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File: 91 KB, 760x380, pizza-hut-original-pizza-today-main-190529_f57a0b4f253710da35b7d757825f2863.fit-760w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13035770 No.13035770 [Reply] [Original]

Food that gives your diarrhea 100% of the time

>> No.13035810

Speaking from experience, your mum's twat.

>> No.13035858

sorry about your gall bladder, anon

>> No.13035875
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Garlic bread. Like, fucking explosive diarrhoea. So tasty though.

>> No.13035885

Jack in the Box tacos, don't know what they do but not even Taco Bell causes as much rectal distraught

>> No.13035890

hot dogs

>> No.13035911

Indian food. But it is delicious though.

>> No.13035915

I'm more inclined to think something's wrong with the intestines of anyone who *doesn't* get diarrhea from pizza hut. Your guts should know better than to fully process that shit.

>> No.13035924

I've got a really strong stomach, or digestive system, or liver or something. Never had bad diarrhea except when I'm sick or when the morning after I've gotten drunk. Recommend me something.

>> No.13035929

lol digestlets

>> No.13035930

People dont understand the word "diarrhea" they think it means slightly watery shits

>> No.13035936

Who doesn't understand the word? People claiming they do get it or people claiming they don't?
Also if you're suggesting full blown massive torrents of diarrhea are somehow rare you're very wrong.

>> No.13035938

if you're just getting a greasy meat topping and eating nothing else it's not surprising. especially if you have soda with it, since too much sugar can give you diarrhea too.

try eating a salad with it and drinking water.

>> No.13035944

Any fast food product with cheese on it
Any pizza from main U.S. pizza places
Any highly processed meats ie. bratwursts and hot dogs
fat free potato chips
whole milk
Asian Style Beef Strips MRE

>> No.13035951

I can count on one hand I have had the shits from Indian food and I’m a bong so I eat curry all the time. I think Americans must just be pussies for this meme to be so prevalent.

McDonalds on the other hand without fair will have me shitting through the eye of a needle.

>> No.13035956


>> No.13035970

Why would Pizza Hut give you diarrhea?

>> No.13035973
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Salads were the first thing my GI doctor told me NOT to eat. Raw vegetables are some of the least easy to process foods foods your digestive system there is. You don't digest the cellulose which just causes more irritation and diarrhea.
Good foods for someone with diarrhea problems would be more like white rice, noodles, deli meats (e.g. turkey or ham), yogurt, etc.

>> No.13035979

Damn that’s a shame, I love a good salad with lots of raw onion.

>> No.13035980

Probably the grease and bread mostly.

>> No.13035983

I guess if you have chronic diarrhea no matter what you eat then that's good advice, but salad won't give most people diarrhea. I eat a lot of whole grains and vegetables and rarely ever have diarrhea unless I've actually gotten food poisoning.

Too much fat and sugar is probably the cause of most people having diarrhea though.

>> No.13035990

>I eat curry all the time
How's London

>> No.13036007
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>> No.13036014

>Asian Style Beef Strips MRE
I can vouch for this one.

>> No.13036020

I don't think it's normal to shit yourself from bread unless you are celiac or something like that.

>> No.13036042

"Bread" isn't really a single identically behaving food. Some breads are less of a problem than others. I wouldn't ever subject myself to modern Subway bread for example.

>> No.13036044
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Literally everything from here

>> No.13036077

I eat everything and anything and I've never gotten the runs from food. I think most Americans just have sensitive digestive systems from eating way too much processed food or something.

>> No.13036079

>whole milk
My condolences

>> No.13036089

A lot of the issue is probably from too much sugar. Cross contamination is another big issue, if you eat something with raw vegetables it's more likely to make you sick than everything else that gets cooked.

>> No.13036106

I mean posts like >>13035944 and >>13036044 just seem so weird to me. Sure, I've gotten stomach discomfort from eating food that's too rich or too spicy, but certainly never from such mild inoffensive stuff as fast food pizza and taco bell. Like, I've actually gotten food poisoning before from contaminated food, but the food itself has never fucked me up.

>> No.13036128
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Every damn time

>> No.13036140

I get diarrhea from the slightest bit of agitation, be it from food or even just stress. I don't know what it would be like to have magic iron intestines where you can abuse them all day with garbage food and still have normal bowel movements afterwards. Must be nice.

>> No.13036179

Kebab with too much sauce for some reason

>> No.13036184

dominos does it everytime

>> No.13036190

McDonalds every single time.

