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13025980 No.13025980 [Reply] [Original]

making ginger bug, am i doing this right? first timer here
it had some bubbles showing up earlier but i shook it

>> No.13026011

bump for interest

>> No.13026259

Forgive me if this is a stupid question but are you making some kind of alcoholic beverage? Have you made alcohol with ginger before?
Sounds interesting

>> No.13026528

kinda, its got too low of alcohol content to be considered alcohol, but uses the same process, however, i plan to use this to make another drink called fruit kvas, which is slightly more alcoholic, but still way less than beer
i'm doing this for my first time so i can get experience with the basic process, and i dont want to come up with something that tastes like shit

>> No.13026756

I have had kvass before(the type made from bread), and I quite enjoyed it, I imagine that ginger would impart a nice taste without being overly sweet.

>> No.13026868

Guys help! I've squeezed 30l of apple juice today to make an apple cider.. it currently sits in a cold room (20c tops during the day) and I've added some potassium metabisulfite that should kill off or stop any wild yeast and bacteria.
The problem is I've just realised that the yeast I bought is not enough for this amount of cider, that is, it says it is enough but I'll need to make yeast starter first to multiply it and I stupidly didn't see the small print...
The plan was to pitch the yeast tomorrow after I come home from work, 24h after adding the potassium metabisulfite, but now I see I'll have to spend at least another 24 hours to make a starter first!
Can cider sit like this for 48 hours, or should I add some more potassium metabisulfite tomorrow and pitch the yeast another 24 hours later?

>> No.13026902

If you've properly killed off the yeast that you don't want, then what's the problem with letting the yeast you do want grow?

>> No.13026923

Well I don't think you can kill it all, maybe it even doesn't kill it but just stop it growing so the wanted yeast takes over..
I can not pitch too small amount of yeast in it either, it will stress it and the taste will be bad..

>> No.13027402

How much yeast are you off by? Starters are helpful but not always necessary.

>> No.13028386
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The packet is 5g, for 5-23L. But it says the bigger amounts may require starter... And reading some forums, under pitching is not a good thing, even though logic says they will multiply when the food is present, but I guess that's not the case...
I've started making starter this morning, hope something will multiply in 12 hours when I come home, maybe I'll leave it another 12hours until next morning if the juice continues to look good... I've included some yest nutrient to it too...
I'll probably make 15L and bottle the rest as a juice or mix it with the rest of apples that are left to be made into vinegar... I think that's the best course of action, the amount shouldn't be way too much for the yeast (if its even alive), and I won't have too much ruined apple juice if I fuck things up...

>> No.13028395
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Just the pic of the stuff I have... It's usually covered with a cloth, of course...
Starter was made with 1.5L of the juice...

>> No.13028520

I think you're overthinking it man. You're putting the process way to high on a pedestool. I starting brewing back in 9th grade to study the process of fermentation and also how it interacted with other substances, since i couldnt buy my own. Needless to say, it was shit, but i started off just doing water and sugar and a little bit of honey, wasn't thinking too far into it but also not enough at the same time.

A couple tips to keep in and mind and consider in all parts of the brewing process
1> Always have a clean workstation/Sterile equipment when brewing. Any bacteria present in the early/late product will produce off flavor and or smell, wish is usually determinant the the taste will be a bit funky as well. This in itsself will not make the final product undrinkable, as long as theres no mold or other non organic substances in there, just taste weird.
2> Keep your brews stored in a cool dark area with room temp/regular humidity. Your rooms closet with a towel over it will. Let it rest and dont touch it for 2 weeks mininum. This will give the yeast time to do its thing and eat all the sugar and make ethanol.
3> Know flavor combinations, a good way to make wine is also knowing what you want your body to taste like for the wine. If im making a simple one, ill go with something like this

1 Great value apple juice jug (2 gallon or something like that, no added extra shit, just usually apple juice)
4 Tablespoons Grenadine
1 Bag of half Peach/Strawberry (frozen) (doesnt have to be but cheaper and easier, thaw first though)
1 3/5 cup sugar (Theres already plenty of sugar, but extra sugar will allow the yeast to eat all it possiblely can before being overextered and dying out in the high alcohol content i.e its own shit.)
4> After 2 weeks, take all the extra fruits and shit out of the bottle, easier to do it you set it in a cheese cloth with a big bucket, after remove, use one of those sieving hoses to transfer 90% of the liquid to a new contain.

>> No.13028532

(cont) er. You want to leave a small layer of the sediment left at the bottom as this is all the dead and yeast and other particulate left behind from the brew. Its very important after you start seeing it get real murky you wanna stop. Let your brew sit in a cool enviroment, not cold for another 2 weeks-1 month. At this point if you feel like there was still any bits you might have gotten in there from the last batch, filter it again and then bottle it up. At this point you could drink it, it wouldnt be bad as its aged about a month-month and a half at this point so it'd be drinkable. Although this goes for any alcohol, it gets way better over time. Even within a month it becomes a pretty decent wine. After a year a great one. I dont make it too often but i got a bottle or two im gonna age for awhile. Cheers and best of luck.

>> No.13029057
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bubbles are good and mean the sugars are being converted to alcohol and CO2.

Currently letting some pear, hibiscus, and peach mint kombucha become carbonated.