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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12978716 No.12978716 [Reply] [Original]

why do europeans drink so much sparkling water?

>> No.12978718

because their tap water is toxic

>> No.12978725
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I'm an american and I drink Seltzer all the time, more than I do soda

>> No.12978734

You stole my anime girl reaction picture dude. Delete this thread.

>> No.12978737

t. american

>> No.12978739

Water isn't free in their restaurants, so they figure they might as well treat themselves.

>> No.12978746
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cleanest water in the world where I live

>> No.12978762

Because they're fucking retarded; next question.

>> No.12978767
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>> No.12978829
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I'm not European and I only drink sparkling water
it's more refreshing

Jahy doesn't have an anime yet

>> No.12978840

Basically this. If you ask for water in most parts of Europe they'll ask you if you want sparkling or still, and if you ask for tap they will judge you for the rest of your meal, even if you order other real drinks with your meal.

>> No.12978846
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because they cant make pure water

>> No.12978865

because it tastes good. Regular water i soulless

>> No.12978977

Cause they’re big sparkling fags

>> No.12979132

they dont pay renbt so can spend money on luxury water

>> No.12979666

Based Oregonian.
How long do you think we can stay majority white?

>> No.12979889
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you have 5 years max unless you nuke portland

>> No.12979898

>Regular water i soulless

Just like europeans

>> No.12979911

Because they're all faggots and they're spending too much time trying to insult the USA to clean up their water supply.

>> No.12979945

What if you just want to drink water? Why do they judge you? They don’t have tipping right so why do they care?

>> No.12979984
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Based Jahyfags.

>> No.12980012

All their tap comes from lead pipes the Romans laid down
It's kind of pathetic

>> No.12980270

Nordic countries have the best tap water senpai. Idk or even care about rest of Europe, though I'm pretty sure theirs is fine too.

Still barely enough IQ points not to drink coke or pepsi unlike Americans.

>> No.12980320

Not really. They don't care. Also you don't need to tip them.

>> No.12980330

Force of habit, mostly. I grew up in Germany. My parents drank sparkling water, so that's what I drank as well. There wasn't anything wrong with the tap water, it's just that nobody even considered using it for drinking. I only stopped when I got tired of lugging crates glass bottles to and from the store every week and it took me a while before I got used to tap water. It didn't feel as refreshing at first, but now I can drink it just fine.

>> No.12980333

We love your holier than thou attitude especially when your chicks are being raped to and fro by islamics run by merkel.
You can take that attitude and stuff it where the "sun don't shine" you hypocrite scum.

>> No.12980344
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Step aside, it's mr special German here that can drink tap water. Do you want a statue with a pigeon on it or maybe people goosestepping for your achievement?

>> No.12980349

Why do Americans drink so much butter?

>> No.12980351

Not only because we can but eurotrash such as you can't shut up about it.

>> No.12980354

It’s safer than the tap water

>> No.12980359

That was beer/mead for the eurotrash, their water was so polluted that they had to drink alchohol, that's what makes them so stupid and allowing themselves to be invaded by niggers and islamics.

>> No.12980461

Who wears only a t shirt and bright green crocs?

>> No.12980465

yeah nice and clean, the flouride and chlorine is just an added bonus

>> No.12980481

Ahaha seething unintelligent nonwhite

>> No.12980487

And we love your no you attitude when you exaggerate shit you have no idea because your clown in the oval office told you so while you get shot by incels, robbed by niggers, chucked out of your job by spics and beat up by Antifa dykes.

>> No.12980494


Meowdy giddy gad :3333

>> No.12980496

Political bait? On a cooking forum? Talk about desperate for attention lmao

>> No.12980500


>> No.12980515

We have to maintain our 40% obesity rate while also trying to become most obese in the world. There's still a couple arab and pacific island nations that have us beat.

>> No.12980981

Does this little cutie fuck black men? She looks like she fucks black men.

>> No.12981143
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We love it here in Argentina, we even used to make our own sparkling water.

>> No.12981498

Pay the renbt, Jahy

>> No.12981519

She would never fuck a human

>> No.12981525

Who says she has any say in that?

