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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 54 KB, 639x756, IMG_20190901_071721.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13047923 No.13047923 [Reply] [Original]

Would you frequent an anime based Cafe?

>> No.13047927

No. I wouldn't go to anything described as an "anime cafe" even once.

>> No.13048603

maid in abyss is a giant turd and I hope you die soon

>> No.13048616

No. That's because I'm not a faggit and I don't give a shit about sneak attack japan.

>> No.13048640

No, that sounds like a honeypot, and I wouldn’t go to a cafe anyway.

>> No.13048644

you would have to pay me for that, but I'm sure that there's plenty of faggots that would do AND would pay extra for it, just blast them with weeb music they'll prettend to enjoy

>> No.13048649

Absolutely not, no. And I say this as a massive weeb.

>> No.13048674


>> No.13048725
File: 35 KB, 599x400, Cat_People-Nastassja_Kinski-Panther.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cats, those asian bitches always love cats. They'll also never be David Bowie.
David Bowie - Cat People (From Serious Moonlight Tour)

>> No.13048819

>how many y'all are weeb
>he asks on a Klingon bat'leth weaving commune
I would not, because anything 3D is pig disgusting.

>> No.13048822

>sprinkle japan on it
>now its loved
why normalfags do this?

>> No.13048933
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>> No.13048940

sure why not

>> No.13049005

There is an anime ramen place nearby that I'm not opposed to checking out. I don't watch anime but it has good food reviews and I still haven't tried actual ramen.

>> No.13049039

I'd go once a week if the food was good

>> No.13049137

Absolutely not. An "anime cafe" sounds like a magnet for trannies, homos and other degenerates with mental illnesses.

>> No.13049169
File: 208 KB, 1200x676, Anime+pizzeria_738113_7043570.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder: this is how every anime foodservice place is destined to be

>> No.13049187

God no. What sort of faggot goes to a cafe?

>> No.13049208

rainbow dash is not an anime

>> No.13049578

Just make a boba cafe and play anime music. Local place near chinatown rakes in the money and I always see it packed.

>> No.13050429

Yes, but only if there's cute meidos (male) working there and I can get their number.

>> No.13050441

More like an anime cringe Cafe.

>> No.13050916

What does Nanachi's food taste like?

>> No.13050923

Not only is it childlish and/or perverted, but also overpriced and tacky. Even if someone enjoys cartoons, I wouldn't recommend it. Also as mentioned it's werido magnet.

>> No.13050934

No, but I would go to a place that has a bunch of anime related things because the owner likes to talk about it rather than use it as a marketing tool.

>> No.13051854
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Sounds like fun, but would get kina shy going alone or if it's too busy >_<

>> No.13051927

Only if the people who enter it can bench 3pl8 otherwise it will be a cringe fest with skinny autists and fat girls with weird hair color.

>> No.13051930 [DELETED] 
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if there were cuties in there yes. Dont want to miss out on a free test boost

>> No.13051951

god damn you fucks lie ,
you can't even admit you would go , because you are afraid of the fuckers on this shitty board are going say some thing bad about it ?
everyone one of you motherfuckers would spend a shit load of money at a café that had cute anything serving anything to you.
why do you fuckers need to lie so god damned much ?

>> No.13051966

frequent? probably not unless it was a maid cafe. try once or twice? probably

>> No.13051975

Listen here, buddy. I watch anime to escape reality. I don't want to sit in a Cafe with other fags.

>> No.13051991

Depends on the anime. I'd love to go to a bar or something themed on 80s OVAs and such, looking like a run down cross between an 80s dance club and a scrapyard.

>> No.13052090

Of course not. I'm not a weeb.

Stop being retarded.

>> No.13052530 [DELETED] 
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>> No.13052535
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But popup anime cafes are fun

>> No.13052596

Suffer not the weeaboo to live. Die in a ditch you slime.

