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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13046831 No.13046831 [Reply] [Original]

>another day of cooking
>for one

>> No.13046840

If you aren't happy by yourself, you're not gonna be happy with someone else

>> No.13046844

I've been alone for 3 days. Day 1 consisted of Gin, Wine, and a few pieces of cheese. Day 2 was too much coffee, serious bout of anxiety, then cabbage and bacon, then some fried eggs later on. Day 3 was tea, water, cabbage and bacon.

>> No.13046855


>> No.13046859

This is the kind of thing that autists at /fit/ go wild over. Wanting some company isn't a sign of being unhappy. Loneliness wears on you. Putting it in people's heads that they have to be 100% happy and content when by themselves is disingenuous and harmful. Humans are social creatures. It's okay to want someone to lean on in an intimate way.

>> No.13046869

I'm not single, and that's how I prefer to eat most of the time. You get fat if you don't take charge of your own nourishment.

>> No.13046874

Not everyone is wired like a bear. Some can only exist in a state of clingy codependence.

>> No.13046875

Of course, but making a sad fuck thread about it on 4chan isn't a step to making anything any better. Also, moping does not attract anyone.

If you want a quality partner, you need to also be a quality partner.

>> No.13046877

this is why hookers exist

>> No.13046878

The idea is more that if you can't stand your own company, you have deeper issues going on that are going to make your relationships dysfunctional, which is probably why you're alone in the first place.

>> No.13046895

>t. coping incel

>> No.13046906

I have never felt loneliness or boredom in my life.

>> No.13046908

Nah, I've just been dating a lot the last couple of years and co-dependency is not an attractive quality.

>> No.13046917

Utter bullshit. Literally a platitude

>> No.13046918

Wanting a relationship doesnt make you co-dependent. Theres no one to even be dependent on.

>> No.13046923
File: 108 KB, 900x960, 0EbcANZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>making a thread about how lonely you are
>not a codependent retard
pick one

>> No.13046938

Im married dickhead, and I didnt make the thread. Im speaking from experience, youre deflecting because of your admitted shit dating abilities.

Why have you been dating "a lot" in the past couple years if youre such an island faggot

>> No.13046954

You can want a partner without being a whiny little faggot about it.

>> No.13046966

Theres that cope again. Have fun being alone

>> No.13046988
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How has telling OP that being a mopey sad-sack isn't attractive turned into me coping? Coping with what?

>> No.13047001

I'm not a straight guy and not fat, so I'm only alone when I want to be. What that Anon says is true. You can't pour from an empty tankard.

>> No.13047039

It's paradox, having a gf. When you don't have one, you yearn for one so badly that it begins to eat away at you. But once you finally obtain one, you realize it's not as great as you thought it would be and might even prefer to be single again. Women just fucking suck and are too high maintenance. Simple as.

>> No.13047050

we call that autism, not that there's anything wrong with that

>> No.13047053

It's like that with everyone. Solitude is nice if you have hobbies besides dating. It's best to find someone who is also whole on their own and won't try to guilt you into dropping everything to babysit them.

>> No.13047165

GRIDs vector

>> No.13047185
File: 1.28 MB, 440x249, yT5TaeT.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does using antiquated terminology make you feel like a big boi?

>> No.13047203

if you were conditioned to be clingy you have the power to change it

>> No.13047205

based stoic poster

>> No.13047217

do we live just to suffer?

>> No.13047244

>make chicken soup
>remember how my mother used to make it when I was sick
>no one to share my soup with

This kind of thing.

>> No.13047399
File: 139 KB, 634x1155, dumb bitch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

haha oh boy i sure do love cooking for other people so they can tell me whats wrong with it even though they have no idea what it's supposed to be like

>> No.13047439



>> No.13047443


>> No.13047444
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Yes, retard, we know.