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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13054118 No.13054118 [Reply] [Original]

What does this soymilk drink and food product called Soylent really taste like? Have any of you tried it? Do any of you in fact like it? Do you dislike it because you have tasted it, or because of not liking soy, or the memes in general?

>> No.13054121

Frothy cold cum like thickness

>> No.13054148

What is this fucking ridiculous image from? I don't understand how I could harbor so much hatred for someone based on an image, yet here we are

>> No.13054183
File: 149 KB, 994x745, soy face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because the people who drink it all look exactly the same, like estrogen-filled manchildren who obsess over toys and comic books.

>b-but what if it tastes good!!!

>> No.13054188

it tastes like a healthy cereal but with much less flavor
it has an unappealing texture.
it spoils easily, something has been off with the packaging on every version.
it's over 2 dollars for 400 calories

>> No.13054284

It tastes like Quaker oat cereal and a hint of bleach

>> No.13054327

internet search "mii man" should point you in the right direction

>> No.13054348

soymemes promote thay product better than anything on the internet

4chan is the only place where I've heard about them for years. When it first came out I saw articles, posts on other sites, and even heard it brought up irl. Now they only persist in my world as a 4chan meme. I've never even noticed them in a grocery store.

>> No.13054350

Thanks anon. Looks like he's intentionally making fun of retards while also being a faggot I suppose that's not as bad as I was expecting.
I saw this faggot in a thread on /tv/ going full turbofaggot while watching a Star Wars trailer. It seemed as though his actions were genuine and I flew into an autistic rage over it. That remains the worst I've ever seen.

>> No.13054354

LOL, this is the video that image is from. His other famous video is of course the Nintendo Wii music dance. I don't know if he is a fan of Soylent, but he represents a big stereotype about its fans.


>> No.13054358

My cousin used to get them like 10 years ago because he had a kid that couldn't drink milk. He said it was a lot better than regular milk. I never tried it though.
I'm a skim milk man myself

>> No.13054374
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no problem friend

>> No.13054375

I'm lactose intolerant, but I stay away from soy milk and stick with coconut, almost, or oat milks.

>> No.13054398

A lot of youtubers that have niche hobbies or like video games get visibly excited and show emotion, men aren't allowed to do that.

>> No.13054963


Interesting. Some people on /b/ told me that it tastes like pancake batter. Does anybody else think that is true?

>> No.13055037


>> No.13055254
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>> No.13055600
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Ah yes the future of nu-man kind

>> No.13055603
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>> No.13055606

Maybe they're hard to open, though. It's not impossible to make a plastic bottle with a lid so tight that it's a bitch to open.

>> No.13055641

Ive never actually considered what that numale bullshit tastes like. I suppose it just tastes like liquid soybeans.

>> No.13055645

pretty devoid of taste, the flavoured ones are alright but nothing to write home about

>> No.13055658
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>some require an oil wrench
>oil wrench
pic of channel-lock pliers

>> No.13055666

Doesn't taste like much. Bland, faintly sweet. Chocolate is kino. Mocha is alright but a little too sweet.

It's a got a fainty malty, oaty flavor to it. It doesn't taste like soy at all, really. It only has soy protein in it, which is washed in alcohol and removes a lot of the estrogen-producing compounds. I love soy memes as much as the next go, though.

Most people who like the stuff are tools. I think anyone who buys premade Soylent should really be put in a work camp. The fucking powder takes two seconds in a blender to mix.

>> No.13055685

>believing meme unironically
Meat contains estrogen 3-4 times more than soy.

>> No.13055688
File: 35 KB, 625x626, 1555548952157.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>believing the people that make up the studies unironically

>> No.13055703

Goggle is your friend, noob.

>> No.13055716

It's just a generic bugman, they make faces like that to signify their lack of a soul.

>> No.13055728

It's actually pretty obvious what the problem is.
Look at the wrapper on all of them and you see they have all spun when they attempted to open it.
Remove the wrapper and your can do it easy.

>> No.13055826

that sounds like marketing bullshit

>> No.13055834

Weird how on a website full of autismos that soylent would be so reviled. Seems the perfect product for a segment of them.

>> No.13055842

Maybe on other boards, but not so much for people on the fast food board.

>> No.13055876

I wouldn't know. It's not legal for sale in Canada because it fails to meet the nutritional standards required to be labelled as a "meal replacement".

>> No.13055884

Nectar was the best flavor but they discontinued it.

>> No.13055886

this. they're still tight though because the people that design them are endlessly incompetent

>> No.13055987

Well it was designed to be a total meal replacement but some how it was released and it cannot replace all meals because it lacks some things.
They did not even make a different one called soylent total and add a multivitamin and a scoop of protein powder to just so they can claim it is total meal replacement.
You can't have high hopes for them.