>> No.13052601

Only themed cafe I'll go to is a cat cafe

>> No.13052618

No taste

>> No.13052706
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>> No.13052724

yeah I would, but I'd judge it based on coffee just like any other cafe
used to go to this real chill hole in the wall that mostly served boba and they had a bookshelf of manga and several tvs playing shows

>> No.13053120

yes, but if anyone asked if i've ever been to an anime cafe i would definitely say no

>> No.13053129

Yes. The customers and staff would be fun to watch, and if they can do that with coffee they clearly take pride in their product

>> No.13053543

image based anime forum go fuck yourself sweetheart

>> No.13053563

Failure to discern meaning from context? Yep, you reek of animefag.

>> No.13053613

The context is that you're posting your twitter-produced meme on a website that was founded in huge part to maintaining the discussion of anime. Isn't that kind of a contradiction, twitter user-san?

>> No.13053691


>> No.13053763


Stupid nigger can't even spell made correctly. You are wrong and you are a nigger. I suppose telling you you're wrong is redundant but I hope it gets through to you.

>> No.13053822

Only if it had vegan options

>> No.13053838

Things like these are suprisingly good for picking up chicks. They don’t have their defenses up as much ss they have in clubs and most of the guys are pussies i guess.

>> No.13053882

But it's true though. You're posting your "eww anime!! get out stupid weeb!" twitter-made image macros on a site that was literally founded upon anime at one point. I couldn't help but point out the contradiction, because there's a huge hole in your logic that you didn't seem to address when you thought your super cool social media memes would hold water here. Now decide who the real baby is, then leave this site and go back to whatever autistic hugbox of a website you love to frequent.

>> No.13053974

Go back to where you came from with your reddit memes zoomer.

>> No.13054034

The image was directly in response to the question in the original post. Let that brew in your mind for a little while. Maybe comprehension will filter through to your consciousness, maybe you're just stupid. Only time can tell.

>> No.13054066

If there was one nearby and has almost no costumers (yeah right in this day and age of weebs), its actually pretty hard to find somewhere quiet and empty to read a book or work on a college assignment cause no such place exists where I live.

>> No.13054805

Ah yes, how you concisely and epicly owned him using one of your facebook memes. My point still remains. The more you attempt to leap over mental hoops to justify being a complete retard the bigger the pit grows from under you. Come now, twitterfag, there's no need to hang onto this branch. I know you come from a place where emotion defies reasoning and you can be a useless stick-in-the-mud without getting called out, but here it's different.

>> No.13054915

Of course. It's just a matter of the other customers. I'd go when there are as few people as possible.

>> No.13054964

No, probably just visit once and 360 out the door

>> No.13055073

you'd just go right back in retard

>> No.13056277

Only if they sell merch like in Japan

>> No.13056287

hello newfriend

>> No.13056356

If they let me bring in my anime waifu doll.

>> No.13056377

I never seen the fucking anime title in english, though it's ok, I don't expect you to understand word plays made by retarded jap webcomic author that think using engrish is cool and hip.
But I really like being told I'm wrong by unapologetic retards; only serves to reaffirm my opinion. Especially since you can't argue for shit. Remember that image you most likely frequently used where it shows at bottom end of the pyramid some shit about attacking an argument on its form rather than its content? yeah that's you, you fucking retard, good job on showing the whole world just how low your intellectual capabilities are.
Then again I would never expect anything else out of an amerisperg, you probably look exactly like le 56% face or whatever hip meme you trash rave about these days. Hope you kill yourself soon.

>> No.13056412

because everything japanese is better

>> No.13056418

Fuck weebs.
Worst people in the world.

>> No.13056473

Says the newfriend

>> No.13056484

>no u

>> No.13056491

I rarely ever go to cafes in general. My local bike shop has an "international cafe" (whatever the fuck that means) that serves charcoal coffee that I like though.

>> No.13056493

I'd go to an MLP:FiM themed restaurant.
Not a pizzeria though.

>> No.13056496


>> No.13056499


>> No.13056625

If it's just a coffee place or if it's a breakfast place I might visit once a month
If it's a 24hr diner I might visit a couple times a month

>> No.13056740


>> No.13058071
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I love my wife Nanachi!

>> No.13058129
File: 363 KB, 850x1206, megui2731c6ad52e23828d0a11e847495e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could I get this on my 'chino?

>> No.13058135
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>> No.13058920

I would do anything for Nanachi

>> No.13058924
File: 77 KB, 387x673, your home now.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good, good...

