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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 166 KB, 802x957, eat bugs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12974963 No.12974963[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>> No.12974967

I'd eat the flesh of the weakest soy/bug fed Liberals before I personally ate bugs.

>> No.12974970

Why not? It's fun. I had a lollipop with a scorpion in it once.

>> No.12974974

Being squeamish about eating bugs is soy, so you can eat yourself.

>> No.12974978

Anyone got the webm of the guy eating a handful of maggots he scooped up from a dead animal and immediately vomiting?

>> No.12974987

>Heh, only REAL men eat bugs!
Great, you have fun with that. I'll stick to meat.

>> No.12975103

Good goy. You can have schlomo's share of crickets and maggots too since you love them so much.

>> No.12975108


>> No.12975171

Bugs are meat, retard.

>> No.12975175

No thanks. I sometimes swallow flies when im running or biking and thats enough for me.

>> No.12975183

No thanks i'll have my beyond meat instead

>> No.12975200

fuck off faggot

>> No.12975276

This is beyond coincidence, if you can't see it's an op by now you're beyond saving

>> No.12975289 [DELETED] 



>> No.12975291 [DELETED] 


>> No.12975301

What's the difference between eating bugs and eating shrimp?

>> No.12975304

Shrimp shells are more difficult to chew.

>> No.12975310

In Durango?

>> No.12975364
File: 258 KB, 1475x779, Moloch, Gnosticism, and much much more.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please, consume your beef and milk pumped with estrogen and growth hormones
Don't worry, the world is fine. Just keep consuming and living your life.
Your favourite rich person is on your side, against the people that cause the reeeaaalll problems.
Your country is innocent. You are guiltless. Power is not responsibility. Everyone it has hurt was an enemy.

>> No.12975383


Do you think you've ever actually converted anyone here?

>> No.12975393

>eat bugs to preserve the environment

>by the way they're even more expensive per pound and have even more chemicals in them
Not okay.

>> No.12975496

Whose quest is it?

>> No.12975516

I’ll give you three guesses as to who considers us cattle according to their religion.

>> No.12975546


all they have to do is make a "bug" version of the impossible burger

>> No.12975552

Yeah, they would have had the same quests for other countries as well, but it's only the US apparently.
And we know who considers America as a main rival as well.

>> No.12975556

What is incremental change for 1000 alex

>> No.12975561
File: 91 KB, 1200x800, 363B09F4-9C3F-4F31-969E-73E8F41E3C00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Russia is literally worthless. They’re capitalist now too.

>> No.12975576

Basically this. Couple months ago the store that I usually shop at started carrying some bug based protein snacks. I bought a bag just to try them and they were just fine, would eat. However, ounce for ounce they were about 3x more expensive than almonds and about half as nutritionally dense. I'll eat bugs, but only if it is a viable alternative.

>> No.12975579

Insects have more protein per gram than beef or ham. Also they're not fed with soy. Stop sperging out

>> No.12975591

Lean meat isn’t actually healthy, diets aren’t SUPPOSED to promote weight loss. People are into the rabbit starvation meme right now right? Well did you know turkey has the exact same problem?

>> No.12975603
File: 558 KB, 640x902, 1568630269565.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hi everyone I'm fat and this is how I cope

>> No.12975612

Yeah yeah keep trying, the resource of trust is wearing quite thin.

>> No.12975614

It's in a state of dormancy i'd rather say.
The old ambitions are still there.

>> No.12975624

The only person I could think of railing on russia instead the jews is a jew. The jews are a problem NOW, they are richer than any other race.

>> No.12975634

As who is actually in danger of losing their state, unconquerable Russia or Jewish people occupying the Middle East?

>> No.12975659

>Yes poor people start eating bugs so it will be even cheaper to feed you eh heh heh
>mmm this juicy medium-rare steak is quite delicious, I bet you wish you could have one too eh heh heh, sorry it's the climate YOU need to stop eating meat

>> No.12975665

There is a point and time for everything but this. This is special.

>> No.12975666

You aren't supposed to eat shrimp shells

>> No.12975678
File: 178 KB, 800x955, 800px-The_worship_of_Mammon-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The top 1% worship Mammon and him only.

>> No.12975686

Sounds like Wildboyz.

>> No.12975687

>you can't possibly have more than one enemy simultaneously, let alone have them in league with one another
You should pay closer attention to Russian rhetorics, n00b.

>> No.12975689

>jootard’s first conspiracy theory
The earth is flat too?

>> No.12975697

Based schizo

>> No.12975702

I might consider it if someone can prepare the insects like they do crustaceans. I think I could eat crickets, grasshoppers, andts, and cicadas.

>> No.12975704

Soy levels: 105%
WARNING: overload imminent!
Cuckolding fetish: 85%
Impotent rage: 95%
Self-respect: 2%

Solution: bring self-respect levels up to avoid total meltdown.

>> No.12975708

Like a pizza~

>> No.12975711

Seems like this guy struck a chord

>> No.12975719

If they made a bugmeal protein slurry that actually tasted good and didn’t look like bugs that you could form into patties like ground meat, I don’t really see the problem. Could be a good alternative.

>> No.12975729

That’s because you’re a demoralized slave who doesn’t even see reason anymore to be offered anything but base nutrition

>> No.12975735

a millionth of an ounce maybe, retard.

>> No.12975751

"bugs" are usually insects, shrimp are crustaceans
it's like asking what's the difference between eating fish and eating beef

>> No.12975757

Like it or not, the US is still at the center of the world so to speak.
By having murrilards eating maggots, it would set a new standard for maggot eating globally.

>> No.12975763

Anything for Israel.

