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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 541 KB, 1078x872, cancer cheese.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13016145 No.13016145 [Reply] [Original]

You don't honestly still eat cheese, do you anon?

>> No.13016153

i don't have breasts.

>> No.13016158

>contains growth hormones.
Maybe 'murican cheese is full of BGH.
Other cheeses, not so much.

>> No.13016162

how can milk be bad for boobs when boobs are made of milk?

>> No.13016164

Still, most cheeses taste great.

>> No.13016165

all cow cheeses contain igf-1

>> No.13016168

PCRM are vegan propagandists. they get criticized by other doctors pretty often for ignoring the science to push veganism. they also get money from PETA.

>> No.13016175

Pesticides and antibiotics still. And the farther from America the more pesticides but less hormones since hormones actually cost money.

>> No.13016190

“May” also means “may not”

>Eating carrots may increase the chance of being hit by a bus.

Yes, it may, and may not. Inconclusive and improbable.

>> No.13016211

dairy gives me acne

>> No.13016221

I only eat the finest of breast milk cheese from fertile and willing birthing women.
>eating anything produced from the milk of another mammal

>> No.13016223

You just need better personal hygiene, either that or wait a few years, once you're out of puberty.

>> No.13016225

most people have problems digesting dairy unless you're white, and even then like 20% of white people have issues. i'm fine with dairy but sugar gives me acne, even if it's from fruit or sweet vegetables.

>> No.13016226

>muh cancer

>> No.13016232

>You just need better personal hygiene
that's possibly one cause of acne but it's also common for food allergies to do it too. i spent a lot of time trying all different soaps and routines until i realized it was actually certain foods causing it.

>> No.13016233
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>You just need better personal hygiene

tell that to the 3 months of accutane that didnt work

>> No.13016237

i am as white as the arctic snow. i guess i am in the 20%. if i eat cheese, milk, milk chocolate, 48 hours later i have a cyst forming on my scalp / face.. no dairy my skin is completely clear.

>> No.13016243

Depends on context and research, otherwise everything goes to "consume x may die."
Now I highly doubt the FDA or big g in general but equivocation isn't the right way to go about it.

>> No.13016244

i'm white and if i eat cashews i get psoriasis all over my face.

>> No.13016249

if cheese does it then you probably have a casein allergy. i think goat milk or A2 milk might be worth trying, those are supposed to be okay for some people who can't have regular cow milk.

>> No.13016255

>The shell of the cashew nut contains oil compounds that can cause contact dermatitis similar to poison ivy
you might be more sensitive to that than most people if it's the only nut that causes problems for you

>> No.13016260

Accutane is medicine, not hygiene. If you keep rubbing feces in an open wound, you could take antibiotics by the truckload and still die of sepsis.

>> No.13016266

I thought at first it might be a lactose intolerance but I eat extra mature cheddar which has 0.01g carbs so basically no lactose present yet still break out the same. I think you are right, probably some allergy to the protein. makes sense though, milk of cows is meant for calves not humans, all milk is meant for animals in infancy and then they develop an intolerance when they reach maturity,, but in the west we developed a gene mutation which allows us to digest lactose into adulthood but apparently even though lactose digestion into adulthood exists the consequences also still exist, my guess is influence on hormones which is responsible for acne.

>> No.13016282

explain why homeless who never shower and have terrible personal hygiene don't have acne then we can talk.

>> No.13016286

They do.

>> No.13016293
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>> No.13016297

Not him, but your diet also plays a big factor
If you have a high sugar diet, like most Americans who drink soda, you're likely to have acne somewhere on your body
>muh homeless
this is a silly argument, and ridiculous. We call this arguing with anecdotes

>> No.13016314

its not sugar, its dairy. i can eat as much sugar as i want and be fine. drink milk or eat cheese and i break out. I live in England with a fully European heritage. There are other factors at play here.

>> No.13016317

How much you want to bet this wouldn’t be a problem if not for diversity, like sweden and their nations vitamin d deficiency in kids

>> No.13016328

>it's not sugar it's dairy
Maybe for you
Most doctors attribute acne outbreaks in adults, to high sugar diets.
Granted everybodies body and chemistry is different so x affects some people some ways while x affects others in different ways

>> No.13016330

Yes you do dumbass

>> No.13016348

>Most doctors attribute acne outbreaks in adults, to high sugar diets.

Maybe they do it out of lack of knowledge or unwillingness to accept the alternatives or perhaps sugar does trigger some individuals and not others. there are a lot of variables at play, to declare a sole causation is dumb. but glucose is produced by the liver even in absence of dietary carbohydrates. I don't believe sugar is a main cause, something so fundamental and rudimentary seems unlikely to be a trigger. It's likely something consumed alongside the sugar is the trigger.