>> No.13059778

You need to be 18 or older to be on this website anon

>> No.13059781


>> No.13060507

boring as fuck interview and that pizzeria seem to be doing fine
are you ok anon did you make this

>> No.13060803

maybe once a month, these places are somewhat expensive because of all the anime stuff they have to bring

>> No.13060824

I went to a vegan bakery and they had Studio Ghibli soundtracks playing. There was a gamer bar here that failed because gamers are stingy.

>> No.13060828

Its Facebook page has been dead for a couple of years. Pretty sure it's not doing fine.

>> No.13062390

I would go there maybe once with a friend out of curiosity. Places like these usually have disgusting prices, so I'd definitely not frequent it.

>> No.13062491

I'm increase lonely so I would. Although I know how cringe I would feel and I wouldnt be able to enjoy it.

>> No.13062502

>thinks we feel ashamed to watch anime
I'd be more ashamed to be in a cafe

>> No.13062524

My wife Nanabi loves coffe

>> No.13063020

This. Utter garbage. It's just a fetish compilation from the author
>but muh mystery and sense of suspense
Both gone once you realize the author didn't think this shit through, which becomes apparent the more you read it

>> No.13063840

No, I'm a cheapskate and don't go out for eating. I'd go once or twice if they have omurisu and similar nipponese cafe stables.
If they also sold figmas/nendos/etc. at reasonable prices I'd consider visiting occasionally.

There's a machine that can do that. It "prints" photos on the coffee.

>> No.13063849
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>> No.13063852

absolutely not. modern anime is trash and 90s/00s shounen anime was only good because i was like 8

they can also do it on stout and other fine* dark beer foam

*fine as in not coarse, not fine as in good

>> No.13064069

Yes but only if they had merch for my favorite characters

>> No.13064086

absolutely not and ive been a low key weeaboo for most of my life. although i dont actually like anime very much aside from a few like cowboy bebop outlaw star and dbz

animefags are generally insufferable

>> No.13064464

I love pop up theme cafes and cute shit, sign me the fuck up

>> No.13064902
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I was hoping to get more attention than that

>> No.13064919

post feet

>> No.13064927

Honestly? I would. Most of the time I visit restaurants just because I'm bored and want to try new stuff even if I know it won't be as good and/or overpriced

>> No.13064932
File: 86 KB, 576x1024, 1554825118797.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a cub, you don't want that

>> No.13064938

Used to work in one as a maid for a year, ask me anything. Its bad.

>inb4 you are a guy/trans
Believe whatever you want, thats pointless

>> No.13064942

By maid I mean maid outfit waitress

>> No.13064945

Got a cringe story?

>> No.13065008

Not too many, but there are some. Many weebs were really cool and friendly but some got love-struck and tried to flirt with me which led to a lot of awkwardness at first and a lot of annoyance later. I had one asking me for something once, but he was too shy and I couldnt hear him. I ignored him, and then his friend approached me and told me he was asking for my number. Its not ultra cringe but it was embarrassing. I dated one because we chatted and I somewhat liked him. He kept insisting he was going to kill himself out of loneliness. On the date he suddenly put on some colored contact glasses to appear as if he had blue eyes, and constantly tried to put his hand on my hip. I told him I wasnt interested in the end.

I honestly dont know if any of that counts as cringe, but it was awkward for sure.

>> No.13065042

Would you date a gentleman gamer (like myself)?

>> No.13065043

i did this one halloween. my anime club basically printed money that day

>> No.13065047

only if its a shota cafe

>> No.13065065

Please let me eat your shit

>> No.13065098

does the hype ever die down? There's a maid cafe that opened up in my area but after seeing a couple videos of the place and seeing how loud and crowded it was, I'm extremely turned off and never want to visit it.

