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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13058960 No.13058960 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.13059000

True, but Peruvian is a close second

>> No.13059013

>eating with sticks

what are we, savages?

>> No.13059069

You were eating with your hands until the late 1800's lardy while even asian peasants were eating with utensils for thousands of years.

>> No.13059079

so you're saying we surpassed you in 100 years and you're still eating with sticks?

>> No.13059080

I wasn't even alive in the 1800s retard

>> No.13059081

It's still a limiting concept. Everything has to be precut.

>> No.13059087

Fight for freedom. Stand with Hong Kong.

>> No.13059130

No. Regional Peruvian sucks. Only few places in Peru havegood food.

t. peruvian.

>> No.13059232

Try Chilean food, they eat Communists for breakfast


>> No.13059248

As someone who studied Chile in school and having met and interviewed several important figures of 20th c Chilean political history, I find it incredibly weird that /pol/ has recently developed this fetish for an alternate reality version of Chile where everyone loves torture and human rights abuses. I wonder who's feeding you guys this nonsense

>> No.13059273

>alternate reality version of Chile

Are you implying they didn't slaughter the communists on 11 Sept 1973?

>> No.13059285

Fuck off, weeb. The Romans ate with utensils far more advanced than a pair of sticks.

>> No.13059290

we don't often appreciate what's mostly available to us.

>> No.13059294

>Are you implying they didn't slaughter the communists on 11 Sept 1973?
if they did, it was clearly not enough of them.

>> No.13059300

Allende took his own life

Pinochet died under a pile of criminal indictments

Go read wikipedia or something

>> No.13059311

>he doesnt understand minimalistic elegance

stabbing your meat is so low class and barbaric

>> No.13059316


>> No.13059365

just remember all the fun helicopter rides they took

>> No.13059366

American Chinese food is the best in the worlds.

>> No.13059373

Yes, that was one aspect of that time period. Getting hung up on that and thinking about it every time you see the word "Chile" is like getting hung up on the Tuskegee Experiments when you see an American flag.

>> No.13059394

except that executing communists is awesome and should be promoted

>> No.13059398

You're welcome to form your own opinions when you have a clue about history

What you're doing is regurgitating inane memes

>> No.13059403

Yes. The further you go away from lima and the coast the worse the food sucks. The stews in Peru ARE HORRIBLE.

>> No.13059404

Unless you came here to defend communism, you're just running your mouth.

>> No.13059408

t. guy who would benefit most from communism

>> No.13059436

if you like communism so much why are you not a communist?

>> No.13059442

I came here to shitpost about food and cooking. I took a break from shitposting about food and cooking to pontificate about /pol/tards who don't know anything about Chile misrepresenting Chile in a discussion of Chinese food. Hurr hurr terrorist, hurr hurr communist, winnie the pooh nigger nigger seethe trannie dilate. This is what passes for thinking, in your feeble 4chan-addled brain.

>> No.13059447

>come here to talk shit
>get mad when other people talk shit

pot, meet kettle

>> No.13059460

American Chinese are best Chinese, Fuck Chinese Chinese

>> No.13060234

You don't fool anyone

>> No.13060237

most =/= best
look at white people vs everyone else.

>> No.13060239


>> No.13060251

>post shitting on peruvian food immediately followed by a chilean food shill
yeah nah, obvious chilean culo roto samefag

>> No.13060263
File: 835 KB, 2134x2753, Global cuisine grid-01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13060265

wtf is italian cruisine? pizza and pasta?

>> No.13060304

Peruvian is better than Chilean though.

>> No.13060308


>> No.13060311
File: 363 KB, 930x1200, D1fekX1XcAEScvW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Japan 1st

>> No.13060317

Yeah and I'm the guy who wrote about Peruvian food being bland outside certain regions in Peru. Peruvian food is overrated but it's the best in South America. There are various asian countries that top it.

>> No.13060370

You are not fooling anyone, Chilean weeb

>> No.13060517

i think it all depends on province/culture. china's huge! their cuisine is extremely expansive. some is god awful, some is god tier

>> No.13060542

Cope you faggot. Thailand cuisine is superior to anything the Americas has to offer.

>> No.13060545

Yeah. For example, a lot of people have no idea there's such a thing as Chinese Islamic food.

>> No.13060548

is there any chinese food that doesn't use cuts of the meat your supposed to throw away? i don't want to eat bones and gristle.

>> No.13060552

Newsflash: almost every nation is like that. The only Country to have a consistent good cuisine in every region is Thailand and maybe Italy.

>> No.13060559

That's not the point. In a sensical reality, China is at least 5 different nation states because of how huge it is.

>> No.13060560

Woah, I've never heard of that! I just looked it up and it looks amazing, somewhat upset I've gone my whole life without hearing about it lol

>> No.13060574

I did read something along the lines of this. There was a thread in another site that had bad experiences with food in China, While Mexico, Thailand, Italy and France were the main choices for best food experiences.

