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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13031568 No.13031568 [Reply] [Original]

>there are people who don't mix the spaghetti into the sauce and instead dump a pile of spaghetti straight onto the plate and a fat load of sauce on the top

>> No.13031576
File: 21 KB, 250x244, tumblr_p0ecjrVZYm1t51dpro2_250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Death to spaghetti infidels

>> No.13031586

I do this just because its easier to serve. Fuck off weeb shit.

>> No.13031596

I'd like to dump a fat load of sauce on your top if you know what I mean

>> No.13031600

when will shimahara release a set with cute boys again?

>> No.13031604

You're usually supposed to finish the pasta in the sauce to allow it to take in the flavors better. It's basically Italian cooking 101.

>> No.13031652

sue me

>> No.13031671

It looks 10 better that way. Maybe you'd know something about plating if you weren't a hikki incel who lives alone

>> No.13031678

who cares about plating if the food tastes better the way I do it?

>> No.13031679

I grew up with it mixed in. Now that I make it myself, I put it on top. I like it much better that way.

>> No.13031700

Dumping the sauce on the pasta gives you contrast.
Don't @ me silly boys,

>> No.13031704

It tastes exactly the same. Sloshing it together in the pit before serving isn't something your taste buds are going to notice

>> No.13031711

>there are people who are elitist about food of all things

>> No.13031714

Are you this guy, OP?

>> No.13031722

t. Amerimutt

>> No.13031726

It’s one of the best things to be elitist about. Enjoy defiling your mouth and tastebuds with low class trash day in and day out

>> No.13031745

Keep fooling yourself, platelet

>> No.13031749

i can shovel more of my nonnas sauce into my face if she adds it ontop of te spagooter

are you even italian OP

>> No.13031753
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>> No.13031761

t. “Italian” American

>> No.13031768

>are you even italian OP
I can easily tell you aren't.

>> No.13031841

that's the best video I've ever seen for some reason. Thank you for posting. I really did enjoy it.

>> No.13031849

I cook the pasta when the sauce is ready, put the sauce in a flaming hot pan with a big knob of butter, and then with a lot of agitation toss the pasta in with a bit of the seasoned pasta water
Makes a very rich and creamy sauce that explode with flavor

>> No.13031854

Im also gay btw

>> No.13031866

If I make a big pot of sauce it's for a crowd, and I want everyone to choose how much sauce and meat they want on top. Mixing sauce and noodles before serving is for oil based sauces and lonely people.

>> No.13031872

dumbass. you'd be laughed out of italy if they ever saw you do that.

>> No.13031874

You should see his life documentary about SOAPing.
Here's his other cooking videos, just as amazing.

>> No.13031895

You should know enough about cooking in order to decide how much sauce goes on. Fuck that individuality shit

>> No.13032042
File: 66 KB, 474x670, anchovy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see you are a an anon of good taste...

>> No.13032062

Can you explain the choice of file name?

>> No.13032106
File: 877 KB, 485x1173, [HorribleSubs] Houseki no Kuni - 01 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_09.19_[2018.07.15_00.07.00].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>make huge batch of angel hair pasta and aglio e olio sauce
>specifically tell bf NOT to toss all the pasta into the sauce pot
>go walk our pom
>turned out he did exactly that
>tell him I'm having dinner with a friend tomorrow and he can have the soggy leftovers
>called him dumb while sucking him off that night

>> No.13032179

thats her name?

>> No.13032218

>girls und panzer
Meh, I thought maybe she was from a /ck/ related show I wasn't aware of.

>> No.13032347

He was right you dumb bitch

>> No.13032358

you know shit all about authentic italian cooking.

>> No.13032416

Holy fucking shit

>> No.13032420

Baste and presentation pilled

>> No.13032425

I hated spaghetti growing up for two reasons, my mom god bless her would use jarred sauce that was way too sweet and ladled it on top of spaghetti she rinsed under cold water.

>> No.13032454
File: 98 KB, 642x428, layerlet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lasagna. Does anyone else prefer to avoid white sauces when prepping? I find the tastiest method is to have as many pasta layers as possible with alternating fillings of meats like maybe some bacon bits, mince or proccuttio/pancetta. Very few better cooking pleasures than cutting into the dish and seeing 10+ pasta layers tightly pressed together. I mean look at pic, thats what? 5 layers max? its a disgrace!

