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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 57 KB, 1100x734, water-is-a-healthful-drink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12966412 No.12966412 [Reply] [Original]

god I love being hydrated
who else /water/ here?

>> No.12966414

Water is a solvent and dehydrates you

>> No.12966429
File: 125 KB, 630x418, 1E6B9C48-F323-47ED-B5A7-A2194FCBDB1E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine drinking water to “hydrate” yourself

>> No.12966432

Nah can’t stand the stuff. Ever notice how the people who carry around gallon jugs like they’re in the desert are the thirstiest? You’re better off getting hydrated by organic fruit, ideally that you grew yourself, or raw dairy.

>> No.12966434

I have kidney problems, so I don't have a choice.

>> No.12966436

Right here. Around 4-5 liters per day probably. I live a pretty active lifestyle though.

>> No.12966452

Hell yeah dude. Keep QUENCHING.

>> No.12966454
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Water? Nahhhh bro. For me, it’s milk

>> No.12966460

Water best vitamin

>> No.12966477

the /hydro/ movement is cringe and reddit
Drinking water obsessively and praising it as some godlike act is fucking retarded. Water should be consumed mechanically, having a bottle always near you. An act that you quite literally never have to think about unless you have an illness

>> No.12966480


>> No.12966525

It's fatties larping as healthy.

>> No.12966536

I unironically only drink water. Based.

>> No.12966553


>> No.12966570
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I know drinking water is such a titanic feat for you but you look cringy by doing this.

>> No.12966575

I love water. The well water at my house is just a little bit sweet and I really like it a lot.

>> No.12966584

>zoom*r babbies cant drink an essential liquid without motivation
fuck damn

>> No.12966603

Is that your semen bottle?

>> No.12967917


>> No.12967924

Drinking water is retarded now? My boomer ass is getting to old for 4channel.

>> No.12967926

don't you eat food, anon?
this is only relevant if you're not consuming anything else

>> No.12967937

Cope, waterboy. Your “hydration” is shit

>> No.12967940

I drink tons of tea. Good? At least 6 cups a day since I work from home.

>> No.12967951

Switching to milk from now on.

>> No.12968079

Holy based

>> No.12968082
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>high above water
W-what? Isn't sugar a diuretic? I was always told soda dehydrates you. Have I been lied to?

>> No.12968092
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Who else cups their hands and drinks right from the faucet?

>> No.12968204

The sugar, sodium, and phosphorous content of soda makes it better at hydration than plain water. For hydration, higher osmotic concentration generally = better except in ridiculously high circumstances like seawater.

>> No.12968217

Check your lead levels.

>> No.12968230

I'd drink right from you're faucet if you know what I mean

>> No.12968486

W-what do y-you mean, anon?

>> No.12968490

>implying you want to retain all fluid

>> No.12968497

Yeah just piss it out instead. Moron

>> No.12968511
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Getting low

>> No.12968518
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No, but really, if your water tastes sweet check for heavy metals.

>> No.12968525
File: 16 KB, 210x240, 9A34F0DE-F559-48BE-882C-5FA2B00362EA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>guns!? I loooooove guns!

>> No.12968533

Who doesn't?

>> No.12968548

Do you not, anon? Are you okay?

>> No.12968557
File: 31 KB, 162x150, crummy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck you


>> No.12968578

Having guns doesn’t make your 4 inches any bigger. Keep fantasizing about your revolution, cucklords, we all know you’ll turn those guns in as fast as you can when big daddy Uncle Sam comes for them

>> No.12968587
File: 336 KB, 960x919, shoots your argument full of holes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jokes on you, I'm only 3 inches.

>> No.12968590

>Drinking water obsessively and praising it as some godlike act is fucking retarded.
It's literally a form of mental illness (psychogenic polydipsia).
Also gives you brain damage from pissing out your electrolytes and kidney damage where you start leaking protein if you force yourself to drink liters a day like a retard based on that one 8 glasses myth that originated out of some jackass misreading an old paper that tells you 2 liters is an appropriate level of hydration *most of which is contained in the food you eat*.

>> No.12968613
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Zip it, protein leaker.
>Drinking two liters of water per day may not benefit most individuals and even could be harmful, investigators say.
>At the Canadian Society of Nephrology annual meeting here, re-searchers from the University of Western Ontario, also in London, presented a study showing a significant correlation between excess urine production—which is usually caused by excess fluid intake—and proteinuria.
>The large population-based study uncovered a five-fold higher risk of proteinuria among people with polyuria than among those with normal urine volume, even after taking into account such factors as age, sex, and estimated glomerular filtration rate

>> No.12968618

Typical gun owner

>> No.12968631

lol imagine being a watercuck

>> No.12968640
File: 36 KB, 700x700, bottle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who /glass bottle/ here? I can't stand the off taste of plastic bottles, I even take glass bottles camping.