>> No.13065106

one day i wanna open a gay maid cafe where basically it's just a normal maid cafe, but it's all guys in the outfits. but not traps. just various dudes. it's a gay bar after all

>> No.13065108

Japan has those too

>> No.13065111

i hope they wont be wearing the maid outfits because very very few gay men are into crossdressers.

t. homosexual

>> No.13065114

no not some stupid Male Hooters, i mean just a maid cafe but the employees are normal guys. emphasis on them being normal -- not huge musclebound dudes nor traps. just guys who would otherwise be servers and baristas elsewhere

>> No.13065118

no actually fuck you it will be normal-ass dudes in maid outfits. this business has NO target audience that actually exists. it's why i havent sought funding and property for this venture yet and probably never will

>> No.13065129

The bar I worked at had a lot of activity the first months, but then it was just like a regular bar. An easy one even compared with others I have worked in. It closed after two years too. The owner was awful.

>> No.13065142

>it will be normal-ass dudes in maid outfits.

enjoy having a clientele of weird pudgey older-middle aged guys with family outside

>> No.13065154

then open one fag and invite all your fag friends

>> No.13065168

>with family outside
finally. a clientele with Money

my realtalk wannabe business owner dream is to open a gaming lounge actually. not a shitty "barcade" but a bar that has modern consoles available. though where i live, theres only one gay club and no gay bars so im considering making my mid-life ruin-my-finances plan to be opening a normal-ass gay pub

>> No.13065193


>> No.13065209

You won't make a profit running one of those. Unless you're rich and have money to burn people are just going to loiter and shit up the place with their germs.

>> No.13065231
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Nope. I don't imagine it'd be cheap and I don't drink coffee, tea or eat pastries of any kind. I also look like the kind of fat fuck you'd expect to see there so I know I'd get laughed at. I'm autistic btw.

>> No.13065232

I know a place in montreal that did just fine on that model. the key was/is running it as a bar/lounge first and foremost. basically, instead of making it an arcade that serves beer, it's a bar with arcade cabs, but still with the golden bar rule of "if you're not buying drinks, get the fuck out"

but playing vidya keeps people buying drinks at normal downtown prices so it's successful enough

unless you meant the gay bar thing, in which case, it's still a case of "bar first; culture second"

>> No.13065238

>regarding fucking frogs
>regarding the degenerate canadian east

>> No.13065241

they make money nigga

>> No.13065261

There should be a legit Sugarcube Corner, I'd check it out for sure.

>> No.13065280


>> No.13065593

enjoy your stone cold coffee anon!

>> No.13065597

It would be really hard to drink it. I'd probably stare at it for a while, so yeah, it'd be cold before I took a sip.

>> No.13065604

I live in a college town and we have this sort of shit, college kids all need to hang out somewhere they are spending money for some reason, really takes a lot of weight out of them complaining about their loans.

>> No.13066189
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anime based Cafe,
that shop only temporary open , not near my house.
So i dont

>> No.13066908

Why the fuck do people want us to eat bugs?

>> No.13066918

Keyword: founded. Only one anime board even makes the top 10 most popular boards now while the rest are slowdead. Fuck off to your dying boards if you want to talk about anime so much.

>> No.13067057

Imagine the smell coming from all the stinky unwashed weebs

>> No.13067075

Because it's the most sustainable protein source as our planet becomes slowly less farm-able and we reach 8 billion mouths to feed.
8 billion pieces of human trash cannot sustainably eat like us fatass Americans. And as beef (for instance) gets pricier and pricier, our global choices of meat protein will begin to dwindle for most people, until we're either eating bugs or lab-grown meat. Unless, of course, you're one of the very wealthy (and, no, you aren't).

>> No.13068956

So this will only affect people hundreds of years from now then

>> No.13069010

I would soul kiss the caffeine right out of coffee nanachi's face so hard. slurp slurp. call me daddy. you're inside me now, you freaky rabbit thing.

>> No.13069023

This will definitely be a part of your life the way things are going

>> No.13069030

Maybe it’s correlated to the drop in quality of 4chan, and the internet in general

>> No.13069243

No I am a closet weeb, and every anime fan I've talked to is a fucking loser with no social skills. I would die from secondhand embarrassment at such an establishment. You know what, nevermind I want to visit one.

>> No.13069590

I would in a heartbeat because it easily beats all those shitty fast food companies like burger king mc donalds being everywhere.

>> No.13069868

I highly doubt it but I appreciate the optimism of allowing me to live to 123