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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13045501 No.13045501 [Reply] [Original]

Boomer dad classics

>> No.13045514

lol I just bought the store brand version.

>> No.13045521
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Every damn time my mom had to work late

>> No.13045522

and i oop sksksk

>> No.13045525
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>> No.13045527

>not fiddling with a cheap smoker all day
also beer can chicken. he adds the tray of hickory chips to the side of the grill for extra flavor

>> No.13045534

I grew up on this shit and I hate it. It's what inspired me to learn to cook.

>> No.13045666

true dad food is beer like keystone or some shit

>> No.13045832

my dad hollows out a loaf of french bread and fills it with pinto beans and mayo
mexican as fuck

>> No.13045934

My dad is boomer as fuck, mostly he eats mayo and peanut butter sandwiches, empty margarine containers full of ice cream or cereal with fruit, frozen Encore dinners, and fast food

Funny thing is he used to work as a chef at a banquet hall, so he knows how to cook

>> No.13045993

Din pappa var baserad

>> No.13046009


Basado y rojopillado

>> No.13046031

I realised I had become a boomer dad after eating this with a loaf of French bread dunked in it for a week straight

>> No.13046033
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Forgot pic

>> No.13046057

Just a curiosity. Do you people realize that your "boomer" meme is actually more about the children of boomers, the Gen X?

A boomer would never buy that crap.

>> No.13047360

>A boomer would never buy that crap.
boomers love cheap garbage
go into any harbor frieght and 3/4 dudes there are over 65y/o
make america great again
buy cheap garbage from china

>> No.13047424

Completely wrong. GenXers revolted against that crap. Boomers made us eat it growing up

>> No.13047572

Live with boomer landlord for cheap rent.
Amazingly wealthy. Eats canned foods, leaves food out in the kitchen for days and picks right back up and eats it. All of her friends do the same. For them a fancy dinner is steak and mashed potatoes and carrots. They really have child like taste in food. They really do own corvettes, watch Fox News, and complain about kids all day. It’s almost like a living caricature. Their nice people though .

>> No.13047581

Oh look, a boomer in denial. I'm surprised you found the time away from plastering this board with slurs and /pol/ invective to come in here and make shit up about your shitty generation.

>> No.13047592

Mixed with some broccoli or some kimchi it's pretty solid.

>> No.13047603

Harbor Freight is based.

>> No.13047876

>chunky soup for a week straight
I can hear the heart disease knocking on the door, fuck
On a serious note though that shit is fuckin delicious, but goddamn it's gonna kill me if I ever give in and eat as much of it as you say you do

>> No.13047887

hamburger helper was a godsend because it meant my mom didn't have to cook and she literally never attempted to get good at cooking

>> No.13047896


Whenever I eat pre-manufactured barbecue, it is always much too sweet. There's no flavor other than the overabundance of sickeningly sweet sauce.

>> No.13049670

>leaves food out in the kitchen for days and picks right back up and eats it
my mom did this shit all the time christ. sometimes it would be visibly bad and she would still eat it
she also let fruit and vegetables sit out and attract a ton of fruit flies in the summer which she somehow never noticed

>> No.13049797

Boomer dad will cook a stew in the morning and just leave it cold on the stove for 12 hours to eat for dinner.

>> No.13049817

I always thought of Boomers as late GenXers and early Millenials that don’t fit in with the core of their group.

>> No.13049863

My Dad would just make Egg and Ham sandwich

>> No.13050009

I used to eat canned soup every afternoon for lunch with butter and bread at work because it was so easy to """""prepare""""" and so cheap from the store compared to the food carts. Eventually you just get tired of it because it's not really "good"; it's serviceable.

>> No.13050353

boomerism is a mindset, plain and simple

>> No.13050375

>tfw my boomer uneducated farmwr is dad is the best cook i know
Honestly everyone who eats his cooking agrees.
His mom was from ukraine and made everything by hand and he really appreciated that i guess. Never worked as a cook or cooked at all growing up but everyone tells him he should open a restraunt or something. He was a shitty father but he always made sure we had good food to eat cause god knows my pill junkie mom wont cook.

>> No.13050413

the secret to these is you dont even need hamburger, makes it even more bang for your buck

>> No.13050561

Holy shit how poor were you growing up?