Cheeses have got to have a sharp taste and not that generic gooey crap so usually a Gruyère/Colby combo or if im the only one eating it, a pecorino/roquefort is simply divine.

>> No.13032457

Thing of beauty, isn't he? We don't deserve him and his brilliance.

>> No.13032459

I haven't had spaghetti in years. feels bad man.

>> No.13032481

Some noodle shapes should always be mixed into the gravy
Basically, anything that's a tube. But it doesn't matter with spaghetti. It looks better to keep them separate. Besides, if you're eating it correctly, you're putting your fork into the food, and twirling. By having the unsauced pasta closer to the tip of the fork, it makes for a less-messy eating experience.

>> No.13032483

wtf? why not? your not on a povo beans and rice diet are you?

>> No.13032494 [DELETED] 

Every. single. pasta dish. should be finished in the sauce

>> No.13032517

Are you sure you want to talk to your bf like that?

He's gonna use the bike pump on you again

>> No.13032562
File: 13 KB, 400x400, paF6Px6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm retarded and think everyone has the same preferences.

>> No.13032564

Wrong. Bolognese is served unmixed, sauce on top. Anyone mixing spaghetti noodles into bolognese is making a huge mistake from a food-architecture standpoint.

Italians do a lot of things wrong. Like, they will fill a stock pot with 7 quarts of water, dump two handfuls of salt into it, and think that's the only way to cook pasta. In reality, it's better to use less water, which concentrates the starch better. And you don't have to have super-salty water, just two big pinches is fine.

>> No.13032590

>Italians do a lot of things wrong

>> No.13032656

I agree op fuck anyone who does the opposite, the fucking spaghetti becomes bland!

>> No.13032683

Tell me more

>> No.13032740

I put the pasta on top of the sauce.
What are you gonna do about it faggot?

>> No.13032750

>americans actually believe this

>> No.13032785

I eat it with no sauce with olive oil and apple cider vinegar

>> No.13032873

This shit is so good wow.

>> No.13033096

Not only that, I also dunk it in a bowl and don't use meat, but sausages instead.

>> No.13033133

this is actually delicious if you coat the spaghetti with lots of olive oil before putting them on the plate

>> No.13033195
File: 316 KB, 1280x1006, CA893107-1014-4504-B15F-E8997731B813.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some “preferences” are just wrong
>Bolognese is served unmixed, sauce on top.
That’s amerimutt bolognese, not actual bolognese from bologna which looks like pic related

>> No.13033222

first two minutes are basically an MDE skit, especially with the "i'm just a simple guy..." thing. there is no way this is real

>> No.13033620

I dunno, man, I think he's 100% genuine. He thinks too highly of himself. Read his wiki, watch his SOAP documentary- he's real.

>> No.13034172

I'm just a amerimutt. But I love italian cooking.

>> No.13034198

>Bolognese is served unmixed, sauce on top.
No it isn't.

>> No.13034297
File: 203 KB, 540x600, 1526491673035.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is that lipstick kiss mark on his neck a tattoo?
is this guy real?

>> No.13034433

Food elitism is okay with me but acting like that about spaghetti is like being a crack snob or being pretentious about your trailer having 20 more square feet than your neighbors.

>> No.13034475

i buy brand name frozen tv dinners

nonna that no name brand for me no sirre

>> No.13034535

Very real.

>> No.13034579

dumb housekiposter

>> No.13034809

I thought it couldn't get worst than when he put half a bar of butter in the fucking water... Then he proceeded to take the spaghetti and break them in half... Those subhuman should be shot on sight by the pasta police

>> No.13034966

It's a wonderful ride the whole way through, tisn't tit?

>> No.13034999
File: 569 KB, 1134x1178, 1509047590774.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>People online actually, unironically care how OTHER PEOPLE eat their spaghetti
Dude you need to get a life

>> No.13035022
File: 537 KB, 594x758, [HorribleSubs] Houseki no Kuni - 01 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_10.13_[2018.07.15_00.08.03].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t. child-like palate

>> No.13035027

t. Amerimutt

>> No.13035034
File: 551 KB, 575x721, [HorribleSubs] Houseki no Kuni - 03 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_21.25_[2018.09.22_21.08.38].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm Canadian retard

>> No.13035036

Same thing

>> No.13035163

i wish someone would dump a fat load on my top 2bh

>> No.13035190

I mix it in when I make a portion for only that night, but keeping them separate is vital for ensuring that you have excellent leftovers. Especially if you made far more sauce than you did pasta.

