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File: 63 KB, 750x350, Smoking_Rooms_01-750x350.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13057594 No.13057594 [Reply] [Original]

>the proprietor consents to smoking in the bar
>the employees are free to take their work elsewhere
>the customers are free to take their money elsewhere
>the evidence behind the dangers of secondhand smoke is weak at best

How can any reasonable person not come to the conclusion that smoking bans in bars and restaurants are needless intrusions in our personal liberties?

>> No.13057606

Evidence for second hand smoke is definitely not weak. You may not get lung cancer but it's not good for you. Stop trying to change facts to fit your narrative. You sound like a liberal. You can take your disgusting habit outside.

>> No.13057622

People want communism until they actually get communism, then they cry about not being able to smoke wherever they want.

>> No.13057632

A private business should be entirely free to allow or disallow such things as smoking.

>> No.13057639


Because smoking is one of the most fucking pathetic affectations known to man. Why noy just admit you're a massive baby and suck on a pacifier instead?

>> No.13057648

And let's not forget how gay it to be constantly sucking on a stick

>> No.13057654

I have mixed feelings, its very obviously not the government's right to ban smoking in these situations (though they should absolutely ban smoking in public places like parks and sidewalks)

But at the same time, its really nice. I remember as a kid whenever my parents went out they would come home just smelling like complete trash even though they don't smoke, I am really glad I don't have to deal wit that shit, I went to an Indian casino once where apparently state laws do not apply and they had smoking and it was just dreadful in there

but yeah, the government has no right to ban it in this case

>> No.13057662

banning smoking on public sidewalks should be our top priority, how the fuck has this not been done yet. Walking behind trashy ass smokers fucking sucks, if you want to kill yourself and make everything around you smell like shit do it on your own property

>> No.13057667

Way to miss the point, genius. Can you do any thinking for yourself or do you need The State to do your thinking for you?

>> No.13057683

>b-but muh freedom to make everyone else breathe in muh bad habit...

Your rights end where mine begin, and I have a right to go to places of business without the air causing a health hazard. Deal with it, ashtray

>> No.13057691

Go fucking smoke in the cold, loser addict

>> No.13057696


Because most people aren't weak like you and can handle a little bit of smoke in the air in a public environment.

>> No.13057701

>have a right to go to places of business
>wahh ME ME ME ME ME

and those places of business have the right to decide on the clientele they want.

>> No.13057709

>Walking behind trashy ass smokers fucking sucks

overtake them you fat fuck
if you cant outwalk smokers you deserve to choke on fumes

>> No.13057711

you forgot

>the rest of the country pays taxes for your retardation when you get cancer

>> No.13057713

there would be no greater cuck than a bartender who gets lung cancer

>> No.13057715

I mean, I can handle it, I clearly am still alive, but why should I have to just because some rednecked junky can't wait til he gets home to have his fix?

>> No.13057722
File: 126 KB, 600x600, large_90efea8e-9a8f-4473-9c99-54b8876c559f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone point and laugh at this dumb boomer faggot. Have fun dying at age 50.

>> No.13057723

They should open a bar for smokers but then when it fills up you lock the doors and it's actually a giant oven.

>> No.13057725

sure, but it would be nicer not to have to zigzag through crowds and be able to just maintain my normal pace

>> No.13057728

you realise smokers pay very high taxes too right?

a pack of cigs doesnt cost $30 in places like AUS for no reason

>> No.13057730

Literally not an argument. You lose

>> No.13057731

>I c-can h-handle it a-actually
too late to sack up, you already showed your hand, bitch.

>> No.13057734

I don't smoke and think owners should have the final say on it, you can even install a smoke room inside the bar so to attract non-smoking customers if they so choose. Anyone who thinks differently are massive faggots.

>> No.13057738

you are literally asking entire places and people to bend to YOUR wants

>> No.13057742

Lol make up your mind, are you for the rights of the individual or are you against it?

>> No.13057756

Government is all about trampling the rights of others before they can trample on yours.

>> No.13057761

What are you talking about? I obviously haven't offed myself, I am clearly handling it

>> No.13057768

Its really hard to say what is worse, big government people or smokers

>> No.13057771

where's the food and/or cooking?

>> No.13057775

speaking of this im a very responsible smoker and i actually step to the side or even cross (small) roads when i see children or babies when i'm walking and smoking

dont care for adults though--you can move yourself

>> No.13057778

I pray you're only pretending to be a retard to save face

>> No.13057781

Do you know how fucking inconvenient it would be to install an entirely separate air tight room just for non smokers? You would also need another bar in there, and to hire a second bartender. It's completely impractical, not to mention would look retarded.

>> No.13057783

>you can't ask someone not to shoot up a school, you're just bending them to your wants!

Nope. It's about pubic safety and health. Breathing in smoke constantly is objectively a health hazard. Especially for people with breathing conditions. Grow up

>> No.13057794

based schizo retard

>> No.13057800

a lot of bars have smoking rooms for the redneck trash, especially in rural areas where space is more plentiful

>> No.13057806

If you can smoke up my air I should be allowed to take my dick out and piss on your face

>> No.13057808

Smokers are cooks. The ingredients? Tobacco and their lungs.

>> No.13057812

>I have a right to go to places of business
You don't, actually. Businesses have a right to deny service to anyone for any reasons other than protected classes in the ERA. Case in point - Five Guys has peanuts literally everywhere. If you have a peanut allergy, you are not allowed in the store.