>> No.13016366

You dont think a diet with an overabundance of anything could have an effect on you?
An overabundance of sodium heavily impacts your cholesterol, why couldn't an overabundance of sugar?

I feel like you're just arguing to argue. I literally even agreed with you that in some cases it's not just sugar, after you blamed just dairy for your acne

>> No.13016373

Guess maybe americans are gonna make cheese out of milk now instead of semi-edible plastics.

>> No.13016383

Eat? I make it. With my dick.

>> No.13016411

>''mortality risk''
So if you have breast cancer, it MIGHT increase the mortality rate?

>> No.13016424

Pasturized milk isn't good for anyone. Your experience with fresh raw milk??

>> No.13016507

Penicillin, the first antibiotic, was actually developed from moldy cheese. For some cheeses, the antibiotic IS the cheese.

>> No.13016513

>fresh raw milk
Not him, ILLEGAL in the US tho.

>> No.13016532

If you eat cheese, your boobs turns into cow udders

>> No.13016547

Some black chick got cancer because they aren’t evolved to eat more than bugs and each other and now we all have to pay the price

>> No.13016557

Bullshit vegan propaganda.

>> No.13016567

men can get breast cancer, although it is much less common than women.

>> No.13016590
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>he fell for the raw milk meme

It's illegal in the US for a reason. Also having tried it, it's not markedly better than decent pasteurized milk from a local dairy.

>> No.13016681

Nutrition science is complete bullshit. Too many conflicting studies and agendas at play. Just eat fresh home cooked meals, avoid over processed garbage and don't be fat and you're better off that 90% of the population

>> No.13016685

That's like saying just be rich in order to avoid being poor.

>> No.13016738

>he doesn't want to die of cancer
Never gonna make it.

>> No.13017058

Shut the fuck up toothless

>> No.13017068

Just eat meat and bread and a multivitamin and you’re solid

>> No.13017096


>> No.13017214


>> No.13017219

t. vegan

>> No.13017472

People who cut sugar a fair amount or cut carbs to the extreme are usually able to clear up their acne. This doesn't mean that cutting out dairy doesn't also help some or most people. But sugar or carbs in general can be a huge factor. Do you have cystic acne or hormonal acne? Those ones are harder to clear up even with acutane although taking acutane actually did clear up my cystic acne. Eventually regular acne came back and make sure I don't consume too much sugar is the biggest thing that helps.

>> No.13017478

is there any actual evidence consuming sugar causes acne?

>> No.13017492

You either live life to the fullest and die from cancer at 45 or you pussy foot around and miss out on the good things in life and die from dementia and cancer at 87.

>> No.13017496

>It is believed that glycemic load and glycemic index of whole diet may participate in pathogenesis of acne vulgaris. The most vulnerable is consumption of products based on their high values. Diet based on products with a high glycemic index leads to hyperinsulinemia. Elevated insulin levels stimulate the secretion of androgens and cause an increased production of sebum, which plays a fundamental role in pathogenesis of acne vulgaris
I have psoriasis so there are other issues anyway but my skin definitely gets worse when I eat more than a couple grams of sugar at a time.

>> No.13017543

Honestly it just works insanely well for me, and I've heard tons of anecdotal accounts of it working for other people. People can react in different ways to different foods, so your best bet is to do an elimination diet to see if any particular thing seems to set off whatever issue you're dealing with. I get super clogged pores and some acne from heavy drinking, too, so it's not like sugar is the only possible thing that exacerbates acne. It's worth trying to cut carbs if other things haven't worked well. I'm sorry the acutane didn't work out. Being on that drug is really shitty and only worth it if it actually clears up bad, persistent acne.

>> No.13017578

that's a bunch of nonsense. a high fat diet causes overproduction of insulin, not a diet of sugars/carbs.
carbs spike insulin and decrease over eating.
the body is very good and dealing with sugar.

what the body does not like is dealing with lots of fat while trying to deal with sugar. that is why carbs and fat is a deadly combo. a high fat diet reduces insulin sensitivity.

>> No.13017602

>the body is very good and dealing with sugar.
yeah from fruit, starches, whole grains, etc. not from massive amounts of refined sugar.

>> No.13018039

I hear the real problem with dairy isn't the milk but the fact that it's all stored and processed in containers and machinery full of bpa

>> No.13018210

No, it's just that it's a relatively "new" food source that not everyone has adapted to consuming. We've identified genes associated with dairy consumption and they're not common outside of Europe and some places in the Middle East.

>> No.13018344

that's just lactose intolerance, not chemicals in the cheese making the frogs gay.

>> No.13018349

when are we labeling soy milk with xenoestrogen warnings?

>> No.13018384
File: 401 KB, 336x256, When you see cheese porn.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop telling me what to eat and what not to eat. Blow me.