>> No.12968655
File: 1.68 MB, 250x187, Moe-Walks-to-Rejects-Side-The-Simpson.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Have I been lied to?
>Cumulative urine output at 4 h after ingestion of cola, diet cola, hot tea, iced tea, coffee, lager, orange juice, sparkling water, and a sports drink were not different from the response to water ingestion.
>The same goes for tea, juice, milk and caffeinated sodas: One glass provides about the same amount of hydrating fluid as a glass of water. The only common drinks that produce a net loss of fluids are those containing alcohol.
Reminder Danone's been caught shilling in academic journals:
>Over the last few weeks, those who visited the British Medical Journal's website might have noticed an advert for a new public health initiative, Hydration for Health. It is sponsored by Danone – which owns the Evian, Volvic and Badoit bottled water brands – and urges healthcare professionals to encourage people to drink more water, claiming that "evidence is increasing that even mild dehydration plays a role in the development of various diseases".
>Margaret McCartney, a GP and columnist, saw these adverts and complained about it, writing an article for the BMJ (who admitted "we hadn't followed our own guidelines. The advertisement bypassed our editorial checks") about the lack of evidence – and citing the shortcomings of many studies – that people should be drinking more water.
Also 8 glasses a day is a misunderstanding of a 1945 Food and Nutrition Board article.
>A suitable allowance of water for adults is 2.5 litres daily in most instances. An ordinary standard for diverse persons is 1 millilitre for each calorie of food. Most of this quantity is contained in prepared foods. If the last, crucial sentence is ignored, the statement could be interpreted as instruction to drink eight glasses of water a day.

>> No.12968659
File: 172 KB, 777x777, 1481318387321.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stay mad, bby. You're just mad you don't have a cold hard gun to snuggle with at night.

>> No.12968668

>a cold hard gun to snuggle with at night
That isn’t homoerotic at all

>> No.12968669

Some of us go outside sometimes and do active shit and like our beverages to stay either hot or cold. Also it's nice not to have a bottle shatter into a thousand pieces if it falls down a small cliff.

Insulated metal bottles are superior.

>> No.12968696
File: 69 KB, 600x338, 4250088_orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All guns have a feminine benis. This is a known fact.

>> No.12968701

I just said I took it hiking, it's not a problem unless you have cerebral palsy or some other motor skill disorder

>> No.12968714

i drink well over a gallon a day


>> No.12968719
File: 168 KB, 800x1067, Bore.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fire in a safe direction. They're self-warming.

I crave it when I'm too sick or hot, but find it hard to push plain water otherwise. The water quality here is nightmarish though. They have line issues so often it's frequently unsafe and smells of sulfur. I think I've just gotten used to hating it.

>> No.12968723

Hi Karina

>> No.12968761

what's the joke behind the orange slice?

>> No.12969039
File: 21 KB, 600x381, AR-Bolt-Face-Sticker-1-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apparently someone asked the author and he said it's because the US is a top producer of oranges. Which is a really boring reason.

I choose to believe it's because an AR bolt face kind of looks like an orange slice when viewed head-on on account of all the locking lugs.

>> No.12969043

make sure to replenish your electrolytes. So much water will make you mineral deficient.

>> No.12969510
File: 170 KB, 782x1128, C5OwiA2VcAA-DED.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking white people, always drinking water and shit.

>> No.12969521

I do this, why is this a bad thing?

>> No.12969527

>camo bag
>edgy jacket
>jug of water
the school shooter starter pack

>> No.12969534
File: 24 KB, 167x500, konadeepL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

KONA DEEP. good flavor, those minerals, from an undersea aquifer.??????????

>> No.12969541
File: 29 KB, 318x445, 80D74C75-0EBC-4AEB-8E7A-8018548E40F4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only drink enough water to satisfy the chart.

>> No.12969547

>t. Dehydrated negroid
Lay off the purple drank and get yourself some water.

>> No.12969562

>go to america for the first time
>order sparkling water at restaurant
>sorry sir we only have flat water

what the fuck is wrong with you uncultured swine?

>> No.12969622

Nothing wrong with drinking water but carrying a jug around is ridiculous I hope he gets bullied.

Now you can go back to your containment board kid.

>> No.12969627

>wow, wtf? You don't have some 2000USD plastic and metal gizmo connected to the internet to carry around your water?
>what are tou, some kind of school shooter?

>> No.12969631

You're white.

>> No.12969635

Same reason we can't get ice from you plebeians

>> No.12969925

For one thing a gallon is a retarded amount of water to drink. Even the two liters / 8 glasses a day thing is bullshit, see:
All you're accomplishing is flushing out your electrolytes and increasing your risk of low grade kidney damage and protein dumping out into your urine fivefold:

>> No.12969946

Vodka is 60% water.

>> No.12970764

I used to like being hydrated, but then I learned to be alcoholic and grew up.

>> No.12970779

That's some weak ass vodka

>> No.12970793

No, 40% alcohol is standard for most bottled spirits including vodka.