>> No.12981528

Meowdy pardner

>> No.12981539
File: 490 KB, 2923x849, seltzer_bottles-w-cannisters.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's bullshit, why not just a normal seltzer water bottle that uses regular inexpensive CO2 cannisters instead of that crap that ties you to a single source? Plus the old ones are classy looking.

>> No.12981541

For a price she'll fuck donkeys and doggos.

>> No.12981555

Another reason to not use custom shit is that they're sticking RFID crap on them to force people to use their custom products, that also means it has to be tied to the internet somehow. What kind of idiot wants to deal with that, sometimes I just want some seltzer water and not have to deal with some internet connection that's tracked through google.

>> No.12981579

So this is how Americans cope with living in a 2nd world depressing wasteland, by daydreaming about ridiculous made up scenarios where europeans are the ones stuck in a race-mixed police state dystopia? Interesting, thank you for this insight into the demented amerimutt mind, hope you find a better way to live your life

>> No.12981608


Europe is pretty big. Some places like Germany they don't even really give you water in a restaurant unless you ask for is separately. In Nordic countries they just drink tap water mostly.

>> No.12981628
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>> No.12982523

But anon that's a regular CO2 canister it just looks different. I charge mine at my local fire station

>> No.12982655
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depends on if the demon lord is a loli or a loli(male)

>> No.12982684

what does her shirt say?

>> No.12982707

Demon world revival
Something like that anyway

>> No.12982718

it says
>you die if you work

>> No.12982730
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>> No.12982810
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>> No.12982874

this is possibly the most reddit post ive ever seen
>le poster below me bad!
>le me fixing typo!
>oh no! me le bad

>> No.12982880
File: 236 KB, 483x548, 1568134880530.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it was a cute and funny /a/ post for people who enjoy this manga

>> No.12982886

it's only funny and cute if you've read the manga and know the character, which you clearly haven't and don't

>> No.12982933
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>> No.12982938

Awesome bait. You'll really cheese everybody off for sure

>> No.12982948
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>> No.12982959

Its literally not

>> No.12982965

eastern europe is still part of europe you cant just ignore the shitty parts

>> No.12982969

Sodium fluoride is a neurotoxin

>> No.12982972
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>> No.12983030
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>> No.12983123
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>> No.12983147

>mods read YKK


>> No.12983163
File: 11 KB, 236x236, isdvplqi28x01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If avatarfagging is really worth lifting a finger over, get me banned for it right now.

>> No.12983206

are there fish in there? if so it begs the question: how would a fish get in there to begin with?

>> No.12983209

by going over the mountains

>> No.12983806

Fishcarraldo lol

>> No.12983819 [DELETED] 
File: 236 KB, 648x1000, mooted_all_over_this.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/a/ gets Moot ON.

>> No.12983826 [DELETED] 
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because they're a bunch of faggots

>> No.12983830

Dick is not cut. Not moot by any chance. This dude is European

>> No.12983880
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>> No.12983910 [DELETED] 
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Now 100% degenerate.

>> No.12983912
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That's a cut dick.

>> No.12984093
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>> No.12984170
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this is one of my favourite posts of all time and i've been here over 10 years. laughed like a babby, thx anon

>> No.12984204

Icelands water is pretty vile, pervasive sulpfur smell from the volcanoes. I'm sure the mainland countries is good though

>> No.12984216

Yet you're the jealous faggot using "cope" for everything that you don't understand or can't deal with.

>> No.12984235

That's fair enough but aren't those are the large ones?

>> No.12984244

How much do you paid to blame Americans for all of your problems and write "cope" in every thread? Is it from saudis or iranians or some other diaperheads?

>> No.12984289

Do you seriously think every American is circumcised lmao

>> No.12984337

top kek, just watched that movie this week

>> No.12984805

>based and redpilled

I'm European and drinking sparkling water tastes like TV static and metal because there isn't anything to mask the taste of carbon dioxide

>> No.12984998

because the normal water is boring

>> No.12985027

Your daily talking points said to blame Soros. Stop straying, and stay on track, NPC

>> No.12985095

>pretending the european tap water quality isn't way better than american in general