>> No.13036201

This became true for me after I hit my 30s. When i was younger I used to love mcnuggets and big macs but now I've learned I get zero lenience in the restroom later on if I eat anything from there, even in the smallest servings while chewing a million times and drinking lots of water with it.

>> No.13036232

I'm Scottish. Pretty much everyone the UK over enjoys a good curry.

>> No.13036291
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>good curry

>> No.13036595

>beer after i drink a 6 pack the previous night
>pizza hut stuffed crust
all I can think of

>> No.13036661

Japanese curry is boring as fuck weeaboo, it’s just comfort food. It’s not in the same league as Indian or Nepalese.

>t. have actually been to Japan

>> No.13036663


>> No.13036668

I once had an Italian wife. Her mother handed down a sausage, pepper & egg recipe to me. To this day.. I can't recreate. It tastes great. Explosive! Wait..

>> No.13036739

Weird ass Gluten-free® Vegan™ baked goods. They're always full of weird fucking replacement gums and elasticizers. I don't think the vegons even notice because they always have diarrhea 3-5x a day anyway.

>> No.13036764

>diarrhea from "just stress"

Does it hurt to know that your genes should've been culled long ago? And that if it weren't for some generous guys with superior cognitive function you wouldn't even exist at all?

>> No.13036808

Parmesan cheese. No idea why, no problem with any other cheese/dairy.

>> No.13036950

I'm Indian, bud. Japanese curry is leagues better than anything limeys bring home in brown bags to sink their yellow teeth into.

>> No.13037008

Diarrhea doesn't prevent you from surviving or reproducing. It just gives you lots of private suffering.

>> No.13037011

>love Frisch's all you can eat breakfast buffet
>every time I eat it I get horrible diarrhea for days
>still go at least once a month

it has to happen.

>> No.13037023

Cereal and yogurt combined, I don't know why. I can eat both cereal and yogurt on their own but every time I replace the milk with yogurt I get sick

>> No.13037028

You got it backwards. IBS and its more severe cousin IBD are diseases of affluence. When you over-sanitize the environment and remove most of the scenarios where you would have come in contact with pathogens or parasites in the past those most well adapted to those more natural / less developed past times end up with haywire inflammatory responses because their immune system and enteric nervous system don't have anything to do anymore.
It's the least adapted to nature in its raw form who have it easiest with modern conditions. The ones with overactive immune systems would probably do better in a post-apocalyptic setting with modern amenities eliminated than those with lazy immune systems that never act up in the sterile industrialized absence of pathogens.

>> No.13037034

That pizza is greasy as fuck jacks up my stomach too but so does most fastfood.

>> No.13037227
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idk why

>> No.13037255

KFC hot wings. Don't know why doctor's prescribe pills.

>> No.13037315

Haven't had it since college but I remember getting Panda Express on campus at UF and every time I was guaranteed to get explosive, watery shits

>> No.13037321

Fresh pizza gives me diarrhea, frozen doesn't. Weird.

>> No.13037339

> All that

Sorry that your body is a genetic dead end anon.

>> No.13037347

Underrated. Made me laugh hard.

>> No.13037348
File: 34 KB, 407x408, 1565671082638.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Eat taco bell
>Completely fine
>Eat burger king
>Horrid explosive half hour shits
I swear everyone that complains about taco bell just fell for the meme.

>> No.13037397


KFC. As much as people bitch about Taco Bell it's never made me sick even when I order it from one of those KFC combo places.

>> No.13037465

You have a problem with nitrates most likely. If you want to know or sure, put some celery salt on chicken and eat it. It will make the chicken taste good, but if you are sensitive to nitrates, you will get the runs. Red wine can give you headaches because of this too.

>> No.13037576

Anything with actual onions, I don't know if thats word filtered so onions, the layered ogre kind. I get terrible diarrhea and the smell of my farts is....pungent and has serious staying power.

>> No.13037611

anything i eat after not eating for a day

>> No.13037618

maybe not 100% but KFC sure loves to make my stomach rumble

>> No.13037630


I feel you anons, no other fast food does that to me except KFC, don't know and don't really want to know what they do different.

>> No.13037634

Anything with large amounts of fresh heavy cream fucking hit me like a bus vs a seven layer brick wall ( example: sweat tomato - mac & cheese )

>> No.13037662


That's not Little Caesar's pizza since the relaunch...

>> No.13037683

This is key to surviving pizza hut. Avoid their red meat toppings -- they're very poor quality and packed with preservatives. The other toppings aren't good quality either, but at least they don't provoke the same violent rejection.

>> No.13037705

Eating a jar of dill pickles, and drinking a bunch of Orange juice.

