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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 47 KB, 653x436, fish_sticks.jpg.653x0_q80_crop-smart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13025823 No.13025823 [Reply] [Original]

fish sticks are kinda underrated imho

>> No.13025829

yeah they're better than tendies

>> No.13025830

I didnt like them when i was a kid but some fish sticks and coleslaw is a pretty kino meal

>> No.13025835

i like tendies better, but fish sticks are a close second

>> No.13025867

Are you gay fish?

>> No.13025873

fish sticks yum gimme gimme let me have some

>> No.13025874

Americans call fish fingers fish sticks?

>> No.13025878

The better food is just breaded and fried fish fillets. A lovely cod or halibut fillet...... Flaky...... Mmmmmmmmm.........

>> No.13025886

they're good but sometimes you get a bad aftertaste. I used to eat Gorton's for dinner almost every day

>> No.13025890

what did you call me?

>> No.13025900

nigger what kind of finger is rectangular?

>> No.13025903

Don’t you like fish sticks in your mouth?

>> No.13025908

Let's not say things we can't take back.

>> No.13025921


>> No.13025930

yeah so?

>> No.13025954

So you’re a gay fish

>> No.13025956

fish fingers

>> No.13025958
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>> No.13025964 [DELETED] 


>> No.13026129

fish sticks are better than regular fish and chips style fish.

>> No.13026723

I already ate one that tasted like deep fried sewer water, wasn't that bad

>> No.13026749

Fish don't have fingers, dumbass.

>> No.13026754

>more expensive than salmon
>made from surimi

>> No.13026760

funny and original hahahaha

>> No.13026771

If you ever want to hate yourself, somehow puke after you've eaten these or sushi.

Holy Lord regurgitated fish is one of the most vile things on the planet.

>> No.13026781

Don't use gutter oil then. Oh wait, you can't avoid it in china lol.

>> No.13026804

i only eat them during lent

>> No.13026807
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For me, it's the fish stick sammich.

>> No.13026842
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What's the sauce for fish sticks? I've always just sprinkled some lime on them.

>> No.13026845

tartar fagboy

>> No.13026948

Anything other than sprinkling lime is faggotry

>> No.13027308
File: 51 KB, 680x680, 7C6A89B3-C493-421C-96B1-055189EC524B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can get these at Costco and they’re actually amazing

>> No.13027320

Haven't eaten these in forever. Is trader joes any good?

>> No.13027358

they are the best fish stix ive ever had

>> No.13027362
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They're okay, but pic related are better.

>> No.13027364


>> No.13027373
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Woah there friend, careful spouting things like that out here in tendie country. you're just lucky you ran into a reasonable man like me, i'm going to give you 10 seconds to take that shit back.

>> No.13027728

okay whoa...

>> No.13027735

Good lord fuck you guys, you're seriously about to get me to add some shitty frozen fish sticks to my grocery list.

>> No.13027750
File: 207 KB, 960x338, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really don't need this many fish sticks... but for only 7 dollars...

>> No.13027762

I was hoping another would share my love of these. You are a true aficionado, anon.

>> No.13027764

yo shut up

>> No.13027769

They're stupid cheap. I get a 4lb bag for six bucks.

>> No.13027770

You as well, another of the anointed.

>> No.13027873

Ah yes, the classic stick buddy

>> No.13027880

Ayyy I remember you. I just reupped on sticks so I'm at it again. Thinking about trying a longboy version on a hoagie roll.

>> No.13027917

What’s so fun about them?

>> No.13028874

>trident seafoods
based aleutian islands fish
guys I want to live here on these islands. There's about 8K people living here on these islands and the landscape is beautiful. Rarely anybody talks about them or even know they exist.

>> No.13029543

Fish sticks always have that horrible weird taste to them, fuck that gay shit

>> No.13029559

>made from surimi
Nah, generally made from pollock.

>> No.13029575

Oh wow, a thread about sea-tendies.. shocking

>> No.13029674
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>> No.13029829

more liek fish dicks amirite?

>> No.13029882
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They are

>> No.13029987

Hey now, let's not get crazy.

>> No.13029992

Reaching back to hallowed antiquity I see.

>> No.13030021

>fish used to be cheap
>fishsticks used to be peak poorfag food
>now they’re crazy expensive
fucking humans ruining my favorite foods reee

>> No.13030030

Fuck off faggot ok

>> No.13030117

I live in AK and you don’t want to live there.

>> No.13030138
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>> No.13030141

Where do you shop? I get a 4lb bag for $6.

>> No.13030276


fish sticks cole slaw and hot sauce fuck

>> No.13030283

>>now they’re crazy expensive
lmao what

>> No.13030817

They're quite healthy too when cooked in the oven.

