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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12972151 No.12972151 [Reply] [Original]

>/ck/ freaks out over insects

>yet has no problem eating shrimp, prawn, lobsters, crabs, crawfish

this is highly illogical and you *know* it.

other primates eat insects all the time and so did our proto-ancestors millions of years ago.

>> No.12972168

>/ck/ freaks out over human meat
>yet has no problem with pork

>> No.12972175

I don't eat shellfish either, based retard
>board is not a hivemind
>board is not one individual

>> No.12972444

>countless different posters giving a verbatum shitpost answer every time with a dash of white supremacy
>"shitskins eat bugs why should I? its all a jew vegan conspiracy"
the hivemind is deffinetly strong here

>> No.12972453

fuck you chang

>> No.12972456

>hurr durr crustaceans are insects
i bet you also call chickens raptors faggot

>> No.12972457

they taste different than land bugs

>> No.12972464

All me

>> No.12972500

one is actually like meat and then the other one is just GOO

>> No.12972501
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>its only "white supremacists" that dislike jews and asians

>> No.12972505

I'm not eating bugs, fuck off.

>> No.12972520

I don't think it's 100% that they are insects, it's also largely the idea of eating "all" of something. Insects are tiny so when you eat them you are eating the exterior, head, organs and internal waste products all in one. With lobster and stuff you are picking out the meat. People would flinch if suggested that they should eat the green slop inside the lobster.

>> No.12972528

but people suck on shrimp heads all the time
and what about soft shell crab, you are eating it shell and all

>> No.12972531

okay how come people dont eat BIG insects like tarantula spiders than? it's pretty meat-y

>> No.12972557

No meat. Land bugs don't really have solid insides. They're pretty much just pure liquid under the exoskeleton

>> No.12972564

they have no muscles? how thye move then

>> No.12972565

You clean the guts out of shellfish.
Do they degut a deep fried cricket, tarantula, scorpion.
No they fucking don't you argumentative little faggot. Now fuck off and eat your shit.

>> No.12972571

This. Also, what's the liquid red stuff that only comes in some shrimp's heads? Google fails me. It reminds me of a watered down paint you would give a child.

Also, people eat the green portion of the lobster, which is similar to a liver, of a lobster.

>> No.12972588

The only arguments the right has anymore:
>jew/vegan/communist/socialist/fascist/feminist/lgbt/sjw/antifa/muslim/ecoterrorist/chinese/crisis actors
>promoted by the fake news, ok?

>> No.12972601

Hydraulic movement. Basically they pressurize parts of their body to move it

>> No.12972610

The anonymity makes it worse than reddit, because nobody here has any god damn excuse for being a parroting drone. Nobody can look at your post history, just be fucking honest.

>> No.12973765

/ck/ really needs to grow out of its bitter white male bigotry. Only irresponsible people consume meat in our modern day and age. Regardless, y'all get used to tasty insects eventually.

>> No.12973777

i was all for entomophagy until they started shilling 24/7 on the news about roach milk and maggot burgers for the plebs
>for da environment!!!
while the ruling class will be eating filet mignon and flying private jets.
they're selling you slave food and you're so gullible you're angry people don't want it

>> No.12973782


Says the obese global warming denier.

>> No.12973786

Crustaceans are probably more gross, sine they swim in waters that can be polluted, and also use them as their bathroom and breeding ground.

>> No.12973792

actually i'm a thicc ice age believer

>> No.12973826
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IF bugs were bigger I would eat them

>> No.12975325
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For them it's about associations.
Meat is to them either just their way of life.
Aquatic arthropods are a status symbol
Insects are house pests, and associated with environmentalism.

I've eaten cricket, both as a snack, and as a flour substitute. At the price it was I wouldn't buy it again though.

The difference in amount of water and food needed per kilogram compared to meats is definitely huge, but raising animals so small has a couple it's own difficulties.
For one, the bodies are so small that you have to eat the entire thing. There isn't the luxury of separating out the more undesirable parts.
This is why so far the best solution has been to have the insects fast and shit until their guts are (relatively) clean.
Second is that it's a pain in the ass to keep track of the fuckers, which makes selective breeding more labour intensive.
Which is going to be needed, since although their generations are faster, we don't have the same kind of experience with raising them as chickens.

Speaking of, for now, if you want a cheaper, more sustainable, and healthier meat alternative, just stick with chicken and farmed fish.
Or just eat the free insects on your property, whatever.

Reminds me of the rape spider story

>> No.12975344

Because most insects don’t have enough meat compared to shrimps or crabs so they aren’t worth eating

>> No.12975351

>our proto-ancestors millions of years ago
I’ll eat bugs if I can rape women since that’s what my proto-ancestors millions of years ago did. Deal?