>> No.13057813

>strawmanning this hard

if a smoker owner wants to open a smoking bar and hire smoking staff and serve smoking clients he should be free to do so.
they are free not to cater to you and you are not forced to visit such places.
By extension of your logic we should ban all fast food and soda serving places.

>> No.13057818

autism speaks: it's time to have to listen to them pretend they can handle stuff

>> No.13057832

You literally can. There is no law against doing that.

>> No.13057836

No, that's like saying you can start a private club devoted to eating paint chips. Society has to deal with the consequences of your retard actions, and we will probably spend like a million dollars on your cancer before you die of it. I would rather honestly support a suicide booth for smokers. Cheap death, no burden on society

>> No.13057839

You apparently didn't follow my logic at all then. Eating McDonald's next to someone in a closed space won't hurt them. Smoking will. Not really debatable. Just admit you're wrong

>> No.13057845

Way to miss the point genius. Are you for the rights of the individual or not?

>> No.13057851

I am pretty sure you cannot legally pull your dick out and piss on someone

>> No.13057855

government earns BILLIONS of dollars annually from cigarette taxes. Until they take that away your point is moot.

again: WHO is forcing you to go to a smoking bar? this isnt like smoking in a theatre or on a airplane or on the subway.

>> No.13057859

You have the right to pee. They have the right to move. Free country.

>> No.13057860

I called you a bitch, that was the point
oh no I wasn't someone you had previously replied to

>> No.13057861

It's indecent exposure at the very least.

>> No.13057864

Not to mention the assault from urine

>> No.13057868

I have the right to stand my ground by peeing on you first

>> No.13057873

people freak the fuck out over penises, you would probably be tried for sexual assault if any women were even in the vicinity

>> No.13057880

Who is forcing you to go to a theatre, subway, or plane and how does that justify your autistic argument?

>> No.13057894

>he cant differentiate public from private entities

a subway is a PUBLIC service.
a bar is a PRIVATE owned business.

>> No.13057899

Public urination and indecent exposure are crimes in and of themselves though.

>> No.13057902

Theaters and planes are not public services. They are private

>> No.13057911

I agree completely. Fuck any law that impedes the free market and fuck any law that impedes the owners rights over his own private property.

>> No.13057912

Smoking a fag is like smoking a cock. Full homo

>> No.13057913

It must have been so comfy back in the day when they smoked on planes

>> No.13057914

They cater to all walks of society.
A bar doesnt. A bar only caters to and serves drinks to a subset of adults.

thats the difference

>> No.13057918

planes banned smoking because smoking sucks, its what the customers wanted, not because of politicians

>> No.13057920

That literally was a perfectly good argument and you are clearly just too stupid to respond to it

>> No.13057926

Cooked, can't even answer a simple question

>> No.13057927

what about a theater during a R rated movie

It also only caters to a "subset of adults"

>> No.13057929

What you’re describing literally used to exist everywhere, you god damn underage b& newfaggot nigger piece of shit. Take your green apple candy ass somewhere else you fucking faggot.

>> No.13057935

Actually to anyone over 21 which is the majority of the public. You're just wrong at every turn. You don't have any real justification lol.
You're gay btw. Not sure if that matters

>> No.13057946

like yourself I'll just pretend words mean something else to try and seem less effete
I did answer the your simple question

>> No.13057947

Idk if you’re for or against private property rights nigger, but if you’re against it you’ll get the rope one day too.

>> No.13057966

not all adults drink. Many dont.
Why is that so hard to understand?

restaurants are free to serve pork even though that would "infringe" on the rights of muslims. They cant eat there because they literally cannot even use the cutlery that had touched pork in the past.

restaurants should be free to serve the worst junk food or to cater to smokers.

>> No.13057967

Which, as all business should have, was their choice.
This is the major difference, they made the choice. Taking away that choice is unconstitutional.

>> No.13057973

I like how you keep avoiding every hole I poke in your argument

>day of the rope

Yeah yeah we get it. Blacks and Jews are why you can't get laid and have backne

>> No.13057976

>can handle a little bit of smoke in the air in a public environment.
This seems to tell me you don't

>> No.13057977

I see a lot of smoke coming from under the collars of a lot of anons itt, so they're bbqing nicely. I'll throw a bit of sauce on them in a bit to finish them off.

>> No.13057978

Not all adults go to theaters or fly on planes. So why is smoking ban there justified?

>> No.13057979

why does literally anyone become a smoker? Its so fucking gross and trashy

>> No.13057982

I for one can't breathe around cigarette smoke so I was quite happy after the ban laws were passed, especially in restaurants.

>> No.13057985
File: 11 KB, 300x245, 1483370491323.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

preach sister

>> No.13057987

The fumes from car exhaust are a lot more dangerous, dipshit. Exponentially more.

>> No.13057991

You could easily argue that airplanes require special regulations since they aren't just a private business, they are often a necessity.

>> No.13057994

>not all adults drink. Many dont.
what does this have to do with anything at all? This is ridiculous logic

The question is whether people who run private businesses should be subject to arbitrary regulation or if they should be allowed to set their own rules in their own places. The percent of adults that choose to go to a type of private place has absolutely nothing to do with the issue

>> No.13058000

are you talking about global warming? What does this have to do with anything I posted?

>> No.13058004

I don't think you understand what a necessity is

>> No.13058009

It was good for business.

>> No.13058012

>should laws exist guys?
yeah... I mean, I guess they should

>> No.13058028
File: 54 KB, 647x740, eee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we should ban all restaurants that dont serve healthy food. They are risking the health of their patrons and a drain on society!

