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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 918 KB, 2000x3000, 254.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13007625 No.13007625 [Reply] [Original]

Is having a lot of sodium really all that bad? What even happens if you eat too much consistently?

>> No.13007642

are you fucking serious? Just fucking google it dumbass

>> No.13007681

Too lazy

>> No.13007842

you get kidney stones and your brain feels foggy. High blood pressure and stomach ulcers.

>> No.13008206

Oh fuck! I-I'm gonna do it...
I'm gonna... COOOOOOOOOM

>> No.13008215

All I found on Google that eating copious amounts of sodium is a perfectly fine thing to do, and that vaccinations are a Jewish conspiracy. :)

>> No.13008226

God I wish I were that stone slab

>> No.13008237

Just sauna 4x a week and you'll be fine.

>> No.13008243

Fuck off with your forced idiot meme you cancer spreading sack of shit.

>> No.13008252





Oh yess




Ah yes, onions my dear. How pungent. Might I suggest scallions and leeks as well the next time?

>> No.13008272

do people actually moan and vocalize while masturbating and cumming?
I’m always completely silent.

>> No.13008280

Sometimes. I didn't used to until I had sex on a daily basis and started moaning during sex.

>> No.13008284

Wow, I wish she'd sit on my face.

>> No.13008294

Too much salt can apparently damage the lining of your stomach, leaving you more prone to infections. South Koreans have/had a ridiculously high salt intake of 13g daily and higher rates of stomach cancer from the infections. Recommendations for daily salt limit range from around 2.5mg to 5mg depending on the source.

>> No.13008305

ZR gets my goat every time

>> No.13008316

yes. my buddy died of blood poisioning. mostly cause by his high blood sugar and salt intake

>> No.13008320

The only two ways you can fuck up are
1) Eating way too much at once and not drinking enough water (you’d just legitimately die of dehydration, you’d have to be pretty fucking dumb)
2) Eating obviously more than you should for a prolonged period of time. This will cause the other electrolytes in your body to drain out of your cells, which is just a sneakier form of dehydration that causes your cells to die at a much higher rate. That exact phenomena is why people think it causes cancer when you’re older. Also there’s a shit ton of other side effects because your nerves can’t function correctly anymore due to being drained of things like potassium.

TL;DR So long as you’re consuming sodium within reason you’re totally fine, don’t be a human trash disposal.

>> No.13008322

Sugar is definitely more dangerous than salt, and far more addicting. The only people who get addicted to salt are tastelets.

>> No.13008327

So is it a bad idea to eat 1 block of ramen with 2 seasoning packets twice a day? How can I undo the damage I've done?

>> No.13008329

i don't think anyone really gets addicted to salt. they just get to a really high intake level from fast/processed food which has more than what someone would use at home.

>> No.13008331

I wouldn’t say they’re addicted to the salt specifically, but there’s definitely an addiction to the type of food that’s high in sodium that leads to fucking up that badly

>> No.13008337

Coomer embarrassed at being called out detected.

>> No.13008373

A forced meme is just a meme. The forced part is redundant.

>> No.13008393

Drink more water. There is literally nothing wrong with RELATIVELY high sodium intake. If you’re eating like 20g a day and drinking less than a liter a day then nobody is gonna be surprised.

You have to drink water.

>> No.13008394

You'll retain it and look like a tubby piece of shit.

>> No.13008484

basically fast foods

>> No.13008545

when you eat a big piece of sodium, it explodes when it comes in contact with your saliva

>> No.13008858

Wrong. A genuine meme propagates naturally through being shared by people to whom it genuinely appeals. A "forced" meme, on the other hand, generally is not funny, inventive, or clever enough to do so on its own, leading to people (generally the one who originally created the failed meme) "forcing" the meme by posting it everywhere themselves. Which is why they are rightly despised. They're basically just a desperate cry for attention, and nobody likes desperation.

>> No.13008863

Mega cope. All because the coomer meme hits too close too home.

>> No.13009223
File: 45 KB, 680x708, 1569049247997.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I dont find it funny therefore nobody can. It's surely just the person that made it that spreads it!! I have the ip logs trust me!
Seems like you're simply butthurt because you're a coomer yourself. Can't stand seeing your reflection so publicly, huh? :^)

>> No.13009294
File: 3 KB, 119x125, 1493502108203s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ahahaha another wojack

>> No.13009299

Fuck off with your threads with sluts as the pic because you can't make a decent interesting thread without something entirely different to catch the attention of other idiotic porn addicted pathetic retards like you.