>> No.13035202

>there are people who make shit threads just as an excuse to post their weeb pictures
cringe and yikes-pilled

>> No.13035226

Eating leftover pasta is pleb shit though, why would you ever do that when making pasta fresh takes like 5 minutes

>> No.13035252


also sometimes people over/undershoot how much pasta they want to cook and have some leftover are you retarded or just lying

>> No.13035273

Spaghetti is the worst food on this planet not only are the noodles gaytarded but pasta + tomato sauce sucks tomato sauce is literally only good as a sharp CONTRAST to a super fatty flavor like tons of cheese that balances it out and makes it not taste sweet up front

Spaghetti is for idiots with diabetus because of how much sweet shit they crave, alfredo is better, any white sauce or brown gravy is better

>> No.13035284

>spaghetti is for idiots with diabetus


>> No.13035320

>also sometimes people over/undershoot how much pasta they want to cook and have some leftover
Buy a food scale

>> No.13035569

1/2 sauce
1/2 water
Add pasta, cover, and simmer until tender.

>> No.13035746


>> No.13035787

Enjoy cooking too much or too little pasta every time
Anyone who cooks or bakes seriously should have a scale anyways

>> No.13035794

>italian nonnas who've been cooking pasta hundreds of years longer than your shithole country style product has existed use scales
Try harder ameristain.

>> No.13035811

I own a scale and use it for baking and other recipes that require precise measurements. Pasta's just pasta though, eating too much isn't going to kill me

>> No.13035910

Reminder to all Italians that carbonara as it currently exists cannot be proven to have been created prior to WW2 and most given the state of Italy at the time was originally prepared from humanitarian food rations supplied by the US. Given the makeup of said rations, authentic carbonara is made from bacon and dehydrated eggs.

>> No.13035922

Well I was offering advice for the retard who says he always cooks too much and then puts it in the fridge for leftovers. If you just eat the excess then good on you, that’s what I do

>> No.13035927

If you can eyeball it then good on you dude, but I was giving advice for that retard that said he always cooks too much and has to have it as leftovers the next day

>> No.13035932

Lol, retards.

>> No.13035978
File: 29 KB, 383x424, Cat Pillow Surprise.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he's not wrong
So much for authentic.

>> No.13036010

t. can’t even figure out how to cook pasta right

>> No.13036022

a mouthy dishwasher?

>> No.13036029

ha, gay

>> No.13036040

Why do people eat whole wheat pasta? Traditional durum pasta is high in protein and fiber already and infinitely more smooth. Is it just a scam for people who don't realize there's a difference between the $0.39 store-brand pasta and the $1.09 pasta with an Italian name on the box?

>> No.13036391

This is a board that posts 75% about prepacked shite and people are being elitist loool

>> No.13037096

you are gaytarded

>> No.13037251

>not having precise control on the proportion of sauce and pasta catered exactly to the diner's taste

>> No.13037261

enjoy your bland spaghetti.

>> No.13037288

That's why you oil the noodles

>> No.13037309

There is such a thing as the correct amount of sauce on pasta, and if you disagree you simply have bad taste
This is why amerimutts should be banned from having opinions on pasta

>> No.13037558

why can't americans cook the most simple pasta dish properly?

>> No.13037648

The most based way to eat pasta.

>> No.13037737

>called him dumb while sucking him off that night
God I wish that were me

>> No.13037759

stop fucking posting

>> No.13037765

>Why not both?
Put a little sauce aside before you add the pasta into the sauce pan, then put the pasta sauce mix on your plate and put extra sauce on top.

>> No.13037814

Right, oil your noodles so not only do the sauce flavors not properly soak into the pasta through cooking, but it will also slide right off of your disgusting plain noodles.

>> No.13037943
File: 104 KB, 305x219, meiling.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there are people who don't want the option of choosing their own pasta-to-sauce ratio in every bite

>> No.13039138


>> No.13039267

I don't like sauce that much anon.

>> No.13039305

>cares about spaghetonis
Your store bought shit paste and your store bought sauce can both be crammed up your ass, you filthy cunt. Maybe then you'd have a reason to be anal about the cheapest shit in the world.

>> No.13039386

>store bought
Stop projecting faggot