>> No.13058031

Smoking's for fags and people who justify their shitty addictions with shitty reasoning, usually "muh stress" or "muh emotions". If people took a swig of hard liquor every time they were stressed out they'd be called alcoholics, hell smokers are pathetic and need smoke breaks. Meanwhile us non-smokers get nothing. So smoking bans are your price to pay for being pathetic.

>> No.13058039

No, I said should laws about what you can do between consenting people on private property exist

Public property, or acts against non-consenting people are an entirely different thing

>> No.13058040

I don't think YOU understand what the law considers a necessity. It takes one to two weeks to boat over to Europe compared to ten hours. And that's only if you're on the east coast. In Cali and need to get the europe without flying? Add another week to take a train across America or another couple hours for a flight. If your career or family or life necessitates lots of travel, especially international travel, there is no reasonable alternative to flight.

>> No.13058045

and soda
Remember, leftists want to legalize pot but ban soda because they have no logical backing to their positions, its all just arbitrary bullshit about what will pull better with their core

>> No.13058054

>leftists want to ban soda

Is this the new /pol/ meme?

>> No.13058056

Still not a necessity retard, you don't need to fly to survive

>> No.13058058

Doesn't make it a necessity. Your temper tantrum won't change that either

>> No.13058060

It depends on how you establish consent. does it have to be informed... I'm sure a broke ass waiter will take work to feed himself, but if he had any brains he wouldn't be a waiter. maybe it is in the best interest of individuals for their actions to be restrained by a responsible authority. especially if the private businesses exist because some governing body gives them permission to. certainly someone already under thumb can foresee expectations and restrictions.

>> No.13058066

there is actually no ban on inflight smoking.
airlines chose disallow smoking themselves.
you can totally start up an airline if you are rich and have smoking in flight.

>> No.13058075

Why are you making a boogieman here, there are plenty of leftists that hate weed and love sugar, stop consuming brainrotting political discourse
Soda bans are bad because they don't do anything for the larger epidemic of "Oh fuck, the corn syrup's in everything", which is only a problem cause fhe government decided to subsidize the corn industry in the first place.

>> No.13058079

I only replied to you once faggot, I have no idea what hole you’re talking about or what stupid idea you have.

A person should have control over his own private property, just as individuals have control over what business they pilot their bodies into. If you don’t like the principles and practices a business stands by, then don’t go into that business. You don’t need big daddy government to tell the big bad scary place how to operate so it’s safe for you and your fee fees, you just need to make adult decisions and stop whining like a dumb cunt. People like you are why our government has take such massive oversteps on the constitution since it was written, you’re all too stupid to realize that the government isn’t helping you by protecting you from real life.

>> No.13058083

Sure but you'll have to show that other than allowing for smoking that your services don't suck and that your okay catering to a smaller growing demographic (literally 14% of the US and getting smaller)

>> No.13058086

not sure, never spent time on /pol/ pretty sure it is full of leftists

>> No.13058088

>not being able to blow smoke in others people's faces means the constitution has been defiled

Lol. Just lol

>> No.13058089

also because trying to pick what beverages people choose to drink should be wildly outside the scope of government

but yeah, the farm subsidies are bad too

>> No.13058091

pissing on someone would easily be assault

>> No.13058092

/pol/ is clearly not full of leftists. That is another /pol/ meme

>> No.13058096

not him but your reading comprehension is so dishonest. You literally ignored like 90% of his comment to reply "lol no you"

>> No.13058100

4chan is full of leftists.

If you ever notice someone posting who seems to assume everyone fits this description:
>neck beard
>lives at mom’s house
>no social life
It’s more than likely a leftist. Anyone who has been around here long enough, regardless of political stance, realizes that /ck/ compared to any other board is relatively tame and has mostly normal people. The worst people on here are mostly alcoholics, so they’re not even really NEETs.
They’re just lefties from /pol/ and /reddit/ and, god forbid, /tumblr/ who unironically think the neck beard meme is true for anyone who browses any part of 4chan.

>> No.13058102

I'm talking about breathing in car exhaust every time you walk on the sidewalk. Are you dense or something?

>> No.13058104

90% of what he said wasn't saying anything at all tho. Just "gubment bad"

>> No.13058106

>also because trying to pick what beverages people choose to drink should be wildly outside the scope of government
They already do that by protecting certain kinds of alcohol. Which is shit but it's been done.

>> No.13058105

>4chan is full of leftists

4chan literally put orange man in power using memes

>> No.13058108

>poisoning self with alcohol in bar
>worried about icky smoke
Kill yourself dude

>> No.13058113

How did you meme yourself into believing this?

>> No.13058119

/pol/ meme'd it and then retarded newshits flooded in. Everyone else wanted people to just fuck off after the GG shitshow but that didn't happen

>> No.13058121

Alcohol is not inherently unhealthy. Moderately drinking can end up being a net positive for your health. Good for your heart and stress relief

>> No.13058125

what about the bartender dumbass?

>> No.13058128

>wasn't saying anything at all tho.

he was saying people should have the power to determine what situations/environments they choose to get themselves into.

why is that so hard to understand? the comment from him is already extremely concise

>> No.13058131

Nobody forced the bartender to apply for a job at a bar that allows smoking.

>> No.13058132

>there’s no leftists on 4chan
>implying I’m saying there’s no neckbeards on 4chan

There are neckbeards, just generally not on /ck/ and generally not replying to political posts. All they give a fuck about is jerking off to traps and furries, go to /b/ if you want proof.
And leftists have been invading 4chan slowly but surely for years, it’s slowly turned from a completely right-wing/libertarian meme into a degenerate shithole of retardation and liberal ideologies.

