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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 679 KB, 900x1200, SALT_HimalayanVsPink.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13056747 No.13056747 [Reply] [Original]

So why aren't you using Himalayan Pink Salt?

>> No.13056752

My chakras are already aligned

>> No.13056758

Been meaning to, and I can probably afford it considering how much less salt I'm requiring in general these days.

>> No.13056760

Doesn't the human body regulate pH, regardless of what's consumed?
>helps regulate the body's natural sleep cycle
The sun does this.

>> No.13056761

>List iodine like it's a bad thing.

>> No.13056778

i use it for salads and shit or when a dish needs some extra salt because it's easier for me to measure out the proper dose using the salt grinder

i use regular salt on all other occasions

>> No.13056788

we have an entire organ to regulate our own pH

>> No.13056792

This ngl

>> No.13056798

So were chakras just pH levels all along?

>> No.13056814
File: 42 KB, 650x650, D0EALP2XQAAlcgj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He doesn't know about the chakra quotient

>> No.13056820


>> No.13056854

Nahhh let's make something else "tradentional"

>> No.13056861

I don't enjoy having food spraypainted

>> No.13056869

How much himalayn salt would I need to eat to get the RDA of a bunch of those minerals?

>> No.13056892

>They are found in such small quantities that it would take 3.7 pounds (1.7 kg) of pink Himalayan salt to obtain the recommended daily amount of potassium, for instance.
Yeah it's a meme as I thought.

>> No.13056912

This is the worst meme /ck/ has ever produced. Kys

>> No.13056914

My anus has never been penetrated.

>> No.13056921

I can help with that.

>> No.13056922

People will look at this chart and UNIRONICALLY think:

1) Iodine is a bad thing;
2) You can get any minerals from salt without eating pounds of it daily.

>> No.13056940

this is chocolate diamonds all over again

>> No.13056943

More like rock salt dyed pink

>> No.13057754

>helps regulate the body's natural sleep cycle
just go to bed earlier, child

>> No.13057770

>"Purified", a process that involves a re-crystallization
What the fuck does this have to do with anything? Melting and then recrystallizing a salt is somehow bad?

>> No.13057777

minerals are quack marketing anyway, same for shit that claims to be an "antioxidant" and all the buzzwords.

>> No.13057877

I'm not gay

>> No.13057905

check'd and shrek'd

>> No.13057910

>recrystallization at over 1200F

Is this supposed to be bad? This is all just lefty pseudoscience bullshit, just saying mundane things in a framing to make them sound bad

>> No.13057917

>anti caking agenda listed as bad
>table salt used for reference
>'depleted of natural minerals', despite sea salt being basically the same
>Positive effects of pink salt are minimal
>pink salt is way more expensive
>imported from the Himalayas so fuck earth

how retarded can someone be

>> No.13057968

>says that magnesium deficiency is a concern
>ignores that iodine deficiency is also a concern, going as far as to list its inclusion as a negative

>> No.13058030

Bruh both are 98% sodium chloride, the 85% number comes from really stretching the fact that in the analysis the granules of pink salt were larger, so technically there was less sodium per spoonful, theres no difference there.
You're getting trace values of all those minerals to a point where it's really not benefiting you, and actually might be worse off since you're not getting any iodine. If you live inland then you need iodised foods otherwise you're gonna start to see your neck getting chunky.
Such bs charts like that, just eat your salt

>> No.13058043

So are my thetans

>> No.13058050

>so technically there was less sodium per spoonful, theres no difference there.
Thats a fucking insane way to notate that

>> No.13058063

Sea salt does all the same stuff and doesn’t have to be mined from a mountain range with incredible natural beauty. I’d rather not fuck the environment for some pink meme salt.

>> No.13058081

to be fair when they say "Himalayan" they are not literally mining it from mountain tops, its just in areas somewhat near the mountain chain

Its still is an absurdly long way to ship salt when there are so many local cheap sources

>> No.13058156

Table salt doesn't have 2.5% additives and they won't use melting and recrystallization for anything but lab grade stuff, far too expensive.

Table salt in Europe is dug or flushed from underground deposits, so no microplastics either.

>> No.13058165

but i already am
its so cheap

>> No.13058387

Americans are deficient in iodine

>> No.13058421

>Buy Himalayan Pink salt from grocery store
>like it
>inspect the bottle of salt more

>Made in USA


>> No.13058423

No, Americans have sufficient iodine precisely because of iodized table salt

>> No.13058455

Guide to Pseudoscience Marketing Bullshit

If the supplement label contains the following words:


it’s bullshit.

>> No.13058458
File: 155 KB, 1300x974, 15715827pairofbeautifulcaucasianbrunettewomenlaughing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow. Everything is a lie. Not one correct fact. Nice, retard. Kys

>> No.13058464

oops forgot:

>> No.13058466

probably means it was cut/grinded in USA

unless its wal-mart crap and it's regular table salt dyed pink with a fake himalayan salt name because retards like you pay 500% upsale for salt

>> No.13058499

lack of Iodine.

>> No.13058529

my health is already supercharged, if I supercharge it anymore I might die

>> No.13058612

Because while I am a faggot, I don't need to turn my fucking salt pink.

>> No.13058688

I think you mean to say "Organic pink Himalayan pink salt"

>> No.13058707
File: 639 KB, 900x1200, 1570984425545.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13058752

lmao is that your best argument? remembered to take your allergy meds?

>> No.13058803

How to find real pink salt in freedom land?
So many dyed substitutes, hard to tell what's real and what's not.

>> No.13058822

>hard to tell what's real and what's not.
if you can't even tell the difference, who cares?

>> No.13058902
File: 93 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>eats dirt

>> No.13058928
File: 42 KB, 500x375, generealripper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I don't get all my natural minerals because of my choice of salt

>> No.13058935

>X% BUT ALSO WITH X% additives

comparison charts with dishonesty and the people that make them need to be removed from this planet

>> No.13059005

because take your shill elsewhere OP.
just normal salt with pink food coloring. theres no health benefits or other crap they are trying to tell you oh and they charge you more for it plus too much salt is bad for your health anyway.