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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13051070 No.13051070 [Reply] [Original]

you literally can't refute this

>> No.13051088

Based. Mediterranean as in the actual Mediterranean diet though, not that meme shit doctors made up that includes shit tons of muh whole grains

>> No.13051094

kekd at this shit
keto is the best for your brain, and some variants of flexitarianism are best for longevity

>> No.13051101

>starving your brain of its preferred fuel is best for your brain
keto intelligence

>> No.13051108

>fad diets
Lardasses will never cease being a pool of suckers for wily salesmen.

>> No.13051109

Except the region's diet has been changing towards more processed food and junk food in the last several decades. Every traditional food culture in the world is fucked now. People eat shitty diets the world over.

>> No.13051119


>> No.13051123

Where does this meal fit in?

>> No.13051127

It doesn't starve your brain, so you're already wrong.

>> No.13051147

I said starve of your brain of its preferred fuel, which is glucose. I know reading comprehension is hard on a keto diet but please try harder next time, sweaty

>> No.13051204

>Body has to rely on emergency fuel on keto
>Not starving your brain

>> No.13051217

What the actual fuck does any of this mean? Can't you fucking speak in humanese?

>> No.13051221

None of this proves that keto does not have superior intellectual outcomes. Your brain is not starved and does function more effectively on ketones. The path of least resistance does not necessarily have the best outcomes.

>> No.13051226

it's all self explanatory, retard
>eat living things like mold
>eat while watching the incredibles on repeat
>eat very large viruses
>eat while stretching
>feed exclusively on old british comedians

>> No.13051236

>Your brain is not starved and does function more effectively on ketones.
Then why do you have to be starving or on a ketard diet to go into ketosis?
And why even in ketosis does your brain consume a huge amount of glucose? Your body goes to great lengths to produce glucose from protein just to satisfy your brain’s hunger for glucose

>> No.13051272

>eat while watching the incredibles on repeat
>eat very large viruses
>eat while stretching

>> No.13051280
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Its a meme u dip

>> No.13051282

Why indeed. Research for yourself if you're interested. I honestly don't care if you never seek the same advantage that I have gained.

>> No.13051297

>ketard types like a schizo

>> No.13051336

Did you know you can have the same effect (ketosis) without clogging your blood vessels with fat and eating actually healthy food?
It's called intermittent fasting.

>> No.13051340

Do you drive a tank?

>> No.13051381

ketotards are such lolcows

>> No.13051405

Organic is placebo-tier. It's not healthier, it doesn't taste better, and the environment benefits are highly questionable at best.

>> No.13051411
File: 8 KB, 253x199, 3543546.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pesca-pescetarian master race reporting

>> No.13051522


>> No.13051525

You sound like an /x/ schizo.

>> No.13052824

first day on 4chan, huh?

>> No.13052832

Carnivore is god tier. Explain why it's shit.

>> No.13052863

I don’t explain things to mentally retarded people

>> No.13052868

Ive been on an animal based diet for a month and a half, lost 15 pounds of fat, and I have more energy and mental focus than I had before. Again, what is wrong with this diet?

>> No.13052879

Just wait until the scurvy kicks in

>> No.13052888

Meat has vitamin C, retard. You don't need nearly as much vitamin C when your body doesn't use glycogen.

>> No.13052897

Your diseased brain is malfunctioning. You can’t think straight

>> No.13052906

kek'd but viruses aren't living organisms, that would be bacteria you're thinking of

>> No.13052920

That's pretty ambiguous. Meat can mean pure muscle meat, which is bad because you need many animal fats on this diet. Or they could have cooked it well done and destroyed most of the existing nutrients within the meat.

>> No.13052943
File: 19 KB, 578x929, glycolysis-vs-gluconeogenesis.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I literally can.

>>13051101 ..
>[Anon's whole argument is basing on hungers].
They're actually hugely associated with productivity, motivation, energy, and rewards.

"~ Replacing carbs" with protein (and stevia) is really important for what's featuring itself as "an adulthood puberty" and a really fun QoL: increased GH, reduced DHT, (even thusly) increased T – hypoglycemia producing increased appetites, flavors, and sensations; testosterone, even in women, increasing sensation, libido, and orgasm. (Hungers are even required for rewards from alcohol and foods.)

Also, insulin is fat-sparing. Maybe "always" keto / VLC is somewhat extreme because increased hormones are also potentiated by high insulinogenics near intense physical activity – the conclusion is that nutrient availability (such as casein hydrolysate, with greater digestion times having it outperforming whey hydrolysate some 2x for lean mass gains .. and strength increases) and timing (casein, with low insulinogenics, also outperforming whey by 1.6x for mean BF% loss .. and 2x for mean fat loss) are really effective. (This is also an argument against fasting.)

So, the sensory and behavioral benefits are huge, plus ~optimizations of hormonal responses for energy homeostasis, fun, stimulation, intensity, and (thusly) happiness and intelligence.

The greatest macro (the second most abundant item in the body, to water) is protein. Sometimes-listed ratios are obviously conjectural, because the whole aspect of keto is "ketosis".

Furthermore, it's possible getting 150g protein and 21g omega 3 -based oil(s) for ~950 Cals., energy expenditures having huge potential beyond that amongst *any amounts of* BF.


>Energy levels, endurance, and efficiency ..
It's possible supplementing the intermediate pyruvate.

>> No.13052948

>organic is god tier
>can eat pizza, burgers, fries for every meal

>> No.13052997

Are you saying that the Mediterranean diet doesn't include plenty of whole grains?

>> No.13053014

What are some populations with a low carb diet that are known for their longevity or overall better health?

>> No.13053027

Sardinians, okinawans, etc.

>> No.13053059

Keto is just Mediterranean without rice and chickpeas.