>> No.13050578

the boomer meme came from pol. you're parroting a pol meme

>> No.13052015

How long did you spend doing this?

>> No.13052026

my boomer dad loves apple pie and cheddar cheese
and diet soda

>> No.13052028

t. a 32 year old boomer

>> No.13052032

Probably 9 months to a year.

>> No.13052033

My boomer dad smokes his own pork
Sorry you all grew up with subhumans for parents

>> No.13052035

How sad does he look when you come back from the store with soylent, avocado, quinoa, and vegan patties?

>> No.13052060

I tried to smoke my own pork but I'm not that flexible

>> No.13052068

settle down there, turbo. id be willing to bet that only one of us here works and buys their own groceries instead of leeching off their parents

go ask ma if your tendies are ready

>> No.13052154

For me it was who break and brown gravy. We weren't even poor, my dad just really liked college-student-tier food.

>> No.13052162

White bread and gravy*

>> No.13052844

Sounds good tbqh

>> No.13052854
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with a nice side of PACE PICANTE

>> No.13053205

The only thing that my dad ever cooked was steaks on the grill.

He wasn't a very good cook. His idea of a good steak was well done. That's not unusual for the old time cattlemen.

>> No.13053228
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>HEY! what are you doing putting too slices on there? You only need one!

>> No.13053266

I can make a theory why he does that having worked with food: People don't appreciate a cook's talents and efforts. Cooking food is a delicate measure and too many people take it for granted. I won't tell you how many times at parties or restaurants where I've eaten at I've seen partially eaten food or a dish that had only the meat eaten but everything else was untouched. Even in sample stations in supermarkets people are fucking picky. I worked with some pre-made food that you still have to cook and deli chicken/ribs/etc. and over 80% of that shit gets thrown out, not donated, thrown out. What's the point of cooking when people don't eat everything on their plate? I don't blame your dad at all.

Of course this is just speculation on my end.

>> No.13053286

Not that guy but my family actually did have this minus the meat a couple times a week. Anything with a cheese base worked ok because it was basically mac and cheese but something like stroganoff is disgusting without the meat. And yeah to answer your question we were very poor. I haven't eaten a box dinner like that since I left home and still have trouble stomaching some pastas because it reminds me of those times.

>> No.13053661

Lets be honest this is mostly a white parents thing

>> No.13053675


>> No.13053684

I wish I was joking.

>> No.13053708

I forgot hamburger helper even existed.

Maybe that's why I put so much effort into my cooking.

>> No.13053712
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Used to do lawncare with my grandpa. Every day for lunch he would bring two ham and cheese sandwiches, a small bag of chips, and Nehi soda for lunch (for both of us). By the time lunch rolled around the soda would be boiling hot and the bread completely soaked with warm mayonaise. I dont know why Boomers think a sandwich with chips and a soda is a good wholesome lunch.

Also, lay attention next time youre at a grocery store. Boomers are the only reason stores still have deli meat. Its NOT the fucking great depression anymore. Those old assholes all drive $50,000 cars and eat like elementary schoolers

>> No.13053725

Being parents is mostly a white people thing

>> No.13053750
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I eat like total shit. It took me my entire life to realize it but here I am. I could tell you stuff that would make me look like the poorest, blackest nigger alive. I like cooking but rarely have ingredients because I live in a food desert and can't drive yet. I actually enjoy boxed dinners.


>> No.13053807


>> No.13053855

Not american, what is this ?

>> No.13053874

Lazy-ass one pan/pot meal that usually just takes meat and milk/water. They're just short of MREs. The meat is fucking optional. The stroganoff is pretty good actually, but doesn't taste like stroganoff.

>> No.13053885
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>> No.13053940

That's precisely what a boomer is m8.

t. born in 85

>> No.13053956

That's the whole point you newfag

>> No.13053971

I've got a can of this week in my pantry but haven't tried it yet. What am I in for?

>> No.13053989

Except it's not, you fucking retard.

>> No.13053991

boomers are around retirement age currently. the millennial boomer is a meme.

>> No.13053994

Why don't you just come out and say you're a fucking newfag so we can skip all the name-calling and shit?

>> No.13054016

you mean ketchup, right?

