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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12997526 No.12997526 [Reply] [Original]

>I dont like beer/wine
>I dont like spice
>European food is bland
>I am so picky

What else?

>> No.12997647

>vribrant, smooth, silky

>> No.12998116

>I drink to get drunk

>> No.12998151

“You can’t enjoy X product or Y product because if you do it makes you Z”

If people want to buy hot sauces and enjoy them why do we always have a soymeme posted like lmao go fuck yourselves you incels

I posted one thing about happening to watch a popular tv show and it triggered like 20 people on here, I had no idea people were such faggots about certain things

>> No.12998186
File: 254 KB, 785x1000, 1569729009122.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>g-go fuck yourselves you incels

>> No.12998189

just saying, thats actually a great sandwich

>> No.12998214

I'm be unironically worried about the gene and disease count of whoever made it.

I know that's not how it works and that's a silly and bigoted thing to be worried about yet here we are.

>> No.12998220

I mean theres a reason why I don't buy prepacked sandwiches so I get you, but if you made it at home or got it from a deli

>> No.12998221
File: 67 KB, 654x800, BCEE1F54-076B-4917-B4BE-94EEA82CBC5C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How dare you!

>> No.12998223

So based! Thx Greta!

>> No.12998329

>i hate onions
>too spicy
>i only eat cooked sushi
>can i get extra ranch

>> No.12998349
File: 15 KB, 383x526, 1564523910731.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>put small amount of black pepper in a dish
>anon this is too spicy I can't eat it

>> No.12999527

>gay food
>no protein listed
useless twink fags

>> No.12999529

They get their protein on tap

>> No.12999545

Lots of fat to raise their estrogen levels

>> No.12999575

>I HATE mushrooms
>what do you mean most of them don't taste like the button mushrooms on shitty pizza

>> No.12999600

My mother won't eat anything with pepper but uses a shitload of salt on everything.
Not even pink salt.

>> No.12999619

>i only eat cooked sushi
pic related
Discipline her with your deeck

>> No.12999711

> i don't like seafood
>I don't like smoked fish
>I don't like blue cheese/goats cheese
>I don't like oysters
>I don't like offal
>well done please
>it's RAW!?
>No olives/anchovies/capers please
>Do you have any ketchup?

>> No.13000362
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>lgbt sandwich
>salty and fat
>not sweet
Based M&S

>> No.13000366

i was going to say this
>no protein
okay retard

>> No.13000419


>> No.13000428

The secret sauce is AIDS

>> No.13000430

seething roastie from r/braincels

>> No.13000432

Womp womp

>> No.13000433

>A sandwich for faggy liberals
>Forget that they're all Islam/Jew sympathising, climate change protesting vegans

>> No.13000484

"I don't like coffee".

>> No.13000487

>No one actually likes alcoholic drinks

>> No.13000496

Yeah, the whole "I don't like [X drink/dish] therefore everyone is pretending to like it" is classic manchild cope.

>> No.13000502

Beer and wine all taste like the same shit. Even top sommeliers can't tell the difference between some cheap super market wine and super expensive wine.
At this point I'm sure drinkers just say stuff about how great and deep their alcohol is to seem sophisticated and smart.

>> No.13000512

people here think it's about being sality as hell and trying to bring people down for whatever fucking reason, sad sad people, fuck weeaboo trannies though

>> No.13000520

>Even top sommeliers can't tell the difference between some cheap super market wine and super expensive wine.
Then how does an international sommelier competition work?
Are they all just lying and being complicit?

I get it dude we all saw that episode of Penn & Teller Bullshit but they were roasting untrained diners in a random restaurant, not sommeliers.

>> No.13000538
File: 44 KB, 960x960, 1530445641357.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Even top sommeliers can't tell the difference between some cheap super market wine and super expensive wine
lmfao, I seriously hope this is bait, but even if it isn't thank you for the laugh

>> No.13000548

Its true tho, so keep laughing at how stupid the wine industry is

>> No.13000552

>I get it dude we all saw that episode of Penn & Teller Bullshit
How about any other experiment with real sommeliers you can look up?

>> No.13000554

So how does an international sommelier competition work?

>> No.13000555

>"I'll have a jack and coke"
>"yeah some mild sauce, please"
>"can I get a number 2 with no pickles"
>"I like the oreo filling more than the cookie"

>> No.13000558

>mfw I can tell the difference and I'm not a sommelier

>> No.13000560

How about them?
Are you going to cite any?
Were they credible? Peer reviewed?
Were their data sets statistically significant?

>> No.13000563

If someone gave you white wine with red food colouring you wouldnt taste the differance

>> No.13000565

Moscato and rioja are pretty dang different my dude.

>> No.13000567

You can just type into el google my friend.

>> No.13000575

>source: dude look it up
Good argument.

