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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 48 KB, 1080x720, rabbi092317 01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12977603 No.12977603 [Reply] [Original]

Why do American recipes always call for kosher salt?

>> No.12977606

I googled kosher salt and it's just coarse sea salt.

>> No.12977608

Why couldn't you find an image of kosher salt?

>> No.12977609

they don't

>> No.12977612

It's a widely available coarse salt that is free of preservatives.

The salt itself isn't "kosher", it is a size and consistency that is useful for "koshering" meat.

>> No.12977798

>It's a widely available coarse salt that is free of preservatives.
Salt is a preservative, why would it have any added? Some just have anticaking agents.

>> No.12977807

Americans love Jews, they want to support jobs for Rabbis by buying food blessed by them

>> No.12977813

Kosher salt is iodine-free. That's about it. My mum had to switch to kosher salt for a while because she was having thyroid troubles and they were planning to use iodine to test what it was.

>> No.12977816 [DELETED] 

I hate Jews as much as the next guy, but REEEEing about kosher salt is stupid
It’s about grain size and lack of iodine that you get in most table salts
Kosher or sea salt is top tier for cooking with

>> No.12977823

flakes of salt are bigger. might be a meme but I can tell the difference between kosher and table salt.

>> No.12977826

This. It's just jewlove, and nothing more.

>> No.12977828

t. Retard
you're probably also surprised white pepper exists

>> No.12977834

You probably enjoy all types of pecker.

>> No.12977839

Yeah, your mum's help me become an expert

>> No.12977860

>Yeah, your mum's help me become an expert
So she told you to go suck an dick, and you ended up sucking all of them enough times to earn certification on dick sucking?

>> No.12977867

>its just salt, fellow whites

>> No.12977870
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What a terribly low IQ response

>> No.12977880

That’s weird, it’s not iodized? I thought the whole point of kosher was high quality

>> No.12977881

It literally is just salt without iodine you blithering retard

>> No.12977886

>Expert dick su/ck/er
Umu can you suck my dick?

>> No.12977889

Iodine for the goy. I wonder why they omit it from their supply.

>> No.12977893

You need a small amount of iodine, dingus. It prevents goiter.

>> No.12977898

So they say.
And if you want to trust them, go ahead.

>> No.12977899

because we measure ingredients by volume (the correct way)
and kosher salt is a larger grain than table salt which means more air which also means you wont over salt things

>> No.12977908

Ah I get it now, harder penny pinch smaller grains

>> No.12977916

I buy kosher salt, because it pusses off the Palestinians.

>> No.12977937

It's mostly a meme. It's not much use in cooking things like soup where it's gonna dissolve and should really be used for seasonings. But just like EVOO somebody decided it was more *fancy* to use, so now it's listed everywhere. Kind of like pink salt.

>> No.12977963

It tastes better than iodized salt and is pinchable, that's it

>> No.12978046

in my board there is a problem

>> No.12978084


>> No.12978086

It doesn’t have any additives and it’s coarse grained so it’s easier to eyeball

>> No.12978089

Pretty much all food out there on the American market is kosher there. Even the non “kosher” salt is certified kosher

>> No.12978094

Unironically our news outlets are now pushing a love of jews

>> No.12978123


>> No.12978140

>"koshering" meat
What did he mean by this? Salt's got nothing to do with slaughter

>> No.12978155

I think kosher meat also undergoes a process where it’s salted to extract out all of the “blood”

>> No.12978161

Kosher meat is the front of the cow

>> No.12978177

There was nothing like Morton and Diamond before they came to market except super expensive skimmed salt like Maldon. What the jews used for kashering was cheap coarse sea salt.

Morton and Diamond might be slightly better for it, but that's not why they called it kosher ... it was just a marketing spiel.

>> No.12978206

>because we measure ingredients by volume (the correct way)

You can't be this retarded.
The correct way to measure *everything* is weight

>> No.12978270

The Kosher mafia charges food and beverage companies to pay for a marking on their packaging which signals to practicing jews that it's ok to buy this product. There are two main mafias that do this, recognisable by their individual symbols (K) or (U) but some smaller mafias also exist to facilitate this. You have to pay a fee to their organisation and a rabbi will come and give you the OK to put their letter on your packaging. If you refuse them, when they come to strongarm you into letting you inspect your food plant, they will organise a boycott of your product. It's simply an extra tax.

>> No.12978307

wtf? Sodium chloride the same everywhere. It's the same scam that is sea salt.

>> No.12978329


>> No.12978343

Kosher salt (as in koshering salt) is just coarse salt. You can also buy salt labeled as "coarse salt" or "coarse sea salt" if you want salt that isn't as fine as table salt or fine sea salt. Coarse salt is often preferred for seasoning meats and other foods while finer salts are preferred in baking as they disperse more evenly. You don't have to use kosher (coarse) salt when called for in recipes, but you may need to adjust the quantity you use in the recipe as to not over salt it.

>> No.12978344

There’s nothing stopping us goyim from buying kosher salt. You don’t need a special Jew pass to consume kosher salt

>> No.12978380
File: 359 KB, 640x442, kosher-symbols.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jews also use iodized table salt. Just about any packaged food in the US that doesn't contain pork, shellfish, or mix meat and dairy is kosher, and you will find the kosher symbol somewhere on the package. Usually it's the circled U or K, but there are tons of different symbols that can be used.