>> No.13054024

tuna helper and broccoli in my family. Not terrible, but not the best hing to eat all that often

>> No.13054043

>t. Boomer doomer gloomer coomer

Also I've been here at least twice as long as you and that's fact

>> No.13054252

Their parents grew up eating that crap in the great depression/world war. One day kids will be calling you a boomer for not eating bugs and soymeat.

>> No.13054312

That shit's bomb as hell, g. Trust me.
I sometimes pop a scrambled egg in there when times are good.

>> No.13054323

Frozen unseasoned burger patties

>> No.13054597

>can of this shit heated up in the microwave
>lightly toasted white bread

man I remember eating this when I was a kid, my mom always had a few in the garage, good times

>> No.13054604

They'll be calling us warmers. Baby boom references will not be relevant to their perspective.

>> No.13054620


>> No.13054728

Why are you posting luxury soup
This is offensive to canadians

>> No.13055122
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>> No.13055132

does he slice it in half or is it propped up like a bean silo? how does the mayo get added, does he put it on the bread first or mix into the beans or what?

>> No.13055136

dude like 7 years ago I used to be able to find this stuff for like $1.20 a can I miss those days

>> No.13055141

boomers and be mid to late millenials depending on the context, anyone who isn't a zoomer is a boomer

>> No.13055145

My dad left me and my mom when I was 7 to start a new family.

>> No.13055209

>she also let fruit and vegetables sit out and attract a ton of fruit flies in the summer which she somehow never noticed

God I fucking hate this shit. She does it every summer, and I tell her to stop leaving the fruit out, which nobody eats and gets riddled with fruit flies. She says she likes the 'aesthetic' of it.

She will also cook something and leave it out for five hours before finally putting it away

>> No.13055492
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For me, it's Heinz Chili Sauce.

>> No.13055539


im also confused by this

mexicans seem to stop at the canadian border cause ive never met one

>> No.13056773

Same, while my dad was single his diet consisted of: Tubs of cottage cheese, hardboiled eggs with salt and pepper, mac and cheese with hotdogs, bud light, mini egg rolls from the bar. He's was married six times throughout my childhood, but I mostly saw him in this phase. None of my new mommies could cook anything beside wifey tier shit.

>> No.13057863

sounds based and redpilled honestly, no offense

>> No.13058834
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The wife took half my money, I'll never get that place in Key West but I got my Jimmy CDs

>> No.13058844
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Whelp, time to nuke japan again.

>> No.13058875

Beef Manhattan with no beef or mashed potatoes.

>> No.13058880

>can't drive yet
Underage and b&.

>> No.13059698

Shouldn't you be in bed wagie? You have to be up at the ass crack of dawn to get stuffed back into your cagie.

>> No.13060422

I don't know why they call it hamburger helper, it does just fine by itself!
>posting files from your IP range has been blocked

>> No.13060427

No, buddy. You weren't here when one guy spammed the 30 year old boomer meme across like 12 different boards until it caught on from being forced so hard.
Fucking newfags think they know everything.

>> No.13060633

I still get some from time to time. Its good when I want to be lazy and only wanna spend 2 bucks for a meal. Used to eat it a lot as a kid. The recipes have definitely changed since then though. The cheeseburger macaroni changed the most and tastes like crap now, you have to get the "deluxe" version for it to taste the same as it once was.

>> No.13060783

When I was living in San Jose in winter 2014, there was a rainstorm like I have never witnessed in my life. It rained a fucking inch per hour for a while and absolutely assfucked the entire place. We had some warning it was coming, everybody hit the stores assuming the worst, and...

For some fucking reason I bought JD’s pulled pork, pulled chicken, a huge handle of JD itself, and a big bag of sourdough rolls. Oh, and a red onion or two.

Two of my windows blew in from debris and 60 mph winds. Power went out twice, the longest for 6 hours. But Jesus christ almighty I was like biblical Samson or something, taping up windows, clearing debris/branches from the road, shitposting, all while under the very temporary 72 hour spell of Jack and his meats. You haven’t fucking lived until you’ve made a toasted hot sammie with a kitchen blowtorch during an outage and washed it down with more of the spice. Good fucking times, but never had either since, I was fully sated for life.

>> No.13060805
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this was the bane of my existence. i remember skipping eating because it was so fucking horrible.