>> No.13058134

is there any evidence that breathing car exhaust from nearby roads is more harmful to you than walking behind someone smoking?

Also keep in mind that roads are places specifically designed for driving cars on, so advocating banning cars from roads is a bit counter productive, quite unlike the situation with smokers on sidewalks so its a pretty shitty analogy and not useful even if the exhaust is more harmful because that doesn't change the fact that public sidewalks should not be for smoking

>> No.13058140

Yup, and the people have the power to decide that through local, state, and federal government. That's why smoking has been banned in a lot of places because the people have exercised their power to do so, but you don't agree with it being done that way for no reason whatsoever

>> No.13058143

It’s because he doesn’t care, anon. All he cares about is taking away your guns, your free speech, your property rights, and your money. That way, him and all his nigger friends get to have it all to themselves after they leave you for dead bleeding to death while they go into the LGBTQ+ non-alcoholic non-tobacco weed bar after stabbing you for 5$ and a iPhone.

>> No.13058145

yeah, the fact that they do it is the problem, not justification for doing it further

>> No.13058148

>There are neckbeards, just generally not on /ck/
This is your brain on /pol/

>> No.13058151

Because that’s retarded. Doing it through the free market works a lot better. It leads to genuine trends in what the people actually want.

Imagine this, a world where the government didn’t ban smoking in bars. If your viewpoint is so foolproof, then they still wouldn’t exist anymore. Because nobody would go to them. Right? That makes sense, right? Please tell me you’re not that stupid.

>> No.13058157

There’s usually just alcoholics and fatasses, neckbeards are a whole different animal. You niggers need to go spend time on /b/ if you actually don’t believe me, you are missing valuable life experience.

>> No.13058159

what if you missed and just pissed NEAR them?

>> No.13058161

Well, considering that car exhaust fumes are known to cause cancer and other diseases, and that they're present in much higher concentrations when near a road than cigarette smoke will ever be found in outdoors, it stands to reason that exhaust fumes would be more dangerous than cigarette smoke outside. Obviously a smoky room would be more dangerous than being outside near car exhaust fumes, but would you sit inside a room full of running cars?

>> No.13058169

The needs of a few don't outweigh the needs of many, and most people have decided smoking in a place of business is unacceptable. Democracy, bitch. Go live in communist country if you wanna cry about it so hard.

>> No.13058176

>needs of a few don't outweigh the needs of many,
i agree that all trannies should be put to death

>> No.13058177

You’re the one who wants communism you idiot.
>don’t let the free market decide things!
>let the government decide things for the market!
That’s communism, that’s textbook communism right there, which you are advocating for.

This isn’t about the needs of the few, and it isn’t about the needs of anyone. It’s about what people WANT. It’s about SUPPLY and DEMAND, basic economic concepts.

>> No.13058178

>Well, considering that car exhaust fumes are known to cause cancer and other disease
so is cigarette smoke
> and that they're present in much higher concentrations when near a road than cigarette smoke will ever be found in outdoors
Are they present in high enough concentrations on nearby walking areas to make them more harmful than smoke on the sidewalks?

and of course it doesn't matter which one is worse, smoking should still be banned in public areas, do that shit in your own home away from children

>> No.13058188

do you have any metrics about car exhaust on typical sidewalks? I have rarely if ever been walking around and considered the sidewalk overly exhaust filled. Meanwhile I encounter annoying amounts of cigarette smoke all the time

>> No.13058189

You literally don't know what communism is lol.

>> No.13058194


>> No.13058196

Because I know you’re too stupid to get this, I’ll explain it more.

The GOVERNMENT by BANNING SMOKING IN BARS has effectively REMOVED THE SUPPLY of bars that allow smoking. This means there is a DEMAND that is not met, and therefore the market has been broken forcibly. That is bad.

The reason casinos on Indian lands have so much business all of the time is because you can smoke inside all you like, sure part of the reason people there is the demand for a casino, but part of the demand is to drink and smoke indoors at the same time. It is a literal bait for people to lure themselves into the casino with, hence why casinos will never ban smoking indoors for as long as they can.

>> No.13058202

Communism is when the market belongs to the people, right?
So when the rights of business owners across the nation are constrained by the patrons, that means the market is being controlled by the people, right?
How are you actually too stupid to understand this?

>> No.13058203

>The average concentration of diesel particulate matter measured over the duration of a single drive-by test often exceeded the low concentrations used in human clinical studies which are known to cause acute health effects. It was also observed that higher concentrations of diesel particulate matter were measured at the height of a stroller than were measured at the mouth of a mannequin.
Not only is it dangerous, but it's more dangerous to babies than cigarettes are. Cigarette smoke just floats off into the air.

>> No.13058218

This study says there is more exhaust near busy highways than away from busy highways. It does not say pedestrian exposure to exhaust is worse than second hand smoke

Also keep in mind that highways as discussed here typically do not have sidewalks and are not at all what we are talking about
and again, even if this is harmful your logic is still absurd as that in no way makes smoking ok. Its like murdering a few people and saying "well look at what Jeffery Dahmer did"

>> No.13058224


>> No.13058225

>It was also observed that higher concentrations of diesel particulate matter were measured at the height of a stroller than were measured at the mouth of a mannequin.
This sounds like peak pseudoscience alarmism
Think of the children!

>> No.13058232

You're retarded my man.

