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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13018794 No.13018794 [Reply] [Original]

>I am a Jewish man. We good? You like our bagels! Come on, lox and bagel, very popular food. Brisket? You're gonna love me after this. You're gonna like me after this. Look what I got.

Is he based????? Is he based??????,

>> No.13018799

Get lost Sam

>> No.13018800

another garbage thread by some /pol/-/tv/ retard reddit tourist. nothing new, just more literal cancer. stupid fucking normalfag, fuck off back to your containment board, you literal fucking tumor

>> No.13018812

One of these days you’re just going to have to admit /pol/ is right and you’re just a narcissistic idiot who never thought critically on these issues because opposition was censored.

>> No.13018897
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I got banned "for racism" from a Discord once because someone asked who makes the best brisket and I said it would in theory be a Texan Jew.
Some people just can't take a joke.

>> No.13019328


>> No.13019342

I like his videos

>> No.13019658

In my country there is problem

>> No.13021686

Eurofag here, since when is brisket a Jewish thing?

>> No.13021787

Since at least when the Jews moved to America and were ((poor)) so they would buy cheap cuts of meat and cook them for a long time.

But when it comes to brisket, nothing beats actually smoking it like the Texans do.

>> No.13021809

i hate this dude and his stupid videos. he makes trash tier food and acts like he's a fucking genius for it.

>> No.13022462

Based as fuck

>> No.13022467

>when the Jews moved to America and were ((poor))
When was this? Hearst was a Jew

>> No.13022599

no he wasn't, what are you talking about. and if he were, that wouldnt prove anything. i guess blacks can't be poor because of oprah.

beef pastrami is a jewish-american thing and often made from brisket. also in general there is some kind of weird reverence for it among jews, not sure why. i'm guessing it was highly prized as a cheap cut that would still make a centerpiece for a sabbath meal and then became a sort of cultural touchstone due to its popularity/ubiquity.

>> No.13022864

Pastrami is a Romanian thing (pastrama), but was brought to America by Jews who came from Romania. It is not a Jewish food.

>> No.13022867
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>Is he based?????

>> No.13022870

i said beef pastrami, which is a jewish-american thing. the stuff they make at katz's deli or montreal smoked meat is not the same stuff from romania.