>> No.13018599

Lactose intolerance, maybe?

>> No.13018610

>(((doctors))) telling people not to eat cheese

What, then? BUGS?

>> No.13018662

I wish i could but i think i dont handle dairy well, i always get acne and a dermatitis flareup

>> No.13018832

>a high fat diet causes overproduction of insulin, not a diet of sugars/carbs.
literally the other way around

>> No.13019400
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>> No.13019403

This is what happens when an American tries real cheese instead of fake plastic.

>> No.13020045

>everyone who laughs at me for being boogeymanned by vegans is vegan

>> No.13020055

so glad to live in Argentina for once lol

>> No.13020058

I'm a man you fuck

>> No.13020088

The Vegan soicuck shows his face

>> No.13020089

>men don't have breast tissue

What's it like being a retarded Amerimutt

>> No.13020097

Im not american you retard

>> No.13020104

I notice you don't deny the "retarded" part.

>> No.13020106


He fell for the trap

>> No.13020131

No it's not you brainlet.

>> No.13020136

I'm not vegan tho???

>> No.13020152

Don't do that then

>> No.13020158

men get breast cancer ONLY if they use deodorant. it is documented.

>> No.13020178

I would if I weren't cursed with the inability to digest dairy.

>> No.13020183

sorry meant antipersperant, the stuff gets in your skin and stays there.

>> No.13020395


>> No.13020559

Show pics popping zits

>> No.13020577

>Vegan doctors...

>> No.13020589

It's not a fucking taste thing, it has enzymes that help with the digestion.

>It's illegal in the US for a reason
Fucking kinder eggs are illegal in the US too.
The government is the last place you should get health advice from.

>> No.13020724

Not necessarily true. Depends on the state. If you have access to dairies you can likely buy raw milk but ONLY if you personally visit the dairy.

>> No.13020741

>Fucking kinder eggs are illegal in the US too.

Get new material, yuropoor.

>> No.13020756

I seem to recall a morning sickness drug that the eu let all mothers have while the fda blocked it and europe ended up with a deformed generation

Say it with me “DO NIGGERS REALLY?”

>> No.13020832

This. Also genetics play a much larger role in general health than diet. Your piece of shit neet bodies will still get cancer despite of whatever flavor-of-the-week diet you follow

>> No.13020868

>its futile goyim!! just eat the bug bacon and drink your mickeys!!

>> No.13020872

Anyone who says nutritional science is bullshit is a sub 90 IQ cuck who doesn’t know shit about nutritional science outside the media

>> No.13020874

when did you have your matectomy.

>> No.13020880

Avoiding red meat because you don't want cancer won't save you from lung cancer if you're genetically predisposed to it.

>> No.13020889

Your genes don’t magically trigger lung cancer, some people are more prone to it, it’s not some roll of the fucking dice where one bloodline just has 500% greater risk. Your habits affect you, and usually habits are hereditary

>> No.13020934

Why would you not be able to get cancer from bad genes, that seems like optimism

>> No.13020936
File: 20 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Don't eat red meat! You'll die!
>Don't eat bacon! You'll die!
>Don't eat tendies! You'll die!
>Don't drink alcohol! You'll die!
>Don't drink pop! You'll die!
>Don't drink diet pop! You'll die!
>Don't drink fruit juice! You'll die!
>Don't eat sugar! You'll die!
>Don't eat salt! You'll die!
>Don't drink milk! You'll die!
>Don't EVER eat fast food! You'll die!
Quite literally what anon said before "eat fresh home cooked meals, avoid over-processed food, and don't be fat" and you'll live as long as you're supposed to. You're going to die no matter what. Best to make the most of the time you have instead of wasting it by freaking out over every little detail.

>> No.13021043

>eating crappy low quality food is now "making the most of the time you have"
What a sad life you must lead.
Also, enjoy your quality of life going to absolute shit when you get older.
Living long, healthy life and eating healthy and delicious, high grade food > shitty McDonalds burger

>> No.13021091

>>eating crappy low quality food is now "making the most of the time you have"
You quite literally posted without reading a god damned thing that I wrote. Drink bleach.

>> No.13021120

I've heard that everyone whose died of cancer has at some point in their lives drank water, obviously there's a correlation here even though I've provided no actual evidence of one

>> No.13021362

Hard cheese is extremely good for you. Imagine belonging to the superior caste of humanity that can process lactose and foregoing your birth right out of cowardice.

>> No.13021376


>> No.13021382

most cheese doesn't have lactose and anyone can eat it unless they also have a casein allergy which is a lot less common than lactose intolerance

>> No.13021413

Fresh cheeses tend to have lactose, subhumans can't eat feta cheese, it makes me smile.

>> No.13021418

So if I have breast cancer, I shouldn't eat cheese?