>> No.13009307

this isn't /pol/ or /b/ retard.

>> No.13009319

lmfao COOOM eheheh

>> No.13009352

A pondering expression fits the content of this thread just fine.

>> No.13009367

I am unironically cooming

>> No.13009385

it's a fully clothed girl showing off her legs. no one in their right mind would fap to this unless they're some sort of repressed Saracen that commits a rape spree over an exposed ankle or some shit. they're the ones probably forcing this unfunny shit desu.

>> No.13009394
File: 103 KB, 720x720, 1555005796016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you can see her striped panties, covering her...teehee...vagina...

>> No.13009401

>he doesn’t see it

>> No.13009404

who cares? you see more than that on network television or at the beach. are you retards triggered at the fact that these women aren't wearing burkas or the fact that men are attracted to cute women? there are plenty of food threads on this board with only a meal as the OP's picture with 4X more replies.

>> No.13009439


>> No.13009448

Hhnnng im gnn im gonn hhnnngggg

Im gonna im com im gonna coom
Im cooming im cooming im im im
Ahah shah ah sh sh

>> No.13009464

God I hate women so much bros

>> No.13009479

I had a sodium-rich diet for over a decade without seeing a physician until recently. The most notable thing it causes is high blood pressure. Short term it's probably not that bad but long term it can do irreparable damage to your body. My blood pressure was so out of control (averaging around 180/100, normal is considered 120/80) I was prescribed blood pressure meds which I'll probably have to take the rest of my life to keep it under control. The meds also have side-effects such as lightheadedness and persistent dry cough. Aside from that, long term high blood pressure can affect the walls of your arteries; they can enlarge or harden when makes you more susceptible to heart diseases and infarctions. If your family has a history of heart disease, it only makes it this much worse.

Water offsets salt, so if you have a high amount of sodium in your body, you will also retain more water than normal. This leads to your body having to work harder to pump blood throughout your body and overall causes more stress on your body. If bad enough, you might be prescribed a waterpill medication of some sort to force you to urinate more frequently.

So take it from me, avoid sodium-rich foods if possible. Once I cut out sodium-laced foods and started going to reduced sodium brands and counting my intake based on nutrition labels, I lost around 40lbs in 3 months and my blood pressure dropped about 20 points on its own.

>> No.13009499

Just coom and get over with it fag

>> No.13009503

oooooooooo LOL

>> No.13009544

And now we see that the thread has more posts about the girl than the sodium problem.
I rest my case.

>> No.13009767

That's a fat girl meme

>> No.13009809

low virility

>> No.13010204
File: 295 KB, 1227x1840, thot advertising herself.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's a whore mates.
Move on and talk about sodium intake.

>> No.13010264

This guy cooms

>> No.13010686

ungh yes daddy, I am a sack of shit, humiliate me!

>> No.13010728

I wish girls were real

>> No.13010909

only opened thread to zoom in on picture.

>> No.13011132
File: 100 KB, 562x999, 1466635864268.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i dunno but east asian girls are cute

>> No.13011265

>Is having a lot of sodium really all that bad? What even happens if you eat too much consistently?
Salt is good. Don't fall for the diet memes, they are all lies.

>> No.13011352


lots of sodium regularly causes high blood pressure. Na+ is one of the ions used in your kidneys when they filter your blood. But I think if you just drink tons of water you'll piss out the excess

>> No.13011386

did you zoom in on the puss?

>> No.13011432

Scallions and leeks? I'm on it my sweets.

>> No.13011482
File: 238 KB, 940x635, jj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13011569


>> No.13011682

That's what somebody with too much sodium would say.

>> No.13011767

I just want a cute asian girlfriend that I can bake cookies and make chicken soup for.

>> No.13011872

this is /pol/ with a food theme retard.

>> No.13012311


Japs eat way more salt than most people and they are skinny healthy fuckers.

>> No.13012558

So what was it a sugar or salt overdose or was the damage gradual?

>> No.13012749
File: 27 KB, 112x112, coomer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is that a female on a food and cooking imageboard? IM GONNNNAA COOOOOOOOMM
thank you for this ebic thread op

>> No.13013379


>> No.13014266

eat as much as your body allows it, if it seems too salty it is.
salt is the body's most mportant electrolyte. you literally get dumber and weaker with reduced salt intake contrary to what the fucking jews say.

people were paid in salt ffs in antiquity cause they stored their food in it, and nothing happened to them.

>> No.13014270

They died at 50 years of age.