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12986811 No.12986811 [Reply] [Original]

What's the consensus on farmed vs wild salmon? Seems like farmed is superior if done right.

>Not all salmon are farmed in shit conditions
>farmed is bred/genetically modified to have much thicker marbling and be larger
>wild is lean and gamey
>3 of the 5 wild Alaskan species taste like shit
>the deep color is literally only caused by a diet high in carotenoids
>farmed wins in blind taste tests
>wilds appeal is literally an appeal to nature fallacy

>> No.12986814 [DELETED] 

Dubs confirms my opinion is objective. Farmed > wild.


>> No.12986815

i dont eat fish

>> No.12986828

The only salmon farmed in non shit conditions is farmed indoor, a sterile environment is the only way you can get high density without disease and tons of anti-biotics.

There's only a couple places in the world indoor farming fish at the moment.

>> No.12986841

Wild's more likely to have parasites or so I've heard. This is more common in Japan and other nations with a big fishing industry that eat raw fish becaude they oftentimes don't freeze it and serve it truely 'fresh'. Even then, the chance of that happening is pretty low. Even the store bought 'wild' salmon that I've had has not looked anything like on the right, more like a darker with a more delicate texture of the version on the left.

>> No.12986857

>Farmed > wild
because its sustainable, wild fish stocks have been decimated globally for just about every species

>> No.12986859

That's ahi.

>> No.12986861

Imagine being this autistic.

>> No.12986902

Wild is better in terms of nutritional profile, also because it doesn’t have antibiotics and other shit fed to it

>> No.12986906

You can't /thread your own post retarded faggot

>> No.12986907
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My understanding of aquaculture, salmon are too big and their feeding needs too steep for indoor systems. Unless it's spear caught or you fished it yourself, you should buy whatever is local from a known sustainable fishery. While farmed salmon is sustainable there are many legitimate concerns about the health of the animal and whether it's just as destructive to the environment as land based concentrated farming.

I usually just buy catfish, tilapia, and sardines. Fresh spiny lobster, swordfish, and yellowtail are probably what I miss the most from the Caribbean. Still don't miss it enough to live in Florida though.

>> No.12986910

I only buy wild sockeye.

>> No.12986943

Iirc farmed Salmon are not keep enough deep in water in order to develope the same quantities of fatty acid that wild salmons produce

>> No.12987048

Farmed salmon can be excellent and the product is treated with more care than wild caught.

>fish is taken alive, slaughtered, gutted, cleaned, and cooled with pumpable ice technology and then frozen or shipped fresh the same day

Wild caught:
>fishermen throw the catch in a hold where the fish generally die and they aren't cleaned for days afterward when the boat arrives in port

I only eat wild salmon that I catch myself, or whole specimens where I can inspect the eyes and gills and skin for freshness.

>> No.12987072


>> No.12987086

Indoor will waste less food than outdoor, so I don't see how feeding is relevant. Here's one indoor salmon farm :

>> No.12987088

>Seems like farmed is superior if done right.
This is the case with absolutely every food in existance. Absolutely control over the health, genetics, and food consumption of any animal will let you achieve a superior product. The issue is that companies don't do that, they optimize things other than flavor. Just look at tomatos, we've successfully created a fruit that looks incredibly appetizing, yet tastes like watery garbage.

>> No.12987099

Seafood is gross and stinky

>> No.12987110

Fuck don't remind me of tomatoes. American tomatoes are literally water balloons. So disappointing

>> No.12987111


>> No.12987119

I eat a tomato like an apple, then have a BLT about once a year, and those are the only tomatos I get. Comes straight from Grandma's garden, the most delicious, most perfectly textured tomatos I've ever had. The other 364 days of the year tomatos are nothing to me but a source of disappointment and anger.

>> No.12987120

The Japanese are doing indoor salmon farming too (guess they like American sushi). Their autism will make it top notch ... and fucking expensive.

>> No.12987151

>tomatoes taste like water

This is because supermarkets require produce with a significant shelf life. The higher the sugar content of a fruit, the more quickly its cellular integrity is compromised and putrefaction occurs. The same principle applies to diabetics getting gangrenous extremeties.

Supermarkets have systematically sucked the flavour out of our fresh produce so that they can reduce losses due to spoilage and it has resulted in generations of people living off processed flavour-enhanced shit because "I don't like fruit and vegetables they taste yucky/bland".