>> No.13030850

No they aren't. They are loaded with chemicals, fat, calories, and there is more breading than fish. Also, have a look at the sodium content. Its fast food tier, they might be even worse for you than chicken nuggets. Also everyone dips them in sauce that is also retardedly unhealthy because alone there is no flavor. How on Earth do you claim they're healthy? Just because they are usually baked? Just read the nutrition information on the box, and the ingredients list.

>> No.13030892

Fun at parties

>> No.13030952
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He's not wrong and lying to yourself saying that fish sticks are healthy is just pants on head retarded.

>> No.13030959

everything has chemicals and fat and calories you retard

the whole purpose of food is to have calories

>> No.13031087

depends on the chippy and the kind of fish. But generally you're right.

>> No.13031116

It must be pointed out that American fish sticks are literal garbage - the worst and cheapest white fish available, shredded then held together with soy "glue" and breaded with cement and saw dust. I haven't eaten them in decades and I can still smell OP's picture.

UK folks are probably scratching their head over this thread, as they have actual good fish sticks.

>> No.13031185

Fish sticks and boxed mac and cheese is the peak comfy poorfag meal, I used to eat it as a kid.

>> No.13031200

The Ultimate Fish Sticks pictured above give the lie to every malign thing you have said.

>> No.13031215

Lemon >>>> Lime

>> No.13031221

thought it was supposed to be cocktail sauce

>> No.13031235

i'm a lyrical genius

>> No.13031437




>> No.13031837

Enjoy your fukushima'd sticks, tumor-anon.
Only Atlantic fish for me.

>> No.13031893

stay jelly.

>> No.13032041

I just bought some good quality fish sticks because of this thread. What should I eat with them?

>> No.13032130

As someone who likes fish a lot, they're overrated and shouldn't exist.

>> No.13032188

I went to the grocery store after work today to buy fish sticks just because of this fucking thread that was posted yesterday and I shit you not, Smith/Kroger was out of all fish sticks. I mean literally all fish sticks as well as the breaded fish fillets were gone. The freezer was fucking empty where they are normally kept. Just empty.
Fucking ridiculous

>> No.13032194

Fries and tartar sauce. Crystal hot sauce too if you're fortunate enough to live in a region that carries it

>> No.13032197

That's fucked. My store moved them recently so it's not even in the frozen section, it's by the fresh produce section. The sign is still there though so I spent a good five minutes walking up and down the aisle trying to find them. Was the shrimp there?

>> No.13032253

The shrimp was right where it usually is. I even double checked the labels on the shelves to see if they had been moved, and the labels were still there. I spent like 30 minutes searching for fish sticks in the frozen food sections just frantically pacing up and down the frozen food aisles to no avail.
I did get fries, new ketchup, and Beaver (high end) tartar sauce though so I am ready and will resume my quest tomorrow

>> No.13032277

>I did get fries, new ketchup, and Beaver (high end) tartar sauce though so I am ready and will resume my quest tomorrow

>> No.13032403

>I spent like 30 minutes searching for fish sticks in the frozen food sections just frantically pacing up and down the frozen food aisles to no avail.
That's basically what I did until I asked someone who works there. Apparently I'm not even the only one who had to ask.

>> No.13033936

would a child eat fish?
didn't think so.

>> No.13034075

Sometimes though they have that rancid oil taste and it ruins my day

>> No.13034122 [DELETED] 


>> No.13035368
File: 61 KB, 540x680, 1570310040441.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just ended up having 20 fish tendies with cocktail sauce because of this thread. Don't regret it at all, thanks opie.

>> No.13035401

I prefer fish triangles 2bh.

>> No.13035414


Based, no one has eaten REAL food before they've eaten
>cheapest fish sticks in the store
>microwave mashed taters
>frozen peas
>cheapest oj

The only thing better than that is the classic combo of
>cheapest microwave pizza you can find
>cheapest energy drink that's probably carcinogenic and tastes like nothing but chemicals

>> No.13035429
File: 1.22 MB, 2250x3000, 56AEC4B1-B292-4F27-8467-870019BE417E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My comfy meal is a fish finger and potato waffle sandwich with salt, pepper and HP sauce.

Potato waffles are the perfect size for three fish fingers.

>> No.13035442
File: 58 KB, 470x300, AC3B34DA-731F-4804-990D-484D022D2247.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also these are the best, haddock > cod.