>> No.13058234

>but it's more dangerous to babies than cigarettes are. Cigarette smoke just floats off into the air.
What are you basing this on? Nowhere does this study suggest smoking is less harmful

>> No.13058235

>Occasional moderate alcohol consumption is terribly harmful

Fuck off.

>> No.13058244

That makes sense idiot, car exhaust is heavier than most other gases, so it tends to flow closer to the ground.
Do you just go around /ck/ pretending you don’t understand a single fucking thing to piss people off?

>hurr durr I was only pretending to be retarded
You’re still just a fucking retard

>> No.13058247

Have you ever seen cigarette smoke outdoors? It doesn't sink down to the ground. You people are incapable of any kind of logical thinking.

>> No.13058253

Its definitely plausible, but the fact that they mention strollers at all shrieks of alarmism and bad science

>> No.13058257


>> No.13058258

I’m convinced at this point there’s a few faggots who go around pretending that the simplest of logical conclusions are absolutely beyond them except for when they see fit to make someone angry.

It’s like an extremely advanced troll that’s been shitposting for so long, they don’t even know where it ends and begins anymore.

>> No.13058264

It kinda makes sense, the height of a stroller is ill-defined and heavily begs for an emotional response.

>> No.13058270

Children and babies exist, and they are shorter than adults. Something being able to elicit an emotional response doesn't mean it's not also relevant to the study.

>> No.13058273

you know we are talking about being in close vicinity to smokers, not being in an area a smoker was hours later?

Also note that if you can smell a smoker, you are in their toxic chemical aura, you are literally smelling the chemicals coming out of their cigarette or off of their body/clothes for days later. The very fact cigarette smoke smells so bad is an evolutionary response to how harmful the chemicals in them and coming off of your body are, otherwise they probably wouldn't smell bad.

But this idea that cigarette chemicals just drift away immediately is pretty immediately disproven by your terrible, lingering stench

>> No.13058281

because they are fishing for an emotional reaction

>> No.13058293

I get what you’re saying, I just also understand why that anon was being a faggot about it. Either way it seems the trolls have moved on to greener threads, best to just abandon all hope while there’s still time.

Every one of us anon, with our heads on straight and facing the world with dreams of a free market, we need to fucking take this world back. Don’t let these stupid niggers discourage you, for the world is only as limited as you are. And remember, you can always buy a gun.

>> No.13058646

do Americans really think that is how laws work?

>> No.13058684

if you want to smoke inside just go to an american legion.
There is literally nothing stopping you.

>> No.13058694

I'm a non smoker and I 100% agree with you.

>> No.13058710

>How can any reasonable person not come to the conclusion that smoking bans in bars and restaurants are needless intrusions in our personal liberties?
>Also we should outlaw homosexuals

>> No.13058718

some places that's illegal too

>> No.13058817

If you want to smoke inside just drink at home

>> No.13058823

Ethanol is inherently toxic at any dose, brainlet.

>> No.13058841

better idea - just tell the government to fuck off where they don't belong and let us smoke in bars

>> No.13058855

most evidence suggests moderate drinking decreases mortality.

You actually need a rather extreme amount of ethanol to kill yourself, something like 200g in one sitting, or a lot more for someone who drinks regularly. This is in stark contrast to most actual toxins where a fraction of a gram can kill you. Consider most pharmaceutical drugs dose in the 10s to 100s of mg

>> No.13058860

Even if bars legally allowed you to smoke, its extremely trashy to smoke around non smokers, but I agree, you should need a fucking law to be a decent human being

>> No.13058877

But it’s not just smokers that are putting harmful chemicals into the air. You’re forgetting about the cars, and trucks, and factories, and burning tires that also fuck up air quality. People like you go for the lowest hanging fruit and then can’t stop jacking themselves off about what a good they are doing. You can’t complain about public air quality but then only go after smokers. You’re a joke of a human being and you should’ve been aborted the second you were conceived.

>> No.13058907


cigarette cancer only kills faggots, prove me wrong, you fucking can't. i am bigger and stronger than you and you are a god damned coward.

>> No.13058918


you definitely are not a judge to decide what is and isn't pathetic.you literally use cuss words on you 4chan posting habit.

>> No.13058921

Blah blah blah.

Shit pollutes the air. Cancer causing or not you faggots are a detriment to anyone who wants to smell their drink, food, environment; not your or your addiction. There's also a fuckton of people who work in fields, plants, have allergies, scarred lungs, allergies, etc that don't want to be around you literally burning obnoxious substances inside. Burn days are on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday assuming there's not high wing take care of your rubbish outdoors then.

>> No.13058937


>> No.13058961

>omfg, little joey smelled smoke, get him to the ER immediately and give him extra vaccines and antibiotics to make sure he survives!
The absolute state of parenting today.

>> No.13059010

I like bars better when I don't wake up with dry mouth and my clothes reeking of cigarette smoke.

>> No.13059025


you being a bitch is way more detrimental. you're addicted to cock. this is america, faggot, you don't get to whine and cry about other people doing whatever they want. if you feel that strongly about it, just fucking shoot them.

>> No.13059030

Then go to a bar that doesn't allow smoking. No one is forcing you to walk into a smoky room. Christ. You fucking unprincipled child. Why can't a bar owner decide for himself if smoking should be allowed?

>> No.13059035

Evidence is correlative, empirical, and not causal.

