon is fine just don't put a lot in you want it for the acid not the taste.

>> No.13063273

>Fix those and come back if it still sucks.
i did this and it sucks more!!
>inb4 you must be doing it wrong
im not
your advice did not work

>> No.13063568


>> No.13063608

>some fresh tomatoes
>can of sauced tomatoes
>half a jar of pasta sauce
I can't for the life of me understand people who want to "make" something e.g. a tomato sauce and start with premade tomato sauce. What a giant waste of time. There's nothing wrong with just using a tomato sauce from a jar if you can't be bothered to cook, but if you can be bothered to cook then why add that shit?

>> No.13063621

You reduce the wine before adding the other fluids retard. It takes less than 5 minutes.

>> No.13063695
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>making meme pasta
Why does everyone like this shit so much? Pic related, it's a real pasta dish

>> No.13063746

Holy fuck OP here. I completely forgot about this thread and now it's a complete shitshow.

What have I created.

Also linguini > spaghetti.

>> No.13063750

OP here.

Arrabbiata is good too.

>> No.13063889

rent free, ambrogi'

>> No.13063990

>dried apple slices do not make a pie

that was actually a pretty common thing once

>> No.13064030

Slice garlic thin like in pic, take some pasta water, cook down the garlic in the pasta water, add good quality EVOO, chili flakes, S n P, fry until it just about starts to brown garlic, add in some more pasta water, then the pasta, toss with parm and parsley, wedge of lemon squeezed over top, wala.

Used this method many times at my first cooking job, a small portion of pasta was added to pretty much every main as a 'starter'.

>> No.13064042

gnocchi aren't pasta

>> No.13064816

Sounds like a Townsend video in the making.

>> No.13065646
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yes it fucking does goddammit

>> No.13065695

You can use jarred sauce immediately as an ingredient where fresh tomatoes have to be stewed. There's no reason to leave a jarred sauce as is when you can do a few steps to make it better. Or as suggested here you can add a small amount of tomato product to aglio e olio and get a new dish.

This isn't really difficult to understand but this board is full of (You).

>> No.13065709

you can get premade ones for dirt cheap and it seems fancy to them because its new to them

they're hybrids, lovechild of a perogie and a particularly fat spaghetti

>> No.13065712


>> No.13065730

half a stick of butter is 1/4 cup

>> No.13065880

you use wine to deglaze the pan

>> No.13065986

just give me a good cheese sandwich and I am fine

>> No.13066048

the shit you just posted is meme pasta

>> No.13066227

It's okay, you're not the only one with foodtism. Sounds like a pretty economical way to use a whole chicken. When I'm thinking about making a Chicken soup, I tend to make roast chicken the day before, then I carve all the meat off the carcass and throw the carcass and sinew/cartilage from the chicken in a pot to boil on low with the lid on for 6-8 hours for a stock, then I strain any bones or other inedible shit out of the stock once its done (It takes time but you don't really need to watch it, I've gone to bed and turned it off when I've woken up the next day, just need to make sure you add enough water to cover the carcass and you won't burn anything)
Then you can just buy some thighs or some other cheap cut of chicken. If you have some left over roast chicken, just use that.
After the stock is made and I've got some chicken meat I tend to do what this anon does here.

>> No.13066315

>cream cheese
Fucking disgusting

>> No.13066410

il filo anon.

>> No.13066429
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>> No.13066476

dry herbs are for when you dont have fresh on hand but you want to make something and dont want to walk to the shop, or its late

>> No.13066479

Disgusting, Why wouldnt you just make a carbonara, it would taste 1000x times better and is 1000x simpler to make

>> No.13067866

OP here, I’m gay too (if it matters)

>> No.13068012


It's not though, it's butter bacon shit. You just want to go with the flow. You fucking assholes can't create. You just regurgitate.

>> No.13068018


Sorry, I meant pancetta shit. To be correct.

>> No.13068024


It's a 1000x simpler to explain that butter, basil, panceta is a limp wristed sauce that isn't beaten into a hydrogenated state. It's just oily goo.

>> No.13068030



>> No.13068048

I've created several cream based pasta dishes and they're all better than your fucking shit. Basil in a cream based dish is just going to taste utterly wank.

>> No.13068057


You sound incredibly credible. I would love to hear about your 'cream based dishes'.