>> No.13060819

Fried bologna sandwich

>> No.13060875

boomer is anyone over 30
happy to clear that up

>> No.13061022

growing up we had figure it out at least once a week I’d say

>> No.13061081

My mom would cook almost every day when I was a kid, my dad would only cook very rarely.

Took me a lot of time to realize my moms cooking is actually pretty bad, while my dads was halfway decent.

It makes me sad, when I visit my parents and cook something for them and my mom seems a little sad and says shit like "You overtook my cooking skills anon" when she can't really cook for shit.

>> No.13061119
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>every single one is beef or cheese

>> No.13061125

Hey, at least it's REAL FUCKING CHEESE!
Cause in Burgerclapistan that's not a given, that's a selling point.

>> No.13061591
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Obligatory joke. Obligatory chuckle.

>> No.13061932
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>> No.13063253

It’s called hamburger helper you fucking retard.

>> No.13063318

I will eat this stuff maybe once every six months

>> No.13063831

The mexican rice one is the only one I can tolerate since its more or less taco meat

>> No.13063871
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>hamburger helper
>uses hamburger

>> No.13063873

>I dont know why Boomers think a sandwich with chips and a soda is a good wholesome lunch.
boomers have the palates of children

>> No.13063882
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>> No.13063884

pasta or rice dishes intended to be cooked with hamburger meat for some insane reason. they're basically the western meal equivalent of ramen

>> No.13063892

I'd eat their beef stroganoff

>> No.13063897

boomer refers to baby boomer, the post-wwii generation


the modern generation is stupid and i bet that "boomer" will soon officially take on the meaning of "anyone older than me" instead of what it actually is

>> No.13063901

I tried eating steak with ketchup once and my dad beat the shit out of me and locked me in the garage for 3 hours

>> No.13063903

boomers are the right age where this stuff was first coming out in force and represented a neat effort/time-saving innovation in cooking. gen x and y are the ones who complained it was too unhealthy, prompting the stuff to at least attempt to not be outright poison these days, though the image hasn't recovered enough for millenials to regard it as anything more than poverty or depression meals

>> No.13064346

>this with arroz blanco or pan
my dad is based

>> No.13064866

Hurricanes are comfy as fuck when you're drunk and eating shitty nonperishable food.
If the power manages to stay on that shit is kino.

>> No.13065130

You deserved it. Should have belted you too.

>> No.13066397

this is the goddam truth

>> No.13066542

>mexicans seem to stop at the canadian border cause ive never met one
ha Mexicans won't immigrate to leafland because its considered worse then Mexico

>> No.13066546
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>> No.13066549

no boomers are this, they grew up in the 50s and 60s where cheap processed food was a novelty so it was all they ate, their greatest generation parents though they where feeding them luxury

>> No.13066557
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>steak and mashed potatoes and carrots. They really have child like taste in food. They really do own corvettes,
seething trendyfag, enjoy your avocado and hatchback

>> No.13066561

It's okay, anon. I got the joke, and I'm laughing at the filthy newfags with you.

>> No.13066599
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>the smell it leaves in the microwave

>> No.13066608
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>> No.13066625
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>Boomers are the only reason stores still have deli meat.
the fuck are talking about, if im not going to eat the sub right away i just get the meat and cheese from the deli
>Its NOT the fucking great depression anymore.
its a lunch meal wtf i'm i supposed to a steak for lunch

>> No.13066646
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>I live in a food desert and can't drive yet.
i rode a skate board 3 miles each way to publix and my bike like 10 miles to go to walmart. When i was busting licks i'd easily clock 30 miles a day so unless you're a 70yo lady with a bad hip stfu about this liberal nigger food desert horse shit

>> No.13066656

>I dont know why Boomers think a sandwich with chips and a soda is a good wholesome lunch.
How is it not?

>> No.13066662
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>> No.13066693

>bean silo
kek that is exactly what i pictured when i read his post

>> No.13066701

should have a better family, maybe he wouldn't have traded you in for a better one

>> No.13066754
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>It rained a fucking inch per hour
>60 mph winds
that's our daily 2pm rain in Florida, but yea power outage survival cooking is fun
>heated up coffee with 3 candles under a pot
>cooked banana cake in BBQ
>blow torch to melted cheese over chips
>Sterno hotdogs in the middle of the storm when we couldn't BBQ