>hurr the ld50 is a billion times higher than ricin so it's safe

>> No.13059053

Ethanol is toxic, and no amount of "studies" with flawed methodology will convince me otherwise
Never met a bartender who doesnt smoke themselves.
Its harmful dumbass. Maybe not on the same exact level as smoking but it's essentially the same shit. Ingesting poison for a rush. Stop acting high and mighty because your poison is better. In the end you're still hurting yourself faggot

>> No.13059073
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My bar has smoking

>> No.13059075

>other people do potentially harmful things with good reasons so I should be able to do explicitly harmful things wantonly

>> No.13059091

do you honestly think if it were legalized most bars would allow smoking?
Its not the 70s anymore, very few outside of rural areas would allow smoking if it were legalized

>> No.13059094

All the bars and clubs around me allow smoking too actually.

>> No.13059098

still misleading as shit to say "any dose is toxic" when the evidence says moderate doses are probably beneficial. There is absolutely no evidence behind you claim that even small doses are harmful

>> No.13059134

It didn't work. That's why they banned it in the first place. Buissness were afraid to ban smoking.

>> No.13059146

The "evidence" changes every year. People studying nutrition funded by ABA and other alcohol associations to keep the public from cutting back or quitting

>> No.13059189

Ok so you know the evidence justifies your hypothesis so you look at the data you want to confirm that. Not scientific, but ok.

>> No.13059251

>Buissness were afraid to ban smoking
for sure, but now that we have a generation of people who haven't had to deal with smoking in bars, and just way fewer smokers overall because they all die young and millennials don't smoke nearly as much as boomers did at that age, most places would probably be afraid to allow it

>> No.13059260

nutritional studies are very hard to do correctly and the media is very bad at reporting on their outcomes, but there is way more effort from the government and advocacy groups trying to convince us all we are alcoholics than there is money trying to tell people drinking is healthy

>> No.13059267

No, what I am saying is the evidence is not incontrovertible but it definitely suggests moderate drinking is probably a little beneficial, and it surely does not suggest moderate drinking is harmful or "toxic"

>> No.13059271

Don't burn anything indoors, you slob.

>> No.13059881

This, including who they do business with and employ.

>> No.13060025

Whether the businesses would or wouldn't allow smoking isn't the matter at hand. It's more the fact that they should be allowed to decide for themselves.

If no bar owners want to allow smoking, so be it.

>> No.13060030

Yeah its almost as if adults are allowed to be adults around other adults. Even I'm starting to advocate for a higher drinking age>>13059098

>> No.13060155

what gives bar owners any more right than the government to decide?
they should have no say, it should just be up to each individual in the bar

>> No.13060166

Have any of you autistic people ever actually been inside and smoked? It’s not even fun, it’s like being on a bus with someone cranking shitty music, everyone thinks you are an asshole

>> No.13060184

I smoke but do my best to keep it out of public areas and will avoid babies and shit but it's pretty silly to not allow smoking in bars.

>> No.13060189

The fuck. This is your mind on ((their)) propaganda. Why would the bar's customers have any say in the bar's policies? Should they decide on interior decorating too?

It's the owner's bar - he pays for the four walls and what goes on inside them, and he SHOULD get to decide if smoking's allowed in his business PERIOD.

>> No.13060218

so the bar is serviced by the city's water, electricity, streets, transit, security
the bar is in the city

and yet here you are

libertarianism is literally for people too stupid to understand that government is literally just the manifestation of an interconnected society exerting its collective will. If you want to operate within it, you follow its rules.

>> No.13060284

>collective will
You mean will of the majority of voting age individuals who bothered to vote, using force and violence (government) to coerce behaviour to what they want
if it was what everyone wanted, we wouldn't need any government at all

>> No.13060290

ciggs smell disgusting. why does everyone else have to suffer for your enjoyment? if i enjoyed showering everyone with piss would it make you wrong for saying you didn't want me to piss on you? why should you have the privilege of not being urinated on when i pay my taxes?

>> No.13060337

yeah man that's how groups of people work together when they inhabit the same space champ

>> No.13060344

The weak should fear the strong, right? Might makes right?

>> No.13060483

>Might makes right?
yes if you don't like it become a manipulative kike or leave society and figure out how to do shit by yourself.

>> No.13060525

I would be fine with it, but absolutely all smokers are dicks that get agressive over any suggestion like moving the fuck away to the side to smoke. Fuck them. Government can call for public rapings of smokers and I'll be fine with it

>> No.13060566

who the fuck wants to breath in smoke. yes I like having some faggot blow smoke in the air near out table so our food ends up tasting like cigarettes

>> No.13060584

This but nonsmokers.

>> No.13060625

No law against that.

>> No.13060628

If the pansies ban sidewalk smokers before they ban shitty, untuned 2-stoke leafblowers I will know the world is too far gone to save.

2-stoke leafblowers: worse smelling than cigarettes, way worse atmospheric pollution, insane noise pollution, 75% of the time only used to push leaves into a neighbor's yard, mostly used by illegal immigrants who don't pay taxes, paid under the table by upper-middle and upper class urbanites and suburbanites who push for banning tobacco and legalizing marijuana. Now that's trashy.

>> No.13060645

Except banning tobacco and legalizing marijuana would be extremely based. Can't argue against that

>> No.13060661

reckon it should be illegal by default but establishments can opt in

>> No.13060663

Not really. Just because the current hivemind supports your favorite douchey things and does not support your least favorite douchey things it doesn't make it based. It means you're a faggoty hypocrite.

>> No.13060678

The fact that it gives you such a knee jerk reaction to cry makes it even more based. Lung cancer patient cig smokers quite literally BTFO!

>> No.13060683

>banning a plant
This is the cooking board, anon. We don't like the taste of boot as much as /pol/ does.