>> No.13035467

i was considering fish sticks today actually but ended up buying cod cake patties, they were kinda pricy at a buck a patty though, I thought there was another row in the bag when i bought them
oh well

haddocks great, even better done as properly battered fillets

>> No.13035528

what brand of fish branches are those and what kind of fish? they look good af

>> No.13035546
File: 74 KB, 1300x870, A5CD9776-2F96-4099-9CD9-8FDB458901A8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone else eat fish sticks with Kraft Mac and cheese as a side? Those were the days.

>> No.13035560
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>haddocks great, even better done as properly battered fillets

Aye, I’m Scottish, we love haddock cooked all ways over here. Arbroath Smokies are a particular delicacy. Very strong flavour but delicious.

>> No.13035754
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Those are the ones on the left in pic related. Right now I have the ones on the right which are basically the same thing, my store quit carrying the psst ones but these are the same price for the same amount. It says it's a delightful minced blend of cod, pollock, haddock, dolphin, and sea turtle.

A few years ago I revisited the old classic with a twist, I'm going to post some pics.

>> No.13035761
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>> No.13035763
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>> No.13035769
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>> No.13035796

that looks fucking dope

>> No.13035863
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as a kid my Mom would make this
I liked it
but it can't be crunchy fish sticks

>> No.13035968

It was pretty good, this thread has me wanting to make it again.

>> No.13035987

I agree

>> No.13035997

My mom always done them with beans and mash or smiley faces. We didn’t know about Mac and cheese tho until we moved to the states

>> No.13036091

Why are you reporting a post from April 4, 2016?

>> No.13036424

fish sticks are fucking based af

>> No.13036430
File: 94 KB, 1161x429, based gorton.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>more expensive than salmon
Where are you getting salmon for $6.00/lb, bud?

>> No.13036432

Tartar sauce + ketchup

Mayo + ketchup is also acceptable.

>> No.13036522

>People find Gorton very fuckable among food mascots

>> No.13036567

Who wouldn't? rawr *gestures hand like a cat*

>> No.13036613

He is also probably nose blind to the smell of my disgusting junk!

>> No.13036805
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for sure, way better than regular fish

>> No.13036819

I've had a couple of great meals thanks to this board stimulating my hunger

>> No.13036846


>> No.13036874

Tartar but i just use cocktail with tobasco.
Cocktail sauce and tobasco beat 90% of all sauces.

>> No.13036971

what's a good mac and cheese to go with fish sticks?

>> No.13037198

I went to another Smith's/Kroger's and once again they were completely out of fish sticks, breaded fish fillets, etc., I even asked employees of the store where they were at as some other anon recommended, and one told me they were in the frozen food section (no shit you trolling ass fucking retard) and he asked another employee if they got moved after I explained the shelves being empty and the other employee said "they're on aisle 13 (aka the frozen food section I already went to where the missing fish sticks used to be, so fuck you too)
I then asked yet another employee and at least she was honest and said that she didn't know where they were, but were likely recalled or hadn't yet arrived on "the truck," after I explained the situation.
I know you 2 faggots (not the uninformed lady) are probably reading this right now and laughing like crazy because you hid the fish sticks as soon as I walked in the door because I know this board is where you got your intel from and I want to let you know that karma is a bitch and I will pick up my fish sticks from another store (not your bullshit Smith's) tomorrow.

>> No.13037311

That's fucking crazy. Sounds like you have some shitheads working at your store. I used to work at a whole foods and we got trucks every night, so I doubt it's that, I would imagine Kroger has to get trucks every night at least. Sounds like a logistics thing maybe at the distributor level. I have been trying to pick up baking paper and they have been out for like two weeks now. I'm not paying triple for name brand. Come to think of it, I am this anon >>13035754 and they switched their brands up so I can't get the usual Psst, I have to get the "Seize the Bay" which isn't a problem because they cost the same but I wonder if your store has a retarded ass manager who doesn't know how to order new products? Either something is fucked up at distribution or the manager is incompetent. I used to put a sign up when products were out of stock but that is way too much to ask for other stores. I'm not sure why, but it is.

>> No.13037335

So does mean they don't carry the Psst. brand anymore? You mentioned they cost the same, but how does the quality measure up? I have bought the Psst brand for paper towels and trash bags because they were very cost friendly but the quality was definitely not there on either of those purchases. It was fine because it was so cheap though. Is this new brand of a higher quality?