>> No.12979500

Because table salt, having a smaller and more regular structure, is more dense in the same volume. Kosher salt also tastes better because it isn't iodized. It's also way better for scattering by hand onto your food.

If you've ever substituted table for kosher salt by volume in a recipe, and found it too salty, that's because you get almost twice as much in the same measure.

>> No.12979505

>pointless sodium is higher quality

>> No.12979508

Wow, you're fucking retarded.

>> No.12979516

Now that you can get shrimp and fish anywhere all year it's not really as necessary as in the past.

>> No.12979535

>It's a widely available coarse salt that is free of preservatives.
Salt is already a preservative. People on this board are certified retarded.

>> No.12980738

I use kosher/sea salt flakes for brining meat

>> No.12980789

So the goyim pay the heeb tax to send a few bucks to the (((motherland)))

>> No.12980817

I live in America. I use kosher salt because other American salts are fucking grey and have a really rather odd, unpleasant, unsalt-like flavour to them. Why is Amerisalt grey??

>> No.12980826

What is it with Americans and iodine? You realise the rest of the world doesn't use iodised salt and we aren’t dead? Just eat a semi healthy diet and you will get plenty.

>> No.12980827

>The correct way to measure *everything* is weight
You mean mass.

>> No.12980829

America has the highest prevalence of Hypothyroidism

>> No.12980832

Where’s the highest hyperthyroid though

>> No.12980847

You mean volume.

>> No.12980849

Soaks up the blood which YHWH is autistic about.

>> No.12980856

Oof, cool it with the anti-Semitic tropes

>> No.12981350

>Kosher salt also tastes better because it isn't iodized.
Unless you're a genetic freak you're not going to be able to detect it in a blind test. Even for pickling it makes no difference.

Most European countries use iodized table salt and about half use iodized salt in bread making.

There's a positive correlation between iodine fortification and increased IQ and there is good evidence that it's causal BTW.

>> No.12981919

The land-locked regions had goiter problems because of a lack of iodide-carrying foods back before you could get any seafood you wanted at any time.

>> No.12981931

I don't appreciate all the antisemitism itt

>> No.12981932
File: 41 KB, 542x800, 324B02B6-3CC3-4F1C-9861-5172951E6D67.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>kike jannie deletes my post telling op to stop sperging over salt just because I mention I also hate Jews
Wew lad, talk about fragile ego. I made an on topic post and even tried to discourage shitposting and he still gets his panties in a twist. Fucking heebs I swear

>> No.12981941

No one cares Jew

>> No.12981956

Its used in kitchens because the grain size is large enough to easily manipulate by hand. Because recipes are made by people from kitchens or those pretending to be from kitchens Kosher salt is used over regular table salt.

>> No.12982999

I suppose I could have but who clicks on an image of salt?
I was banned ftt

>> No.12983561 [DELETED] 

cause america is run by jews

>> No.12983580
File: 1.52 MB, 411x488, foreskins.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Foreskins taste best in kosher salt.

>> No.12983586 [DELETED] 
File: 100 KB, 1024x1024, eFBneIx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because it's run by yids

>> No.12983591
File: 130 KB, 1024x924, B6BA3374-7644-4364-99D2-6B42D9BF1CA6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ITT: retards who know nothing about Jews and have never met Jews IRL talk about how much they fucking hate Jews

>> No.12983602
File: 3.43 MB, 480x270, Neo white.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how strange it is that not everyone has the same opinions as you isnt it?

>> No.12983636

Racists should be killed.

>> No.12983667

So Jews?
Because there is only one Supremacist State that exist today. A racist country where only genetically pure Jews are allowed to be citizens.
A state that is literally equivalent to the Confederate States.
(Oh did I mention General Order No. 11? Google it, they subvert EVERY nation they enter)
The only reason the world isn't calling them racist, is because they'll call you anti-semitic first.

>> No.12983669 [DELETED] 
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>> No.12983674
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>> No.12983675 [DELETED] 
File: 67 KB, 667x397, TrumpsDankKush.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Trump
> Outing the merchant

>> No.12983681 [DELETED] 
File: 189 KB, 1024x698, 1567041400091.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im sure you think walls are racist too lol
go tattle tale to the ADL and post your blacked threads from you synogogue faggot

>> No.12983686 [DELETED] 
File: 108 KB, 782x782, Merchant9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12983693
File: 189 KB, 1024x698, 1567041400091.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im sure you think walls are racist too lol
Go tattle tale to the ADL and post your blacked threads from your synogogue, faggot.

>> No.12983702
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>> No.12983705 [DELETED] 
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>> No.12983715
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>> No.12983724
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>> No.12983734
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>> No.12983738
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>> No.12983741

while were on the subject the vatican/papacy and masons didnt do us any good either

>> No.12983744

Muslim here. This is the kind of posts that make me realize how dumb this board is. Thanks for being ignorant /ck/.

>> No.12983752 [DELETED] 
File: 126 KB, 501x585, (((Saudis))).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12983768 [DELETED] 
File: 14 KB, 450x300, basically_halal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> As-Salam-u-Alaikum, my brother. Inshallah.

>> No.12983778
File: 542 KB, 849x718, merchant,_turkroach_variant.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if he's a roach?

>> No.12983785 [DELETED] 
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>> No.12984779


It's just Americans swearing their eternal fealty to Israel. The entire rest of the world uses regular salt like normal people.