>> No.13060691

That literally not an argument. Thanks for playing

>> No.13060706

I don't smoke, retard. I see hypocrisy and I call it.

>> No.13060730

If a business owner wants to spend more on ash disposal, air filtration systems, periodic wall/roof cleaning and feels like putting up with angry customers every day who walk in not knowing the policies they have put in place then all power to them.

Sounds like a lot of extra effort to make a handful of people happy.

I don't smoke but people smoking around me gives me a sort of nostalgic comfort, however I understand that people who never grew up around smoking or dislike smoking don't deserve to put up with it.

It's like if a family is at a park having a nice picnic and a group of people park their cars right next to them, exhaust facing, and just let it run for a few hours

>> No.13060737

Imagine actually being that guy.
Walking into a bar and giving the owner grief because people are smoking.

>> No.13060742

That's why the ban is required.

>> No.13060743

In the context of the OP idea, this would happen a lot in modern society.
I personally wouldn't give two shits, but i'd understand people who would

>> No.13060759

Because they would rather have their food aroma then smoke. It's better for business. Also I don't have to tolerate YOUR habit.

>> No.13060773


>Still smoking in 2019

Literally only gutter trash pond scum, homos, and art hoe roasties smoke/vape now. The only smoking section allowed should be the smoldering mass grave your remains are dumped in lmao

>> No.13060777

>this isnt like smoking in a theatre or on a airplane or on the subway.
How the hell is it different in the slightest?

>> No.13060814

So we couldn't have a smokers only bar?
I mean, non smokers could just simply not go there.
Like a sign on the door, caution, smoking permitted inside.
If you want to avoid smoke, so not enter.
This should be legal, and I hate cigarette smoke.

>> No.13060845

Anything that makes tobacco more expensive or annoying is fantastic to me. It's completely immoral to smoke since the rest of us will be paying for medical care once you get lung cancer or copd. You're literally taking away others freedoms by smoking. I'll vote for anything to fuck over smokers

>> No.13060881

you are absolutely correct, vegas is one of my favorite places to go for this exact reason

>> No.13060899

Trips for truth.

>> No.13060963

If you have socialized healthcare this is a valid argument. However, there are far more obese people than smokers now. Healthcare for obese people is more expensive than it is for smokers. Besides the fact that tobacco products are heavily taxed. Alcoholics also kill people all the time. Maybe try banning alcohol again, too. It'll totally work this time.

>> No.13060971

Letting social life being controlled by drug addicts is literally the most retarded thing ever.
Smoke at home where u don't harm anybody or fucking kill urself

>> No.13060973

It's different both because bars are more naturally associated with smoking and drinking than the subway is, and because you can't walk one block down the road and go to a different subway. There are shitloads of bars and some of them will be smoke free. Hell, some of them might even be alcohol free.

I am every bit as much against making taxes pay for other people's healthcare as I am against making a plant illegal.
People should be free to ruin themselves but they should also pay for it out of their own pockets.

I don't smoke. When I go to a bar I go to a smoke free one. If my mates ask me to come to one with smoking I may or may not go depending on how close I am to laundry day since I don't want my clothes smelling of smoke. I don't go and then demand everybody stop smoking, though, because I'm not an asshole or a child.

>> No.13061011

>go to my local bar/ nightclub
>inside no smoking
>one half of outside is smoking
>other half is non smoking
>smoking section is always full
>on a busy night the dancefloor will be busy but people constantly go outside to the smoking area.
>non smoking areas are dead
Most bars in my city are like this. Smoking areas get packed and non smoking areas are dead.
Ive noticed other countries this is not the case however. Other than a few odd bars here and there.
Australia btw

But i agree OP. If someone opens a bar where you can smoke inside so be it. If it fails because nobody goes then boo hoo. If its popular with smokers then congrats. And if everybar allowed smoking, then non smokers could open their own bars and make money from the non smokers.
Seems fair.
Guarantee smokers would come out on top though. Too many people social smoke, or give no fucks if they smell cigarettes.

>> No.13061019

That's because only human slime go "out"

>> No.13061025

So? If only human slime go out it makes sense that the bars should cater to that clientele. How does it affect you if you're staying home playing Fortnite like the sophisticated patrician you are?

>> No.13061026

>the proprietor does not consent to niggers
>the employees are free to take their work elsewhere
>the customers are free to take their money elsewhere
>the jurisprudence behind the civil rights act is weak at best

>> No.13061036

Because they go to the club to dance, not to stand outside. Dumbass smokers are constantly having to go out for another hit of tobacco while chad nonsmokers dance with their girlfriends.

>> No.13061039

My hometown has a segragated bar.
Blacks have an option of 2 beers, whites have a fully stocked bar.

>> No.13061046

that's illegal anon

>> No.13061061

incel detected

>> No.13061062 [DELETED] 

That's because only human slime go "out"

>> No.13061073
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>Why can't I just destroy my lungs and everyone's around me!!!

>> No.13061097

Pretty sure lots of country towns dont let the abbos in white people parts of the bars.
Nobody cares

>> No.13061121

It shouldn't be

>> No.13061140

I need a leaf blower for self defense against smokers

>> No.13061208


Should brapping in public be legal? Maybe we should ban it from indoor places or have a brappers section separate from everyone else?

>> No.13061218

any restaurant owner that gives a shit about their food wouldn't allow it because lingering cigarette smoke ruins the aroma of the meals
also if you want to smoke in the middle of a meal, it's nice to take a break walk out front to have a bit of fresh air and chug back a dart before heading inside again
people who smoke while eating are tastelets and that is a fact

>> No.13061233


>> No.13061248

have fun taking it up the ass from big pharma for the black lungs

>> No.13061249

If you can't handle going 1-2 hours to eat a meal without sucking on your addiction stick you are a weak person mentally and physically and should be culled from the gene pool.