>> No.12975764

Insects don't have the same kind of meat crustaceans have.
I like crickets best roasted and ground into a flour. Mealworms are also pretty good and insanely cheap to raise. I did it with a couple of plastic tubs and a sack of wheat germ from the feed and seed. People would probably eat bugs if they didn't sell them at novelty prices. It was about 9 bucks for my starter of 100 worms, 15 for 50lbs of wheat germ and I was already at max capacity in the first rubbermaid bin in a month. It was fun to toss them a bit of fruit and watch them gobble it up. Slaughter is easy and mess free since all you do is put the worms in the freezer overnight.
Edible insects have no business being that expensive.

>> No.12975776

>Well did you know turkey has the exact same problem?
The country or the bird?

>> No.12975814

US is also the head of the NATO.
So there is no need to waste resources into subverting other defenseless countries when you can just destroy the main one and then take the others by military force (which Russia perfectly does, to the neighbouring countries that aren't yet in the NATO).

>> No.12975820

Why won’t russia take over and save us from jews :(

>> No.12975830


>> No.12975846

can someone tell me what's wrong with eating bugs apart from the fact that it hurts your feelings?

>> No.12975851 [DELETED] 

The pee tape is real.

>> No.12975853
File: 375 KB, 1300x957, fried-insects-for-sale-at-the-night-market-in-chiang-mai-thailand-DK9AD6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it weird that I'm 100% ok with eating bugs as long as they are recognizable bugs like some Asians do, but absolutely refuse to eat them ground up in the form of meat substitutes? It's like with the former I know exactly what I'm getting into.

>> No.12975858

Asians don’t actually eat that stuff, it’s just for the gringo tourists.

>> No.12975859

I've seen Thais eat them.

>> No.12975863

You get food-cucked. Do you really think (food) alphas and bulls will stop eating delicious juicy steaks?
You are saving the world and the climate all so they can reap all the benefits, they get their clean air AND will still get to eat real food.

>> No.12975868

>apart from the fact that it hurts your feelings?

>> No.12975875

Is that not wrong? Is society supposed to be a prison?

>> No.12975881

>actively trying to make the world a worse place
Nonwhite detected!

>> No.12975899

>being this late to the party
It’s been proven fake many times, retard.

>> No.12975912

We need to stop eating meat to combat climate change

>> No.12975942

*commoners need to stop eating meat to combat climate change

>> No.12975944
File: 52 KB, 561x560, 1552944936886.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I'm guessing pic related is you.

>> No.12975958

It makes sense. At least the ones in your picture are honest. Whereas the powers that be are pushing for us to accept mashed up bug paste as a main dietary component while talking away real meat

>> No.12976069

the people suggesting eating bugs are either ignorant or just dishonest
aside from protein bugs don't have much of anything else going for them. They are nutritionally barren

protein is like the one nutrient people have no issue getting

>> No.12976070
File: 522 KB, 500x737, just.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw collapsing living standards over the next 50 years are masked by astroturfing media to make it seem like eating powdered crickets in a a shared dorm of 600 people you pay $1200 USD a week to live in is COOL
>mfw the people at the top are gonna continue eating blue steak in their private jets

>> No.12976077

Don’t forget they’re just going to kill us once automation eliminates the worker

>> No.12976088

You’re fucking with me.

>> No.12976117

Its not kosher

>> No.12976120

haha what the fuck
>the comments

>> No.12976125

AND fucking 12 year old virgins that just hit puberty

>> No.12976136
File: 47 KB, 250x194, 1501973758810.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12976149

this is why s*y fags are so repulsive. Its not that being a big gay manbaby is so bad in itself (it is). But they love nuzzling up to corporate psychopaths like Peter Thiel or Jeff Bezos thanking them for all the cool gadgets they can play with, when those elite guys would drink their fucking blood for fun. Little slip ups in their public image like the Epstein fiasco shows that the morality of the ultra wealthy is a little different to the people they pretend to represent or work for. They're not "just like us", they're not quirky, they're not our friends, they're not even "stupid or "misguided." They're fucking vampires who will shred the whole Earth to make a buck.

>> No.12976169

Soy isn't filtered here, you fucking invasive /pol/tarded newfag.
Everyone, report this shitty rule breaking thread to help improve this board.

>> No.12976174

pinky promise ive been around longer than you. This is an obvious b8 thread but its not really off topic. The future of food is fucking bleak

>> No.12976188


>> No.12976197

>doesn’t know the * meme
The way to get around the filter is soi

>> No.12976222

i aint reading all that shit but still based

>> No.12976230

>t. /ck/ gatekeeper
Neck yourself.

>> No.12976405

No webm, but I've got shitty links.
And here's an extra from the same 'tard, because it's relevant:
The guy is Borgba on yt.

>> No.12976742
File: 181 KB, 563x821, 1475486382886.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12976963
File: 456 KB, 1864x2048, 35459923_2017638988484804_5227012350699110400_o.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12977000

you are right but I grow and hunt all my food and you should too.

>> No.12977006

I wonder who could be behind this post???

>> No.12977022

Go kill yourself you crying faggot. The only reason livestock exist is to be consumed. Also nobody is reading that blogpost you just posted

>> No.12977102

holy fuck based

>> No.12977106

Have fun, middle classes and below.

>> No.12977112

Or like trudeau not knowing black face was racist in 2000

>> No.12977285

>can't critically think
>can't read
Don't worry, I didn't expect anything more from you.


>> No.12977437

Exactly. Keep consuming. Buy, spend, consume. Eternal growth is eternal success.

>> No.12977570

ed the fuggin buggs

>> No.12977582

Thats what meatcucks deserve

>> No.12977591

>Mommy!! Not eating meat makes me wanna kill myself!! Im in a prison if I have to eat other than ribs and wings!!

Grow a pair you fucking manbaby and eat some lentils

>> No.12977740
File: 15 KB, 197x101, 1557417047175.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck you eat my shit OP