>> No.12987171

Wild looks more like lean tuna. Farmed has marbling within the muscle segments

Also farmed usually doesnt have worms.

>> No.12987182

This is retarded. Those are just different cuts of meat.

>> No.12987282

You only get parasites from eating raw fish that hasn't been commercially flash frozen.

>> No.12987296
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They're both good???
There's different applications for farmed/wild for example;
Farmed goes great in sushi with the additional fat makes it a little creamy and delicious
But Wild is the best choice for the smoker unless you want a greasy soggy mess

It's really just a choice of whether you want built in marbling or not. You could add your own fat into a dish in which case Wild is going to be a better deal $/kg

>> No.12987298

eat norwegan farmed salmon every week, omega3 is good for you.

>> No.12987316

just has all the sewage and pollutants from the ocean instead

>> No.12987322

>American tomatoes are literally water balloons
Sorry, flyover, but not everyone lives in a food desert. I have an amazing selection of tomatoes at my local market. There's hothouse and heirloom tomatoes that are both full of flavor. There's Zima, Kumato, beefsteak, and more that I can't remember. They're all flavorful and delicious. It must suck to live wherever you do. I'd probably kill myself if I lived there.

>> No.12987326


Omega 3 to omega 6 ratio.


>> No.12987327

Looks like a stupid exaggerated photo

>> No.12987357

Norwegian farmed salmon is very clean and healthy.

>> No.12987376
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>There's hothouse and heirloom tomatoes that are both full of flavor. There's Zima, Kumato, beefsteak, and more that I can't remember.
This is so fucking stupid I have trouble coming up in what order to make fun of it. You realize that all grocers in the midwest carry beefsteak and hothouse right? And that heirloom is not a varietal, but most groceries stock mixed heirlooms for a good part of the year where I've been? You think we just have a thing that says tomato? Is this how you cope with whatever local problem you have, assigning a fictitious problem to the vast majority of the country?

>> No.12987427

I think his more important point was that he can find perfectly good tomatoes that aren't flavorless, as can I. I'm not sure what dollar store the other guy is getting his tomatoes from but it's not difficult to find at least decent tomatoes in the US.

>> No.12987429
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Norwegian farmed salmon is sooo good.

>> No.12987488

He'd shit himself if he saw the honor system stands that still exist with squash, corn, apples, tomatoes, etc.

>> No.12987519

Don’t they dye farmed salmon to get the color right?

>> No.12987531

I live in Missouri, I summer in Vermont.
The midwest is in fact, a degenerate hellhole. I will point out that the "heirloom" tomatos in most stores still taste like garbage, it's not easy to find worthwhile tomatos in most places in America, even outside the midwest.

>> No.12987616

What are you feeding your farmed salmon? Bread stuffing? It costs more in lost wild species of fish to feed a farmed tasteless salmon. You faggots have never had wild king salmon in your life cause you dammed all you rivers and fished them to extinction. How DARE you destroy a future for my wild king salmon! Faggots! A pox be upon you!

>> No.12987621

those are a good indicator for diversity

if they can't survive in an area, it's time to move away

>> No.12987629

out of everything I've read this makes the most sense.

>> No.12987637

>he thinks farmed salmon isn't farmed on the literally sea

>> No.12987641

femanon detected

>> No.12987887

salmon sushi is a japanese invention tard

japan has native salmon

>> No.12987894

>Food desert
Pretty bad post. Those variety of tomatoes you listed are not rare my friend

>> No.12988328

The thing about wild salmon is that they had to fight for their lives through the ocean and back, and thus the ones that usually end up getting caught and sold are the warrior clan fish, the flesh dyed deep red from how their blood was rushing through their veins as they died.

>> No.12988333

Do they farm kokanee yet?

>> No.12988335

Someone on joe rogan said wild sockeye is the way to go. So I usually do that

t. brainlord

>> No.12988340

She's right though

>> No.12988343

You eat young wild salmon, old salmon is very bad, not unlike a roasty trying to settle down after riding the cock carousel it has no firmness and is mostly a soggy mess.

>> No.12988368
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>> No.12988422

>Wild is better in terms of nutritional profile

>> No.12988976

Literally wrong
All the Japanese had was shitty wild caught pacific salmon filled with parasites which had to be cooked first, Norwegian aquaculture was needed to cultivate parasite free salmon that was marketed to Japan.

