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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 96 KB, 800x600, ps_180123_oral_gum_disease_teeth_800x600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13001970 No.13001970[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Brush and floss your teeth 3 times a day every single day. You can't enjoy food properly without good oral hygiene. Not only that, but gum disease leads to a plethora of deadly health problems, like heart attack, stroke, and cancer.

>> No.13001972

reminder that brushing your teeth directly after eating is bad for you
3 times a day is probably a shitty way to ensure that your brushing makes your teeth fall out

>> No.13001986
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>> No.13001987

You really only need to brush a few times a week, toothpaste optional.

>> No.13001989

>a few times a week
you'll get lots of plaque and shitty looking teeth

>> No.13001995

get a good 100+ dollar electric tooth brush. never had such clean teeth. smoker/coffee/tea faggot here. its a game changer

>> No.13001996

Shitty looking teeth sure, depending on your dietary habits , but if you brush long enough the plaque wont be a problem.

>> No.13002060

Ahhh, the eternal carnist!

>> No.13002099

Plaque is fine if removed in a timely manner. The buildup will look bad but it's not a detriment for oral health.. but you can do everything "right" and still have fucked up teeth. My girl flosses daily and brushes twice daily and is constantly getting fillings/repairs to old fillings. I've brushed once a day my entire life and never floss and have no cavities or signs of gum disease. Genetics play a role.

>> No.13002417

Is is one of my worst nightmare. fuck you faggot for posting this shit.

>> No.13002431

Only if they affect saliva production, and even then it's rare. Fast ways to fuck up your teeth are eating carbs (especially gooey or bready foods) and smoking weed or other drugs that mess w saliva production

>> No.13002436
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Why I don't brush my teeth, how could you tell?

>> No.13002446

literally just don't consume added sugar and you'll never have teeth problems

>> No.13002453
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>just literally handstand and whistle while eating bro, it's easy

>> No.13002457

>all these gymnastics when you could just brush twice a day

>> No.13002460

What? It's vegans who are memed for their teeth falling.

>> No.13002467

>Brush and floss your teeth 3 times a day

>> No.13002472

using toothpaste is like over using hand sanitizer. when you actually get sick because your body starts to rely on it is gonna hit you hard.
Brush your teeth only when you feel shit on them.
whiting your teeth is the same as bleaching your asshole: who cares.

>> No.13002482

I’ll just get veneers under Berniecare, thanks

>> No.13002486

twice a day. anymore than that will scrub the enamel off your teeth.

>> No.13002528
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Memeing aside, seriously guys. Take care of your teeth. I ignored it for so long and my parents never gave me the beating I needed as a kid to make me brush. My teeth are more filling than tooth now and I've had to spend $3000 in the last year and I'm only 1/3 of the way done. I hadn't seen a dentist in 7 years. If I had gone even half that time it probably would have been far better. Please don't be like me anons, it's seriously shitty. Don't let bad dentists jew you with fake cavities or bad work but for real, if you need to go, go. It only gets worse the longer you wait.

.t anon that still has full on holes in his teeth from neglect and some mild bone loss.

>> No.13002625

>sucking down soda for years
>eating like shit for years
>never floss
>brush every few weeks
>only one filling from when I was 14, 27 now

Either I'm lucky or my teeth are nearing a meltdown

>> No.13002783

i dont eat anything with sugar in it and cook all my own meals nothing processed and im already having dental issues since thanks to my lethargic depression ive only brushed a handful of times this year

>> No.13002803

its nothing serious and i am 26 but my gums have receded my teeth have roughed out and either the enamel has thinned or my dentin has been carved out a bit since it went from smooth to a crown like shape

>> No.13002840

i brush and floss once at night

>> No.13002898

>Obsessive hypochondriac
>Disgusting NEET that unironically believes brushing your teeth causes "abrasions"

>> No.13003020

Brush and floss twice a day, usually cheat and miss a couple of the 14 weekly sessions. Never had a cavity, only thing I get is wearing down my gums a little too much from brushing too hard

>> No.13003047

That entirely depends on your diet.

>> No.13003059

I'm having serious deja vu. Every post in this thread is something I know i've seen before.

>> No.13003065

Do people really care about this? Teeth are one of the easiest things to replace

>> No.13003070
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>Teeth are one of the easiest things to replace
Yeah at $3-5k a piece and hours of surgery.

>> No.13003079

I'm having serious deja vu. Every post in this thread is something I know i've seen before.

>> No.13003086

As someone who has bridge implants this is bullshit. I've got $18k of work in my mouth and it took months of healing

>> No.13003159
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Such a dumb fuck, this is plant based teeth

>> No.13003202

>3 times a day
Fuck no. You literally just need to do it before bed each night and you'll be golden. Unless you're a fucking toothlet in which case kys

>> No.13003235

I brush 2x day and use floss at night but my gums are receded on the bottom.

>> No.13003278

i have a black sort of plaque in two of my teeth that i have been unable to remove after excessive brushing. I ignored my teeth for months and this is the cause of that. how can i get it removed?

>> No.13003335

>Brush and floss your teeth 3 times a day every single day
I went nearly 15 years without touching a tooth brush let along floss. Now I just do it a few times a week. Still a full set of teeth with minimal markings, definitely better than a coffee drinker or smoker.

>> No.13003402

>brush an hour after each meal
>brush floss peptobismal and mouthwash before bed

>> No.13003587

I got all my teeth removed and I can't get used to fake ones, take care of them.

>> No.13003594

You need to brush twice a day only stop forcing the 3x a day meme. My dentist and my other dentist say that it is more harmful for your gums because of the brushing itself.
Again, twice a day only: Morning and before you sleep at Night. And never forget: Only spit and do not gargle water. You'll fucking fuck up the minerals that's supposed to coat your teeth.

>> No.13003630

The current recommendation is you brush and floss after every meal and snack.

>> No.13003639
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Same man...shit sucks. I have implants on the bottom tho, so at least i can kinda chew my food.