>> No.13061272

It's difficult to comprehend someone with only a basic understanding of the English language, Deng. How many more years of shitposting before they let you see your wife and kids again?

>> No.13061276

If you want to create a smoker's bar that is fine, as long as you make it clearly obvious that this is a smoker's bar for smokers. It's your business, your choice, but smoking in public places is fucking awful. Just do what Japan does and have designated smoking zones. You trashy addicts polluting the air I breathe out in public just so you don't get the shakes from your trashy addiction need to be removed from the planet.

>> No.13061278

Truth. The weaks are crying because we want them to go the fuck out with their shitty addiction.

>> No.13061333

Imagine being a bar owner and every single night some pretentious piece of shit drunkards walk in talking about how America is a free country and there is no more smoking ban so they can smoke wherever they please, pissing off your clients, driving away your business, and making you have to forcefully remove them because they won't just listen and go to the smoker bar 2 streets down. This happens to you every single night, with different people, all the time, for the rest of your life.

This is why the smoking ban is needed. You smokers and your personalities are as toxic as the cancer sticks you can't stop blowing.

>> No.13061388

It's legal where I'm from. We also have one of the higher rates of smoking in Europe. It kinda does suck ass for non-smokers since almost no places have smoke-free areas. If you go out to a bar or something you just have to resign yourself to second hand smoke all night. Even if there were non-smoking areas it's highly unlikely that less than half of your group aren't smokers themselves.

>> No.13061393

Cancer in general is for faggots. What they don't tell you is that a whole bunch of this carcinogen shit is only cancerous for people genetically inclined to get cancer

>> No.13061396

>/ck/ - Food & Cooking

>> No.13061465

There’s a shitty little smoking bar right down the road from me. Great place to sulk

>> No.13061472

You can ban its sale without banning the plant itself, retard

>> No.13061478

Still retarded fascist bullshit.

>> No.13061490

Cry more, addict. There’s plenty of precedent for banning the sale of harmful things.

>> No.13061496

And none of it has worked and only served an industrial prison complex

>> No.13061516

You’re talking about drugs, which are illegal both to possess and to sell. Not what I’m talking about. Your cancer sticks have addled your weak little mind.

>> No.13061542

>drugs, which are illegal both to possess and to sell
They shouldn't be

>> No.13061574

I smoke, but have you ever walked into a smokers house? Do you even remember smoking bars? Your clothes reek for months, it gets into your pores.

I mean, if you wanna smell like an indian trash can, that's your prerogative.

I'm not the degenerate who can't go 3 minutes without "mommy needing her feel good sticks".

I'll have a drink, and smoke while also not ruining my clothes, and continue to be a productive member of society. Must be hard to be you.

>> No.13061575

You’re asking for it to be banned outright, numbnuts

>> No.13061582

I didn’t say that, retard
I’m still right

>> No.13061588

>Except banning tobacco and legalizing marijuana would be extremely based. Can't argue against that
>Cry more, addict. There’s plenty of precedent for banning the sale of harmful things.

Goody bootlick has swallowed too much dogshit, your brain okay there migo?

>> No.13061634

I hate fags as much as the next guy, but smoking is unironically gay.

>> No.13061739

Well shit we should ban dogs in public too

>they shit and piss everywhere
>they stink
>owners don't control them
> can/will/do maul children to death

Walk the fuckers around your house ten times or something

>> No.13061892

Smoke violates the NAP which means I am legally allowed to retaliate if you ever smoke.

>> No.13061902

I said that wasn’t me you braindead monkey

>> No.13061912

You actually didn’t, retard.

>> No.13062274
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Meh, it's no great loos that it's prohibited and in fact the ban should probably include shisha bars as well; on the one hand those faggot ass sand niggers shouldn't get a pass on it just for being niggerdly, but on the other hand it's a net good because it's bad for their health.
But in terms of wider society I think the best way to allow smoking in an established is to require it to meet certain standards and get certification as a smoking establishment that would include things like it being 18+, having clear signage denoting/warning that they have inside smoking, mandatory employee health insurance from the employer, and an extremely robust ventilation system, possibly also having optional respirators for the staff to wear while working.

You are a pathetic sniveling cunt. Die of aids you fucking pusillanimous progressive autistic numale faggot.

>> No.13062301

You shouldn't have all these anti-smoking laws, but what do you think you're trying to accomplish by asking about this now in 2019?

>> No.13062311

>I'm not the degenerate who can't go 3 minutes without "mommy needing her feel good sticks".
Women and trannies pls stop invading my anime discussion board safe space and go use pinterest and reddit like rest of your kind.

>> No.13062345

super based

>> No.13062397

Countries with state-funded healthcare want to reduce harmful behaviour... regardless of what people might want.

Fair enough desu... if they footed the bill for their own lung cancer treatment I'd agree with you, but they don't.

>> No.13062783

>doesn't understand how cancer works

>> No.13063587
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>why can't they just ban everything I don't like???

>> No.13063612

It is the government overreaching. We live under tyrannical rule.

>> No.13063616

So don't go to smoking bars
. How does your point give you the right to dictate to others?

>> No.13063628

Tobacco is a conservative drug, though.

>> No.13063641

>corporate tyranny

>> No.13063663

it costs less to treat a person who died prematurely due to lung cancer than it does to support a retiree who lives to 90