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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13037106 No.13037106 [Reply] [Original]

How does he do it bros?!?

I cannot grasp how it is possible to consume this much food. How does his stomach fit at all he doesn't even look bloated after. I need to know the science behind this.

>> No.13037132

It's fake, he speeds up the eating so you can't tell when tiny cuts are made in the footage

>> No.13037137

how do you explain the competition wins?!?

>> No.13037147

Let's just say his dad is rich

>> No.13037163
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>> No.13037193

It's probably the most un-glamorous "sport" in existence. It does take a lot of discipline and training, and as much as I like how they put Coney Island on ESPN, it's not a sport. It's more like a vaudeville act. Basically what they do is gradually stretch their stomach with low cal shit like water and cabbage, while at the same time doing a lot of cardio and sucking a bunch of dick to entirely lose their gag reflex and anything that triggers nausea (they probably just take something like ondansetron). The idea is to put as much down as fast as possible and keep it down until the timer runs out. After that they spend the next few hours in the bathroom throwing it all up and the next two days in bed feeling like absolute shit. There's obviously genetics involved, but it's seriously all an act.

>> No.13037250

Wasting meat on competitive eating feels wrong. I'm not even a vegan, there's just something grossly wasteful about it. How many chickens were bred and killed for a bowl of wings he's going to puke back up?

>> No.13037452

No, it’s magnificent

>> No.13037460

You sound like some kind of faggot sympathiser. Go jump off a bridge.

>> No.13037472

we produce more food than we could possibly eat anyway
the only thing wasteful would be to throw it away

>> No.13037491

if you eat food and vomit after you are throwing it away

>> No.13037534

Well it's all for a purpose and that is to get good at eating faster than any one else.
If you eat 10kg of steak in 2 hours your body will normally even for competitive eaters just reject it and you will shit out whole chunks of hard to digest food because you got way to much in you.
Even if you ate loads of easy to digest food it's normally shit out quickly because it's to much to handle.

>> No.13037570

ah bloo bloo

>> No.13037776

you can train how to stretch your stomach--to an extent

>> No.13038286

He's no Molly Schuyler.

>> No.13038323

and doing dumb shit like this increases the demand for meat, making them produce more of it so whats your point?

>> No.13038418

I remember one time there was a competitive eating contest on TV, they advertised it weeks in advance. It was a big deal.

When the day finally arrived the contestants all competed at eating mayonnaise, like big bowls of it. Some of them ate like a gallon of mayo.

Then there was round two, they were eating sushi. Except it wasn't cut up, it was these six foot long kelp rolls like a big black snake. So everyone got through the first foot, eating it like a burrito, and then they slowed down a lot because it turns out the second foot was all wasabi. No one could get past that.

I don't remember anything else, my brain probably deleted the memories out of sheer revulsion.

>> No.13038428

From what I've heard it's best not to be fat. If you're lean your abdominal muscles can stretch much more than a fat competitor's belly fat, so you can cram more food in your stomach.

>> No.13039731
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prolapsed stomach
he was born with it. Or was it Maybelline?

>> No.13039741

I find it disgusting, repulsive not only to see such gluttony but also morally repugnant when there are people starving across the globe.