>> No.13037709

Not gonna happen. Gotta have pepperoni.

>> No.13037721

Find a restaurant that doesn't put contagious fecal matter in their food

>> No.13037722

Eat a can of beans with it and it's smooth saiding

>> No.13037723

That's what happens when you have a lazy boomer of a mother who only feeds you formula as a baby lmao

>> No.13037768
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Am I just to assume that every American just has constant diarrhea?

Like no digestive system at all?

>> No.13037790

> brown bags

No one takes curry home in brown bags you filthy street shitting pajeet

>> No.13038270
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>sink their yellow teeth into
>coming from pic related

>> No.13039032
File: 78 KB, 800x607, DEE299FD-BA5B-48D1-8BB1-C17F785B3BAF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

picrelated, at least I suspect as such

>> No.13039041

It is normal for Americans to fluctuate between diarrhea and constipation throughout their entire lives.

>> No.13039050

Here I go!
>be le me
>eat le thing
>le diarrhea
>true story

>> No.13039051

Anything from taco bell

>> No.13039307

taco bell

>> No.13039494
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>> No.13039523

Imagine being so subhuman that you get diarrhea from eating fucking PIZZA.

>> No.13039545

It is pretty great. Usually take it for granted, I guess. Sounds like it sucks to be you (or related to you).

>> No.13039557

Go into the garage, start the car, get in, listen to music, take a nap.

>> No.13039582

jesus fucking christ I have one for these.
>be french soldier innamerican FOB
>one day get tired of french MREs
>decide to trade some french ones for american ones
>the yanks greet me like I was the fucking pope
>eat that shit later
>looks way less complicated to cook (you have to heat the french ones using a fucking BBQ cube)
>doesn't taste so bad, understand why yanks drown it with tabasco though
>later on
>can't shit
>literally be standing on the toilet, want to shit, but it WONT COME OUT
>decide fuck it
>next day onamission
>rumbling of a thousand storms
>tell driver to fucking stop or imma shit in the VBL (equivalent of the humvee)
>run the fuck out and cower behind bushes
>shit a fucking log the size of a fucking pinetree
>get laughed at the rest of the trip as I scream in pain when the car runs on bumps
fuck american MREs

>> No.13039595

gives my diarrhea what?

>> No.13039617

No, it is not. Any American with these problems is doing something horribly wrong. In many cases, it involves the use of xanax, prozac, and similar medications. These rip your intestines apart for reasons that are beyond me. Luckily I have never been mentally weak, so I avoid these types of meds.

>> No.13039675

you stand on the toilet?

>> No.13039681

Jack in the box

>> No.13039683
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I buy boxes of flushable wipes ahead of time hen go home and punish my toilet

>> No.13039686

I get diarrhea pretty easily and I have no mental health history. I think insofar as there is a connection there it probably has more to do with stress than with the drugs used to treat people prone to stress.
Your intestines have their own nervous system, which is somewhat horrifying to think about because you realize the act of being aware of how stress can produce inflammation is itself stressful, leading to a feedback loop of having this thought, feeling your guts start to move and hearing them make noise, and then getting annoyed that you just agitated your GI tract by thinking about it.

>> No.13039689

My stepmom buys me gift cards to Subway, Olive Garden, and Outback. I'm not sure if she's retarded or if she hates me.

>> No.13039690

hey english isn't my first language

>> No.13039692

>I get bad poopoos if I eat anything!

Do Americans really have such bad digestion?

>> No.13039804
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Reminder the worlds best and most popular curries are British you dirty street shitter

>> No.13040005

Everyone does. Americans are just honest about it.

>> No.13040040

Your lack of understanding is showing

>> No.13040054

Asian Style Beef Strips is one of the worst in recent history

>> No.13040189

In Europe their shorty old piping can’t even handle toilet paper

>> No.13041164

Scallops. I love them, sometimes I subject my self to a bout of horrid diarrhea just to eat them. They twist my stomach and intestines up and make me shit out green mushy water poo. Guaranteed.

>> No.13041182

eating a fiesta pack from del taco

>> No.13041223

I am genetically predisposed to IBS. I have no idea if I actually have it, but I certainly don't have problem with diarrhea unless I've been drinking a ton. What I do have a problem with is my body suddenly going "IT'S GO TIME" and I push out an absolutely massive log. I work in a job where I can't just go to the bathroom whenever and it's changed how I go through life. I only eat certain foods on Friday or Saturday nights and I try to train my body to only want to shit at night.

>> No.13041725

What the fuck

>> No.13041763

ok pajeet