>> No.13060637

chinese is tied
italian and mexican
3 way tie

>> No.13060939

What I remember as chinese food growing up as a young kid in Hong Kong

>turtle/shark fin soup
>fried chicken feet
>pig uterus noodles
>fried rice with pork knuckle gristle
>unidentifed fish balls on a stick
>boiled dog meat
>one time, monkey brains

Americans have no idea how bad it really is. No one in china knows what the fuck beef and broccoli is or sweet and sour pork. Chinese food is disgusting. Literally the worst parts to eat of any animal. Makes sense because chinks are the race of humans closest to animals. They make disgusting noises when they eat, slurp everything, men in the streets lift their fucking wife beaters over their sweaty stomachs while laughing and chewing with their mouths full of food. Like what kind of idiot decided 2 sticks is the most practical way to eat grains of fucking rice. Starving Nigerians who eat grass have a better diet than the average chinese.

>> No.13060959

Not this pasta again

>> No.13061295

predators eat every part of their prey, are they stupid?

>> No.13061330
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>Look at me, I'm into exotic shit
That happens when you don't have a girl to cook foods from your country for you.

>> No.13062220

>chinese food
how bumfuck nowhere are you?

>> No.13062224

Not everybody lives in Los Angeles, Moonstar.

>> No.13062232

>imagine being this pleb

>> No.13062239

french > italian > chinese > japanese > thai > the rest

>> No.13062270

the worse the food sucks

what exactly are you trying to say my peruvian friend

>> No.13062332

Except if it is made in China. Then it's made of rat and dog and cooked in recycled machine oil. Source: have eaten food in China.

>> No.13062442

Thai better than Jap

>> No.13062448

spanish >>>>>>>>>>>> french > italian > chinese > japanese > thai > rest

>> No.13062453

My favourite chinese food dish by far, pic related, chiken, bambu and chinese shrooms, fucking delicious mate

>> No.13062476
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>pic related

>> No.13062520
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>> No.13062563


>> No.13062922

i am

>> No.13062983

Sicily exists.

>> No.13063004
File: 232 KB, 871x448, glowing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ohhh yeah. Where else in the world can you find a food that glows in the dark?

>> No.13063183


>> No.13065124


>> No.13066271

Chink here. That shit is actually a bit too strong for me. Bamboo soaks up flavor and those mushrooms ooze it out. And I like mushrooms too but that's just too much.
Weird fuck.

>> No.13066310

When you have dog meat is kind of a hard pill to swallow

>> No.13067739

Even though I've seen it before, that is an infuriating goddamned clip

>> No.13067834

I don't get it

>> No.13067839


I understood that reference.

>> No.13068104

Those dishes are meant to be shared as you can see by the metalwear they arrive in. The round thing on the table is used to move the plates without spilling.

>> No.13069720


>> No.13069739

>make chinese food thread
>/ck/ turns into /pol/

>> No.13069772

whites are too fragile

>> No.13069789

Gook nationalist shilling his gutter oil

>> No.13069936

>yea I brutally slaughtered this animal, tore its guts out, flayed it, dismembered it, and burned its mangled bits until they turned brown and crispy
>but you better not poke it now

>> No.13069949

Nah, it's hilarious. Their loss.

>> No.13069996


stop bullying terroni, they make some good food

t. terrone

>> No.13070038

Chinks shills are everywhere. There are 13 fucking billions of them and they're just now getting internet coverage. Expect to see them everywhere. I see them on /pol/, /his/, /tv/, /v/ and now here. These insects aim to take over any popular online forum through their sheer number and sway the discourse in China's favor. There is a war for public consciousness of the west going on and you are fighting in one whether you realize or not. Resist them everywhere you can. The future is at stake.

>> No.13070350

take your meds schizo

>> No.13070430

>be chinese
>don't have the balls to tell them how to serve these plates
he should be fired for intentionally ridicule them

>> No.13071052

Fact: you're wrong

>> No.13071067


>> No.13071073

El PeruANO

>> No.13071145

That might actually be true.

>> No.13071147

Yeah but they never had soap until the modern era and we had it since the bronze age

>> No.13071306

Yeah nah. Utensils have been used here since Roman times.

Fuck off, chink.

>> No.13072762

You seem to be the racist, as is very common with your types. I simply don't give a shit about your fucking nations and don't want to visit them.
If you want to call me racist for disagreeing with you then you must have been shillary supporters since that's the best that they can do.
Are you still seething in your closets because Trump beat your annointed one?

>> No.13072799

the japanese are such picky babies

>> No.13072810
File: 59 KB, 624x434, 1527155598457.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Barbarians eat with their hands.
Europeans eat with forks.
Civilized people use chopsticks.

>> No.13074951


>> No.13075643
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>> No.13075647

Maybe if tree trillion chinese say so

>> No.13075718
File: 265 KB, 700x460, 1570726203889.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13076556


>> No.13076701

t. Chang

Hope spreading lies (iberians and greeks already had utensils for eating) and being an ignorant gives you extra goodboy points from the party.

>> No.13076712
File: 2.28 MB, 4000x3144, id3n2artkvk21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you forgot to post pic, OP

>> No.13076715

May I have a side of dog dumplings?

>> No.13076724

this is due to lack of hygiene in chink food.
It's like Indian food, you wouldn't be eating their food when you realize they wipe their shit with their left hand instead of using toilet paper. I'm not saying their food it's bad, but you gotta have a superman like immune system.