>> No.13037345


Shot the fock op

>> No.13037390
File: 48 KB, 600x600, large_fd0ffee7-f456-4eea-a508-df61c9355a7c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think they might have switched things up, I used to get the psst rice too but now it's called "Serve & Savor" with a different label. It's the same rice for the same price but it has a different label. I only get the psst brand rice and fish sticks so I'm not sure about their other stuff. The rice is rice, I always season the fuck out of it so I can't tell if the quality has changed. The fish sticks taste the same too. You might want to put some salt and pepper on them. For trash bags I get pic related and I think they are pretty good. Way better than cheap shit dollar store bags and not much more expensive considering it's a box of 80. I drink a lot so there are a bunch of glass bottles in my trash which are pretty heavy as far as trash goes. I think they even changed the label on these now, I'm looking at the ones I have and they are blue with orange writing but it's the same thing if you compare the labels.

>> No.13037516

gotta be from the chippo man, tho

>> No.13037536

>fish fingers
wut? At least here they're practically the cheapest fishy food you can get.

>> No.13037544

I'd totally do him if I was gay.

>> No.13037800
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mmmm cod cake burger

>> No.13038047

>non crunchy
Sorry you were a weird kid

>> No.13038219

This shouldn't be true but it is. They aren't better than good fish and chips but most chippys are fucking shocking so there you go.

>> No.13038224
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>That sneaky piece of cheese at the bottom

>> No.13038226


>> No.13038237

This is one of the most depressing things I have read in a long time.

All those empty liquor bottles requiring you to buy heavy duty plastic trash bags. Dear me.

Abjure all alcohol (AAA, because AA is not enough).

>> No.13038251
File: 224 KB, 859x960, 010068D6-1D62-46D1-B8B8-F7134BEFD4AE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree anon, fish sticks are better than tendies

>> No.13038413

This is our little secret, I use two pieces of cheese now!

>> No.13038454
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Holy shit! Potato waffle is exactly what I need in my life. I did not know about this.
Sadly, Wikipedia says: "They are common in the United Kingdom and Ireland and are also available in some other countries, including Australia."
Sometimes it sucks to be American. Not often, but this time it does. At least we have pic related.

>> No.13038479

Good attempt, but this has some glaring issues:
>whole wheat bread
Why not go full taco? The bread ruins it, especially that square factory loaf with the failed attempt at going "whole grain" for fake health reasons. The ketchup is shit too. The potato waffle guy kicked your ass up and down the block, and back again.

>> No.13038535

Are you really critiquing a fish stick sandwich? It's low effort drunk food, there is no point in trying to dress it up. And yeah I eat whole grain, my body is a fucking temple.

>> No.13038686

Get some tortillas, Mexican Crema, and some taco seasoning. Mix it up with some lime juice. Add some shredded lettuce w/e other veggies and you have some bomb fish tacos/burritos

>> No.13039482

>my body is a fucking temple.
Lots of people have been inside it praying for forgiveness.

>> No.13039489

I bet you're really fucking overweight and this meal is your little snack you have an hour before your evening meal.

>> No.13039563

>praying for forgiveness.
And they receive none, because I am not a merciful god. The six hour stomach ache you get after eating one of these sandwiches is the penance you pay for getting to enjoy the minute or two that it takes to eat. 1000 DIPA's can't save you from the revenge of the fish stick sammich. You will never know that joy again, and you will not know peace until 6-12 hours have passed. Sometimes I have to take a nap, it's usually better if you go to bed in stead of dealing with that head on.

>> No.13039583
File: 364 KB, 800x600, DSCF2926.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am really fat, but I don't have 'snacks', I eat two meals a day. That image was more the meal I already eaten. There was still enough for leftovers another day.

>> No.13040037

Fish sticks are one of my main go-to items for when I'm busy and don't have time to cook much. Just pop them in the oven a few minutes, take them out, and eat.

>> No.13040045

If you're a fish, and you want to be a fish stick, you must have very good posture. You can't be a slouchy fish, or you will be a fish clump

>> No.13040086
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Those noodle are so overcooked you could drink them through a straw.

>> No.13040094


I think that's potatoes au gratin

>> No.13040408

ketchup for the ones on the side but you should have tartare on the samich

>> No.13040457

Stop posting, numale cuck with a man bun

>> No.13040475

Gotta admit. I have a hankerin now.

>> No.13042032

you dumb nigger, if you would cut out half of those fucking fingies and half of the mac and get used to eating less you would lose to weight

>> No.13042241

Fish sticks with katsu sauce over rice and shredded cabbage is based af

>> No.13042268
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>> No.13043411
File: 108 KB, 1024x768, DSCF1552.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for what? I don't have anything to live for, whats the point in losing weight.
i'd rather just engage in every form of escapism and hedonism there is until i die

>> No.13043415

Have another drink, loudmouth. They make you charming and witty.

>> No.13043905

>tfw an amerilard calls fish fingers fish sticks near me

>> No.13043939

I fish finger your mom.

>> No.13045165
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