>> No.12989014

>This is more common in Japan and other nations with a big fishing industry that eat raw fish becaude they oftentimes don't freeze it and serve it truely 'fresh'.
Japan freezes fish, and don't see it as a negative.

>> No.12989080

>not a food desert
You motherfuckers don't even grow your own food despite having the perfect climate, soil, and water availability for becoming an absolute agricultural powerhouse. You live in a fucking effective food desert because every single item in your produce shelf is trucked straight from somewhere else, namely California.

>> No.12989095
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Agreed anon.

>> No.12989135

Never had wild salmon, aught to try it. Will post results.

>> No.12989145

Farm raised can be good. Just depends on what you feed the. Feed them shite, you get shite salmon

>> No.12989169

most fish farms i've been to are just nets fencing off the rest of the lake, not a massive amount of control

I'm curious how salmon do in this setting however, since they migrate to spawn
but I guess as long as they're fed as much as they'd be in the ocean they'd survive

>> No.12989174

he has no proofs
an unmonitored diet lacks control of what goes into the fish
this is of course common sense and requires no proofs but at that point the fish is only as good as the farm's standards

>> No.12989392

Wild caught is only good if fresh and whole or if slaughtered and frozen within hours.

The majority sits around reeking and turning to histamine. I’ll take farmed.

>> No.12989396

Wrong, and wild caught ocean salmon doesn’t have parasites. Only when they move into fresh water for spawning do they get worms.

>> No.12989415

good point

>> No.12989629
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Im from San Francisco not some flyover

>> No.12989643

Never had or heard of gamey salmon. Pretty sure it doesn't exist.
The gamey flavor from game is mainly caused by handling — nowadays gamey flavors are largely avoided thanks to modernities like iceboxes and similar things.

>> No.12989703

"Tank farmed" is what your looking for.
Wild salmon isn't bad, but there are benefits to controlling the environment, and diet of anything you raise to eat.

>> No.12989753

>your mom, the strong type, her varicose ankles dyed a deep blue from raising a child of incest
If the flesh is full of blood it means the salmon is close to death and will taste horrible

>> No.12990126

Nobody is this stupid. You got your (you)s though so congratulations I guess

>> No.12990291

He is right when saying that salmon sushi wasn't a thing before imported Norwegian farmed salmon. Initially, Japanese actually distrusted salmon sushi, and only ate wild, cooked salmon. It took a lot of time and energy from the Norwegian lobby to make it the staple it is today.
Also, how the fuck do you check if a wild salmon has gone to a river, ask it for its fucking passport?

>> No.12990320

wild salmon is much higher in omega-3s and farmed salmon is exposed to high levels of antibiotics

reason enough for me

>> No.12990339

That’s how all fish are born, wild freshwater fish may as well be extinct, now your states wildlife department stocks the lakes.

>> No.12991921

Isn't it more about which kind of salmon it is? I've only had farmed atlantic salmon (salmo salar). It's delicious but I see no reason why it would be bad when caught wild.

The only wild caught salmon I've seen for sale and tried was sockeye salmon, which is fucking disgusting. It has not fat, it tough and chewy and tastes like moldy tree bark. I doubt farmed sockeye is any tastier.

>> No.12991936

I never understood how there are people that dislike tomatoes. That was before I ate American tomatoes, now I wonder how there are so many Americans that don't hate tomatoes.

>> No.12992037

This post is the most retarded post on 4channel today.

>> No.12992126

the wild one is tuna not salmon

>> No.12992164

I'm partial to wild sockeye

>> No.12992214

Faroe Island (farmed) salmon is better then wild because of the extra fat.

>> No.12992228

Anisakis Simplex lifecycle is in the ocean, not the rivers and Pacific Salmon does carry them.

>> No.12992388
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The question is not which tastes better, but rather who shall win this years' most obese American bear contest.

>> No.12992477

I prefer the taste of wild, I guess parasites are a concern but I cook my fish and don't eat it raw so it doesn't matter much to me.

>> No.12992592
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I farm my own salmon in a paddock. They are put in fishtanks with powered wheels and get plenty of exercise roaming the farm and catching bugs.

Wild salmon is unruly, insolent and prone to behavioural problems.