>> No.13068078

>10/15/19(Tue)21:07:20 No.13068057
>>>13068048 #
>You sound incredibly credible. I would love to hear about your 'cream based dishes
No you wouldn't because you're a stubborn troll so I won't waste my time to give you the benefit of writing out a recipe. But one is with peas, leeks, prosciutto and a little lemon, another is with smoked pancetta, mushrooms and smoked scamorza. Egg yolks are also essential for most cream pastas.

>> No.13068120


More than 5 ingredients. You don't get less is more. you will when you get older. Fucking leeks in an italian dish. Grow up.

>> No.13068132


Also, fucking peas are a dead zone of flavour. I know you don't know that but it's fucking crap unless you're putting them in a salty soup.

Do your fucking research.

>> No.13068189
File: 6 KB, 251x201, 1205414141572.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fuck are you talking about, Carbonara sauce is just egg yolks, pasta water and pecorino or parmesan

>> No.13068197

and cream

>> No.13068201
File: 118 KB, 380x247, 1205599037586.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You dont put cream in carbonara the creaminess comes from the egg yolks, but nice thread

>> No.13068362

>more than 5 ingredients
Like yours?
>non-italian ingredients
Like yours? kek

Check out this simp who has only ever eaten frozen peas.

>> No.13068377

What is this?

>> No.13068393

garlic pasta

>> No.13068737
File: 72 KB, 250x250, mario-here-we-go.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you forgot the pic

>> No.13068741

Prove it

>> No.13068804
File: 96 KB, 309x306, 1560579190062.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're pathetic. Absolutely pathetic.

>> No.13068976

So, what? Basically spaghetti boiled, then a lot of butter melted in a pan with a shitload of finely crushed garlic added that’s lightly fried off, then poured over the pasta?

Not sure what you lot are freaking out over. This was my basic staple when I first went travelling after leaving home. Add a splash of Tabasco. Cheap as shit meal. On alternate days, I used to have courgette soup. Best year of my life health wise. Lived on both with copious amounts of hot whiskey in between. Never been leaner and fitter.

>> No.13068985


At least you know how to be a complete cunt without any information. You know a dumb cunt. Keep it coming, loser. I love people who get bent out of shape and can't figure out why. You're the sad people that kinda rot in your own existence.

>> No.13069009
File: 77 KB, 800x591, 1565317054910.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2000 dishes

>> No.13069013


Will you ever not sound like a kid? kek is korean slang. You're a korean child.

>> No.13069118

I wanna thank you for making me laugh this hard

>> No.13069136

"Aglio olio e peperoncino" should be protected by UNESCO

>> No.13069149

>melt milk, garlic and basil
What does he mean by this?

>> No.13069371

When I make aglio e olio, I can never get the oil to make an emulsion with the pasta water. It ends up just being... well, oil. I tried boiling my pasta with less water, so the pasta water would have a higher starch ratio, but that didn't help. Am I doing something wrong, or am I expecting it to thicken more than it is capable of?

>> No.13069378

You when Asians praise how wonderful plain boiled rice is? That's you.

>> No.13069695

Kill yourself you fucking autist.

>> No.13069851

ey, forgedda aboud it

>> No.13070148
File: 79 KB, 794x600, il_794xN.1162596548_3vzr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Where'd you gibbles go? I know you dumb twats are still awake.

>> No.13070906

Is it wrong that I half-ass this and feed garlic through a crusher and use bottled lemon juice and parsley flakes?

>> No.13071209

Dunno. I used to make this as poor travelling food and had no idea it’s an actual thing. Gonna try this guy’s take on it. Seems to know what he’s doing. Unclear what “70% cooked” for the pasta means though.


>> No.13071217

If 100% cooked would be fully cooked pasta then 70% is partially cooked.

>> No.13071242

>you must watch at least 1000 shows before you're allowed to talk about anime

>> No.13071282

Right, but I always eat my pasta very very al dente so I’m not sure if that’s 70% or 70% is just before and in which event, it’s going to fuck up the sizzling stage he’s doing there.

>> No.13071289

Guess your only option is trial and error

>> No.13071292

Is this gay thread still going? wtf.

>> No.13071301

Yeah, true. It’s cheap enough to fuck up a few times anyway.