>> No.12970931


>> No.12970992

Just eat some meat, dude.

>> No.12971004

>Funding for this study provided by the beverages industry

>> No.12972570
File: 334 KB, 800x800, fiji-artesian-bottled-water-500ml-800x800-800x800.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post based water

>> No.12972578


>> No.12972662

fucking this

>> No.12972689

They are not making fun of him drinking water but of him drinking from a jug, my autistic friend.

>> No.12972720

>The AUDACITY of this fucking honkey!
>Carrying around JUG full of WATER!
>How fucking DARE he!
How else is he supposed to carry a gallon of water, you stupid nigger? In a camel skin? Should he be rolling around a keg likes he's on a fucking pirate ship? Would a woden pale be more to the negress' liking? Please do tell.

>> No.12972751

Idk, hmmm, a bottle? Kek this autismo actually walks around with a jug LMAO

>> No.12972774

And what if he wants more water than one faggy little bottle can provide, huh? What then? From the looks of the picture homeboy's already drank about half that fucking jug. What is he supposed to do? Carry 12 waterbottles because some nigger like you is triggered over a fucking jug? Hmm?

>> No.12972775


>> No.12972783

fish fuck innit

>> No.12972784

Kek, it's quite sad how you try to make this about race to feel like less of an autist.
Protip: I'm white and think you're an autist.
Protip2: lose weight, fat fuck

>> No.12972786

Its not worth the energy youre expending here bro. Save it for the day of the rope.

>> No.12972803

>mfw I'm usually severely dehydrated despite drinking 3L a day

Do I have a medical problem? What would cause this? I work construction so I sweat a lot but i drink other fluids ike coffee and sometimes juice/milk in addition to the 3L

>> No.12972816

yeah you should go see a doctor. might be something wrong with your kidneys, thats not normals.

>> No.12972830

>Drinking a gallon every day for a month will make me hot
Only a woman could be so stupid and lazy

>> No.12972831

Yeah. You’re either not drinking as much as you think you are, or your kidneys are trying to tell you something. Your piss should never be brown.

>> No.12972847

Yo. Tastes better

>> No.12972865

red my mind like a mf, watter best drink ever

>> No.12972897

It's usually the second last colour. And I know for a fact I drink at least 3L a day and sometimes more because i get 2 1.5L bottles. Maybe I'll cut back and the booze a bit and see if there is a change.

>> No.12972913

Water is underrated for sure

>> No.12973192

left-handed, too. Just noticed that after seeing this so many times.

>> No.12973260

For the past 4 days, I have drank nothing but water and eaten zero junk food.
I feel great.

>> No.12973284

I don’t understand people who drink Diet Coke instead of drinking water instead

>> No.12973311

That person ended up killing himself after the relentless bullying.

>> No.12973373

I drink one can of diet coke a day. I dunno it's basically like my desert for the day. Regular coke is too sweet for me.

>> No.12973386

Diet Coke is objectively sweeter than regular coke. This has been empirically proven in double blind trials. It's one of the reasons Coke tried to pull the New Coke fiasco. You're either lying or your tongue is broken

>> No.12973570

How do you hydrate, anon?

>> No.12973589
File: 74 KB, 1024x752, 5188134D-C073-4B94-8879-3A67E7CA5BBA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All the fat fucks in this thread trying to cope about not drinking water
Enjoy the kidney stones

>> No.12973599

32 years old, 120lb, 6'1, drink lots of Coke, never drink plain water. Urine is always crystal clear and have not had so much as a single kidney stone my entire life. Deal with it, fatty.

>> No.12973608

Post body with timestamp or GTFO

>> No.12973710

>32 years old, 120lb, 6'1
lol wat

>> No.12973722
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>> No.12973742

I'm 6'0 and last time I weighed less than 130 I was homeless and addicted to heroin

>> No.12973763

What's the cut off weight for getting a flat stomach at that height?

>> No.12973778

When you are thin, you don't need to brag about doing one of the most basic and easiest of biological functions, namely drinking water. Or need to cut out other drinks entirely because you lack self-control.

>> No.12973785
File: 965 KB, 719x721, 7E438D05-3A5D-4CC7-911D-6FF273FB470A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12973835

Not my fault you don't understand thermodynamics or moderation, fattie.

>> No.12973865

God, I wish that were me.

>> No.12973875

For me, it's coconut water. Preferably straight from the coconut.

>> No.12973900

God bless america!

>> No.12973921

Me on the left

>> No.12973930

what the fuck is an oral hydration solution

>> No.12973932

I used to when I lived in CIncinnati. Tap water there was amazing.

>> No.12974057

>water doesn't actually hydrate you, goy
>it's bad for you!
>here, buy this new hydration drink

>> No.12974094

>Oral rehydration solution
Is that like if a girl just spits in my mouth?

>> No.12974238

Molecules in solution intended to be consumed orally for the purpose of hydration.

>> No.12974506

This is actually pretty reliable for such a rudimentary estimate.