>> No.13000584

They actually can tell the difference, there are very subtle flavors that can only be achieved with certain manufacturing techniques.
The actual truth is that these super expensive wines might not even be as good as one you can buy at costco for 20 bucks. Price has barely any correlation to how good it actually tastes, in a culinary sense. It's a huge gatekeeping circlejerk like modern art. It might look like a toddler smeared their diarrhea shit all over a canvas to us, but those ""trained"" connoisseurs actually can tell which ones were painted by adults.

>> No.13000588
File: 86 KB, 680x1058, 1569940387035.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you like pulling this out of your ass or what? Everything you're saying sounds pretty ridiculous, not sure if baiting or legit retard.

>> No.13000592

>I don't like greasy soups

>> No.13000598

i don't even like wine and even i can tell that white wines taste like cat piss or tennis ball rubber while red wines taste like de-sweetened fruit juice with entirely too much tannin mixed in.

>> No.13000605

Not even that guy but thats one of the most basic experiments when it comes to food, if you were blindfolded you would taste the differance but one of the primary ways we eat is with our eyes, its not hard to fool the senses That and the power of being told "its red wine" makes a big differance.
>Inb4 buzzfeedtrash

>> No.13000613

>my only argument is the absolutely brain-dead retarded staff at Buzzfeed of all places

Yes I see you're inb4, it's still a garbage argument.

>> No.13000624

>yeah make it really spicy, REALLY spicy
>I don't care about my taste buds make it as spicy as you can!!!!!

>> No.13000627

>Hurr they are not wine experts like me
You realsie its more about psychology then taste, in regards to experiments like that? You probably dont since you disregard verry basic ideas.

>> No.13000630

Pungency isn't actually a taste, you sense it in the pain nerves.
Once you acclimate yourself to the level of heat there are actually a lot of nice flavors in the peppers.

>> No.13000632



>> No.13000639

>imagine being so emotionally invested in something that you cant take the time to click any links or read something and just disregard it because "blog lol"

>> No.13000645

Wine """experts""" are full of shit. In a blind test they're about as consistent as a table of random numbers. And also the thing the other anon said about dying white wine red is true.
That's not to say they have bad taste. They're just full of shit and making things up.

>> No.13000654

>tfw I could eat fire roasted jalapenos all day but white genes can't handle the heat
Roasted jalapenos with a bit of salt and pepper are god tier even though I end up snotty and with tears running down my face by number 3

>> No.13000668

>dude just google some studies lol
>what do you mean "what studies?" obviously this perfectly credible buzzfeed article and some popsci garbage


>> No.13000676

Are you rly this stupid? I mean rly? Is it that hard to readsomething and check its sources instaid of just disregarding it?

>> No.13000686

>imagine getting information in a form they can understand instaid of a hard to understand paper that they are not going to read and just dissregarding it

>> No.13000691

So why not link those sources instead?
Is it because you haven't actually read any of them and are just randomly linking us whatever headline seems to support your argument on the first page of your telemetry adjusted google search?

>> No.13000708

OP here. Stop derailing my thread plebs

>> No.13000731

>I don't like ____, but I like it in this!
So you don't "not like" it you dumbass, you've had it once or twice before but didn't like the way it was prepared, don't write off a whole ingredient

>> No.13000752

>imagine disregarding a well understood phenomenon just because you think you are somehow less easily influenced then people at buzzfeed

>> No.13001154


>> No.13001164
File: 26 KB, 280x278, nico_nii_holding_a_knife.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a picky gf that only enjoys plain food and won't eat vegetables. What can I do to keep her from being a food brat?

>> No.13001171

Fuck her arse with a broken bottle.
She'll soon learn.

>> No.13001182

Don't associate with picky eaters.

>> No.13001183

I need that asshole for my dick, you dummy!

>> No.13001207

The only thing I'm picky about is funky and very sharp cheese. How do I get over this?

>> No.13001305

The same way you acquire any taste. Eat it til you like it. You think those whiskey tasters just started off swishing mouthfuls of 105 proof liquor? Probably not the best example since the alcohol is literally causing physical pain/damage, but you get the point. I was a picky eater and it is literally just a mindset thing. Blue cheese made me gag the first time I tried it. Bought a block of expensive blue and literally ate it in chunks and now I can stand it.

>> No.13001321

Bacon is meat and has protein you fucking obsessed tards.

>> No.13001361

Learn to associate it with tasty food. Have a small amount of it with some good bread and a glass of wine and you'll start to think of it as appetizing

>> No.13001368

i agree with everything posted so far but onions a shit

>> No.13001429

hurr durr

>> No.13001468

>not liking cumin
how can you not like cumin?

