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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 762 KB, 3000x1688, roasted-chicken-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12978143 No.12978143 [Reply] [Original]

Worms in Chicken and Pork. Rat Feces in Vats of Beef/Meat.

Just saw a youtube video about how basically everyone has worms in their brain if they eat chicken and/or pork. There's a type of worm in chicken that eats brain matter. this worm cannot be killed. The only thing that one can do is to create new brain matter by learning new things like a language. Also the video talks about how rats can get into warehouses that house tons of meats in gigantic vats. Once they get into the meat the rats spread feces, hair etc.. The only thing livestock farmers can do is apply more ammonia to the meat. So I guest there's bits of rat bits in burgers and steaks. I guest the only option for beef eaters is to kill it yourself and eat it fast instead of storing it.

I've been a vegan off and on since 2008 but this has convinced me to fully commit.


>> No.12978146

you are retard

>> No.12978153

It's too late you already have brain worms, might as well enjoy yourself

>> No.12978163

Just saw a youtube video of your mom being plowed by a herd of orangutans

>> No.12978178

Don’t waste your time the facebook post is no longer available and it just meat shaming

>> No.12978197

>Just saw a youtube video about how basically everyone has worms in their brain if they eat chicken and/or pork
They're called prions, how you still called them "worms" even after watching this video is beyond me.

>> No.12978222

Monitoring this thread

>> No.12978224

>The only thing that one can do is to create new brain matter by learning new things like a language

Jesus you retards are going to be the death of democracy.

>> No.12978356

>trying to reason with vegans

>> No.12978366
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>> No.12978373
File: 27 KB, 425x301, 1569378787268.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP is a faggot, same as usual.

>> No.12978382

Rats will try to get into anywhere that has food being stored. They aren't carnivores and will go for plant foods too. You also have stuff like aflatoxin which grows on plant foods and can cause cancer. Believing that all plants are just perfectly fine all the time isn't going to make it true.

The only real reason to go vegan is because you don't want to support animal farming. But even that most likely isn't going to be solved by trying to force everyone to go vegan but rather technological developments like with lab-grown meat.

>> No.12978413
File: 30 KB, 367x451, 1569481090270.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>vegan is the way to go

>> No.12978416

OP is a faggot.

>> No.12978456

>Immortal, invincible worms
Nigga, I wanna be one with the fucking worms, then. How much chicken I gotta eat to become an immortal human/worm hybrid? Is it gonna be like some Strain shit or will I be autonomous? Motherfucker, I need answers!

>> No.12978504
File: 563 KB, 1010x568, 181124-woolworths-maggots-fruit-nuts-sydney-split.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes and there are no worms in plants, fuckhead.

>> No.12978552

to be fair, those are maggots, not worms. Maggots aren't parasites, they're carrion eaters, and will likely be killed by the digestive process.

>> No.12978563

had an MRI not so long ago and there are no worms in my head.
i believe that you contracted the big gay

>> No.12978573

>those are maggots not worms
please uninstall 4chan/ck/

>> No.12978627
File: 50 KB, 483x362, latest[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Our biology yearns to join with yours. We welcome you to our mass.

>Is it gonna be like some Strain shit or will I be autonomous?
You'll be free to sing in our symphony of life.

>> No.12978687

>Just saw a youtube video of your mom being plowed by a herd of orangutans
>herd of orangutans
You meant to say shrewdness, as in op's fat mom was plowed by a shrewdness of oranganiggers.

>> No.12978720

I stand corrected

>> No.12978802
File: 43 KB, 640x480, vegon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this worm cannot be killed.
you're an idiot.

>> No.12978827

What’s this character from? It’s on the tip of my tongue

>> No.12978830


>> No.12978868
File: 1.41 MB, 1300x1800, 1561928460003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I've been a vegan off and on since 2008 but this has convinced me to fully commit

Vegans should all be committed.

>> No.12978871

I, for one, welcome our vermiculate overlords.

>> No.12978878


>> No.12979048

I remember Citadel station you fucking freak!

>> No.12979232
File: 154 KB, 797x302, Annotation 2019-09-26 213939.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mhm. And where do you think these animals get them from? They just grow in them from birth?
Do you think maybe they got it from something they ate?...

>> No.12979413

Maggots are insect larvae, and thus from a completely different phylum, dumbass.

>> No.12979444

You do realize that worms can be found in fruits, vegetables mushrooms etc. too right?

>> No.12979484
File: 45 KB, 512x384, Plague_Inc_Neurax_Worm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm onto you Neurax Worm!

>> No.12980637

This nigga brain made outta spaghetti!

>> No.12980800

Veganism doesnt work for many. Vegetarianism is works better and is sustainable for the great majority of people.

>> No.12980815

get off the board

>> No.12980825

>Vegetarianism is works better and is sustainable for the great majority of rabbits.

>> No.12980852

You share blood with the animals you eat, its not something a human being should do wihtout justification in this day and age.

>> No.12980858
File: 51 KB, 915x960, DAC72F0C-63FC-485F-AB8E-07B1F72AFE18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i just saw a youtube video

Oh well fuck me, a youtube video you say? I will stop eat meat at once thanks for letting me know

>> No.12980989

Maggots are fly larvae only

>> No.12981333
File: 15 KB, 236x236, 69e2b11b6c045c55bf2b77d040db100d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12981868

Why, because you know I'm right?

>> No.12981875

>Mystical bullshit

>> No.12981898

They're still insects, not worms.

>> No.12981904

I don't hate vegans, I just think they're a cult of annoying jerkoffs who have a high and mighty self opinion because of the diet they choose to have.

>> No.12983121
File: 111 KB, 600x908, B1742315-9351-45D5-8D12-76997B6D59D3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this girl literally has the most disgusting body i’ve ever seen.

>> No.12983127

Why is it that meat eaters have so much higher IQ than v-tards if their brain is being eaten

>> No.12983189

This board sucks. Vegans are superior.

>> No.12984193

At being complete toolbags.

>> No.12984213
File: 24 KB, 112x112, 349023160433246219.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>At having sexy tight bodies and are more creative with food in general than all of you n_n

>> No.12984221

See: >>12978868

>> No.12984232
File: 70 KB, 504x590, 1567546856851.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No no no
You see this Pic
It's you

>> No.12984360

Man, your brain is so starved you can't even make a sensical insult.

>> No.12984801

You do realize that this probably a shock video that you fell for you dippy moo, if there where worms in massive vats to meat or whatever then they would be sterilized by the heat if it was a cooking vat or you would sterilize them yourself if you cook the meat unless you eat it raw

>> No.12984820

Best b8 in house, served right here for the low, low price of annoyance and buttblasting

>> No.12984871

are worms vegan?

>> No.12984872

>Just saw a youtube video
Didn't need to read more
Did I fall for a bait?

>> No.12984877

I don't mind vegans, what I hate are vegetarians. Vegetarians are picky eaters with a sense of moral superiority. So you drink milk and eat eggs from the cows and chickens that I eat once they're useless to you. How the fuck does that make you better than me?

>> No.12985087

t. seething carnist

>> No.12985727

Most retarded term ever, as if being omnivores isn't our natural evolution.

>> No.12986004
File: 76 KB, 554x376, 74618-folks-all-blowed-up-boston-you-went-full-retard-never-go-full-retard-jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>So I guest there's bits of rat bits in burgers and steaks.

>> No.12986095

Literally nothing I said implied I was either angry nor whether I was for, or against, your point of view. The proof of - post being b8 is always so easy to get just by calling something b8.