>> No.12975361

I'm team insect as soon as it is cheaper than meat. Otherwise it is in the same virtue signalling tier as the impossible burger.

>> No.12975397

>/ck/ freaks out over insects
When did this happen? It just seems like a few anons keep spamming threads about it and everyone else just scrolls past them.

>> No.12975423
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Everybody is SEETHING, trying so hard not to reply to this post because they know it's true.

>> No.12975524

This. Also shellfish was traditionally food for the dirt poor anyway but in modern times we are already to equivalent of bug eaters to people just 200 years ago.

>> No.12976060

This is true. Anons are NPCs, whether they admit it or not.
They have the same brain parasites gnawing at them and making them subscribe to groupthink as any Twitter or Reddit moron.
Very few original thoughts, just regurgitated shit and stale memes. In fact, actual original opinions get screeched at and told to get the fuck off the board because they doesn't fit popular hivemind garbage.

>> No.12976073

The difference is none of the opinions are censored, you seem like a morally and intellectually defunct left winger

>> No.12976091

this is the only post in here that's worth a shit.
you faggot bug eaters can go suck on some buckshot if you don't understand the difference between shellfish and land bugs. nobody eats the outer shell of shellfish either.
maybe if land bugs were large enough to have actual meat people would consider it, but they aren't so stop shilling this crap

>> No.12976193

You think the mods don't censor posts on here?

>> No.12976196

They do actually, for the left they censor nigger sometimes

>> No.12976209

i once got banned for coomposting

>> No.12976211

I got banned for trolling, saying fast food chains are trash.

>> No.12976231

Also trolling shouldn't be a bannable offense anyway. If you get trolled it's your fault.

>> No.12976438

Tarantuals, like spiders, are not insects.

>> No.12976481

If it taste I eat

>> No.12976522
File: 184 KB, 1200x627, snail-grass-dew-83738-landscape.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the difference between large sea crustaceans and insects is immense when it comes to taste, and I say this as someone who consumes a lot of invertebrates (molluscs and crustaceans).
a crab or a lobster have a lot of "meat" on them, stuff we can actually cook and eat that tastes good, the majority of insects have no meat what so ever and the process by which they are harvested in an industrial setting is far too costly to ever be worthwhile.

all you need is a crab trap to get some crabs but to keep insects you need to either collect far more individuals in an efficient way or else set up some highly complicated terrarium system to breed them which is not worth it for what little you gain.

more than that insects are just vile' their body cavity is putrid to taste and mostly filled with gastric intestinal organs/waste products, or else just "goop" as opposed to any real meat.
I once ate a very large spider in Cambodia and it was awful, no meat at all except a tiny bit on the legs but the entire carapace was just waste and goo.

even Snails need to be purified before they can be eaten or else they taste like crap and make people sick, but snails at least are much simpler organisms so eating the entire soft body is not so bad, more than that they are very easy to keep/grow in a farm
same goes for shrimp and others.

>> No.12976564

you people pushing eating insects are starting to become more unbearable than the obesity posters and the vegan posters

>> No.12976705

there nothing wrong with rape

many women actually orgasm from rape

>> No.12976712

No one is trying o force you to eat bugs. Clickbait articles written up solely on gross-out factor that you happen to see does not count as forcing you, or even really advocating.

>> No.12976715

This, gosh you goys

>> No.12976737

I actually don't particularly enjoy shellfish

>> No.12976950

I've been censored plenty of times here, what are you talking about?
>reee ur a dum left winger for not following the hivemind
Do you not see how this is the same as some Twitter retard calling me a Nazi for pointing out all their posts are the same as whoever they're following?
This is what I mean by NPC. You have no critical thinking skills.

>> No.12977113

There's a lot wrong with rape, but there's reasons we want it, and there's a reason domination/submission and rapeplay exists with people who are sexually open.

The pleasure is actually what makes rape traumatic. They feel guilty about enjoying some of it, and it gets pounded into their heads it's the worst crime ever. So they feel guilty and ashamed.

Now unless you have made a rapecake, let's discuss crustaceans because insects are not food.

>> No.12977125
File: 24 KB, 700x701, A62027A3-222D-49F9-88D4-4043C6F1226F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Being disagreed with is not censorship lefty

>> No.12977138
File: 23 KB, 359x480, Stogie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking called out.

>> No.12977164

That's the hivemind part, not the censorship part. Do you think that everyone disagreeing with the same thing in the exact same way is not hivemind?