>> No.13053067

Beyond Godlike: Omnivore

>> No.13053069

Okinawan diet is not low in carbs.

>> No.13053089


>> No.13053113

I eat keto on most days even though I don't have any weigh to lose because it keeps me full without the awful carb cravings and hunger pangs that a normal diet causes me.

>just eat less carbs!
It doesn't work unless I'm really low, like <20 grams.
I honestly like this way of eating.

>> No.13053141
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>> No.13053160

Where does that chart get its source from?
Watch the videos instead of posting retarded lies.

>> No.13053177

It's literally on the bottom of the image, obese retard.

>> No.13053187

Idk what organic, dash, or macrobiotic are. I also don’t know what flexitarian, or paleo is.

All I know is that I like to eat food and all you nigger faggots and your gay diets can suck my sweaty balls

>> No.13053201

Damn you're dense. This study was conducted in 1947, right after the war. That means their livestock were slaughtered and they had to grow all the shitty plants that they could just to scrape by. Why are you calling me the obese one since you're obsessed with eating carbs?

>> No.13053202

salt is good for you.

>> No.13053206

Enjoy heart disease at 52

>> No.13053208

That’s why they’re sweaty, excess salt and a need to get rid of it.

Don’t you even know how ball sweat works you fucking pleb?

>> No.13053220

Med food revolves around carbs, mostly bread and pasta, but also potatoes and rice.

Every dish has >60% carbs.

>> No.13053223

>you die of heart disease at 52 if you like food
I imagine I might be a “flexitarian” but also it sounds really retarded. Just eat healthy food. It’s that simple to me.

If I’m not eating shitty, greasy, disgusting junk food, then I’m happy. If I’m eating a meal I made myself, which is usually 75% veg/fruit, 20% meat, and 5% oils and spices I don’t really give a fuck. I can eat a side of brown rice or some good bread and by that point I’ve basically met macro needs. Micro is fulfilled by eating random healthy snacks like nuts, honey, fruit, yogurt, etc. I don’t really pay attention though. I just live my life this way and I feel great because I eat a wide variety of food and exercise enough to not get fat from it.

>> No.13053233

If it works then it works. Good on you for finding something healthy that your body goes with.

>> No.13053240
File: 34 KB, 306x512, Glycogen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's 99%(+) irrelevant. "Full nutrition" is such a dietary and scholarly article rarity (amongst replacing biosynthesis of vitamin C – even small animals are producing 10+ g/day – getting lots of protein, plenty of omega 3s – evidenced benefiting telomere lengths, and thus as building blocks for cellular environments – proper antioxidants – Sangre de Grado; astaxanthin – all vitamins and minerals, etc.).

PS: Nutrients are so widely distributed and often in small amounts that extracts / powders are the most volume- and monetary-efficient.

"Full nutrition" is both the most correlative with physiological status (energy levels, personality, social interest and investment, skillfulness, and other aspects of genetic expression are basing on nutriments – even height is most correlating with protein intakes, etc.) and any publicly available method of eternal youth.

>> No.13053249

>many extracts/powders are the most volume and monetary-efficient

Careful, a bunch of retards are gonna think you’re talking about multivitamins.

>> No.13053255

>being this scientifically illiterate while also piloting a body
how are you still alive?
salt is in sweat to help heat loss so you don't die.

>> No.13053267

Your response is adding that.

Most compounds are ~ the same as what's found in grocery food; and they're often regulating for calcium vs. magnesium (competing).

>> No.13053289

I was joking m8
I think I was gonna type something else and changed my mind lol, sorry about that. And I know many of them are similar, but it’s still makes a significant difference especially for some vitamins.

This is evidenced by the fact that they have “2000% DV” for some vitamins, and yes I know part of that is to ensure you don’t accidentally suck all of the electrolytes out of your body. Also, they’re horribly unregulated in terms of true weight and composition. Anyone who does a simple chem experiment can prove that to be true.

>> No.13053313

The logical inference is getting 100%s, plausibly taking a few throughout the day (because it's obvious that DVs are sometimes arbitrarily listed – 50g protein; the amounts of vitamin C vs. biosynthesis rates).

>a significant difference

>> No.13053421


>> No.13054146

No, it’s mostly refined grains

>> No.13054153

Both of those eat diets high in carbs. For Sicilians it’s flatbread and pasta, for Okinawans it’s sweet potato and rice

>> No.13054163

None of what you listed is whole grains. I didn’t say it wasn’t high in carbs

>> No.13056139

Nope. Look at the videos I posted

>> No.13056205

the video is some guy ranting over screencapture.....its no more or less authoritative than the chart

>> No.13056259

Vegetarian is the best

>> No.13056266

I could eat Mediterranean food any day of the week and be happy.

>> No.13056642

It’s not conjecture you faggot, most junior colleges that are reputable have you do a lab (Specifically for calcium carbonate BTW) that tells you that vitamins definitely don’t have the amount of each vitamin they say they do.

What are you, an advertising agent?
>hurr durr manufacturing companies make things to 100% accuracy perfectly every time
That’s never happened even one time on this planet

>> No.13056658

I should mention the lab is specifically for chemistry students (or physics/biology field majors who need a lab-heavy chemistry course). So it’s not some bullshit retard nutritionalist garbage, it’s legitimate chemistry that can easily produce these results.

The point isn’t that the vitamins are bad for you or anything, but that they have less bioavailable sources and that the specific amount you are getting each time isn’t exact. The amount on the label is a generic average that is akin to the nutrition information you’re given for an individual grape or tomato, it’s an average that is generally accepted but implicitly not true.

>> No.13057856

It is fundamentally conjecture for multiple reasons, mostly summarized as "proof". Calcium carbonate != each vitamin.

E.g., ..