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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 26 KB, 1200x800, 1200px-Flag_of_Europe.svg[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13010505 No.13010505[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>do americans really?....
>b-but we don't have that restaurant in europe
>why do americans use condensed milk that's so weird in europe we just shit in a bucket like proud romanians
>in europe we don't have this candy we only have omledeuxfrolegé bars we give to refugees
>only americans go to farmer's markets in le europe those are just our grocery stores
>in my country we don't call it seltzer water it's carbonated water
>in europe the mcchicken is too expensive

Can Euros please be banned from /ck/ so we can just have regular culinary discussions without some self-important euronigger shitting up every thread with their unwarranted posts?

>> No.13010518

Only if you also block amerifags and fast food threads.
I want to trash you for your poor culinary choices, not your disgusting choice of food shaped heaps of lard.

>> No.13010528

>Only if you also block amerifags and fast food threads.
Or how about foreigners just fuck off and make your own imageboards instead.

>> No.13010540
File: 134 KB, 760x472, 1405684912240.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13010586

Why do Europeans pretend they aren't the ones making fast food threads?

>> No.13010629

>Europe has a flag
This is the fucking idiocy I see every day on this board.

>> No.13010641

Yeah I'm thinking based

>> No.13010645

Not even foreign, I just think as a board about food and cooking, it should be about food and cooking, not loveless oversalted fat soaked sugar fried in grease made only to please your tiny gorilla brain.
Idgaf who makes them. Ban them

>> No.13010653

Because the ones making the threads mention chains that don't exist in Europe

>> No.13010654

>b-but we don't have that restaurant in europe

>> No.13010661
File: 63 KB, 900x556, scrapple.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eurofag here. Want to talk about scrapple but can't open a new thread.

>> No.13010666

>flag of Europe
You're a fucking idiot, son.
Get an education.

>> No.13010668

Yeah because it would be impossible to be aware of famous food chains in other countries. Retard

>> No.13010671

>regular culinary discussions
Do Americans really?

>> No.13010718
File: 30 KB, 200x266, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying Europe doesn't have a national flag
Every country has a flag retard, just mine is superior to Europes.

>> No.13010727

It makes it a lot more likely that it's an American making the thread. Holy fuck go to therapy.

>> No.13010739

>go to therapy.
Therapy can't fix stupid.

>> No.13010756
File: 337 KB, 993x893, вставленное изображение 993x893.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>imagine having foreign military bases on your soil

>> No.13010760


>> No.13010773

And getting paid by wagie taxes? Based

>> No.13010793

obesed and obsessed

>> No.13010806

It's delicious. Outside is crispy but the middle is soft. Kind of similar to white pudding if you ever had that but with much more of a bacon flavor. I eat it plain or dip it into egg yolks but some people put maple syrup or ketchup on it.

>> No.13010808

Charles de Gaulle told the US to GTFO of France in 1966/1967.

>> No.13010820
File: 77 KB, 460x562, 1453301526_1451643245001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh russia
>soviet Union didnt fall
>guuuys we REALLY need nato
>russians are literally devil hitler
>b-but what if russia comes
>fuck trump but dont actually we NEED that army here
I look at my continent and I weep

>> No.13010842
File: 2.91 MB, 472x796, 1568874509047.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This faggot got laughed out of /int/ so he's making the same thread on /ck/ now.

Do americans really?

>> No.13010844

Nice description, thanks

>> No.13010847

Nope. Fast food chains are not secret information. Stop getting so upset

>> No.13010866


>> No.13011049

Go to a catalog and find me a thread about actual food and cooking and tell me if its made by american

>> No.13011059

waow do americans really get this obsessed?...

>> No.13011264

They have an inferiority complex, what else would you expect? Their entire identity is seething that they're 56% the cast off detritus scum of europe, 30% hispanic and 14% black. They're literally worse than australians and canadians.