>> No.12994635


>> No.12994639

ive literally
been fishing out in alaska for wild king salmon
not once have i ever caught anything that red before

>> No.12994644

>or so I've heard.
You literally go for the "dude trust me" line?!

>> No.12994724

People arguing over natural tomatoes is funny.

Tomatoes are part of the Nightshade family.

A lucky mutation made them non toxic and edible and some human happened to stumble on it.

>> No.12994743

wouldn't farmed be redder because they dye the flesh?

>> No.12994955

I dunno I'm no expert. I mostly buy organic farmed salmon in the grocery store. But every time I try wild salmon, whether it's unprocessed fillets or smoked the taste is much more intensive. Mind that I don't get fresh fish because my country is landlocked I only get to eat stuff that was frozen/proceesed before.

>> No.12994963

>, salmon are too big and their feeding needs too steep for indoor systems.
"Indoors" is just a size anon. The main problem is that if you have a ocean/lake tank, you don't need auxillary systems, and the waste goes into the area you have it.
The actual problem is that to have a indoor salmon farm of any kind of scale, you need capital to build it. So there is a huge warehouse, water purification, pumps, filters, and infrastructure.

>> No.12994969

Thats Mollo sur le cabillaud i presume?
If in doubt: Industry do not self regulate

>> No.12994972

t. ole

>> No.12994990

Norwegian fish farms where too stupid to try to do marked capture via marking a joint venture for process and sale of the salmon.
The end result is a lot of horrid shit and around the globe shipping.

Thats ignoring that industry do not self regulate, so doing things like importing toxic food for livestock/fish is fine.

>> No.12995845
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aside from the actual toxicity information the rest of this video fear mongering mostly
>they do a double take on finding out fish pulp is used not only in fishsticks but also pet food as if petfood is toxic
the claims at being the most toxic food in the world are also fairly laughable, soon enough they'll be farming fish that are fed on farmed fish
notably Mahi Mahi have been a big research effort

it's unfortunate that most of the fish we really enjoy are carnivorous fish, aside from the occasional mouse our regular domestic farm animals don't eat any meat so their toxicity, as well as parasites, build up remains fairly low

the biggest issue I think is that these fish which are being farmed in conditions that increase their toxicity are ones normally regarded as very safe, or even promoted as a super food by years and years of media based on snippets of truth
while conversely, the ones that are competing are attacked constantly like tilapia
the whole asian fish farm vs civilized world fish farm shit is something else entirely though and mostly destroyed tilapia's reputation for a few years

well that's probably because it's not salmon, it's tuna
these images that crop up on social media are all about clickbait and half truths.
if you look at actual farmed vs wild the colour is slightly paler because farmed has more fat
but nobody can tell me I don't know the difference between two of the most important fish
look at how the layers seperate

>> No.12996133

Yeah others in this thread pointed out that it's tuna. On tilapia, I just wish that it had more flavor. The texture is alright. It's a very mild fish with a "softer" texture. I prefer farmed salmon for sushi though since it's like fatty fish butter.

>> No.12996155

>the worlds favorite black man is a white guy with face paint

>> No.12996164

seriously? I don't know. It sounds like the whole Seaworld "nah man, orca fins are totally meant to curl over like that. They're not depressed or malnourished or anything."

>> No.12996195
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>yearly weight gain sessions
>females have to be fat to get pregnant
I wish I was a bear

>> No.12996207

The collapsed fins is probably like erectile dysfunction as it mostly effects the males and can happen in the wild to the betas.

>> No.12996724

>gives opinion with reasoning behind it
>"u retard"
At least give the fucking reason why you think that poster is wrong you dumbass.

>> No.12996819

fuck off greta
i hope china completely depletes the ocean of all fish just so you seethe more about 'muh nature'

>> No.12996840

Eggplants and potatoes are nightshade too
The main issue is the flower which is the most poisonous part, and if they aren't ripe yet.

>> No.12996846

>Wild caught is only good if fresh and whole or if slaughtered and frozen within hours.

This is the same dumbassery that makes people think venison is "gamey" or gross. Yeah, if you handle the animal poorly once it's dead, it'll taste worse, no shit. Get the skin off and get the deer on ice, quit posing for pictures and letting it hang in the sun you dumb rednecks.

>> No.12996966

farmed salmon is literally and unironically better than wild salmon

look at all that fat
it;ll melt in your mouth eaten as sashimi