>> No.13056066
File: 69 KB, 707x748, BC088AE6-92E5-40BD-960A-05DFCA08E318.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you kidding me? They really discontinued the best flavor? That is poor marketing!

>> No.13056161

just go out and try a bottle

resist the urge to suck cocks for 48 hours afterwards

>> No.13056302

Read about the founder, I'd never trust someone that demented

>> No.13056308

The Soylent founder also claims to have gone a week or something without having to take a dump. I’m serious, he is said to have tried something like that, for the sake of preserving the environment, according to a news article I read.

>> No.13056513

But it's so yummy

>> No.13056574

I drink the original for breakfast a lot, and also in protein shakes. It's basically flavorless with a texture similar to coconut milk. It should never be used as a replacement for all meals, but when its used for what its designed for, which is replacing "meals of convenience," aka, "I'm stuck in an airport lobby and have to spend 14 bucks on a burger" its an amazing tool to have.

>> No.13058251

Except the autist who created it literally did intend people to use it instead of having meals.

>> No.13058334

absolutely this
and I see it at grocery stores and gas stations now in fucking ALASKA, so it's pretty widespread
that's a good comparison, I usually say it tastes like Special K cereal milk, it's not thick like pancake batter or anything
it's just super bland and has no flavor, unless you get one of the flavored ones (they all taste pretty good but they're like 3x more expensive than the plain powder is)

>> No.13058348

Are you actually retarded or just a shill
Red meat increseses testosterone production fag

>> No.13058350

I should give some soylent to this cute twink I know

>> No.13058519

You're thinking of dairy, meat contains very little estrogen.

>> No.13058528 [DELETED] 

yes, correct and basedpilled

>> No.13059161
File: 180 KB, 923x639, soylent.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried the powered version years ago and actually liked it. It tastes like pancake batter. If it wasn't for the soy protein isolate, I'd still drink it. There are a ton of competitors now that don't have the soy stuff.

>> No.13059164

Dairy also doesn't hold much estrogen

>> No.13059379

Tastes like extra thick soymilk with coffee creamer mixed in

>> No.13059429

to be fair if the bottle is fucking deforming while you try to remove the cap its probably on there too tight

>> No.13059453

I thought this was Sam Tripoli LOL.

>> No.13059709

>those tiny arms and hands

>> No.13059804

You'd think being too weak to open the bottle after consuming this stuff would be a hint.

>> No.13059845

I mean most commercial dairy cows are pumped full of estrogen to increase milk production and increases the amount of estrogen in milk, but under normal circumstances you're correct.

>> No.13059922

look at the ingredients, it basically does have a multivitamin and a scoop in it. If you drank 3 a day you'd probably be overdosing on some things. in addition many vitamins arent stable in a liquid like that.,

>> No.13061014

Modern dairy production is worse than how it used to be, that's for sure.

>> No.13061212

I've always thought it tastes like soymilk after eating a bowl of cinnamon toast crunch (just light flavor), with a clinging fake-sweetener aftertaste that sort of coats your throat. It's not bad but definitely not good. I preferred the coffee flavored one.
Used to drink it daily for a while when I was too busy with work to eat enough meals/calories in the day. Haven't touched it in a few years now, so maybe it's changed.

>> No.13061268
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Its less like showing excitement and emotion, more like a psychotic display of primal agitation. Its a reversion to a kind of purely reactive, animalistic behavior, and whether its in mock form as a learned social behavior or a genuine regression, its extremely offputting to normal high functioning humans who regulate their emotional impulses and expect other people to do the same.

>> No.13061647
File: 34 KB, 640x480, IMG_2617.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol look at these libtard matxist cucks
Heh the jews realy did a number on our once proud white race
Good thing there are still alpha males like me who stand with trump and eat steak 3 times a day

>> No.13061744
File: 2.32 MB, 960x540, soytrio.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13061954

The only thing that's changed is there's less rat feces and mold since they moved to a new production plant. Other than that still tastes like flavored liquid cardboard.

>> No.13061965
File: 42 KB, 550x865, 1548963633096.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13061973

get a load of this unloved autistic fuck

>> No.13062677

It still has all the selenium and cadmium and heavy metals though.

>> No.13062710

who is this guy? why do I hate him so much? I don't want to be like this

>> No.13062807

I tried the chocolate one so that I could use the bottle as a prop for shitposting purposes. It tastes fine. Like a shitty protein shake I guess. No where near as bad as I thought it would be. Though I assume drinking them regularly as a meal replacement would be a boring, joyless existence.