>> No.13001478

Because based and redpilled 12 year olds can't fathom a world where people enjoy things that their social media site of choice disapproves of. Welcome to gen z clown world

>> No.13001484

>>I dont like spice
>>European food is bland
But these two things contradict, unless they're using bland as a positive adjective

>> No.13001490

here is a real sommelier

>> No.13001504

Cum in her food, that way you can supplement her nutritional needs

>> No.13001520

>I like any part of oreos

>> No.13001531

That’s an alcoholic thing to say more than tastelet m8
I know you’re implying they just don’t like the taste or whatever but usually it’s deeper than that

>> No.13001542

I agree, I wish this place was a safe space just like my favorite tumblr blog, I don’t get why people get so rude when I make stupid, ignorant, and completely false statements while claiming others are ignorant rednecks for not believing me.

>> No.13001551

Why the fuck are you guys insulting the guy who was also calling out the person both of you disagree with? Are you two fucking retarded?
Like did you actually not see this post before the one that replied to it and then think “oh wow this guy is saying some retarded shit in greentext” when it was literally a quote? What the fuck is wrong with this board?

I’m so fucking sick and tired of newfags

>> No.13001559

Its hip to hate popular things here. It's the quickest way to signal you are cool. There is also a culture of attacking people for enjoying something. You have to learn to ignore it or leave since the mods allow it. Very rarely does anyone actually get upset and when they do, you can tell.

>> No.13001561

Your image is a cancerous and extremely low quality remake of a classic image and it makes me angry that fucking retarded niggers think they can make old-fashioned memes “new” and “better” and instead make them entirely more cancerous and cringeworthy.

>> No.13001563

I know, but then again I don't have my old folder with me

>> No.13001570

It hass nothing to do with desiring a "safe space" or requesting people to not be offensive. It's about people not being obnoxious faggots whenever something comes up that triggers them and derailing cooking threads into pseudo-political bitchfests. You know that it is possible to have conservative views and not talk about politics 24/7, right? No, of course not, you're 12 and actually believe that being a based magapede means something on 4chan.

>> No.13001600

You didn’t even imply in your post that your bitching had anything to do with /pol/tards and to a degree complaining about them makes sense, but now I’m the 12 year old MAGApede because you were too stupid to bring up the fact that you were complaining about MAGApedes to begin with?
Sounds like you’re a bit more fucking retarded than you think m8, considering how you made a ton of idiotic assumptions after being ambiguous.

>> No.13001636

>"hurr safe -space"
>"hurr tumblr"
>"hurr rednecks"
Sure used a lot of 12 year old magapede buzzwords for not being a /pol/dditor. Fuckin idiot.

>> No.13001648

Because according to you everyone on here is a 12-year old magapede. I was speaking your idiotic language ironically, in order to make you angry, which I clearly did.

Are you even following what’s going on here, or is your perspective so two-dimensional you can’t keep up?

>> No.13001655

Welcome to the internet
Where everyone is free to speak their opinion but if it goes against the common opinion of the website you are one of the following "cuck, incel, sjw"

>> No.13001673

>What kind of place is this again?
>Wow, this sounds exotic.
>It seems like we always go to the same kind of place (like they don’t know it’s their fault)
>errrr, noo, I don’t really know if I’d like Italian food
>let’s go get sushi! (It makes them seem not-picky even though they get the same two rolls every time)
>what should I order? I don’t know what any of this stuff is?
>help, I can’t read a descriptive menu in front of my face because this cultural food isn’t based in an English-speaking country
Unironically my friend asked the owner of an Indian restaurant if they had any noodles. Fuck tastelets they’re retarded and annoying to accommodate.

>> No.13001679

Welcome to 4channel.org/ck/


>> No.13001693

They're annoying but if you're taking them out you should be able to figure out their pallet and find something they'll like, after they try one thing from a particularly """""""exotic"""" place they're more likely to branch out and try other stuff.

>> No.13001787

based pavlov reader
No they don't. You can enjoy spiced foods while still being able to appreciate more subtle and fine flavors like dolmas and artichokes.

>> No.13001817

What a terrible thread.

>> No.13001850

i love coomin

>> No.13001852

I hated blue cheese until I had a few salads with gorgonzola in them that I liked

>> No.13001858

OP here, why anon?

>> No.13001875

Very true. Some people seethe over the weirdest things

>> No.13001886

The only good one up right now is dickered cat guy with some OC. This board is worse than /tv/ now.

>> No.13001889
File: 181 KB, 1059x2118, Belle-Delphine-Feet-4466074.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I like this piss water better than this other piss water.
>Liking anything bitter, the tastelet cope incarnate

Who the fuck? You mean spicy? Like it burns?

Liking a kick is okay. Anything beyond a certain level of spicy is just ridiculous. It's just dick measuring. Being a fucking masochist with every bite is just that: masochism.

>> No.13001892


For me its the mcchicken