>> No.12977186

>Do you think that everyone disagreeing with the same thing in the exact same way is not hivemind?
It probably just means you're clearly wrong about something. If they respond with variations of the same thing, then you probably just need to lurk more. 4chan has always enjoyed warping words between posts.

>> No.12977188

>the hive mind part
Amazing how people come to the same conclusions and thoughts when there isn’t a giant moderation team actively censoring those who don’t fit into “wrong think” category
I’m sorry your thoughts are so flawed and stupid that an entire board of anonymous people can “disagree” and refute it in the same way.
Maybe you can go to reddit where you might feel more comfortable?

>> No.12977302

How fitting for you to use a child molester as a reaction.

>> No.12977315

So if you say to a group of people that setting yourself on fire is good for the skin, and they call you a retard, are they being a hivemind or just exercising common sense?
You can talk about hivemind on 4chan a lot, because some of it is true, but just saying that this happen without giving context isn't helping your cause.

>> No.12977316

Would you prefer Bill Clinton or Jeffrey Epstein instead?

>> No.12977322

This is a legitimate argument, and I see your point.
This is just a long-winded "go back."

>> No.12977323

I'd prefer if you never posted again.

>> No.12977332


>> No.12977338
File: 5 KB, 201x250, C093284F-DFB6-4A36-B6F1-03F37EDDCD83.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually the only part relevant to the “go back” part is the last sentence

>> No.12977830

Mods just deleted a thread about alcohol. Alcohol is food. Mods = censorship.

>> No.12977928

Based nothing wrong with rape poster

>> No.12977938

I remember seeing some shit about lefties wanting to comment the same thing and telling themselves the hive mind is good if it’s a good hive mind. It’s so hard to understand how much they actually grasp.

>> No.12978574

Don't act like a lack of systematic censorship makes this place much better.
First off, the term hivemind is giving this all far too much credit. People communicate at a very low level using memes. It's a nonstandard language, essentially, so this is inevitable. Within the last decade, memes have stopped being as varied, with a few big memes at a time getting repeated and reskinned over and over. Anyone remember advice dog? Now we get wojaks and pepes. Since memes and shitposting constitute a majority of posting (on these high-traffic boards), the content has also become increasingly repetitive.
Couple this with the inherent lack of expressiveness of memes and you get a place where discourse is kinda hard. You can put effort into thinking about and typing up a longer argument, then someone can just reply with some soy/npc meme. There's no reason you can't change someone's mind on this site, but the environment de-incentivizes it.
Lastly, anonymity makes it so you'd need tripcodes to have an authentic discussion. People approach conversations differently if there are no faces/voices involves; here we also lack names. Taking all this together, I think that these tired memes and their rehashes are the only means of communicating that generally work. Sometimes you can find someone who wants to talk, but it's just memes most of the time.

>> No.12979565

t. mexican

>> No.12979584


>> No.12980539

Getting a 30-day ban or your post deleted for wrongthink certainly is, you dumb nigger. Stop projecting just because you need this place to be a safe space.

And stop samefagging, too.

>> No.12980546

>30-day ban or your post deleted for wrongthink
What did you post to warrant that? Did you take a screenshot of the ban page?
I don't doubt you, I'm just curious as to why it happened, since I've never seen something like that happen around here. Most I can think of is if someone inexperienced banned you for something minor and this ban resulted in the deletion of all your previous posts.

>> No.12980554

Why are you lying, if you lefties ever got banned this place wouldn’t suck

>> No.12980559

I said "Trans women are men" and got a bullshit ban for "ban evasion" even though I wasn't banned before at all. All my posts were purged too, even on slow threads on other boards on the site. I didn't screencap it, but it was a couple of months ago.
Really woke me up to the nature of the site's mod team these days.

>> No.12980564

I'm not a lefty, you just have brain damage and screech that whenever anyone dares to say anything non-positive about 4chan or its userbase.
It's like you think hiding behind your political views will shield everyone from your real flaws.

>> No.12980566
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>> No.12980568

Forgot to add, once I said Arab countries are shit-tier on /tv/, and my post was deleted.
The whole thread was full of racebait and shitposting, but the janitor took special offence to my post specifically, for some reason. At least I wasn't banned, but you can't tell me that's not censorship.

>> No.12980569

Based. Me neither fuck (sea)bugs

>> No.12980572

and yet is always right

>> No.12980574

Illiterate whore

>> No.12980580

More like you endlessly flapping your screaming cakehole.

>> No.12980584

Wasn't even me who made that post, slut.

>> No.12980686

I got banned out for a homemade tendies thread.

>> No.12981061

Why should I believe you?

>> No.12981106
File: 63 KB, 550x550, 1568950052607.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The anonymity makes it worse than reddit
Then go the fuck back there nigger